Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pwrs prsy iPir pwrsu hoey hir jIau ApxI ikrpw DwrI ]2] (911-1)
paaras parsay fir paaras ho-ay har jee-o apnee kirpaa Dhaaree. ||2||
Touching the philosopher's stone, they themselves become the philosopher's stone; the Dear Lord Himself blesses them with His Mercy. ||2||

ieik ByK krih iPrih AiBmwnI iqn jUAY bwjI hwrI ]3] (911-1)
ik bhaykh karahi fireh abhimaanee tin joo-ai baajee haaree. ||3||
Some wear religious robes, and wander around in pride; they lose their life in the gamble. ||3||

ieik Anidnu Bgiq krih idnu rwqI rwm nwmu auir DwrI ]4] (911-2)
ik an-din bhagat karahi din raatee raam naam ur Dhaaree. ||4||
Some worship the Lord in devotion, night and day; day and night, they keep the Lord's Name enshrined in their hearts. ||4||

Anidnu rwqy shjy mwqy shjy haumY mwrI ]5] (911-3)
an-din raatay sehjay maatay sehjay ha-umai maaree. ||5||
Those who are imbued with Him night and day, are spontaneously intoxicated with Him; they intuitively conquer their ego. ||5||

BY ibnu Bgiq n hoeI kb hI BY Bwie Bgiq svwrI ]6] (911-3)
bhai bin bhagat na ho-ee kab hee bhai bhaa-ay bhagat savaaree. ||6||
Without the Fear of God, devotional worship is never performed; through the Love and the Fear of God, devotional worship is embellished. ||6||

mwieAw mohu sbid jlwieAw igAwin qiq bIcwrI ]7] (911-4)
maa-i-aa moh sabad jalaa-i-aa gi-aan tat beechaaree. ||7||
The Shabad burns away emotional attachment to Maya, and then one contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom. ||7||

Awpy Awip krwey krqw Awpy bKis BMfwrI ]8] (911-4)
aapay aap karaa-ay kartaa aapay bakhas bhandaaree. ||8||
The Creator Himself inspires us to act; He Himself blesses us with His treasure. ||8||

iqs ikAw guxw kw AMqu n pwieAw hau gwvw sbid vIcwrI ]9] (911-5)
tis ki-aa gunaa kaa ant na paa-i-aa ha-o gaavaa sabad veechaaree. ||9||
The limits of His virtues cannot be found; I sing His Praises and contemplate the Word of the Shabad. ||9||

hir jIau jpI hir jIau swlwhI ivchu Awpu invwrI ]10] (911-6)
har jee-o japee har jee-o saalaahee vichahu aap nivaaree. ||10||
I chant the Lord's Name, and praise my Dear Lord; egotism is eradicated from within me. ||10||

nwmu pdwrQu gur qy pwieAw AKut scy BMfwrI ]11] (911-6)
naam padaarath gur tay paa-i-aa akhut sachay bhandaaree. ||11||
The treasure of the Naam is obtained from the Guru; the treasures of the True Lord are inexhaustible. ||11||

ApixAw Bgqw no Awpy quTw ApxI ikrpw kir kl DwrI ]12] (911-7)
apni-aa bhagtaa no aapay tuthaa apnee kirpaa kar kal Dhaaree. ||12||
He Himself is pleased with His devotees; by His Grace, He infuses His strength within them. ||12||

iqn swcy nwm kI sdw BuK lwgI gwvin sbid vIcwrI ]13] (911-7)
tin saachay naam kee sadaa bhukh laagee gaavan sabad veechaaree. ||13||
They always feel hunger for the True Name; they sing and contemplate the Shabad. ||13||

jIau ipMfu sBu ikCu hY iqs kw AwKxu ibKmu bIcwrI ]14] (911-8)
jee-o pind sabh kichh hai tis kaa aakhan bikham beechaaree. ||14||
Soul, body and everything are His; it is so difficult to speak of, and contemplate Him. ||14||

sbid lgy syeI jn insqry Baujlu pwir auqwrI ]15] (911-9)
sabad lagay say-ee jan nistaray bha-ojal paar utaaree. ||15||
Those humble beings who are attached to the Shabad are saved; they cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||15||

ibnu hir swcy ko pwir n pwvY bUJY ko vIcwrI ]16] (911-9)
bin har saachay ko paar na paavai boojhai ko veechaaree. ||16||
Without the True Lord, no one can cross over; how rare are those who contemplate and understand this. ||16||

jo Duir iliKAw soeI pwieAw imil hir sbid svwrI ]17] (911-10)
jo Dhur likhi-aa so-ee paa-i-aa mil har sabad savaaree. ||17||
We obtain only that which is pre-ordained; receiving the Lord's Shabad, we are embellished. ||17||

kwieAw kMcnu sbdy rwqI swcY nwie ipAwrI ]18] (911-10)
kaa-i-aa kanchan sabday raatee saachai naa-ay pi-aaree. ||18||
Imbued with the Shabad, the body becomes golden, and loves only the True Name. ||18||

kwieAw AMimRiq rhI BrpUry pweIAY sbid vIcwrI ]19] (911-11)
kaa-i-aa amrit rahee bharpooray paa-ee-ai sabad veechaaree. ||19||
The body is then filled to overflowing with Ambrosial Nectar, obtained by contemplating the Shabad. ||19||

jo pRBu Kojih syeI pwvih hoir PUit mUey AhMkwrI ]20] (911-12)
jo parabh khojeh say-ee paavahi hor foot moo-ay ahaNkaaree. ||20||
Those who seek God, find Him; others burst and die from their own egotism. ||20||

bwdI ibnsih syvk syvih gur kY hyiq ipAwrI ]21] (911-12)
baadee binsahi sayvak sayveh gur kai hayt pi-aaree. ||21||
The debaters waste away, while the servants serve, with love and affection for the Guru. ||21||

so jogI qqu igAwnu bIcwry haumY iqRsnw mwrI ]22] (911-13)
so jogee tat gi-aan beechaaray ha-umai tarisnaa maaree. ||22||
He alone is a Yogi, who contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom, and conquers egotism and thirsty desire. ||22||

siqguru dwqw iqnY pCwqw ijs no ik®pw qumwrI ]23] (911-13)
satgur daataa tinai pachhaataa jis no kirpaa tumaaree. ||23||
The True Guru, the Great Giver, is revealed to those upon whom You bestow Your Grace, O Lord. ||23||

siqguru n syvih mwieAw lwgy fUib mUey AhMkwrI ]24] (911-14)
satgur na sayveh maa-i-aa laagay doob moo-ay ahaNkaaree. ||24||
Those who do not serve the True Guru, and who are attached to Maya, are drowned; they die in their own egotism. ||24||

ijcru AMdir swsu iqcru syvw kIcY jwie imlIAY rwm murwrI ]25] (911-15)
jichar andar saas tichar sayvaa keechai jaa-ay milee-ai raam muraaree. ||25||
As long as there is breath within you, so long you should serve the Lord; then, you will go and meet the Lord. ||25||

Anidnu jwgq rhY idnu rwqI Apny ipRA pRIiq ipAwrI ]26] (911-15)
an-din jaagat rahai din raatee apnay pari-a pareet pi-aaree. ||26||
Night and day, she remains awake and aware, day and night; she is the darling bride of her Beloved Husband Lord. ||26||

qnu mnu vwrI vwir GumweI Apny gur ivthu bilhwrI ]27] (911-16)
tan man vaaree vaar ghumaa-ee apnay gur vitahu balihaaree. ||27||
I offer my body and mind in sacrifice to my Guru; I am a sacrifice to Him. ||27||

mwieAw mohu ibnis jwiegw aubry sbid vIcwrI ]28] (911-17)
maa-i-aa moh binas jaa-igaa ubray sabad veechaaree. ||28||
Attachment to Maya will end and go away; only by contemplating the Shabad will you be saved. ||28||

Awip jgwey syeI jwgy gur kY sbid vIcwrI ]29] (911-17)
aap jagaa-ay say-ee jaagay gur kai sabad veechaaree. ||29||
They are awake and aware, whom the Lord Himself awakens; so contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||29||

nwnk syeI mUey ij nwmu n cyqih Bgq jIvy vIcwrI ]30]4]13] (911-18)
naanak say-ee moo-ay je naam na cheeteh bhagat jeevay veechaaree. ||30||4||13||
O Nanak, those who do not remember the Naam are dead. The devotees live in contemplative meditation. ||30||4||13||

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] (911-19)
raamkalee mehlaa 3.
Raamkalee, Third Mehl:

nwmu Kjwnw gur qy pwieAw iqRpiq rhy AwGweI ]1] (911-19)
naam khajaanaa gur tay paa-i-aa taripat rahay aaghaa-ee. ||1||
Receiving the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, from the Guru, I remain satisfied and fulfilled. ||1||

sMqhu gurmuiK mukiq giq pweI ] (911-19)
santahu gurmukh mukat gat paa-ee.
O Saints, the Gurmukhs attain the state of liberation.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD