Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nw iqsu igAwnu n iDAwnu hY nw iqsu Drmu iDAwnu ] (935-1)
naa tis gi-aan na Dhi-aan hai naa tis Dharam Dhi-aan.
He has neither spiritual wisdom or meditation; neither Dharmic faith mor meditation.

ivxu nwvY inrBau khw ikAw jwxw AiBmwnu ] (935-1)
vin naavai nirbha-o kahaa ki-aa jaanaa abhimaan.
Without the Name, how can one be fearless? How can he understand egotistical pride?

Qwik rhI ikv ApVw hwQ nhI nw pwru ] (935-2)
thaak rahee kiv aprhaa haath nahee naa paar.
I am so tired - how can I get there? This ocean has no bottom or end.

nw swjn sy rMguly iksu pih krI pukwr ] (935-2)
naa saajan say rangulay kis peh karee pukaar.
I have no loving companions, whom I can ask for help.

nwnk ipRau ipRau jy krI myly mylxhwru ] (935-3)
naanak pari-o pari-o jay karee maylay maylanhaar.
O Nanak, crying out, "Beloved, Beloved", we are united with the Uniter.

ijin ivCoVI so mylsI gur kY hyiq Apwir ]37] (935-3)
jin vichhorhee so maylsee gur kai hayt apaar. ||37||
He who separated me, unites me again; my love for the Guru is infinite. ||37||

pwpu burw pwpI kau ipAwrw ] (935-4)
paap buraa paapee ka-o pi-aaraa.
Sin is bad, but it is dear to the sinner.

pwip ldy pwpy pwswrw ] (935-4)
paap laday paapay paasaaraa.
He loads himself with sin, and expands his world through sin.

prhir pwpu pCwxY Awpu ] (935-4)
parhar paap pachhaanai aap.
Sin is far away from one who understands himself.

nw iqsu sogu ivjogu sMqwpu ] (935-5)
naa tis sog vijog santaap.
He is not afflicted by sorrow or separation.

nrik pVMqau ikau rhY ikau bMcY jmkwlu ] (935-5)
narak parhaNta-o ki-o rahai ki-o banchai jamkaal.
How can one avoid falling into hell? How can he cheat the Messenger of Death?

ikau Awvx jwxw vIsrY JUTu burw KY kwlu ] (935-5)
ki-o aavan jaanaa veesrai jhooth buraa khai kaal.
How can coming and going be forgotten? Falsehood is bad, and death is cruel.

mnu jMjwlI vyiVAw BI jMjwlw mwih ] (935-6)
man janjaalee vayrhi-aa bhee janjaalaa maahi.
The mind is enveloped by entanglements, and into entanglements it falls.

ivxu nwvY ikau CUtIAY pwpy pcih pcwih ]38] (935-6)
vin naavai ki-o chhootee-ai paapay pacheh pachaahi. ||38||
Without the Name, how can anyone be saved? They rot away in sin. ||38||

iPir iPir PwhI PwsY kaUAw ] (935-7)
fir fir faahee faasai ka-oo-aa.
Again and again, the crow falls into the trap.

iPir pCuqwnw Ab ikAw hUAw ] (935-7)
fir pachhutaanaa ab ki-aa hoo-aa.
Then he regrets it, but what can he do now?

PwQw cog cugY nhI bUJY ] (935-7)
faathaa chog chugai nahee boojhai.
Even though he is trapped, he pecks at the food; he does not understand.

sqguru imlY q AwKI sUJY ] (935-8)
satgur milai ta aakhee soojhai.
If he meets the True Guru, then he sees with his eyes.

ijau mCulI PwQI jm jwil ] (935-8)
ji-o machhulee faathee jam jaal.
Like a fish, he is caught in the noose of death.

ivxu gur dwqy mukiq n Bwil ] (935-8)
vin gur daatay mukat na bhaal.
Do not seek liberation from anyone else, except the Guru, the Great Giver.

iPir iPir AwvY iPir iPir jwie ] (935-8)
fir fir aavai fir fir jaa-ay.
Over and over again, he comes; over and over again, he goes.

iek rMig rcY rhY ilv lwie ] (935-9)
ik rang rachai rahai liv laa-ay.
Be absorbed in love for the One Lord, and remain lovingly focused on Him.

iev CUtY iPir Pws n pwie ]39] (935-9)
iv chhootai fir faas na paa-ay. ||39||
In this way you shall be saved, and you shall not fall into the trap again. ||39||

bIrw bIrw kir rhI bIr Bey bYrwie ] (935-10)
beeraa beeraa kar rahee beer bha-ay bairaa-ay.
She calls out, "Brother, O brother - stay, O brother!" But he becomes a stranger.

bIr cly Gir AwpxY bihx ibrih jil jwie ] (935-10)
beer chalay ghar aapnai bahin bireh jal jaa-ay.
Her brother departs for his own home, and his sister burns with the pain of separation.

bwbul kY Gir bytVI bwlI bwlY nyih ] (935-10)
baabul kai ghar baytrhee baalee baalai nayhi.
In this world, her father's home, the daughter, the innocent soul bride, loves her Young Husband Lord.

jy loVih vru kwmxI siqguru syvih qyih ] (935-11)
jay lorheh var kaamnee satgur sayveh tayhi.
If you long for your Husband Lord, O soul bride, then serve the True Guru with love.

ibrlo igAwnI bUJxau siqguru swic imlyie ] (935-11)
birlo gi-aanee boojh-na-o satgur saach milay-ay.
How rare are the spiritually wise, who meet the True Guru, and truly understand.

Twkur hwiQ vfweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ] (935-12)
thaakur haath vadaa-ee-aa jai bhaavai tai day-ay.
All glorious greatness rests in the Lord and Master's Hands. He grants them, when He is pleased.

bwxI ibrlau bIcwrsI jy ko gurmuiK hoie ] (935-12)
banee birla-o beechaarsee jay ko gurmukh ho-ay.
How rare are those who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Bani; they become Gurmukh.

ieh bwxI mhw purK kI inj Gir vwsw hoie ]40] (935-13)
ih banee mahaa purakh kee nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay. ||40||
This is the Bani of the Supreme Being; through it, one dwells within the home of his inner being. ||40||

Bin Bin GVIAY GiV GiV BjY Fwih auswrY ausry FwhY ] (935-13)
bhan bhan gharhee-ai gharh gharh bhajai dhaahi usaarai usray dhaahai.
Shattering and breaking apart, He creates and re-creates; creating, He shatters again. He builds up what He has demolished, and demolishes what He has built.

sr Bir soKY BI Bir poKY smrQ vyprvwhY ] (935-14)
sar bhar sokhai bhee bhar pokhai samrath vayparvaahai.
He dries up the pools which are full, and fills the dried tanks again. He is all-powerful and independent.

Brim Bulwny Bey idvwny ivxu Bwgw ikAw pweIAY ] (935-14)
bharam bhulaanay bha-ay divaanay vin bhaagaa ki-aa paa-ee-ai.
Deluded by doubt, they have gone insane; without destiny, what do they obtain?

gurmuiK igAwnu forI pRiB pkVI ijn iKMcY iqn jweIAY ] (935-15)
gurmukh gi-aan doree parabh pakrhee jin khinchai tin jaa-ee-ai.
The Gurmukhs know that God holds the string; wherever He pulls it, they must go.

hir gux gwie sdw rMig rwqy bhuiV n pCoqweIAY ] (935-16)
har gun gaa-ay sadaa rang raatay bahurh na pachhotaa-ee-ai.
Those who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, are forever imbued with His Love; they never again feel regret.

BBY Bwlih gurmuiK bUJih qw inj Gir vwsw pweIAY ] (935-16)
bhabhai bhaaleh gurmukh boojheh taa nij ghar vaasaa paa-ee-ai.
Bhabha: If someone seeks, and then becomes Gurmukh, then he comes to dwell in the home of his own heart.

BBY Baujlu mwrgu ivKVw Aws inrwsw qrIAY ] (935-17)
bhabhai bha-ojal maarag vikh-rhaa aas niraasaa taree-ai.
Bhabha: The way of the terrifying world-ocean is treacherous. Remain free of hope, in the midst of hope, and you shall cross over.

gur prswdI Awpo cIn@Y jIviqAw iev mrIAY ]41] (935-17)
gur parsaadee aapo cheenHai jeevti-aa iv maree-ai. ||41||
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand himself; in this way, he remains dead while yet alive. ||41||

mwieAw mwieAw kir muey mwieAw iksY n swiQ ] (935-18)
maa-i-aa maa-i-aa kar mu-ay maa-i-aa kisai na saath.
Crying out for the wealth and riches of Maya, they die; but Maya does not go along with them.

hMsu clY auiT fumxo mwieAw BUlI AwiQ ] (935-18)
hans chalai uth dumno maa-i-aa bhoolee aath.
The soul-swan arises and departs, sad and depressed, leaving its wealth behind.

mnu JUTw jim joihAw Avgux clih nwil ] (935-19)
man jhoothaa jam johi-aa avgun chaleh naal.
The false mind is hunted by the Messenger of Death; it carries its faults along when it goes.

mn mih mnu aulto mrY jy gux hovih nwil ] (935-19)
man meh man ulto marai jay gun hoveh naal.
The mind turns inward, and merges with mind, when it is with virtue.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD