Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kwieAw ngrI sbdy Kojy nwmu nvM iniD pweI ]22] (910-1)
kaa-i-aa nagree sabday khojay naam navaN niDh paa-ee. ||22||
One who searches the village of the body, through the Shabad, obtains the nine treasures of the Naam. ||22||

mnsw mwir mnu shij smwxw ibnu rsnw ausqiq krweI ]23] (910-1)
mansaa maar man sahj samaanaa bin rasnaa ustat karaa-ee. ||23||
Conquering desire, the mind is absorbed in intuitive ease, and then one chants the Lord's Praises without speaking. ||23||

loiex dyiK rhy ibsmwdI icqu Aidsit lgweI ]24] (910-2)
lo-in daykh rahay bismaadee chit adisat lagaa-ee. ||24||
Let your eyes gaze upon the Wondrous Lord; let your consciousness be attached to the Unseen Lord. ||24||

Aidstu sdw rhY inrwlmu joqI joiq imlweI ]25] (910-3)
adisat sadaa rahai niraalam jotee jot milaa-ee. ||25||
The Unseen Lord is forever absolute and immaculate; one's light merges into the Light. ||25||

hau guru swlwhI sdw Awpxw ijin swcI bUJ buJweI ]26] (910-3)
ha-o gur saalaahee sadaa aapnaa jin saachee boojh bujhaa-ee. ||26||
I praise my Guru forever, who has inspired me to understand this true understanding. ||26||

nwnku eyk khY bynµqI nwvhu giq piq pweI ]27]2]11] (910-4)
naanak ayk kahai baynantee naavhu gat pat paa-ee. ||27||2||11||
Nanak offers this one prayer: through the Name, may I find salvation and honor. ||27||2||11||

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] (910-5)
raamkalee mehlaa 3.
Raamkalee, Third Mehl:

hir kI pUjw dulµB hY sMqhu khxw kCU n jweI ]1] (910-5)
har kee poojaa dulambh hai santahu kahnaa kachhoo na jaa-ee. ||1||
It is so hard to obtain that devotional worship of the Lord, O Saints. It cannot be described at all. ||1||

sMqhu gurmuiK pUrw pweI ] (910-5)
santahu gurmukh pooraa paa-ee.
O Saints, as Gurmukh, find the Perfect Lord,

nwmo pUj krweI ]1] rhwau ] (910-6)
naamo pooj karaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and worship the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

hir ibnu sBu ikCu mYlw sMqhu ikAw hau pUj cVweI ]2] (910-6)
har bin sabh kichh mailaa santahu ki-aa ha-o pooj charhaa-ee. ||2||
Without the Lord, everything is filthy, O Saints; what offering should I place before Him? ||2||

hir swcy BwvY sw pUjw hovY Bwxw min vsweI ]3] (910-7)
har saachay bhaavai saa poojaa hovai bhaanaa man vasaa-ee. ||3||
Whatever pleases the True Lord is devotional worship; His Will abides in the mind. ||3||

pUjw krY sBu loku sMqhu mnmuiK Qwie n pweI ]4] (910-7)
poojaa karai sabh lok santahu manmukh thaa-ay na paa-ee. ||4||
Everyone worships Him, O Saints, but the self-willed manmukh is not accepted or approved. ||4||

sbid mrY mnu inrmlu sMqhu eyh pUjw Qwie pweI ]5] (910-8)
sabad marai man nirmal santahu ayh poojaa thaa-ay paa-ee. ||5||
If someone dies in the Word of the Shabad, his mind become immaculate, O Saints; such worship is accepted and approved. ||5||

pivq pwvn sy jn swcy eyk sbid ilv lweI ]6] (910-8)
pavit paavan say jan saachay ayk sabad liv laa-ee. ||6||
Sanctified and pure are those true beings, who enshrine love for the Shabad. ||6||

ibnu nwvY hor pUj n hovI Brim BulI lokweI ]7] (910-9)
bin naavai hor pooj na hovee bharam bhulee lokaa-ee. ||7||
There is no worship of the Lord, other than the Name; the world wanders, deluded by doubt. ||7||

gurmuiK Awpu pCwxY sMqhu rwm nwim ilv lweI ]8] (910-9)
gurmukh aap pachhaanai santahu raam naam liv laa-ee. ||8||
The Gurmukh understands his own self, O Saints; he lolvingly centers his mind on the Lord's Name. ||8||

Awpy inrmlu pUj krwey gur sbdI Qwie pweI ]9] (910-10)
aapay nirmal pooj karaa-ay gur sabdee thaa-ay paa-ee. ||9||
The Immaculate Lord Himself inspires worship of Him; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is accepted and approved. ||9||

pUjw krih pru ibiD nhI jwxih dUjY Bwie mlu lweI ]10] (910-10)
poojaa karahi par biDh nahee jaaneh doojai bhaa-ay mal laa-ee. ||10||
Those who worship Him, but do not know the Way, are polluted with the love of duality. ||10||

gurmuiK hovY su pUjw jwxY Bwxw min vsweI ]11] (910-11)
gurmukh hovai so poojaa jaanai bhaanaa man vasaa-ee. ||11||
One who becomes Gurmukh, knows what worship is; the Lord's Will abides within his mind. ||11||

Bwxy qy siB suK pwvY sMqhu AMqy nwmu sKweI ]12] (910-12)
bhaanay tay sabh sukh paavai santahu antay naam sakhaa-ee. ||12||
One who accepts the Lord's Will obtains total peace, O Saints; in the end, the Naam will be our help and support. ||12||

Apxw Awpu n pCwxih sMqhu kUiV krih vifAweI ]13] (910-12)
apnaa aap na pachhaaneh santahu koorh karahi vadi-aa-ee. ||13||
One who does not understand his own self, O Saints, falsely flatters himself. ||13||

pwKMif kInY jmu nhI CofY lY jwsI piq gvweI ]14] (910-13)
pakhand keenai jam nahee chhodai lai jaasee pat gavaa-ee. ||14||
The Messenger of Death does not give up on those who practices hypocrisy; they are dragged away in disgrace. ||14||

ijn AMqir sbdu Awpu pCwxih giq imiq iqn hI pweI ]15] (910-13)
jin antar sabad aap pachhaaneh gat mit tin hee paa-ee. ||15||
Those who have the Shabad deep within, understand themselves; they find the way of salvation. ||15||

eyhu mnUAw suMn smwiD lgwvY joqI joiq imlweI ]16] (910-14)
ayhu manoo-aa sunn samaaDh lagaavai jotee jot milaa-ee. ||16||
Their minds enter into the deepest state of Samaadhi, and their light is absorbed into the Light. ||16||

suix suix gurmuiK nwmu vKwxih sqsMgiq mylweI ]17] (910-15)
sun sun gurmukh naam vakaaneh satsangat maylaa-ee. ||17||
The Gurmukhs listen constantly to the Naam, and chant it in the True Congregation. ||17||

gurmuiK gwvY Awpu gvwvY dir swcY soBw pweI ]18] (910-15)
gurmukh gaavai aap gavaavai dar saachai sobhaa paa-ee. ||18||
The Gurmukhs sing the Lord's Praises, and erase self-conceit; they obtain true honor in the Court of the Lord. ||18||

swcI bwxI scu vKwxY sic nwim ilv lweI ]19] (910-16)
saachee banee sach vakhaanai sach naam liv laa-ee. ||19||
True are their words; they speak only the Truth; they lovingly focus on the True Name. ||19||

BY BMjnu Aiq pwp inKMjnu myrw pRBu AMiq sKweI ]20] (910-16)
bhai bhanjan at paap nikhanjan mayraa parabh ant sakhaa-ee. ||20||
My God is the Destroyer of fear, the Destroyer of sin; in the end, He is our only help and support. ||20||

sBu ikCu Awpy Awip vrqY nwnk nwim vifAweI ]21]3]12] (910-17)
sabh kichh aapay aap vartai naanak naam vadi-aa-ee. ||21||3||12||
He Himself pervades and permeates everything; O Nanak, glorious greatness is obtained through the Naam. ||21||3||12||

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] (910-18)
raamkalee mehlaa 3.
Raamkalee, Third Mehl:

hm kucl kucIl Aiq AiBmwnI imil sbdy mYlu auqwrI ]1] (910-18)
ham kuchal kucheel at abhimaanee mil sabday mail utaaree. ||1||
I am filthy and polluted, proud and egotistical; receiving the Word of the Shabad, my filth is taken away. ||1||

sMqhu gurmuiK nwim insqwrI ] (910-19)
santahu gurmukh naam nistaaree.
O Saints, the Gurmukhs are saved through the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

scw nwmu visAw Gt AMqir krqY Awip svwrI ]1] rhwau ] (910-19)
sachaa naam vasi-aa ghat antar kartai aap savaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Name abides deep within their hearts. The Creator Himself embellishes them. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD