Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Ehu ibDwqw mnu qnu dyie ] (931-1)
oh biDhaataa man tan day-ay.
He is the Architect of Destiny; He blesses us with mind and body.

Ehu ibDwqw min muiK soie ] (931-1)
oh biDhaataa man mukh so-ay.
That Architect of Destiny is in my mind and mouth.

pRBu jgjIvnu Avru n koie ] (931-1)
parabh jagjeevan avar na ko-ay.
God is the Life of the world; there is no other at all.

nwnk nwim rqy piq hoie ]9] (931-2)
naanak naam ratay pat ho-ay. ||9||
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one is honored. ||9||

rwjn rwm rvY ihqkwir ] (931-2)
raajan raam ravai hitkaar.
One who lovingly chants the Name of the Sovereign Lord King,

rx mih lUJY mnUAw mwir ] (931-2)
ran meh loojhai manoo-aa maar.
fights the battle and conquers his own mind;

rwiq idnµiq rhY rMig rwqw ] (931-2)
raat dinant rahai rang raataa.
day and night, he remains imbued with the Lord's Love.

qIin Bvn jug cwry jwqw ] (931-3)
teen bhavan jug chaaray jaataa.
He is famous throughout the three worlds and the four ages.

ijin jwqw so iqs hI jyhw ] (931-3)
jin jaataa so tis hee jayhaa.
One who knows the Lord, becomes like Him.

Aiq inrmwielu sIJis dyhw ] (931-3)
at nirmaa-il seejhas dayhaa.
He becomes absolutely immaculate, and his body is sanctified.

rhsI rwmu irdY iek Bwie ] (931-4)
rahsee raam ridai ik bhaa-ay.
His heart is happy, in love with the One Lord.

AMqir sbdu swic ilv lwie ]10] (931-4)
antar sabad saach liv laa-ay. ||10||
He lovingly centers his attention deep within upon the True Word of the Shabad. ||10||

rosu n kIjY AMimRqu pIjY rhxu nhI sMswry ] (931-4)
ros na keejai amrit peejai rahan nahee sansaaray.
Don't be angry - drink in the Ambrosial Nectar; you shall not remain in this world forever.

rwjy rwie rMk nhI rhxw Awie jwie jug cwry ] (931-5)
raajay raa-ay rank nahee rahnaa aa-ay jaa-ay jug chaaray.
The ruling kings and the paupers shall not remain; they come and go, throughout the four ages.

rhx khx qy rhY n koeI iksu pih krau ibnµqI ] (931-5)
rahan kahan tay rahai na ko-ee kis peh kara-o binantee.
Everyone says that they will remain, but none of them remain; unto whom should I offer my prayer?

eyku sbdu rwm nwm inroDru guru dyvY piq mqI ]11] (931-6)
ayk sabad raam naam niroDhar gur dayvai pat matee. ||11||
The One Shabad, the Name of the Lord, will never fail you; the Guru grants honor and understanding. ||11||

lwj mrMqI mir geI GUGtu Koil clI ] (931-6)
laaj marantee mar ga-ee ghooghat khol chalee.
My shyness and hesitation have died and gone, and I walk with my face unveiled.

swsu idvwnI bwvrI isr qy sMk tlI ] (931-7)
saas divaanee baavree sir tay sank talee.
The confusion and doubt from my crazy, insane mother-in-law has been removed from over my head.

pRyim bulweI rlI isau mn mih sbdu Anµdu ] (931-7)
paraym bulaa-ee ralee si-o man meh sabad anand.
My Beloved has summoned me with joyful caresses; my mind is filled with the bliss of the Shabad.

lwil rqI lwlI BeI gurmuiK BeI inicMdu ]12] (931-8)
laal ratee laalee bha-ee gurmukh bha-ee nichind. ||12||
Imbued with the Love of my Beloved, I have become Gurmukh, and carefree. ||12||

lwhw nwmu rqnu jip swru ] (931-8)
laahaa naam ratan jap saar.
Chant the jewel of the Naam, and earn the profit of the Lord.

lbu loBu burw AhMkwru ] (931-9)
lab lobh buraa ahaNkaar.
Greed, avarice, evil and egotism;

lwVI cwVI lwieqbwru ] (931-9)
laarhee chaarhee laa-itbaar.
slander, inuendo and gossip;

mnmuKu AMDw mugDu gvwru ] (931-9)
manmukh anDhaa mugaDh gavaar.
the self-willed manmukh is blind, foolish and ignorant.

lwhy kwrix AwieAw jig ] (931-9)
laahay kaaran aa-i-aa jag.
For the sake of earning the profit of the Lord, the mortal comes into the world.

hoie mjUru gieAw Tgwie Tig ] (931-10)
ho-ay majoor ga-i-aa thagaa-ay thag.
But he becomes a mere slave laborer, and is mugged by the mugger, Maya.

lwhw nwmu pUMjI vyswhu ] (931-10)
laahaa naam poonjee vaysaahu.
One who earns the profit of the Naam, with the capital of faith,

nwnk scI piq scw pwiqswhu ]13] (931-10)
naanak sachee pat sachaa paatisaahu. ||13||
O Nanak, is truly honored by the True Supreme King. ||13||

Awie ivgUqw jgu jm pMQu ] (931-11)
aa-ay vigootaa jag jam panth.
The world is ruined on the path of Death.

AweI n mytx ko smrQu ] (931-11)
aa-ee na maytan ko samrath.
No one has the power to erase Maya's influence.

AwiQ sYl nIc Gir hoie ] (931-11)
aath sail neech ghar ho-ay.
If wealth visits the home of the lowliest clown,

AwiQ dyiK invY ijsu doie ] (931-12)
aath daykh nivai jis do-ay.
seeing that wealth, all pay their respects to him.

AwiQ hoie qw mugDu isAwnw ] (931-12)
aath ho-ay taa mugaDh si-aanaa.
Even an idiot is thought of as clever, if he is rich.

Bgiq ibhUnw jgu baurwnw ] (931-12)
bhagat bihoonaa jag ba-uraanaa.
Without devotional worship, the world is insane.

sB mih vrqY eyko soie ] (931-13)
sabh meh vartai ayko so-ay.
The One Lord is contained among all.

ijs no ikrpw kry iqsu prgtu hoie ]14] (931-13)
jis no kirpaa karay tis pargat ho-ay. ||14||
He reveals Himself, unto those whom He blesses with His Grace. ||14||

juig juig Qwip sdw inrvYru ] (931-13)
jug jug thaap sadaa nirvair.
Throughout the ages, the Lord is eternally established; He has no vengeance.

jnim mrix nhI DMDw DYru ] (931-14)
janam maran nahee DhanDhaa Dhair.
He is not subject to birth and death; He is not entangled in worldly affairs.

jo dIsY so Awpy Awip ] (931-14)
jo deesai so aapay aap.
Whatever is seen, is the Lord Himself.

Awip aupwie Awpy Gt Qwip ] (931-14)
aap upaa-ay aapay ghat thaap.
Creating Himself, He establishes Himself in the heart.

Awip Agocru DMDY loeI ] (931-15)
aap agochar DhanDhai lo-ee.
He Himself is unfathomable; He links people to their affairs.

jog jugiq jgjIvnu soeI ] (931-15)
jog jugat jagjeevan so-ee.
He is the Way of Yoga, the Life of the World.

kir Awcwru scu suKu hoeI ] (931-15)
kar aachaar sach sukh ho-ee.
Living a righteous lifestyle, true peace is found.

nwm ivhUxw mukiq ikv hoeI ]15] (931-15)
naam vihoonaa mukat kiv ho-ee. ||15||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, how can anyone find liberation? ||15||

ivxu nwvY vyroDu srIr ] (931-16)
vin naavai vayroDh sareer.
Without the Name, even one's own body is an enemy.

ikau n imlih kwtih mn pIr ] (931-16)
ki-o na mileh kaateh man peer.
Why not meet the Lord, and take away the pain of your mind?

vwt vtwaU AwvY jwie ] (931-16)
vaat vataa-oo aavai jaa-ay.
The traveller comes and goes along the highway.

ikAw ly AwieAw ikAw plY pwie ] (931-17)
ki-aa lay aa-i-aa ki-aa palai paa-ay.
What did he bring when he came, and what will he take away when he goes?

ivxu nwvY qotw sB Qwie ] (931-17)
vin naavai totaa sabh thaa-ay.
Without the Name, one loses everywhere.

lwhw imlY jw dyie buJwie ] (931-17)
laahaa milai jaa day-ay bujhaa-ay.
The profit is earned, when the Lord grants understanding.

vxju vwpwru vxjY vwpwrI ] (931-18)
vanaj vaapaar vanjai vaapaaree.
In merchandise and trade, the merchant is trading.

ivxu nwvY kYsI piq swrI ]16] (931-18)
vin naavai kaisee pat saaree. ||16||
Without the Name, how can one find honor and nobility? ||16||

gux vIcwry igAwnI soie ] (931-18)
gun veechaaray gi-aanee so-ay.
One who contemplates the Lord's Virtues is spiritually wise.

gux mih igAwnu prwpiq hoie ] (931-19)
gun meh gi-aan paraapat ho-ay.
Through His Virtues, one receives spiritual wisdom.

guxdwqw ivrlw sMswir ] (931-19)
gundaataa virlaa sansaar.
How rare in this world, is the Giver of virtue.

swcI krxI gur vIcwir ] (931-19)
saachee karnee gur veechaar.
The True way of life comes through contemplation of the Guru.

Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pwie ] (931-19)
agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ay.
The Lord is inaccessible and unfathomable. His worth cannot be estimated.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD