Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


myrI myrI kir muey ivxu nwvY duKu Bwil ] (936-1)
mayree mayree kar mu-ay vin naavai dukh bhaal.
Crying out, "Mine, mine!", they have died, but without the Name, they find only pain.

gV mMdr mhlw khw ijau bwjI dIbwxu ] (936-1)
garh mandar mehlaa kahaa ji-o baajee deebaan.
So where are their forts, mansions, palaces and courts? They are like a short story.

nwnk scy nwm ivxu JUTw Awvx jwxu ] (936-2)
naanak sachay naam vin jhoothaa aavan jaan.
O Nanak, without the True Name, the false just come and go.

Awpy cquru srUpu hY Awpy jwxu sujwxu ]42] (936-2)
aapay chatur saroop hai aapay jaan sujaan. ||42||
He Himself is clever and so very beautiful; He Himself is wise and all-knowing. ||42||

jo Awvih sy jwih Puin Awie gey pCuqwih ] (936-3)
jo aavahi say jaahi fun aa-ay ga-ay pachhutaahi.
Those who come, must go in the end; they come and go, regretting and repenting.

lK caurwsIh mydnI GtY n vDY auqwih ] (936-3)
lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee ghatai na vaDhai utaahi.
They will pass through 8.4 millions species; this number does not decrease or rise.

sy jn aubry ijn hir BwieAw ] (936-3)
say jan ubray jin har bhaa-i-aa.
They alone are saved, who love the Lord.

DMDw muAw ivgUqI mwieAw ] (936-4)
DhanDhaa mu-aa vigootee maa-i-aa.
Their worldly entanglements are ended, and Maya is conquered.

jo dIsY so cwlsI iks kau mIqu kryau ] (936-4)
jo deesai so chaalsee kis ka-o meet karay-o.
Whoever is seen, shall depart; who should I make my friend?

jIau smpau Awpxw qnu mnu AwgY dyau ] (936-5)
jee-o sampa-o aapnaa tan man aagai day-o.
I dedicate my soul, and place my body and mind in offering before Him.

AsiQru krqw qU DxI iqs hI kI mY Et ] (936-5)
asthir kartaa too Dhanee tis hee kee mai ot.
You are eternally stable, O Creator, Lord and Master; I lean on Your Support.

gux kI mwrI hau mueI sbid rqI min cot ]43] (936-5)
gun kee maaree ha-o mu-ee sabad ratee man chot. ||43||
Conquered by virtue, egotism is killed; imbued with the Word of the Shabad, the mind rejects the world. ||43||

rwxw rwau n ko rhY rMgu n quMgu PkIru ] (936-6)
raanaa raa-o na ko rahai rang na tung fakeer.
Neither the kings nor the nobles will remain; neither the rich nor the poor will remain.

vwrI Awpo AwpxI koie n bMDY DIr ] (936-6)
vaaree aapo aapnee ko-ay na banDhai Dheer.
When one's turn comes, no one can stay here.

rwhu burw BIhwvlw sr fUgr Asgwh ] (936-7)
raahu buraa bheehaavalaa sar doogar asgaah.
The path is difficult and treacherous; the pools and mountains are impassable.

mY qin Avgx Juir mueI ivxu gux ikau Gir jwh ] (936-7)
mai tan avgan jhur mu-ee vin gun ki-o ghar jaah.
My body is filled with faults; I am dying of grief. Without virtue, how can I enter my home?

guxIAw gux ly pRB imly ikau iqn imlau ipAwir ] (936-8)
gunee-aa gun lay parabh milay ki-o tin mila-o pi-aar.
The virtuous take virtue, and meet God; how can I meet them with love?

iqn hI jYsI QI rhW jip jip irdY murwir ] (936-8)
tin hee jaisee thee rahaaN jap jap ridai muraar.
If ony I could be like them, chanting and meditating within my heart on the Lord.

AvguxI BrpUr hY gux BI vsih nwil ] (936-9)
avgunee bharpoor hai gun bhee vaseh naal.
He is overflowing with faults and demerits, but virtue dwells within him as well.

ivxu sqgur gux n jwpnI ijcru sbid n kry bIcwru ]44] (936-9)
vin satgur gun na jaapnee jichar sabad na karay beechaar. ||44||
Without the True Guru, he does not see God's Virtues; he does not chant the Glorious Virtues of God. ||44||

lskrIAw Gr sMmly Awey vjhu ilKwie ] (936-10)
laskaree-aa ghar sammlay aa-ay vajahu likhaa-ay.
God's soldiers take care of their homes; their pay is pre-ordained, before they come into the world.

kwr kmwvih isir DxI lwhw plY pwie ] (936-10)
kaar kamaaveh sir Dhanee laahaa palai paa-ay.
They serve their Supreme Lord and Master, and obtain the profit.

lbu loBu buirAweIAw Cofy mnhu ivswir ] (936-11)
lab lobh buri-aa-ee-aa chhoday manhu visaar.
They renounce greed, avarice and evil, and forget them from their minds.

giV dohI pwiqswh kI kdy n AwvY hwir ] (936-11)
garh dohee paatisaah kee kaday na aavai haar.
In the fortress of the body, they announce the victory of their Supreme King; they are never ever vanquished.

cwkru khIAY Ksm kw sauhy auqr dyie ] (936-12)
chaakar kahee-ai khasam kaa sa-uhay utar day-ay.
One who calls himself a servant of his Lord and Master, and yet speaks defiantly to Him,

vjhu gvwey Awpxw qKiq n bYsih syie ] (936-12)
vajahu gavaa-ay aapnaa takhat na baiseh say-ay.
shall forfeit his pay, and not be seated upon the throne.

pRIqm hiQ vifAweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ] (936-13)
pareetam hath vadi-aa-ee-aa jai bhaavai tai day-ay.
Glorious greatness rests in the hands of my Beloved; He gives, according to the Pleasure of His Will.

Awip kry iksu AwKIAY Avru n koie kryie ]45] (936-13)
aap karay kis aakhee-ai avar na ko-ay karay-i. ||45||
He Himself does everything; who else should we address? No one else does anything. ||45||

bIjau sUJY ko nhI bhY dulIcw pwie ] (936-14)
beeja-o soojhai ko nahee bahai duleechaa paa-ay.
I cannot conceive of any other, who could be seated upon the royal cushions.

nrk invwrxu nrh nru swcau swcY nwie ] (936-14)
narak nivaaran narah nar saacha-o saachai naa-ay.
The Supreme Man of men eradicates hell; He is True, and True is His Name.

vxu iqRxu FUFq iPir rhI mn mih krau bIcwru ] (936-14)
van tarin dhoodhat fir rahee man meh kara-o beechaar.
I wandered around searching for Him in the forests and meadows; I contemplate Him within my mind.

lwl rqn bhu mwxkI siqgur hwiQ BMfwru ] (936-15)
laal ratan baho maankee satgur haath bhandaar.
The treasures of myriads of pearls, jewels and emeralds are in the hands of the True Guru.

aUqmu hovw pRBu imlY iek min eykY Bwie ] (936-15)
ootam hovaa parabh milai ik man aykai bhaa-ay.
Meeting with God, I am exalted and elevated; I love the One Lord single-mindedly.

nwnk pRIqm ris imly lwhw lY prQwie ] (936-16)
naanak pareetam ras milay laahaa lai parthaa-ay.
O Nanak, one who lovingly meets with his Beloved, earns profit in the world hereafter.

rcnw rwic ijin rcI ijin isirAw Awkwru ] (936-16)
rachnaa raach jin rachee jin siri-aa aakaar.
He who created and formed the creation, made your form as well.

gurmuiK byAMqu iDAweIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]46] (936-17)
gurmukh bay-ant Dhi-aa-ee-ai ant na paaraavaar. ||46||
As Gurmukh, meditate on the Infinite Lord, who has no end or limitation. ||46||

VwVY rUVw hir jIau soeI ] (936-17)
rhaarhai roorhaa har jee-o so-ee.
Rharha: The Dear Lord is beautiful;

iqsu ibnu rwjw Avru n koeI ] (936-18)
tis bin raajaa avar na ko-ee.
There is no other king, except Him.

VwVY gwruVu qum suxhu hir vsY mn mwih ] (936-18)
rhaarhai gaarurh tum sunhu har vasai man maahi.
Rharha: Listen to the spell, and the Lord will come to dwell in your mind.

gur prswdI hir pweIAY mqu ko Brim Bulwih ] (936-18)
gur parsaadee har paa-ee-ai mat ko bharam bhulaahi.
By Guru's Grace, one finds the Lord; do not be deluded by doubt.

so swhu swcw ijsu hir Dnu rwis ] (936-19)
so saahu saachaa jis har Dhan raas.
He alone is the true banker, who has the capital of the wealth of the Lord.

gurmuiK pUrw iqsu swbwis ] (936-19)
gurmukh pooraa tis saabaas.
The Gurmukh is perfect - applaud him!

rUVI bwxI hir pwieAw gur sbdI bIcwir ] (936-19)
roorhee banee har paa-i-aa gur sabdee beechaar.
Through the beautiful Word of the Guru's Bani, the Lord is obtained; contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD