Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bwbw ijsu qU dyih soeI jnu pwvY ] (918-1)
baabaa jis too deh so-ee jan paavai.
O Baba, he alone receives it, unto whom You give it.

pwvY q so jnu dyih ijs no hoir ikAw krih vycwirAw ] (918-1)
paavai ta so jan deh jis no hor ki-aa karahi vaychaari-aa.
He alone receives it, unto whom You give it; what can the other poor wretched beings do?

ieik Brim BUly iPrih dh idis ieik nwim lwig svwirAw ] (918-2)
ik bharam bhoolay fireh dah dis ik naam laag savaari-aa.
Some are deluded by doubt, wandering in the ten directions; some are adorned with attachment to the Naam.

gur prswdI mnu BieAw inrmlu ijnw Bwxw Bwvey ] (918-3)
gur parsaadee man bha-i-aa nirmal jinaa bhaanaa bhaav-ay.
By Guru's Grace, the mind becomes immaculate and pure, for those who follow God's Will.

khY nwnku ijsu dyih ipAwry soeI jnu pwvey ]8] (918-3)
kahai naanak jis deh pi-aaray so-ee jan paav-ay. ||8||
Says Nanak, he alone receives it, unto whom You give it, O Beloved Lord. ||8||

Awvhu sMq ipAwirho AkQ kI krh khwxI ] (918-4)
aavhu sant pi-aariho akath kee karah kahaanee.
Come, Beloved Saints, let us speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

krh khwxI AkQ kyrI ikqu duAwrY pweIAY ] (918-4)
karah kahaanee akath kayree kit du-aarai paa-ee-ai.
How can we speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord? Through which door will we find Him?

qnu mnu Dnu sBu sauip gur kau hukim mMinAY pweIAY ] (918-5)
tan man Dhan sabh sa-up gur ka-o hukam mani-ai paa-ee-ai.
Surrender body, mind, wealth, and everything to the Guru; obey the Order of His Will, and you will find Him.

hukmu mMinhu gurU kyrw gwvhu scI bwxI ] (918-5)
hukam mannihu guroo kayraa gaavhu sachee banee.
Obey the Hukam of the Guru's Command, and sing the True Word of His Bani.

khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu kiQhu AkQ khwxI ]9] (918-6)
kahai naanak sunhu santahu kathihu akath kahaanee. ||9||
Says Nanak, listen, O Saints, and speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||9||

ey mn cMclw cqurweI iknY n pwieAw ] (918-6)
ay man chanchlaa chaturaa-ee kinai na paa-i-aa.
O fickle mind, through cleverness, no one has found the Lord.

cqurweI n pwieAw iknY qU suix mMn myirAw ] (918-7)
chaturaa-ee na paa-i-aa kinai too sun man mayri-aa.
Through cleverness, no one has found Him; listen, O my mind.

eyh mwieAw mohxI ijin eyqu Brim BulwieAw ] (918-7)
ayh maa-i-aa mohnee jin ayt bharam bhulaa-i-aa.
This Maya is so fascinating; because of it, people wander in doubt.

mwieAw q mohxI iqnY kIqI ijin TgaulI pweIAw ] (918-8)
maa-i-aa ta mohnee tinai keetee jin thag-ulee paa-ee-aa.
This fascinating Maya was created by the One who has administered this potion.

kurbwxu kIqw iqsY ivthu ijin mohu mITw lwieAw ] (918-8)
kurbaan keetaa tisai vitahu jin moh meethaa laa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice to the One who has made emotional attachment sweet.

khY nwnku mn cMcl cqurweI iknY n pwieAw ]10] (918-9)
kahai naanak man chanchal chaturaa-ee kinai na paa-i-aa. ||10||
Says Nanak, O fickle mind, no one has found Him through cleverness. ||10||

ey mn ipAwirAw qU sdw scu smwly ] (918-9)
ay man pi-aari-aa too sadaa sach samaalay.
O beloved mind, contemplate the True Lord forever.

eyhu kutMbu qU ij dyKdw clY nwhI qyrY nwly ] (918-10)
ayhu kutamb too je daykh-daa chalai naahee tayrai naalay.
This family which you see shall not go along with you.

swiQ qyrY clY nwhI iqsu nwil ikau icqu lweIAY ] (918-10)
saath tayrai chalai naahee tis naal ki-o chit laa-ee-ai.
They shall not go along with you, so why do you focus your attention on them?

AYsw kMmu mUly n kIcY ijqu AMiq pCoqweIAY ] (918-11)
aisaa kamm moolay na keechai jit ant pachhotaa-ee-ai.
Don't do anything that you will regret in the end.

siqgurU kw aupdysu suix qU hovY qyrY nwly ] (918-11)
satguroo kaa updays sun too hovai tayrai naalay.
Listen to the Teachings of the True Guru - these shall go along with you.

khY nwnku mn ipAwry qU sdw scu smwly ]11] (918-12)
kahai naanak man pi-aaray too sadaa sach samaalay. ||11||
Says Nanak, O beloved mind, contemplate the True Lord forever. ||11||

Agm Agocrw qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ] (918-12)
agam agocharaa tayraa ant na paa-i-aa.
O inaccessible and unfathomable Lord, Your limits cannot be found.

AMqo n pwieAw iknY qyrw Awpxw Awpu qU jwxhy ] (918-13)
anto na paa-i-aa kinai tayraa aapnaa aap too jaanhay.
No one has found Your limits; only You Yourself know.

jIA jMq siB Kylu qyrw ikAw ko AwiK vKwxey ] (918-13)
jee-a jant sabh khayl tayraa ki-aa ko aakh vakhaana-ay.
All living beings and creatures are Your play; how can anyone describe You?

AwKih q vyKih sBu qUhY ijin jgqu aupwieAw ] (918-14)
aakhahi ta vaykheh sabh toohai jin jagat upaa-i-aa.
You speak, and You gaze upon all; You created the Universe.

khY nwnku qU sdw AgMmu hY qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ]12] (918-14)
kahai naanak too sadaa agamm hai tayraa ant na paa-i-aa. ||12||
Says Nanak, You are forever inaccessible; Your limits cannot be found. ||12||

suir nr muin jn AMimRqu Kojdy su AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ] (918-15)
sur nar mun jan amrit khojday so amrit gur tay paa-i-aa.
The angelic beings and the silent sages search for the Ambrosial Nectar; this Amrit is obtained from the Guru.

pwieAw AMimRqu guir ik®pw kInI scw min vswieAw ] (918-15)
paa-i-aa amrit gur kirpaa keenee sachaa man vasaa-i-aa.
This Amrit is obtained, when the Guru grants His Grace; He enshrines the True Lord within the mind.

jIA jMq siB quDu aupwey ieik vyiK prsix AwieAw ] (918-16)
jee-a jant sabh tuDh upaa-ay ik vaykh parsan aa-i-aa.
All living beings and creatures were created by You; only some come to see the Guru, and seek His blessing.

lbu loBu AhMkwru cUkw siqgurU Blw BwieAw ] (918-17)
lab lobh ahaNkaar chookaa satguroo bhalaa bhaa-i-aa.
Their greed, avarice and egotism are dispelled, and the True Guru seems sweet.

khY nwnku ijs no Awip quTw iqin AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ]13] (918-17)
kahai naanak jis no aap tuthaa tin amrit gur tay paa-i-aa. ||13||
Says Nanak, those with whom the Lord is pleased, obtain the Amrit, through the Guru. ||13||

Bgqw kI cwl inrwlI ] (918-18)
bhagtaa kee chaal niraalee.
The lifestyle of the devotees is unique and distinct.

cwlw inrwlI Bgqwh kyrI ibKm mwrig clxw ] (918-18)
chaalaa niraalee bhagtaah kayree bikham maarag chalnaa.
The devotees' lifestyle is unique and distinct; they follow the most difficult path.

lbu loBu AhMkwru qij iqRsnw bhuqu nwhI bolxw ] (918-18)
lab lobh ahaNkaar taj tarisnaa bahut naahee bolnaa.
They renounce greed, avarice, egotism and desire; they do not talk too much.

KMinAhu iqKI vwlhu inkI eyqu mwrig jwxw ] (918-19)
khanni-ahu tikhee vaalahu nikee ayt maarag jaanaa.
The path they take is sharper than a two-edged sword, and finer than a hair.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD