Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iknhI kihAw bwh bhu BweI ] (913-1)
kinhee kahi-aa baah baho bhaa-ee.
Some say that they have the arms of their many brothers to protect them.

koeI khY mY Dnih pswrw ] (913-1)
ko-ee kahai mai dhaneh pasaaraa.
Some say that they have great expanses of wealth.

moih dIn hir hir AwDwrw ]4] (913-1)
mohi deen har har aaDhaaraa. ||4||
I am meek; I have the support of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||

iknhI GUGr inriq krweI ] (913-2)
kinhee ghooghar nirat karaa-ee.
Some dance, wearing ankle bells.

iknhU vrq nym mwlw pweI ] (913-2)
kinhoo varat naym maalaa paa-ee.
Some fast and take vows, and wear malas.

iknhI iqlku gopI cMdn lwieAw ] (913-2)
kinhee tilak gopee chandan laa-i-aa.
Some apply ceremonial tilak marks to their foreheads.

moih dIn hir hir hir iDAwieAw ]5] (913-3)
mohi deen har har har Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||5||
I am meek; I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||5||

iknhI isD bhu cytk lwey ] (913-3)
kinhee siDh baho chaytak laa-ay.
Some work spells using the miraculous spiritual powers of the Siddhas.

iknhI ByK bhu Qwt bnwey ] (913-4)
kinhee bhaykh baho thaat banaa-ay.
Some wear various religious robes and establish their authority.

iknhI qMq mMq bhu Kyvw ] (913-4)
kinhee tant mant baho khayvaa.
Some perform Tantric spells, and chant various mantras.

moih dIn hir hir hir syvw ]6] (913-4)
mohi deen har har har sayvaa. ||6||
I am meek; I serve the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||6||

koeI cquru khwvY pMifq ] (913-5)
ko-ee chatur kahaavai pandit.
One calls himself a wise Pandit, a religious scholar.

ko Ktu krm sihq isau mMifq ] (913-5)
ko khat karam sahit si-o mandit.
One performs the six rituals to appease Shiva.

koeI krY Awcwr sukrxI ] (913-5)
ko-ee karai aachaar sukarnee.
One maintains the rituals of pure lifestyle, and does good deeds.

moih dIn hir hir hir srxI ]7] (913-5)
mohi deen har har har sarnee. ||7||
I am meek; I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||7||

sgly krm Drm jug soDy ] (913-6)
saglay karam Dharam jug soDhay.
I have studied the religions and rituals of all the ages.

ibnu nwvY iehu mnu n pRboDy ] (913-6)
bin naavai ih man na parboDhay.
Without the Name, this mind is not awakened.

khu nwnk jau swDsMgu pwieAw ] (913-6)
kaho naanak ja-o saaDhsang paa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, when I found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,

bUJI iqRsnw mhw sIqlwieAw ]8]1] (913-7)
boojhee tarisnaa mahaa seetlaa-i-aa. ||8||1||
my thirsty desires were satisfied, and I was totally cooled and soothed. ||8||1||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (913-7)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

iesu pwnI qy ijin qU GirAw ] (913-7)
is paanee tay jin too ghari-aa.
He created you out of this water.

mwtI kw ly dyhurw kirAw ] (913-8)
maatee kaa lay dayhuraa kari-aa.
From clay, He fashioned your body.

aukiq joiq lY suriq prIiKAw ] (913-8)
ukat jot lai surat pareekhi-aa.
He blessed you with the light of reason and clear consciousness.

mwq grB mih ijin qU rwiKAw ]1] (913-8)
maat garabh meh jin too raakhi-aa. ||1||
In your mother's womb, He preserved you. ||1||

rwKnhwru smHwir jnw ] (913-9)
raakhanhaar samHaar janaa.
Contemplate your Savior Lord.

sgly Coif bIcwr mnw ]1] rhwau ] (913-9)
saglay chhod beechaar manaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Give up all others thoughts, O mind. ||1||Pause||

ijin dIey quDu bwp mhqwrI ] (913-9)
jin dee-ay tuDh baap mehtaaree.
He gave you your mother and father;

ijin dIey BRwq puq hwrI ] (913-10)
jin dee-ay bharaat put haaree.
he gave you your charming children and siblings;

ijin dIey quDu binqw Aru mIqw ] (913-10)
jin dee-ay tuDh banitaa ar meetaa.
he gave you your spouse and friends;

iqsu Twkur kau riK lyhu cIqw ]2] (913-10)
tis thaakur ka-o rakh layho cheetaa. ||2||
enshrine that Lord and Master in your consciousness. ||2||

ijin dIAw quDu pvnu Amolw ] (913-11)
jin dee-aa tuDh pavan amolaa.
He gave you the invaluable air;

ijin dIAw quDu nIru inrmolw ] (913-11)
jin dee-aa tuDh neer nirmola.
He gave you the priceless water;

ijin dIAw quDu pwvku blnw ] (913-11)
jin dee-aa tuDh paavak balnaa.
He gave you burning fire;

iqsu Twkur kI rhu mn srnw ]3] (913-12)
tis thaakur kee rahu man sarnaa. ||3||
let your mind remain in the Sanctuary of that Lord and Master. ||3||

CqIh AMimRq ijin Bojn dIey ] (913-12)
chhateeh amrit jin bhojan dee-ay.
He gave you the thirty-six varieties of tasty foods;

AMqir Qwn Thrwvn kau kIey ] (913-13)
antar thaan thehraavan ka-o kee-ay.
He gave you a place within to hold them;

bsuDw dIE brqin blnw ] (913-13)
basuDhaa dee-o bartan balnaa.
He gave you the earth, and things to use;

iqsu Twkur ky iciq rKu crnw ]4] (913-13)
tis thaakur kay chit rakh charnaa. ||4||
enshrine in your consciousness the feet of that Lord and Master. ||4||

pyKn kau nyqR sunn kau krnw ] (913-14)
paykhan ka-o naytar sunan ka-o karnaa.
He gave you eyes to see, and ears to hear;

hsq kmwvn bwsn rsnw ] (913-14)
hasat kamaavan baasan rasnaa.
He gave you hands to work with, and a nose and a tongue;

crn cln kau isru kIno myrw ] (913-14)
charan chalan ka-o sir keeno mayraa.
He gave you feet to walk upon, and the crowning glory of your head;

mn iqsu Twkur ky pUjhu pYrw ]5] (913-15)
man tis thaakur kay poojahu pairaa. ||5||
O mind, worship the Feet of that Lord and Master. ||5||

ApivqR pivqRü ijin qU kirAw ] (913-15)
apvitar pavitar jin too kari-aa.
He transformed you from impure to pure;

sgl join mih qU isir DirAw ] (913-15)
sagal jon meh too sir Dhari-aa.
He installed you above the heads of all creatures;

Ab qU sIJu BwvY nhI sIJY ] (913-16)
ab too seejh bhaavai nahee seejhai.
now, you may fulfill your destiny or not;

kwrju svrY mn pRBu iDAweIjY ]6] (913-16)
kaaraj savrai man parabh Dhi-aa-eejai. ||6||
Your affairs shall be resolved, O mind, meditating on God. ||6||

eIhw aUhw eykY EhI ] (913-16)
eehaa oohaa aykai ohee.
Here and there, only the One God exists.

jq kq dyKIAY qq qq qohI ] (913-17)
jat kat daykhee-ai tat tat tohee.
Wherever I look, there You are.

iqsu syvq min Awlsu krY ] (913-17)
tis sayvat man aalas karai.
My mind is reluctant to serve Him;

ijsu ivsirAY iek inmK n srY ]7] (913-17)
jis visri-ai ik nimakh na sarai. ||7||
forgetting Him, I cannot survive, even for an instant. ||7||

hm AprwDI inrgunIAwry ] (913-18)
ham apraaDhee nirgunee-aaray.
I am a sinner, without any virtue at all.

nw ikCu syvw nw krmwry ] (913-18)
naa kichh sayvaa naa karmaaray.
I do not serve You, or do any good deeds.

guru boihQu vfBwgI imilAw ] (913-18)
gur bohith vadbhaagee mili-aa.
By great good fortune, I have found the boat - the Guru.

nwnk dws sMig pwQr qirAw ]8]2] (913-19)
naanak daas sang paathar tari-aa. ||8||2||
Slave Nanak has crossed over, with Him. ||8||2||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (913-19)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

kwhU ibhwvY rMg rs rUp ] (913-19)
kaahoo bihaavai rang ras roop.
Some pass their lives enjoying pleasures and beauty.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD