Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (925-1)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee Fifth Mehl:

hir hir iDAwie mnw iKnu n ivswrIAY ] (925-1)
har har Dhi-aa-ay manaa khin na visaaree-ai.
Meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, O mind; don't forget Him, even for an instant.

rwm rwmw rwm rmw kMiT aur DwrIAY ] (925-2)
raam raamaa raam ramaa kanth ur Dhaaree-ai.
Enshrine the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam, Raam, within your heart and throat.

aur Dwir hir hir purKu pUrnu pwrbRhmu inrMjno ] (925-2)
ur Dhaar har har purakh pooran paarbarahm niranjano.
Enshrine within your heart the Primal Lord, Har, Har, the all-pervading, supreme, immaculate Lord God.

BY dUir krqw pwp hrqw dush duK Bv KMfno ] (925-3)
bhai door kartaa paap hartaa dusah dukh bhav khandno.
He sends fear far away; He is the Destroyer of sin; He eradicates the unbearable pains of the terrifying world-ocean.

jgdIs eIs guopwl mwDo gux goivMd vIcwrIAY ] (925-3)
jagdees ees gopaal maaDho gun govind veechaaree-ai.
Contemplate the Lord of the World, the Cherisher of the World, the Lord, the Virtuous Lord of the Universe.

ibnvMiq nwnk imil sMig swDU idnsu rYix icqwrIAY ]1] (925-4)
binvant naanak mil sang saaDhoo dinas rain chitaaree-ai. ||1||
Prays Nanak, joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, remember the Lord, day and night. ||1||

crn kml AwDwru jn kw Awsrw ] (925-4)
charan kamal aaDhaar jan kaa aasraa.
His lotus feet are the support and anchor of His humble servants.

mwlu imlK BMfwr nwmu Anµq Drw ] (925-5)
maal milakh bhandaar naam anant Dharaa.
He takes the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord, as his wealth, property and treasure.

nwmu nrhr inDwnu ijn kY rs Bog eyk nrwiexw ] (925-5)
naam narhar niDhaan jin kai ras bhog ayk naraa-inaa.
Those who have the treasure of the Lord's Name, enjoy the taste of the One Lord.

rs rUp rMg Anµq bITl swis swis iDAwiexw ] (925-5)
ras roop rang anant beethal saas saas Dhi-aa-inaa.
They meditate on the Infinite Lord with each and every breath, as their pleasure, joy and beauty.

iklivK hrxw nwm punhcrxw nwmu jm kI qRws hrw ] (925-6)
kilvikh harnaa naam punehcharnaa naam jam kee taraas haraa.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Destroyer of sins, the only deed of redemption. The Naam drives out the fear of the Messenger of Death.

ibnvMiq nwnk rwis jn kI crn kmlh Awsrw ]2] (925-7)
binvant naanak raas jan kee charan kamlah aasraa. ||2||
Prays Nanak, the support of His lotus feet is the capital of His humble servant. ||2||

gux byAMq suAwmI qyry koie n jwneI ] (925-7)
gun bay-ant su-aamee tayray ko-ay na jaan-ee.
Your Glorious Virtues are endless, O my Lord and Master; no one knows them all.

dyiK clq dieAwl suix Bgq vKwneI ] (925-8)
daykh chalat da-i-aal sun bhagat vakhaana-ee.
Seeing and hearing of Your wondrous plays, O Merciful Lord, Your devotees narrate them.

jIA jMq siB quJu iDAwvih purKpiq prmysrw ] (925-8)
jee-a jant sabh tujh Dhi-aavahi purakhpat parmaysraa.
All beings and creatures meditate on You, O Primal Transcendent Lord, Master of men.

srb jwick eyku dwqw kruxw mY jgdIsrw ] (925-9)
sarab jaachik ayk daataa karunaa mai jagdeesraa.
All beings are beggars; You are the One Giver, O Lord of the Universe, Embodiment of mercy.

swDU sMqu sujwxu soeI ijsih pRB jI mwneI ] (925-9)
saaDhoo sant sujaan so-ee jisahi parabh jee maana-ee.
He alone is holy, a Saint, a truly wise person, who is accepted by the Dear Lord.

ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw soie quJih pCwneI ]3] (925-10)
binvant naanak karahu kirpaa so-ay tujheh pachhaana-ee. ||3||
Prays Nanak, they alone realize You, unto whom You show Mercy. ||3||

moih inrgux AnwQu srxI AwieAw ] (925-10)
mohi nirgun anaath sarnee aa-i-aa.
I am unworthy and without any master; I seek Your Sanctuary, Lord.

bil bil bil gurdyv ijin nwmu idRVwieAw ] (925-11)
bal bal bal gurdayv jin naam drirh-aa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Divine Guru, who has implanted the Naam within me.

guir nwmu dIAw kuslu QIAw srb ieCw puMnIAw ] (925-11)
gur naam dee-aa kusal thee-aa sarab ichhaa punnee-aa.
The Guru blessed me with the Naam; happiness came, and all my desires were fulfilled.

jlny buJweI sWiq AweI imly icrI ivCuMinAw ] (925-12)
jalnay bujhaa-ee saaNt aa-ee milay chiree vichhunni-aa.
The fire of desire has been quenched, and peace and tranquility have come; after such a long separation, I have met my Lord again.

Awnµd hrK shj swcy mhw mMgl gux gwieAw ] (925-12)
aanand harakh sahj saachay mahaa mangal gun gaa-i-aa.
I have found ecstasy, pleasure and true intuitive poise, singing the great glories, the song of bliss of the Lord.

ibnvMiq nwnk nwmu pRB kw gur pUry qy pwieAw ]4]2] (925-13)
binvant naanak naam parabh kaa gur pooray tay paa-i-aa. ||4||2||
Prays Nanak, I have obtained the Name of God from the Perfect Guru. ||4||2||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (925-13)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

rux Juxo sbdu Anwhdu inq auiT gweIAY sMqn kY ] (925-14)
run jhuno sabad anaahad nit uth gaa-ee-ai santan kai.
Rise early each morning, and with the Saints, sing the melodious harmony, the unstruck sound current of the Shabad.

iklivK siB doK ibnwsnu hir nwmu jpIAY gur mMqn kY ] (925-14)
kilvikh sabh dokh binaasan har naam japee-ai gur mantan kai.
All sins and sufferings are erased, chanting the Lord's Name, under Guru's Instructions.

hir nwmu lIjY Aimau pIjY rYix idnsu ArwDIAY ] (925-15)
har naam leejai ami-o peejai rain dinas araaDhee-ai.
Dwell upon the Lord's Name, and drink in the Nectar; day and night, worship and adore Him.

jog dwn Anyk ikirAw lig crx kmlh swDIAY ] (925-15)
jog daan anayk kiri-aa lag charan kamlah saaDhee-ai.
The merits of Yoga, charity and religious rituals are obtained by grasping His lotus feet.

Bwau Bgiq dieAwl mohn dUK sgly prhrY ] (925-16)
bhaa-o bhagat da-i-aal mohan dookh saglay parharai.
Loving devotion to the merciful, enticing Lord takes away all pain.

ibnvMiq nwnk qrY swgru iDAwie suAwmI nrhrY ]1] (925-16)
binvant naanak tarai saagar Dhi-aa-ay su-aamee narharai. ||1||
Prays Nanak, cross over the world-ocean, meditating on the Lord, your Lord and Master. ||1||

suK swgr goibMd ismrxu Bgq gwvih gux qyry rwm ] (925-17)
sukh saagar gobind simran bhagat gaavahi gun tayray raam.
Meditation on the Lord of the Universe is an ocean of peace; Your devotees sing Your Glorious Praises, Lord.

And mMgl gur crxI lwgy pwey sUK Gnyry rwm ] (925-18)
anad mangal gur charnee laagay paa-ay sookh ghanayray raam.
Ecstasy, bliss and great happiness are obtained by grasping hold of the Guru's feet.

suK inDwnu imilAw dUK hirAw ik®pw kir pRiB rwiKAw ] (925-18)
sukh niDhaan mili-aa dookh hari-aa kirpaa kar parabh raakhi-aa.
Meeting with the treasure of peace, their pains are taken away; granting His Grace, God protects them.

hir crx lwgw BRmu Bau Bwgw hir nwmu rsnw BwiKAw ] (925-19)
har charan laagaa bharam bha-o bhaagaa har naam rasnaa bhaakhi-aa.
Those who grasp the Lord's feet - their fears and doubts run away, and they chant the Name of the Lord.

hir eyku icqvY pRBu eyku gwvY hir eyku idRstI AwieAw ] (925-19)
har ayk chitvai parabh ayk gaavai har ayk daristee aa-i-aa.
He thinks of the One Lord, and he sings of the One God; he gazes upon the One Lord alone.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD