Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibnu sbdY rsu n AwvY AauDU haumY ipAws n jweI ] (945-1)
bin sabdai ras na aavai a-oDhoo ha-umai pi-aas na jaa-ee.
Without the Shabad, the essence does not come, O hermit, and the thirst of egotism does not depart.

sbid rqy AMimRq rsu pwieAw swcy rhy AGweI ] (945-1)
sabad ratay amrit ras paa-i-aa saachay rahay aghaa-ee.
Imbued with the Shabad, one finds the ambrosial essence, and remains fulfilled with the True Name.

kvn buiD ijqu AsiQru rhIAY ikqu Bojin iqRpqwsY ] (945-2)
kavan buDh jit asthir rahee-ai kit bhojan tariptaasai.
"What is that wisdom, by which one remains steady and stable? What food brings satisfaction?"

nwnk duKu suKu sm kir jwpY siqgur qy kwlu n gRwsY ]61] (945-2)
naanak dukh sukh sam kar jaapai satgur tay kaal na garaasai. ||61||
O Nanak, when one looks upon pain and pleasure alike, through the True Guru, then he is not consumed by Death. ||61||

rMig n rwqw ris nhI mwqw ] (945-3)
rang na raataa ras nahee maataa.
If one is not imbued with the Lord's Love, nor intoxicated with His subtle essence,

ibnu gur sbdY jil bil qwqw ] (945-3)
bin gur sabdai jal bal taataa.
without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is frustrated, and consumed by his own inner fire.

ibMdu n rwiKAw sbdu n BwiKAw ] (945-4)
bind na raakhi-aa sabad na bhaakhi-aa.
He does not preserve his semen and seed, and does not chant the Shabad.

pvnu n swiDAw scu n ArwiDAw ] (945-4)
pavan na saaDhi-aa sach na araaDhi-aa.
He does not control his breath; he does not worship and adore the True Lord.

AkQ kQw ly sm kir rhY ] (945-4)
akath kathaa lay sam kar rahai.
But one who speaks the Unspoken Speech, and remains balanced,

qau nwnk Awqm rwm kau lhY ]62] (945-5)
ta-o naanak aatam raam ka-o lahai. ||62||
O Nanak, attains the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||62||

gur prswdI rMgy rwqw ] (945-5)
gur parsaadee rangay raataa.
By Guru's Grace, one is attuned to the Lord's Love.

AMimRqu pIAw swcy mwqw ] (945-5)
amrit pee-aa saachay maataa.
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, he is intoxicated with the Truth.

gur vIcwrI Agin invwrI ] (945-6)
gur veechaaree agan nivaaree.
Contemplating the Guru, the fire within is put out.

Aipau pIE Awqm suKu DwrI ] (945-6)
api-o pee-o aatam sukh Dhaaree.
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, the soul settles in peace.

scu ArwiDAw gurmuiK qru qwrI ] (945-6)
sach araaDhi-aa gurmukh tar taaree.
Worshipping the True Lord in adoration, the Gurmukh crosses over the river of life.

nwnk bUJY ko vIcwrI ]63] (945-7)
naanak boojhai ko veechaaree. ||63||
O Nanak, after deep contemplation, this is understood. ||63||

iehu mnu mYglu khw bsIAly khw bsY iehu pvnw ] (945-7)
ih man maigal kahaa basee-alay kahaa basai ih pavnaa.
"Where does this mind-elephant live? Where does the breath reside?

khw bsY su sbdu AauDU qw kau cUkY mn kw Bvnw ] (945-8)
kahaa basai so sabad a-oDhoo taa ka-o chookai man kaa bhavnaa.
Where should the Shabad reside, so that the wanderings of the mind may cease?"

ndir kry qw siqguru myly qw inj Gir vwsw iehu mnu pwey ] (945-8)
nadar karay taa satgur maylay taa nij ghar vaasaa ih man paa-ay.
When the Lord blesses one with His Glance of Grace, he leads him to the True Guru. Then, this mind dwells in its own home within.

AwpY Awpu Kwie qw inrmlu hovY Dwvqu vrij rhwey ] (945-9)
aapai aap khaa-ay taa nirmal hovai Dhaavat varaj rahaa-ay.
When the individual consumes his egotism, he becomes immaculate, and his wandering mind is restrained.

ikau mUlu pCwxY Awqmu jwxY ikau sis Gir sUru smwvY ] (945-9)
ki-o mool pachhaanai aatam jaanai ki-o sas ghar soor samaavai.
"How can the root, the source of all be realized? How can the soul know itself? How can the sun enter into the house of the moon?"

gurmuiK haumY ivchu KovY qau nwnk shij smwvY ]64] (945-10)
gurmukh ha-umai vichahu khovai ta-o naanak sahj samaavai. ||64||
The Gurmukh eliminates egotism from within; then, O Nanak, the sun naturally enters into the home of the moon. ||64||

iehu mnu inhclu ihrdY vsIAly gurmuiK mUlu pCwix rhY ] (945-11)
ih man nihchal hirdai vasee-alay gurmukh mool pachhaan rahai.
When the mind becomes steady and stable, it abides in the heart, and then the Gurmukh realizes the root, the source of all.

nwiB pvnu Gir Awsix bYsY gurmuiK Kojq qqu lhY ] (945-11)
naabh pavan ghar aasan baisai gurmukh khojat tat lahai.
The breath is seated in the home of the navel; the Gurmukh searches, and finds the essence of reality.

su sbdu inrMqir inj Gir AwCY iqRBvx joiq su sbid lhY ] (945-12)
so sabad nirantar nij ghar aachhai taribhavan jot so sabad lahai.
This Shabad permeates the nucleus of the self, deep within, in its own home; the Light of this Shabad pervades the three worlds.

KwvY dUK BUK swcy kI swcy hI iqRpqwis rhY ] (945-12)
khaavai dookh bhookh saachay kee saachay hee tariptaas rahai.
Hunger for the True Lord shall consume your pain, and through the True Lord, you shall be satisfied.

Anhd bwxI gurmuiK jwxI ibrlo ko ArQwvY ] (945-13)
anhad banee gurmukh jaanee birlo ko arthaavai.
The Gurmukh knows the unstruck sound current of the Bani; how rare are those who understand.

nwnku AwKY scu suBwKY sic rpY rMgu kbhU n jwvY ]65] (945-13)
naanak aakhai sach subhaakhai sach rapai rang kabhoo na jaavai. ||65||
Says Nanak, one who speaks the Truth is dyed in the color of Truth, which will never fade away. ||65||

jw iehu ihrdw dyh n hoqI qau mnu kYTY rhqw ] (945-14)
jaa ih hirdaa dayh na hotee ta-o man kaithai rahtaa.
"When this heart and body did not exist, where did the mind reside?

nwiB kml AsQMBu n hoqo qw pvnu kvn Gir shqw ] (945-15)
naabh kamal asthambh na hoto taa pavan kavan ghar sahtaa.
When there was no support of the navel lotus, then in which home did the breath reside?

rUpu n hoqo ryK n kweI qw sbid khw ilv lweI ] (945-15)
roop na hoto raykh na kaa-ee taa sabad kahaa liv laa-ee.
When there was no form or shape, then how could anyone lovingly focus on the Shabad?

rkqu ibMdu kI mVI n hoqI imiq kImiq nhI pweI ] (945-16)
rakat bind kee marhee na hotee mit keemat nahee paa-ee.
When there was no dungeon formed from egg and sperm, who could measure the Lord's value and extent?

vrnu ByKu AsrUpu n jwpI ikau kir jwpis swcw ] (945-16)
varan bhaykh asroop na jaapee ki-o kar jaapas saachaa.
When color, dress and form could not be seen, how could the True Lord be known?"

nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI ieb qb swco swcw ]66] (945-17)
naanak naam ratay bairaagee ib tab saacho saachaa. ||66||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are detached. Then and now, they see the Truest of the True. ||66||

ihrdw dyh n hoqI AauDU qau mnu suMin rhY bYrwgI ] (945-17)
hirdaa dayh na hotee a-oDhoo ta-o man sunn rahai bairaagee.
When the heart and the body did not exist, O hermit, then the mind resided in the absolute, detached Lord.

nwiB kmlu AsQMBu n hoqo qw inj Gir bsqau pvnu AnrwgI ] (945-18)
naabh kamal asthambh na hoto taa nij ghar basta-o pavan anraagee.
When there was no support of the lotus of the navel, the breath remained in its own home, attuned to the Lord's Love.

rUpu n ryiKAw jwiq n hoqI qau AkulIix rhqau sbdu su swru ] (945-19)
roop na raykh-i-aa jaat na hotee ta-o akuleen rahta-o sabad so saar.
When there was no form or shape or social class, then the Shabad, in its essence, resided in the unmanifest Lord.

gaunu ggnu jb qbih n hoqau iqRBvx joiq Awpy inrMkwru ] (945-19)
ga-un gagan jab tabeh na hota-o taribhavan jot aapay nirankaar.
When the world and the sky did not even exist, the Light of the Formless Lord filled the three worlds.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD