Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Apxy jIA qY Awip smHwly Awip lIey liV lweI ]15] (916-1)
apnay jee-a tai aap samHaalay aap lee-ay larh laa-ee. ||15||
You Yourself take care of Your beings; You Yourself attach them to the hem of Your robe. ||15||

swc Drm kw byVw bWiDAw Bvjlu pwir pvweI ]16] (916-2)
saach Dharam kaa bayrhaa baaNDhi-aa bhavjal paar pavaa-ee. ||16||
I have built the boat of true Dharmic faith, to cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||16||

bysumwr byAMq suAwmI nwnk bil bil jweI ]17] (916-2)
baysumaar bay-ant su-aamee naanak bal bal jaa-ee. ||17||
The Lord Master is unlimited and endless; Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him. ||17||

Akwl mUriq AjUnI sMBau kil AMDkwr dIpweI ]18] (916-3)
akaal moorat ajoonee sambha-o kal anDhkaar deepaa-ee. ||18||
Being of Immortal Manifestation, He is not born; He is self-existent; He is the Light in the darkness of Kali Yuga. ||18||

AMqrjwmI jIAn kw dwqw dyKq iqRpiq AGweI ]19] (916-3)
antarjaamee jee-an kaa daataa daykhat taripat aghaa-ee. ||19||
He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, the Giver of souls; gazing upon Him, I am satisfied and fulfilled. ||19||

eykMkwru inrMjnu inrBau sB jil Qil rihAw smweI ]20] (916-4)
aykankaar niranjan nirbha-o sabh jal thal rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||20||
He is the One Universal Creator Lord, immaculate and fearless; He is permeating and pervading all the water and the land. ||20||

Bgiq dwnu Bgqw kau dInw hir nwnku jwcY mweI ]21]1]6] (916-5)
bhagat daan bhagtaa ka-o deenaa har naanak jaachai maa-ee. ||21||1||6||
He blesses His devotees with the Gift of devotional worship; Nanak longs for the Lord, O my mother. ||21||1||6||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (916-5)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl,

sloku ] (916-6)

isKhu sbdu ipAwirho jnm mrn kI tyk ] (916-6)
sikhahu sabad pi-aariho janam maran kee tayk.
Study the Word of the Shabad, O beloveds. It is your anchoring support in life and in death.

muKu aUjlu sdw suKI nwnk ismrq eyk ]1] (916-6)
mukh oojal sadaa sukhee naanak simrat ayk. ||1||
Your face shall be radiant, and you will be at peace forever, O Nanak, meditating in remembrance on the One Lord. ||1||

mnu qnu rwqw rwm ipAwry hir pRym Bgiq bix AweI sMqhu ]1] (916-7)
man tan raataa raam pi-aaray har paraym bhagat ban aa-ee santahu. ||1||
My mind and body are imbued with my Beloved Lord; I have been blessed with loving devotion to the Lord, O Saints. ||1||

siqguir Kyp inbwhI sMqhu ] (916-7)
satgur khayp nibaahee santahu.
The True Guru has approved my cargo, O Saints.

hir nwmu lwhw dws kau dIAw sglI iqRsn aulwhI sMqhu ]1] rhwau ] (916-8)
har naam laahaa daas ka-o dee-aa saglee tarisan ulaahee santahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has blessed His slave with the profit of the Lord's Name; all my thirst is quenched, O Saints. ||1||Pause||

Kojq Kojq lwlu ieku pwieAw hir kImiq khxu n jweI sMqhu ]2] (916-8)
khojat khojat laal ik paa-i-aa har keemat kahan na jaa-ee santahu. ||2||
Searching and searching, I have found the One Lord, the jewel; I cannot express His value, O Saints. ||2||

crn kml isau lwgo iDAwnw swcY dris smweI sMqhu ]3] (916-9)
charan kamal si-o laago Dhi-aanaa saachai daras samaa-ee santahu. ||3||
I focus my meditation on His Lotus Feet; I am absorbed in the True Vision of His Darshan, O Saints. ||3||

gux gwvq gwvq Bey inhwlw hir ismrq iqRpiq AGweI sMqhu ]4] (916-10)
gun gaavat gaavat bha-ay nihaalaa har simrat taripat aghaa-ee santahu. ||4||
Singing, singing His Glorious Praises, I am enraptured; meditating in remembrance on the Lord, I am satisfied and fulfilled, O Saints. ||4||

Awqm rwmu rivAw sB AMqir kq AwvY kq jweI sMqhu ]5] (916-10)
aatam raam ravi-aa sabh antar kat aavai kat jaa-ee santahu. ||5||
The Lord, the Supreme Soul, is permeating within all; what comes, and what goes, O Saints? ||5||

Awid jugwdI hY BI hosI sB jIAw kw suKdweI sMqhu ]6] (916-11)
aad jugaadee hai bhee hosee sabh jee-aa kaa sukh-daa-ee santahu. ||6||
At the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, He is, and He shall always be; He is the Giver of peace to all beings, O Saints. ||6||

Awip byAMqu AMqu nhI pweIAY pUir rihAw sB TweI sMqhu ]7] (916-12)
aap bay-ant ant nahee paa-ee-ai poor rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee santahu. ||7||
He Himself is endless; His end cannot be found. He is totally pervading and permeating everywhere, O Saints. ||7||

mIq swjn mwlu jobnu suq hir nwnk bwpu myrI mweI sMqhu ]8]2]7] (916-12)
meet saajan maal joban sut har naanak baap mayree maa-ee santahu. ||8||2||7||
Nanak: the Lord is my friend, companion, wealth, youth, son, father and mother, O Saints. ||8||2||7||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (916-13)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

mn bc k®im rwm nwmu icqwrI ] (916-13)
man bach karam raam naam chitaaree.
In thought, word and deed, I contemplate the Lord's Name.

GUmn Gyir mhw Aiq ibKVI gurmuiK nwnk pwir auqwrI ]1] rhwau ] (916-14)
ghooman ghayr mahaa at bikh-rhee gurmukh naanak paar utaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The horrible world-ocean is very treacherous; O Nanak, the Gurmukh is carried across. ||1||Pause||

AMqir sUKw bwhir sUKw hir jip mln Bey dustwrI ]1] (916-14)
antar sookhaa baahar sookhaa har jap malan bha-ay dustaaree. ||1||
Inwardly, peace, and outwardly, peace; meditating on the Lord, evil tendencies are crushed. ||1||

ijs qy lwgy iqnih invwry pRB jIau ApxI ikrpw DwrI ]2] (916-15)
jis tay laagay tineh nivaaray parabh jee-o apnee kirpaa Dhaaree. ||2||
He has rid me of what was clinging to me; my Dear Lord God has blessed me with His Grace. ||2||

auDry sMq pry hir srnI pic ibnsy mhw AhMkwrI ]3] (916-16)
uDhray sant paray har sarnee pach binsay mahaa ahaNkaaree. ||3||
The Saints are saved, in His Sanctuary; the very egotistical people rot away and die. ||3||

swDU sMgiq iehu Plu pwieAw ieku kyvl nwmu ADwrI ]4] (916-16)
saaDhoo sangat ih fal paa-i-aa ik kayval naam aDhaaree. ||4||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have obtained this fruit, the Support of the One Name alone. ||4||

n koeI sUru n koeI hIxw sB pRgtI joiq qum@wrI ]5] (916-17)
na ko-ee soor na ko-ee heenaa sabh pargatee jot tumHaaree. ||5||
No one is strong, and no one is weak; all are manifestations of Your Light, Lord. ||5||

qum@ smrQ AkQ Agocr rivAw eyku murwrI ]6] (916-18)
tumH samrath akath agochar ravi-aa ayk muraaree. ||6||
You are the all-powerful, indescribable, unfathomable, all-pervading Lord. ||6||

kImiq kauxu kry qyrI krqy pRB AMqu n pwrwvwrI ]7] (916-18)
keemat ka-un karay tayree kartay parabh ant na paaraavaaree. ||7||
Who can estimate Your value, O Creator Lord? God has no end or limitation. ||7||

nwm dwnu nwnk vifAweI qyirAw sMq jnw ryxwrI ]8]3]8]22] (916-19)
naam daan naanak vadi-aa-ee tayri-aa sant janaa raynaaree. ||8||3||8||22||
Please bless Nanak with the glorious greatness of the gift of the Naam, and the dust of the feet of Your Saints. ||8||3||8||22||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD