Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qw imlIAY jw ley imlwie ] (932-1)
taa milee-ai jaa la-ay milaa-ay.
They alone meet Him, whom the Lord causes to meet.

guxvMqI gux swry nIq ] (932-1)
gunvantee gun saaray neet.
The virtuous soul bride continually contemplates His Virtues.

nwnk gurmiq imlIAY mIq ]17] (932-1)
naanak gurmat milee-ai meet. ||17||
O Nanak, following the Guru's Teachings, one meets the Lord, the true friend. ||17||

kwmu k®oDu kwieAw kau gwlY ] (932-2)
kaam kroDh kaa-i-aa ka-o gaalai.
Unfulfilled sexual desire and unresolved anger waste the body away,

ijau kMcn sohwgw FwlY ] (932-2)
ji-o kanchan sohaagaa dhaalai.
as gold is dissolved by borax.

kis ksvtI shY su qwau ] (932-2)
kas kasvatee sahai so taa-o.
The gold is touched to the touchstone, and tested by fire;

ndir srwP vMnI scVwau ] (932-3)
nadar saraaf vannee sachrhaa-o.
when its pure color shows through, it is pleasing to the eye of the assayer.

jgqu psU AhM kwlu ksweI ] (932-3)
jagat pasoo ahaN kaal kasaa-ee.
The world is a beast, and arrogent Death is the butcher.

kir krqY krxI kir pweI ] (932-3)
kar kartai karnee kar paa-ee.
The created beings of the Creator receive the karma of their actions.

ijin kIqI iqin kImiq pweI ] (932-4)
jin keetee tin keemat paa-ee.
He who created the world, knows its worth.

hor ikAw khIAY ikCu khxu n jweI ]18] (932-4)
hor ki-aa kahee-ai kichh kahan na jaa-ee. ||18||
What else can be said? There is nothing at all to say. ||18||

Kojq Kojq AMimRqu pIAw ] (932-4)
khojat khojat amrit pee-aa.
Searching, searching, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.

iKmw ghI mnu sqguir dIAw ] (932-5)
khimaa gahee man satgur dee-aa.
I have adopted the way of tolerance, and given my mind to the True Guru.

Krw Krw AwKY sBu koie ] (932-5)
kharaa kharaa aakhai sabh ko-ay.
Everyone calls himself true and genuine.

Krw rqnu jug cwry hoie ] (932-5)
kharaa ratan jug chaaray ho-ay.
He alone is true, who obtains the jewel throughout the four ages.

Kwq pIAMq mUey nhI jwinAw ] (932-6)
khaat pee-ant moo-ay nahee jaani-aa.
Eating and drinking, one dies, but still does not know.

iKn mih mUey jw sbdu pCwinAw ] (932-6)
khin meh moo-ay jaa sabad pachhaani-aa.
He dies in an instant, when he realizes the Word of the Shabad.

AsiQru cIqu mrin mnu mwinAw ] (932-6)
asthir cheet maran man maani-aa.
His consciousness becomes permanently stable, and his mind accepts death.

gur ikrpw qy nwmu pCwinAw ]19] (932-7)
gur kirpaa tay naam pachhaani-aa. ||19||
By Guru's Grace, he realizes the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||19||

ggn gMBIru ggnµqir vwsu ] (932-7)
gagan gambheer gagnantar vaas.
The Profound Lord dwells in the sky of the mind, the Tenth Gate;

gux gwvY suK shij invwsu ] (932-7)
gun gaavai sukh sahj nivaas.
singing His Glorious Praises, one dwells in intuitive poise and peace.

gieAw n AwvY Awie n jwie ] (932-8)
ga-i-aa na aavai aa-ay na jaa-ay.
He does not go to come, or come to go.

gur prswid rhY ilv lwie ] (932-8)
gur parsaad rahai liv laa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, he remains lovingly focused on the Lord.

ggnu AgMmu AnwQu AjonI ] (932-8)
gagan agamm anaath ajonee.
The Lord of the mind-sky is inaccessible, independent and beyond birth.

AsiQru cIqu smwiD sgonI ] (932-9)
asthir cheet samaaDh sagonee.
The most worthy Samaadhi is to keep the consciousness stable, focused on Him.

hir nwmu cyiq iPir pvih n jUnI ] (932-9)
har naam chayt fir paveh na joonee.
Remembering the Lord's Name, one is not subject to reincarnation.

gurmiq swru hor nwm ibhUnI ]20] (932-9)
gurmat saar hor naam bihoonee. ||20||
The Guru's Teachings are the most Excellent; all other ways lack the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||20||

Gr dr iPir QwkI bhuqyry ] (932-10)
ghar dar fir thaakee bahutayray.
Wandering to countless doorsteps and homes, I have grown weary.

jwiq AsMK AMq nhI myry ] (932-10)
jaat asaNkh ant nahee mayray.
My incarnations are countless, without limit.

kyqy mwq ipqw suq DIAw ] (932-10)
kaytay maat pitaa sut Dhee-aa.
I have had so many mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.

kyqy gur cyly Puin hUAw ] (932-11)
kaytay gur chaylay fun hoo-aa.
I have had so many gurus and disciples.

kwcy gur qy mukiq n hUAw ] (932-11)
kaachay gur tay mukat na hoo-aa.
Through a false guru, liberation is not found.

kyqI nwir vru eyku smwil ] (932-11)
kaytee naar var ayk samaal.
There are so many brides of the One Husband Lord - consider this.

gurmuiK mrxu jIvxu pRB nwil ] (932-11)
gurmukh maran jeevan parabh naal.
The Gurmukh dies, and lives with God.

dh ids FUiF GrY mih pwieAw ] (932-12)
dah dis dhoodh gharai meh paa-i-aa.
Searching in the ten directions, I found Him within my own home.

mylu BieAw siqgurU imlwieAw ]21] (932-12)
mayl bha-i-aa satguroo milaa-i-aa. ||21||
I have met Him; the True Guru has led me to meet Him. ||21||

gurmuiK gwvY gurmuiK bolY ] (932-13)
gurmukh gaavai gurmukh bolai.
The Gurmukh sings, and the Gurmukh speaks.

gurmuiK qoil quolwvY qolY ] (932-13)
gurmukh tol tolaavai tolai.
The Gurmukh evaluates the value of the Lord, and inspires others to evaluate Him as well.

gurmuiK AwvY jwie insMgu ] (932-13)
gurmukh aavai jaa-ay nisang.
The Gurmukh comes and goes without fear.

prhir mYlu jlwie klµku ] (932-13)
parhar mail jalaa-ay kalank.
His filth is taken away, and his stains are burnt off.

gurmuiK nwd byd bIcwru ] (932-14)
gurmukh naad bayd beechaar.
The Gurmukh contemplates the sound current of the Naad for his Vedas.

gurmuiK mjnu cju Acwru ] (932-14)
gurmukh majan chaj achaar.
The Gurmukh's cleansing bath is the performance of good deeds.

gurmuiK sbdu AMimRqu hY swru ] (932-14)
gurmukh sabad amrit hai saar.
For the Gurmukh, the Shabad is the most excellent Ambrosial Nectar.

nwnk gurmuiK pwvY pwru ]22] (932-15)
naanak gurmukh paavai paar. ||22||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh crosses over. ||22||

cMclu cIqu n rheI Twie ] (932-15)
chanchal cheet na rah-ee thaa-ay.
The fickle consciousness does not remain stable.

corI imrgu AMgUrI Kwie ] (932-15)
choree mirag angooree khaa-ay.
The deer secretly nibbles at the green sprouts.

crn kml aur Dwry cIq ] (932-16)
charan kamal ur Dhaaray cheet.
One who enshrines the Lord's lotus feet in his heart and consciousness

icru jIvnu cyqnu inq nIq ] (932-16)
chir jeevan chaytan nit neet.
lives long, always remembering the Lord.

icMqq hI dIsY sBu koie ] (932-16)
chintat hee deesai sabh ko-ay.
Everyone has worries and cares.

cyqih eyku qhI suKu hoie ] (932-16)
cheeteh ayk tahee sukh ho-ay.
He alone finds peace, who thinks of the One Lord.

iciq vsY rwcY hir nwie ] (932-17)
chit vasai raachai har naa-ay.
When the Lord dwells in the consciousness, and one is absorbed in the Lord's Name,

mukiq BieAw piq isau Gir jwie ]23] (932-17)
mukat bha-i-aa pat si-o ghar jaa-ay. ||23||
one is liberated, and returns home with honor. ||23||

CIjY dyh KulY iek gMiF ] (932-17)
chheejai dayh khulai ik gandh.
The body falls apart, when one knot is untied.

CyAw inq dyKhu jig hMiF ] (932-18)
chhay-aa nit daykhhu jag handh.
Behold, the world is on the decline; it will be totally destroyed.

DUp Cwv jy sm kir jwxY ] (932-18)
Dhoop chhaav jay sam kar jaanai.
Only one who looks alike upon sunshine and shade

bMDn kwit mukiq Gir AwxY ] (932-18)
banDhan kaat mukat ghar aanai.
has his bonds shattered; he is liberated and returns home.

CwieAw CUCI jgqu Bulwnw ] (932-19)
chhaa-i-aa chhoochhee jagat bhulaanaa.
Maya is empty and petty; she has defrauded the world.

iliKAw ikrqu Dury prvwnw ] (932-19)
likhi-aa kirat Dhuray parvaanaa.
Such destiny is pre-ordained by past actions.

CIjY jobnu jrUAw isir kwlu ] (932-19)
chheejai joban jaroo-aa sir kaal.
Youth is wasting away; old age and death hover above the head.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD