Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kwieAw CIjY BeI isbwlu ]24] (933-1)
kaa-i-aa chheejai bha-ee sibaal. ||24||
The body falls apart, like algae upon the water. ||24||

jwpY Awip pRBU iqhu loie ] (933-1)
jaapai aap parabhoo tihu lo-ay.
God Himself appears throughout the three worlds.

juig juig dwqw Avru n koie ] (933-1)
jug jug daataa avar na ko-ay.
Throughout the ages, He is the Great Giver; there is no other at all.

ijau BwvY iqau rwKih rwKu ] (933-2)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakhahi raakh.
As it pleases You, You protect and preserve us.

jsu jwcau dyvY piq swKu ] (933-2)
jas jaacha-o dayvai pat saakh.
I ask for the Lord's Praises, which bless me with honor and credit.

jwgqu jwig rhw quDu Bwvw ] (933-2)
jaagat jaag rahaa tuDh bhaavaa.
Remaining awake and aware, I am pleasing to You, O Lord.

jw qU mylih qw quJY smwvw ] (933-3)
jaa too mayleh taa tujhai samaavaa.
When You unite me with Yourself, then I am merged in You.

jY jY kwru jpau jgdIs ] (933-3)
jai jai kaar japa-o jagdees.
I chant Your Victorious Praises, O Life of the World.

gurmiq imlIAY bIs iekIs ]25] (933-3)
gurmat milee-ai bees ikees. ||25||
Accepting the Guru's Teachings, one is sure to merge in the One Lord. ||25||

JiK bolxu ikAw jg isau vwdu ] (933-3)
jhakh bolan ki-aa jag si-o vaad.
Why do you speak such nonsense, and argue with the world?

JUir mrY dyKY prmwdu ] (933-4)
jhoor marai daykhai parmaad.
You shall die repenting, when you see your own insanity.

jnim mUey nhI jIvx Awsw ] (933-4)
janam moo-ay nahee jeevan aasaa.
He is born, only to die, but he does not wish to live.

Awie cly Bey Aws inrwsw ] (933-4)
aa-ay chalay bha-ay aas niraasaa.
He comes hopeful, and then goes, without hope.

Juir Juir JiK mwtI ril jwie ] (933-5)
jhur jhur jhakh maatee ral jaa-ay.
Regretting, repenting and grieving, he is dust mixing with dust.

kwlu n cWpY hir gux gwie ] (933-5)
kaal na chaaNpai har gun gaa-ay.
Death does not chew up one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pweI nv iniD hir kY nwie ] (933-5)
paa-ee nav niDh har kai naa-ay.
The nine treasures are obtained through the Name of the Lord;

Awpy dyvY shij suBwie ]26] (933-6)
aapay dayvai sahj subhaa-ay. ||26||
the Lord bestows intuitive peace and poise. ||26||

i\Awno bolY Awpy bUJY ] (933-6)
nji-aano bolai aapay boojhai.
He speaks spiritual wisdom, and He Himself understands it.

Awpy smJY Awpy sUJY ] (933-6)
aapay samjhai aapay soojhai.
He Himself knows it, and He Himself comprehends it.

gur kw kihAw AMik smwvY ] (933-6)
gur kaa kahi-aa ank samaavai.
One who takes the Words of the Guru into his very fiber,

inrml sUcy swco BwvY ] (933-7)
nirmal soochay saacho bhaavai.
is immaculate and holy, and is pleasing to the True Lord.

guru swgru rqnI nhI qot ] (933-7)
gur saagar ratnee nahee tot.
In the ocean of the Guru, there is no shortage of pearls.

lwl pdwrQ swcu AKot ] (933-7)
laal padaarath saach akhot.
The treasure of jewels is truly inexhaustible.

guir kihAw sw kwr kmwvhu ] (933-8)
gur kahi-aa saa kaar kamaavahu.
Do those deeds which the Guru has ordained.

gur kI krxI kwhy Dwvhu ] (933-8)
gur kee karnee kaahay Dhaavahu.
Why are you chasing after the Guru's actions?

nwnk gurmiq swic smwvhu ]27] (933-8)
naanak gurmat saach samaavahu. ||27||
O Nanak, through the Guru's Teachings, merge in the True Lord. ||27||

tUtY nyhu ik bolih shI ] (933-9)
tootai nayhu ke boleh sahee.
Love is broken, when one speaks in defiance.

tUtY bwh duhU ids ghI ] (933-9)
tootai baah duhoo dis gahee.
The arm is broken, when it is pulled from both sides.

tUit prIiq geI bur boil ] (933-9)
toot pareet ga-ee bur bol.
Love breaks, when the speech goes sour.

durmiq prhir CwfI Foil ] (933-9)
durmat parhar chhaadee dhol.
The Husband Lord abandons and leaves behind the evil-minded bride.

tUtY gMiT pVY vIcwir ] (933-10)
tootai ganth parhai veechaar.
The broken knot is tied again, through contemplation and meditation.

gur sbdI Gir kwrju swir ] (933-10)
gur sabdee ghar kaaraj saar.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one's affairs are resolved in one's own home.

lwhw swcu n AwvY qotw ] (933-10)
laahaa saach na aavai totaa.
One who earns the profit of the True Name, will not lose it again;

iqRBvx Twkuru pRIqmu motw ]28] (933-11)
taribhavan thaakur pareetam motaa. ||28||
the Lord and Master of the three worlds is your best friend. ||28||

Twkhu mnUAw rwKhu Twie ] (933-11)
thaakahu manoo-aa raakho thaa-ay.
Control your mind, and keep it in its place.

Thik mueI Avguix pCuqwie ] (933-11)
thahak mu-ee avgun pachhutaa-ay.
The world is destroyed by conflict, regretting its sinful mistakes.

Twkuru eyku sbweI nwir ] (933-12)
thaakur ayk sabaa-ee naar.
There is one Husband Lord, and all are His brides.

bhuqy vys kry kUiVAwir ] (933-12)
bahutay vays karay koorhi-aar.
The false bride wears many costumes.

pr Gir jwqI Twik rhweI ] (933-12)
par ghar jaatee thaak rahaa-ee.
He stops her from going into the homes of others;

mhil bulweI Twk n pweI ] (933-12)
mahal bulaa-ee thaak na paa-ee.
He summons her to the Mansion of His Presence, and no obstacles block her path.

sbid svwrI swic ipAwrI ] (933-13)
sabad savaaree saach pi-aaree.
She is embellished with the Word of the Shabad, and is loved by the True Lord.

sweI suohwgix Twkuir DwrI ]29] (933-13)
saa-ee sohagan thaakur Dhaaree. ||29||
She is the happy soul bride, who takes the Support of her Lord and Master. ||29||

folq folq hy sKI Pwty cIr sIgwr ] (933-13)
dolat dolat hay sakhee faatay cheer seegaar.
Wandering and roaming around, O my companion, your beautiful robes are torn.

fwhpix qin suKu nhI ibnu fr ibxTI fwr ] (933-14)
daahpan tan sukh nahee bin dar binathee daar.
In jealousy, the body is not at peace; without the Fear of God, multitudes are ruined.

frip mueI Gir AwpxY fITI kMiq sujwix ] (933-14)
darap mu-ee ghar aapnai deethee kant sujaan.
One who remains dead within her own home, through the Fear of God, is looked upon with favor by her all-knowing Husband Lord.

fru rwiKAw guir AwpxY inrBau nwmu vKwix ] (933-15)
dar raakhi-aa gur aapnai nirbha-o naam vakhaan.
She maintains fear of her Guru, and chants the Name of the Fearless Lord.

fUgir vwsu iqKw GxI jb dyKw nhI dUir ] (933-15)
doogar vaas tikhaa ghanee jab daykhaa nahee door.
Living on the mountain, I suffer such great thirst; when I see Him, I know that He is not far away.

iqKw invwrI sbdu mMin AMimRqu pIAw BrpUir ] (933-16)
tikhaa nivaaree sabad man amrit pee-aa bharpoor.
My thirst is quenched, and I have accepted the Word of the Shabad. I drink my fill of the Ambrosial Nectar.

dyih dyih AwKY sBu koeI jY BwvY qY dyie ] (933-16)
deh deh aakhai sabh ko-ee jai bhaavai tai day-ay.
Everyone says, "Give! Give!" As He pleases, He gives.

gurU duAwrY dyvsI iqKw invwrY soie ]30] (933-17)
guroo du-aarai dayvsee tikhaa nivaarai so-ay. ||30||
Through the Gurdwara, the Guru's Door, He gives, and quenches the thirst. ||30||

FMFolq FUFq hau iPrI Fih Fih pvin krwir ] (933-17)
dhandholat dhoodhat ha-o firee dheh dheh pavan karaar.
Searching and seeking, I fell down and collapsed upon the bank of the river of life.

Bwry Fhqy Fih pey hauly inksy pwir ] (933-18)
bhaaray dhahtay dheh pa-ay ha-ulay niksay paar.
Those who are heavy with sin sink down, but those who are light swim across.

Amr AjwcI hir imly iqn kY hau bil jwau ] (933-18)
amar ajaachee har milay tin kai ha-o bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to those who meet the immortal and immeasurable Lord.

iqn kI DUiV AGulIAY sMgiq myil imlwau ] (933-19)
tin kee Dhoorh aghulee-ai sangat mayl milaa-o.
The dust of their feet brings emancipation; in their company, we are united in the Lord's Union.

mnu dIAw guir AwpxY pwieAw inrml nwau ] (933-19)
man dee-aa gur aapnai paa-i-aa nirmal naa-o.
I gave my mind to my Guru, and received the Immaculate Name.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD