Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iek Et kIjY jIau dIjY Aws iek DrxIDrY ] (927-1)
ik ot keejai jee-o deejai aas ik DharneeDharai.
Seek the Support of the One Lord, and surrender your soul to Him; place your hopes only in the Sustainer of the World.

swDsMgy hir nwm rMgy sMswru swgru sBu qrY ] (927-1)
saaDhsangay har naam rangay sansaar saagar sabh tarai.
Those who are imbued with the Lord's Name, in the Saadh Sangat, cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

jnm mrx ibkwr CUty iPir n lwgY dwgu jIau ] (927-2)
janam maran bikaar chhootay fir na laagai daag jee-o.
The corrupting sins of birth and death are eradicated, and no stain ever sticks to them again.

bil jwie nwnku purK pUrn iQru jw kw sohwgu jIau ]3] (927-2)
bal jaa-ay naanak purakh pooran thir jaa kaa sohaag jee-o. ||3||
Nanak is a sacrifice to the Perfect Primal Lord; His marriage is eternal. ||3||

sloku ] (927-3)

Drm ArQ Aru kwm moK mukiq pdwrQ nwQ ] (927-3)
Dharam arath ar kaam mokh mukat padaarath naath.
Righteous faith, wealth, sexual success and salvation; the Lord bestows these four blessings.

sgl mnorQ pUirAw nwnk iliKAw mwQ ]1] (927-4)
sagal manorath poori-aa naanak likhi-aa maath. ||1||
One who has such pre-ordained destiny upon his forehead, O Nanak, has all his desires fulfilled. ||1||

CMqu ] (927-4)

sgl ieC myrI puMnIAw imilAw inrMjn rwie jIau ] (927-4)
sagal ichh mayree punnee-aa mili-aa niranjan raa-ay jee-o.
All my desires are fulfilled, meeting with my Immaculate, Sovereign Lord.

Andu BieAw vfBwgIho igRih pRgty pRB Awie jIau ] (927-5)
anad bha-i-aa vadbhaageeho garihi pargatay parabh aa-ay jee-o.
I am in ecstasy, O very fortunate ones; the Dear Lord has become manifest in my own home.

igRih lwl Awey purib kmwey qw kI aupmw ikAw gxw ] (927-5)
garihi laal aa-ay purab kamaa-ay taa kee upmaa ki-aa ganaa.
My Beloved has come to my home, because of my past actions; how can I count His Glories?

byAMq pUrn suK shj dwqw kvn rsnw gux Bxw ] (927-6)
bay-ant pooran sukh sahj daataa kavan rasnaa gun bhanaa.
The Lord, the Giver of peace and intuition, is infinite and perfect; with what tongue can I describe His Glorious Virtues?

Awpy imlwey gih kMiT lwey iqsu ibnw nhI jwie jIau ] (927-6)
aapay milaa-ay geh kanth laa-ay tis binaa nahee jaa-ay jee-o.
He hugs me close in His embrace, and merges me into Himself; there is no place of rest other than Him.

bil jwie nwnku sdw krqy sB mih rihAw smwie jIau ]4]4] (927-7)
bal jaa-ay naanak sadaa kartay sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ay jee-o. ||4||4||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the Creator, who is contained in, and permeating all. ||4||4||

rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (927-8)
raag raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raag Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

rx JuMJnVw gwau sKI hir eyku iDAwvhu ] (927-8)
ran jhunjhnarhaa gaa-o sakhee har ayk Dhi-aavahu.
Sing the melodious harmonies, O my companions, and meditate on the One Lord.

siqguru qum syiv sKI min icMidAVw Plu pwvhu ] (927-9)
satgur tum sayv sakhee man chindi-arhaa fal paavhu.
Serve your True Guru, O my companions, and you shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires.

rwmklI mhlw 5 ruqI sloku (927-10)
raamkalee mehlaa 5 rutee salok
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Ruti ~ The Seasons. Shalok:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (927-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

kir bMdn pRB pwrbRhm bwCau swDh DUir ] (927-11)
kar bandan parabh paarbarahm baachha-o saaDhah Dhoor.
Bow to the Supreme Lord God, and seek the dust of the feet of the Holy.

Awpu invwir hir hir Bjau nwnk pRB BrpUir ]1] (927-11)
aap nivaar har har bhaja-o naanak parabh bharpoor. ||1||
Cast out your self-conceit, and vibrate, meditate, on the Lord, Har, Har. O Nanak, God is all-pervading. ||1||

iklivK kwtx BY hrx suK swgr hir rwie ] (927-12)
kilvikh kaatan bhai haran sukh saagar har raa-ay.
He is the Eradicator of sins, the Destroyer of fear, the Ocean of peace, the Sovereign Lord King.

dIn dieAwl duK BMjno nwnk nIq iDAwie ]2] (927-12)
deen da-i-aal dukh bhanjno naanak neet Dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
Merciful to the meek, the Destroyer of pain: O Nanak, always meditate on Him. ||2||

CMqu ] (927-13)

jsu gwvhu vfBwgIho kir ikrpw BgvMq jIau ] (927-13)
jas gaavhu vadbhaageeho kar kirpaa bhagvant jee-o.
Sing His Praises, O very fortunate ones, and the Dear Lord God shall bless you with His Mercy.

ruqI mwh mUrq GVI gux aucrq soBwvMq jIau ] (927-13)
rutee maah moorat gharhee gun uchrat sobhaavant jee-o.
Blessed and auspicious is that season, that month, that moment, that hour, when you chant the Lord's Glorious Praises.

gux rMig rwqy DMin qy jn ijnI iek min iDAwieAw ] (927-14)
gun rang raatay Dhan tay jan jinee ik man Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Blessed are those humble beings, who are imbued with love for His Praises, and who meditate single-mindedly on Him.

sPl jnmu BieAw iqn kw ijnI so pRBu pwieAw ] (927-14)
safal janam bha-i-aa tin kaa jinee so parabh paa-i-aa.
Their lives become fruitful, and they find that Lord God.

puMn dwn n quil ikirAw hir srb pwpw hMq jIau ] (927-15)
punn daan na tul kiri-aa har sarab paapaa hant jee-o.
Donations to charities and religious rituals are not equal to meditation on the Lord, who destroys all sins.

ibnvMiq nwnk ismir jIvw jnm mrx rhMq jIau ]1] (927-15)
binvant naanak simar jeevaa janam maran rahant jee-o. ||1||
Prays Nanak, meditating in remembrance on Him, I live; birth and death are finished for me. ||1||

slok ] (927-16)

audmu Agmu Agocro crn kml nmskwr ] (927-16)
udam agam agocharo charan kamal namaskaar.
Strive for the inaccessible and unfathomable Lord, and bow in humility to His lotus feet.

kQnI sw quDu BwvsI nwnk nwm ADwr ]1] (927-17)
kathnee saa tuDh bhaavsee naanak naam aDhaar. ||1||
O Nanak, that sermon alone is pleasing to You, Lord, which inspires us to take the Support of the Name. ||1||

sMq srix swjn prhu suAwmI ismir Anµq ] (927-17)
sant saran saajan parahu su-aamee simar anant.
Seek the Sanctuary of the Saints, O friends; meditate in remembrance on your infinite Lord and Master.

sUky qy hirAw QIAw nwnk jip BgvMq ]2] (927-18)
sookay tay hari-aa thee-aa naanak jap bhagvant. ||2||
The dried branch shall blossom forth in its greenery again, O Nanak, meditating on the Lord God. ||2||

CMqu ] (927-18)

ruiq srs bsMq mwh cyqu vYswK suK mwsu jIau ] (927-18)
rut saras basant maah chayt vaisaakh sukh maas jee-o.
The season of spring is delightful; the months of Chayt and Baisaakhi are the most pleasant months.

hir jIau nwhu imilAw mauilAw mnu qnu swsu jIau ] (927-19)
har jee-o naahu mili-aa ma-oli-aa man tan saas jee-o.
I have obtained the Dear Lord as my Husband, and my mind, body and breath have blossomed forth.

Gir nwhu inhclu Andu sKIey crn kml pRPuilAw ] (927-19)
ghar naahu nihchal anad sakhee-ay charan kamal parfuli-aa.
The eternal, unchanging Lord has come into my home as my Husband, O my companions; dwelling upon His lotus feet, I blossom forth in bliss.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD