Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


eyhu jogu n hovY jogI ij kutMbu Coif prBvxu krih ] (909-1)
ayhu jog na hovai jogee je kutamb chhod parbhavan karahi.
This is not Yoga, O Yogi, to abandon your family and wander around.

igRh srIr mih hir hir nwmu gur prswdI Apxw hir pRBu lhih ]8] (909-2)
garih sareer meh har har naam gur parsaadee apnaa har parabh laheh. ||8||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is within the household of the body. By Guru's Grace, you shall find your Lord God. ||8||

iehu jgqu imtI kw puqlw jogI iesu mih rogu vfw iqRsnw mwieAw ] (909-2)
ih jagat mitee kaa putlaa jogee is meh rog vadaa tarisnaa maa-i-aa.
This world is a puppet of clay, Yogi; the terrible disease, the desire for Maya is in it.

Anyk jqn ByK kry jogI rogu n jwie gvwieAw ]9] (909-3)
anayk jatan bhaykh karay jogee rog na jaa-ay gavaa-i-aa. ||9||
Making all sorts of efforts, and wearing religious robes, Yogi, this disease cannot be cured. ||9||

hir kw nwmu AauKDu hY jogI ijs no mMin vswey ] (909-4)
har kaa naam a-ukhaDh hai jogee jis no man vasaa-ay.
The Name of the Lord is the medicine, Yogi; the Lord enshrines it in the mind.

gurmuiK hovY soeI bUJY jog jugiq so pwey ]10] (909-4)
gurmukh hovai so-ee boojhai jog jugat so paa-ay. ||10||
One who becomes Gurmukh understands this; he alone finds the Way of Yoga. ||10||

jogY kw mwrgu ibKmu hY jogI ijs no ndir kry so pwey ] (909-5)
jogai kaa maarag bikham hai jogee jis no nadar karay so paa-ay.
The Path of Yoga is very difficult, Yogi; he alone finds it, whom God blesses with His Grace.

AMqir bwhir eyko vyKY ivchu Brmu cukwey ]11] (909-5)
antar baahar ayko vaykhai vichahu bharam chukaa-ay. ||11||
Inside and outside, he sees the One Lord; he eliminates doubt from within himself. ||11||

ivxu vjweI ikMgurI vwjY jogI sw ikMgurI vjwie ] (909-6)
vin vajaa-ee kinguree vaajai jogee saa kinguree vajaa-ay.
So play the harp which vibrates without being played, Yogi.

khY nwnku mukiq hovih jogI swcy rhih smwie ]12]1]10] (909-6)
kahai naanak mukat hoveh jogee saachay raheh samaa-ay. ||12||1||10||
Says Nanak, thus you shall be liberated, Yogi, and remain merged in the True Lord. ||12||1||10||

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] (909-7)
raamkalee mehlaa 3.
Raamkalee, Third Mehl:

Bgiq Kjwnw gurmuiK jwqw siqguir bUiJ buJweI ]1] (909-7)
bhagat khajaanaa gurmukh jaataa satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||1||
The treasure of devotional worship is revealed to the Gurmukh; the True Guru has inspired me to understand this understanding. ||1||

sMqhu gurmuiK dyie vifAweI ]1] rhwau ] (909-8)
santahu gurmukh day-ay vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Saints, the Gurmukh is blessed with glorious greatness. ||1||Pause||

sic rhhu sdw shju suKu aupjY kwmu k®oDu ivchu jweI ]2] (909-8)
sach rahhu sadaa sahj sukh upjai kaam kroDh vichahu jaa-ee. ||2||
Dwelling always in Truth, celestial peace wells up; sexual desire and anger are eliminated from within. ||2||

Awpu Coif nwm ilv lwgI mmqw sbid jlweI ]3] (909-9)
aap chhod naam liv laagee mamtaa sabad jalaa-ee. ||3||
Eradicating self-conceit, remain lovingly focused on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Word of the Shabad, burn away possessiveness. ||3||

ijs qy aupjY iqs qy ibnsY AMqy nwmu sKweI ]4] (909-9)
jis tay upjai tis tay binsai antay naam sakhaa-ee. ||4||
By Him we are created, and by Him we are destroyed; in the end, the Naam will be our only help and support. ||4||

sdw hjUir dUir nh dyKhu rcnw ijin rcweI ]5] (909-10)
sadaa hajoor door nah daykhhu rachnaa jin rachaa-ee. ||5||
He is ever-present; don't think that He is far away. He created the creation. ||5||

scw sbdu rvY Gt AMqir scy isau ilv lweI ]6] (909-10)
sachaa sabad ravai ghat antar sachay si-o liv laa-ee. ||6||
Deep within your heart, chant the True Word of the Shabad; remain lovingly absorbed in the True Lord. ||6||

sqsMgiq mih nwmu inrmolku vfY Bwig pwieAw jweI ]7] (909-11)
satsangat meh naam nirmolak vadai bhaag paa-i-aa jaa-ee. ||7||
The Priceless Naam is in the Society of the Saints; by great good fortune, it is obtained. ||7||

Brim n BUlhu siqguru syvhu mnu rwKhu iek TweI ]8] (909-12)
bharam na bhoolahu satgur sayvhu man raakho ik thaa-ee. ||8||
Do not be deluded by doubt; serve the True Guru, and keep your mind steady in one place. ||8||

ibnu nwvY sB BUlI iPrdI ibrQw jnmu gvweI ]9] (909-12)
bin naavai sabh bhoolee firdee birthaa janam gavaa-ee. ||9||
Without the Name, everyone wanders around in confusion; they waste away their lives in vain. ||9||

jogI jugiq gvweI hMFY pwKMif jogu n pweI ]10] (909-13)
jogee jugat gavaa-ee handhai pakhand jog na paa-ee. ||10||
Yogi, you have lost the Way; you wander around confused. Through hypocrisy, Yoga is not attained. ||10||

isv ngrI mih Awsix bYsY gur sbdI jogu pweI ]11] (909-13)
siv nagree meh aasan baisai gur sabdee jog paa-ee. ||11||
Sitting in Yogic postures in the City of God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you shall find Yoga. ||11||

Dwqur bwjI sbid invwry nwmu vsY min AweI ]12] (909-14)
Dhaatur baajee sabad nivaaray naam vasai man aa-ee. ||12||
Restrain your restless wanderings through the Shabad, and the Naam will come to dwell in your mind. ||12||

eyhu srIru srvru hY sMqhu iesnwnu kry ilv lweI ]13] (909-14)
ayhu sareer sarvar hai santahu isnaan karay liv laa-ee. ||13||
This body is a pool, O Saints; bathe in it, and enshrine love for the Lord. ||13||

nwim iesnwnu krih sy jn inrml sbdy mYlu gvweI ]14] (909-15)
naam isnaan karahi say jan nirmal sabday mail gavaa-ee. ||14||
Those who cleanse themselves through the Naam, are the most immaculate people; through the Shabad, they wash off their filth. ||14||

qRY gux Acyq nwmu cyqih nwhI ibnu nwvY ibnis jweI ]15] (909-16)
tarai gun achayt naam cheeteh naahee bin naavai binas jaa-ee. ||15||
Trapped by the three qualities, the unconscious person does not think of the Naam; without the Name, he wastes away. ||15||

bRhmw ibsnu mhysu qRY mUriq iqRguix Brim BulweI ]16] (909-16)
barahmaa bisan mahays tarai moorat tarigun bharam bhulaa-ee. ||16||
The three forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are trapped in the three qualities, lost in confusion. ||16||

gur prswdI iqRkutI CUtY cauQY pid ilv lweI ]17] (909-17)
gur parsaadee tarikutee chhootai cha-uthai pad liv laa-ee. ||17||
By Guru's Grace, this triad is eradicated, and one is lovingly absorbed in the fourth state. ||17||

pMifq pVih piV vwdu vKwxih iqMnw bUJ n pweI ]18] (909-18)
pandit parheh parh vaad vakaaneh tinnaa boojh na paa-ee. ||18||
The Pandits, the religious scholars, read, study and discuss the arguments; they do not understand. ||18||

ibiKAw mwqy Brim Bulwey aupdysu khih iksu BweI ]19] (909-18)
bikhi-aa maatay bharam bhulaa-ay updays kaheh kis bhaa-ee. ||19||
Engrossed in corruption, they wander in confusion; who can they possibly instruct, O Siblings of Destiny? ||19||

Bgq jnw kI aUqm bwxI juig juig rhI smweI ]20] (909-19)
bhagat janaa kee ootam banee jug jug rahee samaa-ee. ||20||
The Bani, the Word of the humble devotee is the most sublime and exalted; it prevails throughout the ages. ||20||

bwxI lwgY so giq pwey sbdy sic smweI ]21] (909-19)
banee laagai so gat paa-ay sabday sach samaa-ee. ||21||
One who is committed to this Bani is emancipated, and through the Shabad, merges in Truth. ||21||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD