Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


<> siqgur pRswid ] (947-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwmklI kI vwr mhlw 3 ] (947-2)
raamkalee kee vaar mehlaa 3.
Vaar Of Raamkalee, Third Mehl,

joDY vIrY pUrbwxI kI DunI ] (947-2)
joDhai veerai poorbaanee kee Dhunee.
To Be Sung To The Tune Of 'Jodha And Veera Poorbaanee':

sloku mÚ 3 ] (947-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

siqguru shjY dw Kyqu hY ijs no lwey Bwau ] (947-2)
satgur sahjai daa khayt hai jis no laa-ay bhaa-o.
The True Guru is the field of intuitive wisdom. One who is inspired to love Him,

nwau bIjy nwau augvY nwmy rhY smwie ] (947-3)
naa-o beejay naa-o ugvai naamay rahai samaa-ay.
plants the seed of the Name there. The Name sprouts up, and he remains absorbed in the Name.

haumY eyho bIju hY shsw gieAw ivlwie ] (947-3)
ha-umai ayho beej hai sahsaa ga-i-aa vilaa-ay.
But this egotism is the seed of skepticism; it has been uprooted.

nw ikCu bIjy n augvY jo bKsy so Kwie ] (947-4)
naa kichh beejay na ugvai jo bakhsay so khaa-ay.
It is not planted there, and it does not sprout; whatever God grants us, we eat.

AMBY syqI AMBu rilAw bhuiV n inkisAw jwie ] (947-4)
ambhai saytee ambh rali-aa bahurh na niksi-aa jaa-ay.
When water mixes with water, it cannot be separated again.

nwnk gurmuiK clqu hY vyKhu lokw Awie ] (947-5)
naanak gurmukh chalat hai vaykhhu lokaa aa-ay.
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is wonderful; come, poeple, and see!

loku ik vyKY bpuVw ijs no soJI nwih ] (947-5)
lok ke vaykhai bapurhaa jis no sojhee naahi.
But what can the poor people see? They do not understand.

ijsu vyKwly so vyKY ijsu visAw mn mwih ]1] (947-5)
jis vaykhaalay so vaykhai jis vasi-aa man maahi. ||1||
He alone sees, whom the Lord causes to see; the Lord comes to dwell in his mind. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (947-6)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

mnmuKu duK kw Kyqu hY duKu bIjy duKu Kwie ] (947-6)
manmukh dukh kaa khayt hai dukh beejay dukh khaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh is the field of sorrow and suffering. He plains sorrow, and eats sorrow.

duK ivic jMmY duiK mrY haumY krq ivhwie ] (947-6)
dukh vich jammai dukh marai ha-umai karat vihaa-ay.
In sorrow he is born, and in sorrow he dies. Acting in egotism, his life passes away.

Awvxu jwxu n suJeI AMDw AMDu kmwie ] (947-7)
aavan jaan na sujh-ee anDhaa anDh kamaa-ay.
He does not understand the coming and going of reincarnation; the blind man acts in blindness.

jo dyvY iqsY n jwxeI idqy kau lptwie ] (947-7)
jo dayvai tisai na jaan-ee ditay ka-o laptaa-ay.
He does not know the One who gives, but he is attached to what is given.

nwnk pUrib iliKAw kmwvxw Avru n krxw jwie ]2] (947-8)
naanak poorab likhi-aa kamaavanaa avar na karnaa jaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, he acts according to his pre-ordained destiny. He cannot do anything else. ||2||

mÚ 3 ] (947-8)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

siqguir imilAY sdw suKu ijs no Awpy myly soie ] (947-8)
satgur mili-ai sadaa sukh jis no aapay maylay so-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, everlasting peace is obtained. He Himself leads us to meet Him.

suKY eyhu ibbyku hY AMqru inrmlu hoie ] (947-9)
sukhai ayhu bibayk hai antar nirmal ho-ay.
This is the true meaning of peace, that one becomes immaculate within oneself.

AigAwn kw BRmu ktIAY igAwnu prwpiq hoie ] (947-9)
agi-aan kaa bharam katee-ai gi-aan paraapat ho-ay.
The doubt of ignorance is eradicated, and spiritual wisdom is obtained.

nwnk eyko ndrI AwieAw jh dyKw qh soie ]3] (947-10)
naanak ayko nadree aa-i-aa jah daykhaa tah so-ay. ||3||
Nanak comes to gaze upon the One Lord alone; wherever he looks, there He is. ||3||

pauVI ] (947-10)

scY qKqu rcwieAw bYsx kau jWeI ] (947-10)
sachai takhat rachaa-i-aa baisan ka-o jaaN-ee.
The True Lord created His throne, upon which He sits.

sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY gur sbid suxweI ] (947-11)
sabh kichh aapay aap hai gur sabad sunaa-ee.
He Himself is everything; this is what the Word of the Guru's Shabad says.

Awpy kudriq swjIAnu kir mhl srweI ] (947-11)
aapay kudrat saajee-an kar mahal saraa-ee.
Through His almighty creative power, He created and fashioned the mansions and hotels.

cMdu sUrju duie cwnxy pUrI bxq bxweI ] (947-12)
chand sooraj du-ay chaannay pooree banat banaa-ee.
He made the two lamps, the sun and the moon; He formed the perfect form.

Awpy vyKY suxy Awip gur sbid iDAweI ]1] (947-12)
aapay vaykhai sunay aap gur sabad Dhi-aa-ee. ||1||
He Himself sees, and He Himself hears; meditate on the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||

vwhu vwhu scy pwiqswh qU scI nweI ]1] rhwau ] (947-13)
vaahu vaahu sachay paatisaah too sachee naa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Waaho! Waaho! Hail, hail, O True King! True is Your Name. ||1||Pause||

sloku ] (947-13)

kbIr mihdI kir kY GwilAw Awpu pIswie pIswie ] (947-13, rwmklI, kbIr)
kabeer mahidee kar kai ghaali-aa aap peesaa-ay peesaa-ay.
Kabeer, I have ground myself into henna paste.

qY sh bwq n puCIAw kbhU n lweI pwie ]1] (947-14, rwmklI, kbIr)
tai sah baat na puchhee-aa kabhoo na laa-ee paa-ay. ||1||
O my Husband Lord, You took no notice of me; You never applied me to Your feet. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (947-14)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

nwnk mihdI kir kY riKAw so shu ndir kryie ] (947-14)
naanak mahidee kar kai rakhi-aa so saho nadar karay-i.
O Nanak, my Husband Lord keeps me like henna paste; He blesses me with His Glance of Grace.

Awpy pIsY Awpy GsY Awpy hI lwie leyie ] (947-15)
aapay peesai aapay ghasai aapay hee laa-ay la-ay-ay.
He Himself grinds me, and He Himself rubs me; He Himself applies me to His feet.

iehu iprm ipAwlw Ksm kw jY BwvY qY dyie ]2] (947-15)
ih piram pi-aalaa khasam kaa jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||2||
This is the cup of love of my Lord and Master; He gives it as He chooses. ||2||

pauVI ] (947-16)

vykI isRsit aupweIAnu sB hukim AwvY jwie smwhI ] (947-16)
vaykee sarisat upaa-ee-an sabh hukam aavai jaa-ay samaahee.
You created the world with its variety; by the Hukam of Your Command, it comes, goes, and merges again in You.

Awpy vyiK ivgsdw dUjw ko nwhI ] (947-17)
aapay vaykh vigsadaa doojaa ko naahee.
You Yourself see, and blossom forth; there is no one else at all.

ijau BwvY iqau rKu qU gur sbid buJwhI ] (947-17)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o rakh too gur sabad bujhaahee.
As it pleases You, You keep me. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I understand You.

sBnw qyrw joru hY ijau BwvY iqvY clwhI ] (947-17)
sabhnaa tayraa jor hai ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaahee.
You are the strength of all. As it pleases You, You lead us on.

quDu jyvf mY nwih ko iksu AwiK suxweI ]2] (947-18)
tuDh jayvad mai naahi ko kis aakh sunaa-ee. ||2||
There is no other as great as You; unto whom should I speak and talk? ||2||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (947-18)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

Brim BulweI sBu jgu iPrI PwvI hoeI Bwil ] (947-18)
bharam bhulaa-ee sabh jag firee faavee ho-ee bhaal.
Deluded by doubt, I wandered over the whole world. Searching, I became frustrated.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD