Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


suMdru suGVu sujwxu byqw gux goivMd AmuilAw ] (928-1)
sundar sugharh sujaan baytaa gun govind amuli-aa.
The Lord of the Universe is beautiful, proficient, wise and all-knowing;

vfBwig pwieAw duKu gvwieAw BeI pUrn Aws jIau ] (928-1)
vadbhaag paa-i-aa dukh gavaa-i-aa bha-ee pooran aas jee-o.
His Virtues are priceless. By great good fortune, I have found Him; my pain is dispelled, and my hopes are fulfilled.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix qyrI imtI jm kI qRws jIau ]2] (928-2)
binvant naanak saran tayree mitee jam kee taraas jee-o. ||2||
Prays Nanak, I have entered Your Sanctuary, Lord, and my fear of death is eradicated. ||2||

slok ] (928-2)

swDsMgiq ibnu BRim mueI krqI krm Anyk ] (928-3)
saaDhsangat bin bharam mu-ee kartee karam anayk.
Without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one dies wandering around in confusion, performing all sorts of rituals.

koml bMDn bwDIAw nwnk krmih lyK ]1] (928-3)
komal banDhan baaDhee-aa naanak karmeh laykh. ||1||
O Nanak, all are bound by the attractive bonds of Maya, and the karmic record of past actions. ||1||

jo Bwxy sy myilAw ivCoVy BI Awip ] (928-3)
jo bhaanay say mayli-aa vichhorhay bhee aap.
Those who are pleasing to God are united with Him; He separates others from Himself.

nwnk pRB srxwgqI jw kw vf prqwpu ]2] (928-4)
naanak parabh sarnaagatee jaa kaa vad partaap. ||2||
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of God; His greatness is glorious! ||2||

CMqu ] (928-4)

gRIKm ruiq Aiq gwKVI jyT AKwVY Gwm jIau ] (928-4)
gareekham rut at gaakh-rhee jayth akhaarhai ghaam jee-o.
In the summer season, in the months of Jayt'h and Asaarh, the heat is terrible, intense and severe.

pRym ibCohu duhwgxI idRsit n krI rwm jIau ] (928-5)
paraym bichhohu duhaaganee darisat na karee raam jee-o.
The discarded bride is separated from His Love, and the Lord does not even look at her.

nh idRsit AwvY mrq hwvY mhw gwrib muTIAw ] (928-5)
nah darisat aavai marat haavai mahaa gaarab muthee-aa.
She does not see her Lord, and she dies with an aching sigh; she is defrauded and plundered by her great pride.

jl bwJu mCulI qVPVwvY sMig mwieAw ruTIAw ] (928-6)
jal baajh machhulee tarhfarhaavai sang maa-i-aa ruthee-aa.
She flails around, like a fish out of water; attached to Maya, she is alienated from the Lord.

kir pwp jonI BY BIq hoeI dyie swsn jwm jIau ] (928-7)
kar paap jonee bhai bheet ho-ee day-ay saasan jaam jee-o.
She sins, and so she is fearful of reincarnation; the Messenger of Death will surely punish her.

ibnvMiq nwnk Et qyrI rwKu pUrn kwm jIau ]3] (928-7)
binvant naanak ot tayree raakh pooran kaam jee-o. ||3||
Prays Nanak, take me under Your sheltering support, Lord, and protect me; You are the Fulfiller of desire. ||3||

slok ] (928-8)

srDw lwgI sMig pRIqmY ieku iqlu rhxu n jwie ] (928-8)
sarDhaa laagee sang pareetamai ik til rahan na jaa-ay.
With loving faith, I am attached to my Beloved; I cannot survive without Him, even for an instant.

mn qn AMqir riv rhy nwnk shij suBwie ]1] (928-8)
man tan antar rav rahay naanak sahj subhaa-ay. ||1||
He is permeating and pervading my mind and body, O Nanak, with intuitive ease. ||1||

kru gih lInI swjnih jnm jnm ky mIq ] (928-9)
kar geh leenee saajniH janam janam kay meet.
My Friend has taken me by the hand; He has been my best friend, lifetime after lifetime.

crnh dwsI kir leI nwnk pRB ihq cIq ]2] (928-9)
charnah daasee kar la-ee naanak parabh hit cheet. ||2||
He has made me the slave of His feet; O Nanak, my consciousness is filled with love for God. ||2||

CMqu ] (928-10)

ruiq brsu suhylIAw swvx Bwdvy Awnµd jIau ] (928-10)
rut baras suhaylee-aa saavan bhaadvay aanand jee-o.
The rainy season is beautiful; the months of Saawan and Bhaadon bring bliss.

Gx auniv vuTy jl Ql pUirAw mkrMd jIau ] (928-10)
ghan unav vuthay jal thal poori-aa makrand jee-o.
The clouds are low, and heavy with rain; the waters and the lands are filled with honey.

pRBu pUir rihAw srb TweI hir nwm nv iniD igRh Bry ] (928-11)
parabh poor rahi-aa sarab thaa-ee har naam nav niDh garih bharay.
God is all-pervading everywhere; the nine treasures of the Lord's Name fill the homes of all hearts.

ismir suAwmI AMqrjwmI kul smUhw siB qry ] (928-11)
simar su-aamee antarjaamee kul samoohaa sabh taray.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord and Master, the Searcher of hearts, all one's ancestry is saved.

ipRA rMig jwgy nh iCdR lwgy ik®pwlu sd bKisMdu jIau ] (928-12)
pari-a rang jaagay nah chhidar laagay kirpaal sad bakhsind jee-o.
No blemish sticks to that being who remains awake and aware in the Love of the Lord; the Merciful Lord is forever forgiving.

ibnvMiq nwnk hir kMqu pwieAw sdw min BwvMdu jIau ]4] (928-13)
binvant naanak har kant paa-i-aa sadaa man bhaavand jee-o. ||4||
Prays Nanak, I have found my Husband Lord, who is forever pleasing to my mind. ||4||

slok ] (928-13)

Aws ipAwsI mY iPrau kb pyKau gopwl ] (928-13)
aas pi-aasee mai fira-o kab paykha-o gopaal.
Thirsty with desire, I wander around; when will I behold the Lord of the World?

hY koeI swjnu sMq jnu nwnk pRB mylxhwr ]1] (928-14)
hai ko-ee saajan sant jan naanak parabh maylanhaar. ||1||
Is there any humble Saint, any friend, O Nanak, who can lead me to meet with God? ||1||

ibnu imlby sWiq n aUpjY iqlu plu rhxu n jwie ] (928-14)
bin milbay saaNt na oopjai til pal rahan na jaa-ay.
Without meeting Him, I have no peace or tranquility; I cannot survive for a moment, even for an instant.

hir swDh srxwgqI nwnk Aws pujwie ]2] (928-15)
har saaDhah sarnaagatee naanak aas pujaa-ay. ||2||
Entering the Sanctuary of the Lord's Holy Saints, O Nanak, my desires are fulfilled. ||2||

CMqu ] (928-15)

ruiq srd AfMbro AsU kqky hir ipAws jIau ] (928-15)
rut sarad adambaro asoo katkay har pi-aas jee-o.
In the cool, autumn season, in the months of Assu and Katik, I am thirsty for the Lord.

KojMqI drsnu iPrq kb imlIAY guxqws jIau ] (928-16)
khojantee darsan firat kab milee-ai guntaas jee-o.
Searching for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, I wander around wondering, when will I meet my Lord, the treasure of virtue?

ibnu kMq ipAwry nh sUK swry hwr kM|x iDRgu bnw ] (928-16)
bin kant pi-aaray nah sookh saaray haar kanyan Dharig banaa.
Without my Beloved Husband Lord, I find no peace, and all my necklaces and bracelets become cursed.

suMdir sujwix cquir byqI sws ibnu jYsy qnw ] (928-17)
sundar sujaan chatur baytee saas bin jaisay tanaa.
So beautiful, so wise, so clever and knowing; still, without the breath, it is just a body.

eIq auq dh ids Alokn min imln kI pRB ipAws jIau ] (928-17)
eet ut dah dis alokan man milan kee parabh pi-aas jee-o.
I look here and there, in the ten directions; my mind is so thirsty to meet God!

ibnvMiq nwnk Dwir ikrpw mylhu pRB guxqws jIau ]5] (928-18)
binvant naanak Dhaar kirpaa maylhu parabh guntaas jee-o. ||5||
Prays Nanak, shower Your Mercy upon me; unite me with Yourself, O God, O treasure of virtue. ||5||

slok ] (928-19)

jlix buJI sIql Bey min qin aupjI sWiq ] (928-19)
jalan bujhee seetal bha-ay man tan upjee saaNt.
The fire of desire is cooled and quenched; my mind and body are filled with peace and tranquility.

nwnk pRB pUrn imly duqIAw ibnsI BRWiq ]1] (928-19)
naanak parabh pooran milay dutee-aa binsee bharaaNt. ||1||
O Nanak, I have met my Perfect God; the illusion of duality is dispelled. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD