Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bRhmw ibsnu mhys iek mUriq Awpy krqw kwrI ]12] (908-1)
barahmaa bisan mahays ik moorat aapay kartaa kaaree. ||12||
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are manifestations of the One God. He Himself is the Doer of deeds. ||12||

kwieAw soiD qrY Bv swgru Awqm qqu vIcwrI ]13] (908-1)
kaa-i-aa soDh tarai bhav saagar aatam tat veechaaree. ||13||
One who purifies his body, crosses over the terrifying world-ocean; he contemplates the essence of his own soul. ||13||

gur syvw qy sdw suKu pwieAw AMqir sbdu rivAw guxkwrI ]14] (908-2)
gur sayvaa tay sadaa sukh paa-i-aa antar sabad ravi-aa gunkaaree. ||14||
Serving the Guru, he finds everlasting peace; deep within, the Shabad permeates him, coloring him with virtue. ||14||

Awpy myil ley guxdwqw haumY iqRsnw mwrI ]15] (908-3)
aapay mayl la-ay gundaataa ha-umai tarisnaa maaree. ||15||
The Giver of virtue unites with Himself, one who conquers egotism and desire. ||15||

qRY gux myty cauQY vrqY eyhw Bgiq inrwrI ]16] (908-3)
tarai gun maytay cha-uthai vartai ayhaa bhagat niraaree. ||16||
Eradicating the three qualities, dwell in the fourth state. This is the unparalleled devotional worship. ||16||

gurmuiK jog sbid Awqmu cInY ihrdY eyku murwrI ]17] (908-4)
gurmukh jog sabad aatam cheenai hirdai ayk muraaree. ||17||
This is the Yoga of the Gurmukh: Through the Shabad, he understands his own soul, and he enshrines within his heart the One Lord. ||17||

mnUAw AsiQru sbdy rwqw eyhw krxI swrI ]18] (908-4)
manoo-aa asthir sabday raataa ayhaa karnee saaree. ||18||
Imbued with the Shabad, his mind becomes steady and stable; this is the most excellent action. ||18||

bydu bwdu n pwKMfu AauDU gurmuiK sbid bIcwrI ]19] (908-5)
bayd baad na pakhand a-oDhoo gurmukh sabad beechaaree. ||19||
This true hermit does not enter into religious debates or hypocrisy; the Gurmukh contemplates the Shabad. ||19||

gurmuiK jogu kmwvY AauDU jqu squ sbid vIcwrI ]20] (908-5)
gurmukh jog kamaavai a-oDhoo jat sat sabad veechaaree. ||20||
The Gurmukh practices Yoga - he is the true hermit; he practices abstinence and truth, and contemplates the Shabad. ||20||

sbid mrY mnu mwry AauDU jog jugiq vIcwrI ]21] (908-6)
sabad marai man maaray a-oDhoo jog jugat veechaaree. ||21||
One who dies in the Shabad and conquers his mind is the true hermit; he understands the Way of Yoga. ||21||

mwieAw mohu Bvjlu hY AvDU sbid qrY kul qwrI ]22] (908-7)
maa-i-aa moh bhavjal hai avDhoo sabad tarai kul taaree. ||22||
Attachment to Maya is the terrifying world-ocean; through the Shabad, the true hermit saves himself, and his ancestors as well. ||22||

sbid sUr jug cwry AauDU bwxI Bgiq vIcwrI ]23] (908-7)
sabad soor jug chaaray a-oDhoo banee bhagat veechaaree. ||23||
Contemplating the Shabad, you shall be a hero throughout the four ages, O hermit; contemplate the Word of the Guru's Bani in devotion. ||23||

eyhu mnu mwieAw moihAw AauDU inksY sbid vIcwrI ]24] (908-8)
ayhu man maa-i-aa mohi-aa a-oDhoo niksai sabad veechaaree. ||24||
This mind is enticed by Maya, O hermit; contemplating the Shabad, you shall find release. ||24||

Awpy bKsy myil imlwey nwnk srix qumwrI ]25]9] (908-8)
aapay bakhsay mayl milaa-ay naanak saran tumaaree. ||25||9||
He Himself forgives, and unites in His Union; Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary, Lord. ||25||9||

rwmklI mhlw 3 AstpdIAw (908-10)
raamkalee mehlaa 3 asatpadee-aa
Raamkalee, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (908-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

srmY dIAw muMdRw kMnI pwie jogI iKMQw kir qU dieAw ] (908-11)
sarmai dee-aa mundraa kannee paa-ay jogee khinthaa kar too da-i-aa.
Make humility your ear-rings, Yogi, and compassion your patched coat.

Awvxu jwxu ibBUiq lwie jogI qw qIin Bvx ijix lieAw ]1] (908-11)
aavan jaan bibhoot laa-ay jogee taa teen bhavan jin la-i-aa. ||1||
Let coming and going be the ashes you apply to your body, Yogi, and then you shall conquer the three worlds. ||1||

AYsI ikMgurI vjwie jogI ] (908-12)
aisee kinguree vajaa-ay jogee.
Play that harp, Yogi,

ijqu ikMgurI Anhdu vwjY hir isau rhY ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] (908-12)
jit kinguree anhad vaajai har si-o rahai liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
which vibrates the unstruck sound current, and remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord. ||1||Pause||

squ sMqoKu pqu kir JolI jogI AMimRq nwmu Bugiq pweI ] (908-13)
sat santokh pat kar jholee jogee amrit naam bhugat paa-ee.
Make truth and contentment your plate and pouch, Yogi; take the Ambrosial Naam as your food.

iDAwn kw kir fMfw jogI isM|I suriq vjweI ]2] (908-13)
Dhi-aan kaa kar dandaa jogee sinyee surat vajaa-ee. ||2||
Make meditation your walking stick, Yogi, and make higher consciousness the horn you blow. ||2||

mnu idRVu kir Awsix bYsu jogI qw qyrI klpxw jweI ] (908-14)
man darirh kar aasan bais jogee taa tayree kalpanaa jaa-ee.
Make your stable mind the Yogic posture you sit in, Yogi, and then you shall be rid of your tormenting desires.

kwieAw ngrI mih mMgix cVih jogI qw nwmu plY pweI ]3] (908-15)
kaa-i-aa nagree meh mangan charheh jogee taa naam palai paa-ee. ||3||
Go begging in the village of the body, Yogi, and then, you shall obtain the Naam in your lap. ||3||

iequ ikMgurI iDAwnu n lwgY jogI nw scu plY pwie ] (908-15)
it kinguree Dhi-aan na laagai jogee naa sach palai paa-ay.
This harp does not center you in meditation, Yogi, nor does it bring the True Name into your lap.

iequ ikMgurI sWiq n AwvY jogI AiBmwnu n ivchu jwie ]4] (908-16)
it kinguree saaNt na aavai jogee abhimaan na vichahu jaa-ay. ||4||
This harp does not bring you peace, Yogi, nor eliminate egotism from within you. ||4||

Bau Bwau duie pq lwie jogI iehu srIru kir fMfI ] (908-16)
bha-o bhaa-o du-ay pat laa-ay jogee ih sareer kar dandee.
Make the Fear of God, and the Love of God, the two gourds of your lute, Yogi, and make this body its neck.

gurmuiK hovih qw qMqI vwjY ien ibiD iqRsnw KMfI ]5] (908-17)
gurmukh hoveh taa tantee vaajai in biDh tarisnaa khandee. ||5||
Become Gurmukh, and then vibrate the strings; in this way, your desires shall depart. ||5||

hukmu buJY so jogI khIAY eyks isau icqu lwey ] (908-18)
hukam bujhai so jogee kahee-ai aykas si-o chit laa-ay.
One who understands the Hukam of the Lord's Command is called a Yogi; he links his consciousness to the One Lord.

shsw qUtY inrmlu hovY jog jugiq iev pwey ]6] (908-18)
sahsaa tootai nirmal hovai jog jugat iv paa-ay. ||6||
His cynicism is dispelled, and he becomes immaculately pure; this is how he finds the Way of Yoga. ||6||

ndrI Awvdw sBu ikCu ibnsY hir syqI icqu lwie ] (908-19)
nadree aavdaa sabh kichh binsai har saytee chit laa-ay.
Everything that comes into view shall be destroyed; focus your consciousness on the Lord.

siqgur nwil qyrI BwvnI lwgY qw ieh soJI pwie ]7] (908-19)
satgur naal tayree bhaavnee laagai taa ih sojhee paa-ay. ||7||
Enshrine love for the True Guru, and then you shall obtain this understanding. ||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD