Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kwhU ibhwvY mwie bwp pUq ] (914-1)
kaahoo bihaavai maa-ay baap poot.
Some pass their lives with their mothers, fathers and children.

kwhU ibhwvY rwj imlK vwpwrw ] (914-1)
kaahoo bihaavai raaj milakh vaapaaraa.
Some pass their lives in power, estates and trade.

sMq ibhwvY hir nwm ADwrw ]1] (914-1)
sant bihaavai har naam aDhaaraa. ||1||
The Saints pass their lives with the support of the Lord's Name. ||1||

rcnw swcu bnI ] (914-2)
rachnaa saach banee.
The world is the creation of the True Lord.

sB kw eyku DnI ]1] rhwau ] (914-2)
sabh kaa ayk Dhanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is the Master of all. ||1||Pause||

kwhU ibhwvY byd Aru bwid ] (914-2)
kaahoo bihaavai bayd ar baad.
Some pass their lives in arguments and debates about scriptures.

kwhU ibhwvY rsnw swid ] (914-2)
kaahoo bihaavai rasnaa saad.
Some pass their lives tasting flavors.

kwhU ibhwvY lpit sMig nwrI ] (914-3)
kaahoo bihaavai lapat sang naaree.
Some pass their lives attached to women.

sMq rcy kyvl nwm murwrI ]2] (914-3)
sant rachay kayval naam muraaree. ||2||
The Saints are absorbed only in the Name of the Lord. ||2||

kwhU ibhwvY Kylq jUAw ] (914-3)
kaahoo bihaavai khaylat joo-aa.
Some pass their lives gambling.

kwhU ibhwvY AmlI hUAw ] (914-4)
kaahoo bihaavai amlee hoo-aa.
Some pass their lives getting drunk.

kwhU ibhwvY pr drb cuorwey ] (914-4)
kaahoo bihaavai par darab choraa-ay.
Some pass their lives stealing the property of others.

hir jn ibhwvY nwm iDAwey ]3] (914-4)
har jan bihaavai naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
The humble servants of the Lord pass their lives meditating on the Naam. ||3||

kwhU ibhwvY jog qp pUjw ] (914-5)
kaahoo bihaavai jog tap poojaa.
Some pass their lives in Yoga, strict meditation, worship and adoration.

kwhU rog sog BrmIjw ] (914-5)
kaahoo rog sog bharmeejaa.
Some, in sickness, sorrow and doubt.

kwhU pvn Dwr jwq ibhwey ] (914-5)
kaahoo pavan Dhaar jaat bihaa-ay.
Some pass their lives practicing control of the breath.

sMq ibhwvY kIrqnu gwey ]4] (914-5)
sant bihaavai keertan gaa-ay. ||4||
The Saints pass their lives singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||4||

kwhU ibhwvY idnu rYin cwlq ] (914-6)
kaahoo bihaavai din rain chaalat.
Some pass their lives walking day and night.

kwhU ibhwvY so ipVu mwlq ] (914-6)
kaahoo bihaavai so pirh maalat.
Some pass their lives on the fields of battle.

kwhU ibhwvY bwl pVwvq ] (914-6)
kaahoo bihaavai baal parhaavat.
Some pass their lives teaching children.

sMq ibhwvY hir jsu gwvq ]5] (914-7)
sant bihaavai har jas gaavat. ||5||
The Saints pass their lives singing the Lord's Praise. ||5||

kwhU ibhwvY nt nwitk inrqy ] (914-7)
kaahoo bihaavai nat naatik nirtay.
Some pass their lives as actors, acting and dancing.

kwhU ibhwvY jIAwieh ihrqy ] (914-7)
kaahoo bihaavai jee-aa-ih hirtay.
Some pass their lives taking the lives of others.

kwhU ibhwvY rwj mih frqy ] (914-8)
kaahoo bihaavai raaj meh dartay.
Some pass their lives ruling by intimidation.

sMq ibhwvY hir jsu krqy ]6] (914-8)
sant bihaavai har jas kartay. ||6||
The Saints pass their lives chanting the Lord's Praises. ||6||

kwhU ibhwvY mqw msUriq ] (914-8)
kaahoo bihaavai mataa masoorat.
Some pass their lives counseling and giving advice.

kwhU ibhwvY syvw jrUriq ] (914-9)
kaahoo bihaavai sayvaa jaroorat.
Some pass their lives forced to serve others.

kwhU ibhwvY soDq jIvq ] (914-9)
kaahoo bihaavai soDhat jeevat.
Some pass their lives exploring life's mysteries.

sMq ibhwvY hir rsu pIvq ]7] (914-9)
sant bihaavai har ras peevat. ||7||
The Saints pass their lives drinking in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||7||

ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lgwnw ] (914-10)
jit ko laa-i-aa tit hee lagaanaa.
As the Lord attaches us, so we are attached.

nw ko mUVu nhI ko isAwnw ] (914-10)
naa ko moorh nahee ko si-aanaa.
No one is foolish, and no one is wise.

kir ikrpw ijsu dyvY nwau ] nwnk qw kY bil bil jwau ]8]3] (914-10)
kar kirpaa jis dayvai naa-o. naanak taa kai bal bal jaa-o. ||8||3||
Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those who are blessed by His Grace to receive His Name. ||8||3||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (914-11)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

dwvw Agin rhy hir bUt ] (914-11)
daavaa agan rahay har boot.
Even in a forest fire, some trees remain green.

mwq grB sMkt qy CUt ] (914-11)
maat garabh sankat tay chhoot.
The infant is released from the pain of the mother's womb.

jw kw nwmu ismrq Bau jwie ] (914-12)
jaa kaa naam simrat bha-o jaa-ay.
Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, fear is dispelled.

qYsy sMq jnw rwKY hir rwie ]1] (914-12)
taisay sant janaa raakhai har raa-ay. ||1||
Just so, the Sovereign Lord protects and saves the Saints. ||1||

AYsy rwKnhwr dieAwl ] (914-12)
aisay raakhanhaar da-i-aal.
Such is the Merciful Lord, my Protector.

jq kq dyKau qum pRiqpwl ]1] rhwau ] (914-13)
jat kat daykh-a-u tum partipaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever I look, I see You cherishing and nurturing. ||1||Pause||

jlu pIvq ijau iqKw imtMq ] (914-13)
jal peevat ji-o tikhaa mitant.
As thirst is quenched by drinking water;

Dn ibgsY igRih Awvq kMq ] (914-13)
Dhan bigsai garihi aavat kant.
as the bride blossoms forth when her husband comes home;

loBI kw Dnu pRwx ADwru ] (914-14)
lobhee kaa Dhan paraan aDhaar.
as wealth is the support of the greedy person

iqau hir jn hir hir nwm ipAwru ]2] (914-14)
ti-o har jan har har naam pi-aar. ||2||
- just so, the humble servant of the Lord loves the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||

ikrswnI ijau rwKY rKvwlw ] (914-14)
kirsaanee ji-o raakhai rakhvaalaa.
As the farmer protects his fields;

mwq ipqw dieAw ijau bwlw ] (914-15)
maat pitaa da-i-aa ji-o baalaa.
as the mother and father show compassion to their child;

pRIqmu dyiK pRIqmu imil jwie ] (914-15)
pareetam daykh pareetam mil jaa-ay.
as the lover merges on seeing the beloved;

iqau hir jn rwKY kMiT lwie ]3] (914-15)
ti-o har jan raakhai kanth laa-ay. ||3||
just so does the Lord hug His humble servant close in His Embrace. ||3||

ijau AMDuly pyKq hoie Anµd ] (914-16)
ji-o anDhulay paykhat ho-ay anand.
As the blind man is in ecstasy, when he can see again;

gUMgw bkq gwvY bhu CMd ] (914-16)
goongaa bakat gaavai baho chhand.
and the mute, when he is able to speak and sing songs;

ipMgul prbq prqy pwir ] (914-16)
pingul parbat partay paar.
and the cripple, being able to climb over the mountain

hir kY nwim sgl auDwir ]4] (914-17)
har kai naam sagal uDhaar. ||4||
- just so, the Name of the Lord saves all. ||4||

ijau pwvk sMig sIq ko nws ] (914-17)
ji-o paavak sang seet ko naas.
As cold is dispelled by fire,

AYsy pRwCq sMqsMig ibnws ] (914-17)
aisay paraachhat satsang binaas.
sins are driven out in the Society of the Saints.

ijau swbuin kwpr aUjl hoq ] (914-18)
ji-o saabun kaapar oojal hot.
As cloth is cleaned by soap,

nwm jpq sBu BRmu Bau Koq ]5] (914-18)
naam japat sabh bharam bha-o khot. ||5||
just so, by chanting the Naam, all doubts and fears are dispelled. ||5||

ijau ckvI sUrj kI Aws ] (914-18)
ji-o chakvee sooraj kee aas.
As the chakvi bird longs for the sun,

ijau cwiqRk bUMd kI ipAws ] (914-19)
ji-o chaatrik boond kee pi-aas.
as the rainbird thirsts for the rain drop,

ijau kurMk nwd krn smwny ] (914-19)
ji-o kurank naad karan samaanay.
as the deer's ears are attuned to the sound of the bell,

iqau hir nwm hir jn mnih suKwny ]6] (914-19)
ti-o har naam har jan maneh sukhaanay. ||6||
the Lord's Name is pleasing to the mind of the Lord's humble servant. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD