Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


EAMkwir sbid auDry ] (930-1)
o-ankaar sabad uDhray.
Ongkaar saves the world through the Shabad.

EAMkwir gurmuiK qry ] (930-1)
o-ankaar gurmukh taray.
Ongkaar saves the Gurmukhs.

Enm AKr suxhu bIcwru ] (930-1)
onam akhar sunhu beechaar.
Listen to the Message of the Universal, Imperishable Creator Lord.

Enm AKru iqRBvx swru ]1] (930-1)
onam akhar taribhavan saar. ||1||
The Universal, Imperishable Creator Lord is the essence of the three worlds. ||1||

suix pwfy ikAw ilKhu jMjwlw ] (930-2)
sun paaday ki-aa likhahu janjaalaa.
Listen, O Pandit, O religious scholar, why are you writing about worldly debates?

ilKu rwm nwm gurmuiK gopwlw ]1] rhwau ] (930-2)
likh raam naam gurmukh gopaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, write only the Name of the Lord, the Lord of the World. ||1||Pause||

ssY sBu jgu shij aupwieAw qIin Bvn iek joqI ] (930-3)
sasai sabh jag sahj upaa-i-aa teen bhavan ik jotee.
Sassa: He created the entire universe with ease; His One Light pervades the three worlds.

gurmuiK vsqu prwpiq hovY cuix lY mwxk moqI ] (930-3)
gurmukh vasat paraapat hovai chun lai maanak motee.
Become Gurmukh, and obtain the real thing; gather the gems and pearls.

smJY sUJY piV piV bUJY AMiq inrMqir swcw ] (930-4)
samjhai soojhai parh parh boojhai ant nirantar saachaa.
If one understands, realizes and comprehends what he reads and studies, in the end he shall realize that the True Lord dwells deep within his nucleus.

gurmuiK dyKY swcu smwly ibnu swcy jgu kwcw ]2] (930-4)
gurmukh daykhai saach samaalay bin saachay jag kaachaa. ||2||
The Gurmukh sees and contemplates the True Lord; without the True Lord, the world is false. ||2||

DDY Drmu Dry Drmw puir guxkwrI mnu DIrw ] (930-5)
DhaDhai Dharam Dharay Dharmaa pur gunkaaree man Dheeraa.
Dhadha: Those who enshrine Dharmic faith and dwell in the City of Dharma are worthy; their minds are steadfast and stable.

DDY DUil pVY muiK msqik kMcn Bey mnUrw ] (930-5)
DhaDhai Dhool parhai mukh mastak kanchan bha-ay manooraa.
Dhadha: If the dust of their feet touches one's face and forehead, he is transformed from iron into gold.

Dnu DrxIDru Awip AjonI qoil boil scu pUrw ] (930-6)
Dhan DharneeDhar aap ajonee tol bol sach pooraa.
Blessed is the Support of the Earth; He Himself is not born; His measure and speech are perfect and True.

krqy kI imiq krqw jwxY kY jwxY guru sUrw ]3] (930-6)
kartay kee mit kartaa jaanai kai jaanai gur sooraa. ||3||
Only the Creator Himself knows His own extent; He alone knows the Brave Guru. ||3||

i|Awnu gvwieAw dUjw BwieAw grib gly ibKu KwieAw ] (930-7)
nyi-aan gavaa-i-aa doojaa bhaa-i-aa garab galay bikh khaa-i-aa.
In love with duality, spiritual wisdom is lost; the mortal rots away in pride, and eats poison.

gur rsu gIq bwd nhI BwvY suxIAY gihr gMBIru gvwieAw ] (930-7)
gur ras geet baad nahee bhaavai sunee-ai gahir gambheer gavaa-i-aa.
He thinks that the sublime essence of the Guru's song is useless, and he does not like to hear it. He loses the profound, unfathomable Lord.

guir scu kihAw AMimRqu lihAw min qin swcu suKwieAw ] (930-8)
gur sach kahi-aa amrit lahi-aa man tan saach sukhaa-i-aa.
Through the Guru's Words of Truth, the Ambrosial Nectar is obtained, and the mind and body find joy in the True Lord.

Awpy gurmuiK Awpy dyvY Awpy AMimRqu pIAwieAw ]4] (930-9)
aapay gurmukh aapay dayvai aapay amrit pee-aa-i-aa. ||4||
He Himself is the Gurmukh, and He Himself bestows the Ambrosial Nectar; He Himself leads us to drink it in. ||4||

eyko eyku khY sBu koeI haumY grbu ivAwpY ] (930-9)
ayko ayk kahai sabh ko-ee ha-umai garab vi-aapai.
Everyone says that God is the One and only, but they are engrossed in egotism and pride.

AMqir bwhir eyku pCwxY ieau Gru mhlu is\wpY ] (930-10)
antar baahar ayk pachhaanai i-o ghar mahal sinjaapai.
Realize that the One God is inside and outside; understand this, that the Mansion of His Presence is within the home of your heart.

pRBu nyVY hir dUir n jwxhu eyko isRsit sbweI ] (930-10)
parabh nayrhai har door na jaanhu ayko sarisat sabaa-ee.
God is near at hand; do not think that God is far away. The One Lord permeates the entire universe.

eykMkwru Avru nhI dUjw nwnk eyku smweI ]5] (930-11)
aykankaar avar nahee doojaa naanak ayk samaa-ee. ||5||
There in One Universal Creator Lord; there is no other at all. O Nanak, merge into the One Lord. ||5||

iesu krqy kau ikau gih rwKau APirE quilE n jweI ] (930-11)
is kartay ka-o ki-o geh raakha-o afri-o tuli-o na jaa-ee.
How can you keep the Creator under your control? He cannot be seized or measured.

mwieAw ky dyvwny pRwxI JUiT TgaurI pweI ] (930-12)
maa-i-aa kay dayvaanay paraanee jhooth thag-uree paa-ee.
Maya has made the mortal insane; she has administered the poisonous drug of falsehood.

lib loiB muhqwij ivgUqy ieb qb iPir pCuqweI ] (930-12)
lab lobh muhtaaj vigootay ib tab fir pachhutaa-ee.
Addicted to greed and avarice, the mortal is ruined, and then later, he regrets and repents.

eyku sryvY qw giq imiq pwvY Awvxu jwxu rhweI ]6] (930-13)
ayk sarayvai taa gat mit paavai aavan jaan rahaa-ee. ||6||
So serve the One Lord, and attain the state of Salvation; your comings and goings shall cease. ||6||

eyku Acwru rMgu ieku rUpu ] (930-13)
ayk achaar rang ik roop.
The One Lord is in all actions, colors and forms.

paux pwxI AgnI AsrUpu ] (930-14)
pa-un paanee agnee asroop.
He manifests in many shapes through wind, water and fire.

eyko Bvru BvY iqhu loie ] (930-14)
ayko bhavar bhavai tihu lo-ay.
The One Soul wanders through the three worlds.

eyko bUJY sUJY piq hoie ] (930-14)
ayko boojhai soojhai pat ho-ay.
One who understands and comprehends the One Lord is honored.

igAwnu iDAwnu ly smsir rhY ] (930-15)
gi-aan Dhi-aan lay samsar rahai.
One who gathers in spiritual wisdom and meditation, dwells in the state of balance.

gurmuiK eyku ivrlw ko lhY ] (930-15)
gurmukh ayk virlaa ko lahai.
How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, attain the One Lord.

ijs no dyie ikrpw qy suKu pwey ] (930-15)
jis no day-ay kirpaa tay sukh paa-ay.
They alone find peace, whom the Lord blesses with His Grace.

gurU duAwrY AwiK suxwey ]7] (930-16)
guroo du-aarai aakh sunaa-ay. ||7||
In the Gurdwara, the Guru's Door, they speak and hear of the Lord. ||7||

aUrm DUrm joiq aujwlw ] (930-16)
ooram Dhooram jot ujaalaa.
His Light illuminates the ocean and the earth.

qIin Bvx mih gur gopwlw ] (930-16)
teen bhavan meh gur gopaalaa.
Throughout the three worlds, is the Guru, the Lord of the World.

aUgivAw AsrUpu idKwvY ] (930-17)
oogvi-aa asroop dikhaavai.
The Lord reveals His various forms;

kir ikrpw ApunY Gir AwvY ] (930-17)
kar kirpaa apunai ghar aavai.
granting His Grace, He enters the home of the heart.

aUniv brsY nIJr Dwrw ] (930-17)
oonav barsai neejhar Dhaaraa.
The clouds hang low, and the rain is pouring down.

aUqm sbid svwrxhwrw ] (930-18)
ootam sabad savaaranhaaraa.
The Lord embellishes and exalts with the Sublime Word of the Shabad.

iesu eyky kw jwxY Byau ] (930-18)
is aykay kaa jaanai bhay-o.
One who knows the mystery of the One God,

Awpy krqw Awpy dyau ]8] (930-18)
aapay kartaa aapay day-o. ||8||
is Himself the Creator, Himself the Divine Lord. ||8||

augvY sUru Asur sMGwrY ] (930-18)
ugvai soor asur sanghaarai.
When the sun rises, the demons are slain;

aUcau dyiK sbid bIcwrY ] (930-19)
oocha-o daykh sabad beechaarai.
the mortal looks upwards, and contemplates the Shabad.

aUpir Awid AMiq iqhu loie ] (930-19)
oopar aad ant tihu lo-ay.
The Lord is beyond the beginning and the end, beyond the three worlds.

Awpy krY kQY suxY soie ] (930-19)
aapay karai kathai sunai so-ay.
He Himself acts, speaks and listens.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD