Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijin nwmu dIAw iqsu syvsw iqsu bilhwrY jwau ] (934-1)
jin naam dee-aa tis sayvsaa tis balihaarai jaa-o.
I serve the One who gave me the Naam; I am a sacrifice to Him.

jo auswry so FwhsI iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] (934-1)
jo usaaray so dhaahsee tis bin avar na ko-ay.
He who builds, also demolishes; there is no other than Him.

gur prswdI iqsu sMm@lw qw qin dUKu n hoie ]31] (934-2)
gur parsaadee tis sammHlaa taa tan dookh na ho-ay. ||31||
By Guru's Grace, I contemplate Him, and then my body does not suffer in pain. ||31||

xw ko myrw iksu ghI xw ko hoAw n hogu ] (934-2)
naa ko mayraa kis gahee naa ko ho-aa na hog.
No one is mine - whose gown should I grasp and hold? No one ever was, and no one shall ever be mine.

Awvix jwix ivgucIAY duibDw ivAwpY rogu ] (934-3)
aavan jaan viguchee-ai dubiDhaa vi-aapai rog.
Coming and going, one is ruined, afflicted with the disease of dual-mindedness.

xwm ivhUxy AwdmI klr kMD igrMiq ] (934-3)
naam vihoonay aadmee kalar kanDh girant.
Those beings who lack the Naam, the Name of the Lord, collapse like pillars of salt.

ivxu nwvY ikau CUtIAY jwie rswqil AMiq ] (934-3)
vin naavai ki-o chhootee-ai jaa-ay rasaatal ant.
Without the Name, how can they find release? They fall into hell in the end.

gxq gxwvY AKrI Agxqu swcw soie ] (934-4)
ganat ganaavai akhree agnat saachaa so-ay.
Using a limited number of words, we describe the unlimited True Lord.

AigAwnI miqhIxu hY gur ibnu igAwnu n hoie ] (934-4)
agi-aanee matiheen hai gur bin gi-aan na ho-ay.
The ignorant lack understanding. Without the Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom.

qUtI qMqu rbwb kI vwjY nhI ivjoig ] (934-5)
tootee tant rabaab kee vaajai nahee vijog.
The separated soul is like the broken string of a guitar, which does not vibrate its sound.

ivCuiVAw mylY pRBU nwnk kir sMjog ]32] (934-5)
vichhurhi-aa maylai parabhoo naanak kar sanjog. ||32||
God unites the separated souls with Himself, awakening their destiny. ||32||

qrvru kwieAw pMiK mnu qrvir pMKI pMc ] (934-6)
tarvar kaa-i-aa pankh man tarvar pankhee panch.
The body is the tree, and the mind is the bird; the birds in the tree are the five senses.

qqu cugih imil eyksy iqn kau Pws n rMc ] (934-6)
tat chugeh mil ayksay tin ka-o faas na ranch.
They peck at the essence of reality, and merge with the One Lord. They are never trapped at all.

aufih q bygul byguly qwkih cog GxI ] (934-7)
udeh ta baygul baygulay takeh chog ghanee.
But the others fly away in a hurry, when they see the food.

pMK quty PwhI pVI Avguix BIV bxI ] (934-7)
pankh tutay faahee parhee avgun bheerh banee.
Their feathers are clipped, and they are caught in the noose; through their mistakes, they are caught in disaster.

ibnu swcy ikau CUtIAY hir gux krim mxI ] (934-8)
bin saachay ki-o chhootee-ai har gun karam manee.
Without the True Lord, how can anyone find release? The jewel of the Lord's Glorious Praises comes by the karma of good actions.

Awip Cfwey CUtIAY vfw Awip DxI ] (934-8)
aap chhadaa-ay chhootee-ai vadaa aap Dhanee.
When He Himself releases them, only then are they released. He Himself is the Great Master.

gur prswdI CUtIAY ikrpw Awip kryie ] (934-8)
gur parsaadee chhootee-ai kirpaa aap karay-i.
By Guru's Grace, they are released, when He Himself grants His Grace.

ApxY hwiQ vfweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ]33] (934-9)
apnai haath vadaa-ee-aa jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||33||
Glorious greatness rests in His Hands. He blesses those with whom He is pleased. ||33||

Qr Qr kMpY jIAVw Qwn ivhUxw hoie ] (934-9)
thar thar kampai jee-arhaa thaan vihoonaa ho-ay.
The soul trembles and shakes, when it loses its mooring and support.

Qwin mwin scu eyku hY kwju n PItY koie ] (934-10)
thaan maan sach ayk hai kaaj na feetai ko-ay.
Only the support of the True Lord brings honor and glory. Through it, one's works are never in vain.

iQru nwrwiexu iQru gurU iQru swcw bIcwru ] (934-10)
thir naaraa-in thir guroo thir saachaa beechaar.
The Lord is eternal and forever stable; the Guru is stable, and contemplation upon the True Lord is stable.

suir nr nwQh nwQu qU inDwrw AwDwru ] (934-11)
sur nar naathah naath too niDhaaraa aaDhaar.
O Lord and Master of angels, men and Yogic masters, You are the support of the unsupported.

srby Qwn QnµqrI qU dwqw dwqwru ] (934-11)
sarbay thaan thanantaree too daataa daataar.
In all places and interspaces, You are the Giver, the Great Giver.

jh dyKw qh eyku qU AMqu n pwrwvwru ] (934-11)
jah daykhaa tah ayk too ant na paaraavaar.
Wherever I look, there I see You, Lord; You have no end or limitation.

Qwn Qnµqir riv rihAw gur sbdI vIcwir ] (934-12)
thaan thanantar rav rahi-aa gur sabdee veechaar.
You are pervading and permeating the places and interspaces; reflecting upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad, You are found.

AxmMigAw dwnu dyvsI vfw Agm Apwru ]34] (934-12)
anmangi-aa daan dayvsee vadaa agam apaar. ||34||
You give gifts even when they are not asked for; You are great, inaccessible and infinite. ||34||

dieAw dwnu dieAwlu qU kir kir dyKxhwru ] (934-13)
da-i-aa daan da-i-aal too kar kar daykhanhaar.
O Merciful Lord, You are the embodiment of mercy; creating the Creation, You behold it.

dieAw krih pRB myil lYih iKn mih Fwih auswir ] (934-13)
da-i-aa karahi parabh mayl laihi khin meh dhaahi usaar.
Please shower Your Mercy upon me, O God, and unite me with Yourself. In an instant, You destroy and rebuild.

dwnw qU bInw quhI dwnw kY isir dwnu ] (934-14)
daanaa too beenaa tuhee daanaa kai sir daan.
You are all-wise and all-seeing; You are the Greatest Giver of all givers.

dwld BMjn duK dlx gurmuiK igAwnu iDAwnu ]35] (934-14)
daalad bhanjan dukh dalan gurmukh gi-aan Dhi-aan. ||35||
He is the Eradicator of poverty, and the Destroyer of pain; the Gurmukh realizes spiritual wisdom and meditation. ||35||

Din gieAY bih JUrIAY Dn mih cIqu gvwr ] (934-15)
Dhan ga-i-ai bahi jhooree-ai Dhan meh cheet gavaar.
Losing his wealth, he cries out in anguish; the fool's consciousness is engrossed in wealth.

Dnu ivrlI scu sMicAw inrmlu nwmu ipAwir ] (934-15)
Dhan virlee sach sanchi-aa nirmal naam pi-aar.
How rare are those who gather the wealth of Truth, and love the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Dnu gieAw qw jwx dyih jy rwcih rMig eyk ] (934-16)
Dhan ga-i-aa taa jaan deh jay raacheh rang ayk.
If by losing your wealth, you may become absorbed in the Love of the One Lord, then just let it go.

mnu dIjY isru saupIAY BI krqy kI tyk ] (934-16)
man deejai sir sa-upee-ai bhee kartay kee tayk.
Dedicate your mind, and surrender your head; seek only the Support of the Creator Lord.

DMDw Dwvq rih gey mn mih sbdu Anµdu ] (934-17)
DhanDhaa Dhaavat reh ga-ay man meh sabad anand.
Worldly affairs and wanderings cease, when the mind is filled with the bliss of the Shabad.

durjn qy swjn Bey Byty gur goivMd ] (934-17)
durjan tay saajan bha-ay bhaytay gur govind.
Even one's enemies become friends, meeting with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.

bnu bnu iPrqI FUFqI bsqu rhI Gir bwir ] (934-18)
ban ban firtee dhoodh-tee basat rahee ghar baar.
Wandering from forest to forest searching, you will find that those things are within the home of your own heart.

siqguir mylI imil rhI jnm mrx duKu invwir ]36] (934-18)
satgur maylee mil rahee janam maran dukh nivaar. ||36||
United by the True Guru, you shall remain united, and the pains of birth and death will be ended. ||36||

nwnw krq n CUtIAY ivxu gux jm puir jwih ] (934-19)
naanaa karat na chhootee-ai vin gun jam pur jaahi.
Through various rituals, one does not find release. Without virtue, one is sent to the City of Death.

nw iqsu eyhu n Ehu hY Avguix iPir pCuqwih ] (934-19)
naa tis ayhu na oh hai avgun fir pachhutaahi.
One will not have this world or the next; committing sinful mistakes, one comes to regret and repent in the end.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD