Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


siqguru purKu ij boilAw gurisKw mMin leI rjwie jIau ] (924-1)
satgur purakh je boli-aa gursikhaa man la-ee rajaa-ay jee-o.
And as the True Guru, the Primal Lord spoke, and the Gursikhs obeyed His Will.

mohrI puqu snmuKu hoieAw rwmdwsY pYrI pwie jIau ] (924-2)
mohree put sanmukh ho-i-aa raamdaasai pairee paa-ay jee-o.
His son Mohri turned sunmukh, and become obedient to Him; he bowed, and touched Ram Das' feet.

sB pvY pYrI siqgurU kyrI ijQY gurU Awpu riKAw ] (924-2)
sabh pavai pairee satguroo kayree jithai guroo aap rakhi-aa.
Then, everyone bowed and touched the feet of Ram Das, into whom the Guru infused His essence.

koeI kir bKIlI invY nwhI iPir siqgurU Awix invwieAw ] (924-3)
ko-ee kar bakheelee nivai naahee fir satguroo aan nivaa-i-aa.
And any that did not bow then because of envy - later, the True Guru brought them around to bow in humility.

hir gurih Bwxw dIeI vifAweI Duir iliKAw lyKu rjwie jIau ] (924-3)
har gureh bhaanaa dee-ee vadi-aa-ee Dhur likhi-aa laykh rajaa-ay jee-o.
It pleased the Guru, the Lord, to bestow glorious greatness upon Him; such was the pre-ordained destiny of the Lord's Will.

khY suMdru suxhu sMqhu sBu jgqu pYrI pwie jIau ]6]1] (924-4)
kahai sundar sunhu santahu sabh jagat pairee paa-ay jee-o. ||6||1||
Says Sundar, listen, O Saints: all the world fell at His feet. ||6||1||

rwmklI mhlw 5 CMq (924-6)
raamkalee mehlaa 5 chhant
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (924-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

swjnVw myrw swjnVw inkit KloieAVw myrw swjnVw ] (924-6)
saajanrhaa mayraa saajanrhaa nikat khalo-i-arhaa mayraa saajanrhaa.
Friend, my Friend - standing so near to me is my Friend!

jwnIAVw hir jwnIAVw nYx AloieAVw hir jwnIAVw ] (924-7)
jaanee-arhaa har jaanee-arhaa nain alo-i-arhaa har jaanee-arhaa.
Beloved, the Lord my Beloved - with my eyes, I have seen the Lord, my Beloved!

nYx AloieAw Git Git soieAw Aiq AMimRq ipRA gUVw ] (924-8)
nain alo-i-aa ghat ghat so-i-aa at amrit pari-a goorhaa.
With my eyes I have seen Him, sleeping upon the bed within each and every heart; my Beloved is the sweetest ambrosial nectar.

nwil hovMdw lih n skMdw suAwau n jwxY mUVw ] (924-8)
naal hovandaa leh na sakandaa su-aa-o na jaanai moorhaa.
He is with all, but he cannot be found; the fool does not know His taste.

mwieAw mid mwqw hoCI bwqw imlxu n jweI Brm DVw ] (924-9)
maa-i-aa mad maataa hochhee baataa milan na jaa-ee bharam Dharhaa.
Intoxicated with the wine of Maya, the mortal babbles on about trivial affairs; giving in to the illusion, he cannot meet the Lord.

khu nwnk gur ibnu nwhI sUJY hir swjnu sB kY inkit KVw ]1] (924-9)
kaho naanak gur bin naahee soojhai har saajan sabh kai nikat kharhaa. ||1||
Says Nanak, without the Guru, he cannot understand the Lord, the Friend who is standing near everyone. ||1||

goibMdw myry goibMdw pRwx ADwrw myry goibMdw ] (924-10)
gobindaa mayray gobindaa paraan aDhaaraa mayray gobindaa.
God, my God - the Support of the breath of life is my God.

ikrpwlw myry ikrpwlw dwn dwqwrw myry ikrpwlw ] (924-11)
kirpaalaa mayray kirpaalaa daan daataaraa mayray kirpaalaa.
Merciful Lord, my Merciful Lord - the Giver of gifts is my Merciful Lord.

dwn dwqwrw Apr Apwrw Gt Gt AMqir sohinAw ] (924-11)
daan daataaraa apar apaaraa ghat ghat antar sohni-aa.
The Giver of gifts is infinite and unlimited; deep within each and every heart, He is so beautiful!

iek dwsI DwrI sbl pswrI jIA jMq lY mohinAw ] (924-12)
ik daasee Dhaaree sabal pasaaree jee-a jant lai mohni-aa.
He created Maya, His slave, so powerfully pervasive - she has enticed all beings and creatures.

ijs no rwKY so scu BwKY gur kw sbdu bIcwrw ] (924-12)
jis no raakhai so sach bhaakhai gur kaa sabad beechaaraa.
One whom the Lord saves, chants the True Name, and contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

khu nwnk jo pRB kau Bwxw iqs hI kau pRBu ipAwrw ]2] (924-13)
kaho naanak jo parabh ka-o bhaanaa tis hee ka-o parabh pi-aaraa. ||2||
Says Nanak, one who is pleasing to God - God is very dear to him. ||2||

mwxo pRB mwxo myry pRB kw mwxo ] (924-13)
maano parabh maano mayray parabh kaa maano.
I take pride, I take pride in God; I take pride in my God.

jwxo pRBu jwxo suAwmI suGVu sujwxo ] (924-14)
jaano parabh jaano su-aamee sugharh sujaano.
Wise, God is wise; my Lord and Master is all-wise, and all-knowing.

suGV sujwnw sd prDwnw AMimRqu hir kw nwmw ] (924-14)
sugharh sujaanaa sad parDhaanaa amrit har kaa naamaa.
All-wise and all-knowing, and forever supreme; the Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar.

cwiK AGwxy swirgpwxy ijn kY Bwg mQwnw ] (924-15)
chaakh aghaanay saarigpaanay jin kai bhaag mathaanaa.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny recorded upon their foreheads, taste it, and are satisfied with the Lord of the Universe.

iqn hI pwieAw iqnih iDAwieAw sgl iqsY kw mwxo ] (924-15)
tin hee paa-i-aa tineh Dhi-aa-i-aa sagal tisai kaa maano.
They meditate on Him, and find Him; they place all their pride in Him.

khu nwnk iQru qKiq invwsI scu iqsY dIbwxo ]3] (924-16)
kaho naanak thir takhat nivaasee sach tisai deebaano. ||3||
Says Nanak, He is seated on His eternal throne; True is His royal court. ||3||

mMglw hir mMglw myry pRB kY suxIAY mMglw ] (924-16)
manglaa har manglaa mayray parabh kai sunee-ai manglaa.
The song of joy, the Lord's song of joy; listen to the song of joy of my God.

soihlVw pRB soihlVw Anhd DunIAY soihlVw ] (924-17)
sohilrhaa parabh sohilrhaa anhad Dhunee-ai sohilrhaa.
The wedding song, God's wedding song; the unstruck sound current of His wedding song resounds.

Anhd vwjy sbd Agwjy inq inq ijsih vDweI ] (924-17)
anhad vaajay sabad agaajay nit nit jisahi vaDhaa-ee.
The unstruck sound current vibrates, and the Word of the Shabad resounds; there is continuous, continual rejoicing.

so pRBu iDAweIAY sBu ikCu pweIAY mrY n AwvY jweI ] (924-18)
so parabh Dhi-aa-ee-ai sabh kichh paa-ee-ai marai na aavai jaa-ee.
Meditating on that God, everything is obtained; He does not die, or come or go.

cUkI ipAwsw pUrn Awsw gurmuiK imlu inrgunIAY ] (924-18)
chookee pi-aasaa pooran aasaa gurmukh mil nirgunee-ai.
Thirst is quenched, and hopes are fulfilled; the Gurmukh meets with the absolute, unmanifest Lord.

khu nwnk Gir pRB myry kY inq inq mMglu sunIAY ]4]1] (924-19)
kaho naanak ghar parabh mayray kai nit nit mangal sunee-ai. ||4||1||
Says Nanak, in the Home of my God, the songs of joy are continuously, continually heard. ||4||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD