Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swD pTwey Awip hir hm qum qy nwhI dUir ] (929-1)
saaDh pathaa-ay aap har ham tum tay naahee door.
The Lord Himself sent His Holy Saints, to tell us that He is not far away.

nwnk BRm BY imit gey rmx rwm BrpUir ]2] (929-1)
naanak bharam bhai mit ga-ay raman raam bharpoor. ||2||
O Nanak, doubt and fear are dispelled, chanting the Name of the all-pervading Lord. ||2||

CMqu ] (929-2)

ruiq issIAr sIql hir pRgty mMGr poih jIau ] (929-2)
rut sisee-ar seetal har pargatay manghar pohi jee-o.
In the cold season of Maghar and Poh, the Lord reveals Himself.

jlin buJI drsu pwieAw ibnsy mwieAw DRoh jIau ] (929-3)
jalan bujhee daras paa-i-aa binsay maa-i-aa Dharoh jee-o.
My burning desires were quenched, when I obtained the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; the fraudulent illusion of Maya is gone.

siB kwm pUry imil hjUry hir crx syvik syivAw ] (929-3)
sabh kaam pooray mil hajooray har charan sayvak sayvi-aa.
All my desires have been fulfilled, meeting the Lord face-to-face; I am His servant, I serve at His feet.

hwr for sIgwr siB rs gux gwau AlK AByivAw ] (929-4)
haar dor seegaar sabh ras gun gaa-o alakh abhayvi-aa.
My necklaces, hair-ties, all decorations and adornments, are in singing the Glorious Praises of the unseen, mysterious Lord.

Bwau Bgiq goivMd bWCq jmu n swkY joih jIau ] (929-4)
bhaa-o bhagat govind baaNchhat jam na saakai johi jee-o.
I long for loving devotion to the Lord of the Universe, and so the Messenger of Death cannot even see me.

ibnvMiq nwnk pRiB Awip mylI qh n pRym ibCoh jIau ]6] (929-5)
binvant naanak parabh aap maylee tah na paraym bichhoh jee-o. ||6||
Prays Nanak, God has united me with Himself; I shall never suffer separation from my Beloved again. ||6||

slok ] (929-5)

hir Dnu pwieAw sohwgxI folq nwhI cIq ] (929-5)
har Dhan paa-i-aa sohaaganee dolat naahee cheet.
The happy soul bride has found the wealth of the Lord; her consciousness does not waver.

sMq sMjogI nwnkw igRih pRgty pRB mIq ]1] (929-6)
sant sanjogee naankaa garihi pargatay parabh meet. ||1||
Joining together with the Saints, O Nanak, God, my Friend, has revealed Himself in my home. ||1||

nwd ibnod Anµd kof ipRA pRIqm sMig bny ] (929-6)
naad binod anand kod pari-a pareetam sang banay.
With her Beloved Husband Lord, she enjoys millions of melodies, pleasures and joys.

mn bWCq Pl pwieAw hir nwnk nwm Bny ]2] (929-7)
man baaNchhat fal paa-i-aa har naanak naam bhanay. ||2||
The fruits of the mind's desires are obtained, O Nanak, chanting the Lord's Name. ||2||

CMqu ] (929-7)

ihmkr ruiq min BwvqI mwGu Pgxu guxvMq jIau ] (929-7)
himkar rut man bhaavtee maagh fagan gunvant jee-o.
The snowy winter season, the months of Maagh and Phagun, are pleasing and ennobling to the mind.

sKI shylI gwau mMglo igRih Awey hir kMq jIau ] (929-8)
sakhee sahaylee gaa-o manglo garihi aa-ay har kant jee-o.
O my friends and companions, sing the songs of joy; my Husband Lord has come into my home.

igRih lwl Awey min iDAwey syj suMdir sohIAw ] (929-9)
garihi laal aa-ay man Dhi-aa-ay sayj sundar sohee-aa.
My Beloved has come into my home; I meditate on Him in my mind. The bed of my heart is beautifully adorned.

vxu iqRxu iqRBvx Bey hirAw dyiK drsn mohIAw ] (929-9)
van tarin taribhavan bha-ay hari-aa daykh darsan mohee-aa.
The woods, the meadows and the three worlds have blossomed forth in their greenery; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, I am fascinated.

imly suAwmI ieC puMnI min jipAw inrml mMq jIau ] (929-10)
milay su-aamee ichh punnee man japi-aa nirmal mant jee-o.
I have met my Lord and Master, and my desires are fulfilled; my mind chants His Immaculate Mantra.

ibnvMiq nwnk inq krhu rlIAw hir imly sRIDr kMq jIau ]7] (929-10)
binvant naanak nit karahu ralee-aa har milay sareeDhar kant jee-o. ||7||
Prays Nanak, I celebrate continuously; I have met my Husband Lord, the Lord of excellence. ||7||

slok ] (929-11)

sMq shweI jIA ky Bvjl qwrxhwr ] (929-11)
sant sahaa-ee jee-a kay bhavjal taaranhaar.
The Saints are the helpers, the support of the soul; they carry us cross the terrifying world-ocean.

sB qy aUcy jwxIAih nwnk nwm ipAwr ]1] (929-11)
sabh tay oochay jaanee-ahi naanak naam pi-aar. ||1||
Know that they are the highest of all; O Nanak, they love the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

ijn jwinAw syeI qry sy sUry sy bIr ] (929-12)
jin jaani-aa say-ee taray say sooray say beer.
Those who know Him, cross over; they are the brave heroes, the heroic warriors.

nwnk iqn bilhwrxY hir jip auqry qIr ]2] (929-12)
naanak tin balihaarnai har jap utray teer. ||2||
Nanak is a sacrifice to those who meditate on the Lord, and cross over to the other shore. ||2||

CMqu ] (929-13)

crx ibrwijq sB aUpry imitAw sgl klysu jIau ] (929-13)
charan biraajit sabh oopray miti-aa sagal kalays jee-o.
His feet are exalted above all. They eradicate all suffering.

Awvx jwvx duK hry hir Bgiq kIAw prvysu jIau ] (929-14)
aavan jaavan dukh haray har bhagat kee-aa parvays jee-o.
They destroy the pains of coming and going. They bring loving devotion to the Lord.

hir rMig rwqy shij mwqy iqlu n mn qy bIsrY ] (929-14)
har rang raatay sahj maatay til na man tay beesrai.
Imbued with the Lord's Love, one is intoxicated with intuitive peace and poise, and does not forget the Lord from his mind, even for an instant.

qij Awpu srxI pry crnI srb gux jgdIsrY ] (929-15)
taj aap sarnee paray charnee sarab gun jagdeesrai.
Shedding my self-conceit, I have entered the Sanctuary of His Feet; all virtues rest in the Lord of the Universe.

goivMd gux iniD sRIrMg suAwmI Awid kau Awdysu jIau ] (929-15)
govind gun niDh sareerang su-aamee aad ka-o aadays jee-o.
I bow in humility to the Lord of the Universe, the treasure of virtue, the Lord of excellence, our Primal Lord and Master.

ibnvMiq nwnk mieAw Dwrhu jugu jugo iek vysu jIau ]8]1]6]8] (929-16)
binvant naanak ma-i-aa Dhaarahu jug jugo ik vays jee-o. ||8||1||6||8||
Prays Nanak, shower me with Your Mercy, Lord; throughout the ages, You take the same form. ||8||1||6||8||

rwmklI mhlw 1 dKxI EAMkwru (929-17)
raamkalee mehlaa 1 dakh-nee o-ankaar
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Dakhanee, Ongkaar:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (929-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

EAMkwir bRhmw auqpiq ] (929-18)
o-ankaar barahmaa utpat.
From Ongkaar, the One Universal Creator God, Brahma was created.

EAMkwru kIAw ijin iciq ] (929-18)
o-ankaar kee-aa jin chit.
He kept Ongkaar in his consciousness.

EAMkwir sYl jug Bey ] (929-18)
o-ankaar sail jug bha-ay.
From Ongkaar, the mountains and the ages were created.

EAMkwir byd inrmey ] (929-18)
o-ankaar bayd nirma-ay.
Ongkaar created the Vedas.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD