Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qIriQ Brmis ibAwiD n jwvY ] (906-1)
tirath bharmas bi-aaDh na jaavai.
and wandering around at places of pilgrimage, the disease is not taken away.

nwm ibnw kYsy suKu pwvY ]4] (906-1)
naam binaa kaisay sukh paavai. ||4||
Without the Naam, how can one find peace? ||4||

jqn krY ibMdu ikvY n rhweI ] (906-1)
jatan karai bind kivai na rahaa-ee.
No matter how much he tries, he cannot control his semen and seed.

mnUAw folY nrky pweI ] (906-2)
manoo-aa dolai narkay paa-ee.
His mind wavers, and he falls into hell.

jm puir bwDo lhY sjweI ] (906-2)
jam pur baaDho lahai sajaa-ee.
Bound and gagged in the City of Death, he is tortured.

ibnu nwvY jIau jil bil jweI ]5] (906-2)
bin naavai jee-o jal bal jaa-ee. ||5||
Without the Name, his soul cries out in agony. ||5||

isD swiDk kyqy muin dyvw ] (906-3)
siDh saaDhik kaytay mun dayvaa.
The many Siddhas and seekers, silent sages and demi-gods

hiT ingRih n iqRpqwvih Byvw ] (906-3)
hath nigrahi na tariptaaveh bhayvaa.
cannot satisfy themselves by practicing restraint through Hatha Yoga.

sbdu vIcwir ghih gur syvw ] (906-3)
sabad veechaar gaheh gur sayvaa.
One who contemplates the Word of the Shabad, and serves the Guru

min qin inrml AiBmwn AByvw ]6] (906-4)
man tan nirmal abhimaan abhayvaa. ||6||
- his mind and body become immaculate, and his egotistical pride is obliterated. ||6||

krim imlY pwvY scu nwau ] (906-4)
karam milai paavai sach naa-o.
Blessed with Your Grace, I obtain the True Name.

qum srxwgiq rhau suBwau ] (906-4)
tum sarnaagat raha-o subhaa-o.
I remain in Your Sanctuary, in loving devotion.

qum qy aupijE BgqI Bwau ] (906-5)
tum tay upji-o bhagtee bhaa-o.
Love for Your devotional worship has welled up within me.

jpu jwpau gurmuiK hir nwau ]7] (906-5)
jap jaapa-o gurmukh har naa-o. ||7||
As Gurmukh, I chant and meditate on the Lord's Name. ||7||

haumY grbu jwie mn BInY ] (906-5)
ha-umai garab jaa-ay man bheenai.
When one is rid of egotism and pride, his mind is drenched in the Lord's Love.

JUiT n pwvis pwKMif kInY ] (906-6)
jhooth na paavas pakhand keenai.
Practicing fraud and hypocrisy, he does not find God.

ibnu gur sbd nhI Gru bwru ] (906-6)
bin gur sabad nahee ghar baar.
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he cannot find the Lord's Door.

nwnk gurmuiK qqu bIcwru ]8]6] (906-6)
naanak gurmukh tat beechaar. ||8||6||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh contemplates the essence of reality. ||8||6||

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (906-7)
raamkalee mehlaa 1.
Raamkalee, First Mehl:

ijau AwieAw iqau jwvih baury ijau jnmy iqau mrxu BieAw ] (906-7)
ji-o aa-i-aa ti-o jaaveh ba-uray ji-o janmay ti-o maran bha-i-aa.
As you come, so will you leave, you fool; as you were born, so will you die.

ijau rs Bog kIey qyqw duKu lwgY nwmu ivswir Bvjil pieAw ]1] (906-8)
ji-o ras bhog kee-ay taytaa dukh laagai naam visaar bhavjal pa-i-aa. ||1||
As you enjoy pleasures, so will you suffer pain. Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you will fall into the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||

qnu Dnu dyKq grib gieAw ] (906-8)
tan Dhan daykhat garab ga-i-aa.
Gazing upon your body and wealth, you are so proud.

kink kwmnI isau hyqu vDwieih kI nwmu ivswrih Brim gieAw ]1] rhwau ] (906-9)
kanik kaamnee si-o hayt vaDhaa-ihi kee naam visaareh bharam ga-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your love for gold and sexual pleasures increases; why have you forgotten the Naam, and why do you wander in doubt? ||1||Pause||

jqu squ sMjmu sIlu n rwiKAw pRyq ipMjr mih kwstu BieAw ] (906-10)
jat sat sanjam seel na raakhi-aa parayt pinjar meh kaasat bha-i-aa.
You do not practice truth, abstinence, self-discipline or humility; the ghost within your skeleton has turned to dry wood.

puMnu dwnu iesnwnu n sMjmu swDsMgiq ibnu bwid jieAw ]2] (906-10)
punn daan isnaan na sanjam saaDhsangat bin baad ja-i-aa. ||2||
You have not practiced charity, donations, cleansing baths or austerities. Without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, your life has gone in vain. ||2||

lwlic lwgY nwmu ibswirE Awvq jwvq jnmu gieAw ] (906-11)
laalach laagai naam bisaari-o aavat jaavat janam ga-i-aa.
Attached to greed, you have forgotten the Naam. Coming and going, your life has been ruined.

jw jmu Dwie kys gih mwrY suriq nhI muiK kwl gieAw ]3] (906-12)
jaa jam Dhaa-ay kays geh maarai surat nahee mukh kaal ga-i-aa. ||3||
When the Messenger of Death grabs you by your hair, you will be punished. You are unconscious, and have fallen into Death's mouth. ||3||

Aihinis inMdw qwiq prweI ihrdY nwmu n srb dieAw ] (906-12)
ahinis nindaa taat paraa-ee hirdai naam na sarab da-i-aa.
Day and night, you jealously slander others; in your heart, you have neither the Naam, nor compassion for all.

ibnu gur sbd n giq piq pwvih rwm nwm ibnu nrik gieAw ]4] (906-13)
bin gur sabad na gat pat paavahi raam naam bin narak ga-i-aa. ||4||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you will not find salvation or honor. Without the Lord's Name, you shall go to hell. ||4||

iKn mih vys krih ntUAw ijau moh pwp mih glqu gieAw ] (906-14)
khin meh vays karahi natoo-aa ji-o moh paap meh galat ga-i-aa.
In an instant, you change into various costumes, like a juggler; you are entangled in emotional attachment and sin.

ieq auq mwieAw dyiK pswrI moh mwieAw kY mgnu BieAw ]5] (906-14)
it ut maa-i-aa daykh pasaaree moh maa-i-aa kai magan bha-i-aa. ||5||
You gaze here and there upon the expanse of Maya; you are intoxicated with attachment to Maya. ||5||

krih ibkwr ivQwr Gnyry suriq sbd ibnu Brim pieAw ] (906-15)
karahi bikaar vithaar ghanayray surat sabad bin bharam pa-i-aa.
You act in corruption, and put on ostentatious shows, but without awareness of the Shabad, you have fallen into confusion.

haumY rogu mhw duKu lwgw gurmiq lyvhu rogu gieAw ]6] (906-16)
ha-umai rog mahaa dukh laagaa gurmat layvhu rog ga-i-aa. ||6||
You suffer great pain from the disease of egotism. Following the Guru's Teachings, you shall be rid of this disease. ||6||

suK sMpiq kau Awvq dyKY swkq min AiBmwnu BieAw ] (906-16)
sukh sampat ka-o aavat daykhai saakat man abhimaan bha-i-aa.
Seeing peace and wealth come to him, the faithless cynic become proud in his mind.

ijs kw iehu qnu Dnu so iPir lyvY AMqir shsw dUKu pieAw ]7] (906-17)
jis kaa ih tan Dhan so fir layvai antar sahsaa dookh pa-i-aa. ||7||
But He who owns this body and wealth, takes them back again, and then the mortal feels anxiety and pain deep within. ||7||

AMiq kwil ikCu swiQ n cwlY jo dIsY sBu iqsih mieAw ] (906-18)
ant kaal kichh saath na chaalai jo deesai sabh tiseh ma-i-aa.
At the very last instant, nothing goes along with you; all is visible only by His Mercy.

Awid purKu AprMpru so pRBu hir nwmu irdY lY pwir pieAw ]8] (906-18)
aad purakh aprampar so parabh har naam ridai lai paar pa-i-aa. ||8||
God is our Primal and Infinite Lord; enshrining the Lord's Name in the heart, one crosses over. ||8||

mUey kau rovih iksih suxwvih BY swgr Asrwil pieAw ] (906-19)
moo-ay ka-o roveh kiseh sunaaveh bhai saagar asraal pa-i-aa.
You weep for the dead, but who hears you weeping? The dead have fallen to the serpent in the terrifying world-ocean.

dyiK kutMbu mwieAw igRh mMdru swkqu jMjwil prwil pieAw ]9] (906-19)
daykh kutamb maa-i-aa garih mandar saakat janjaal paraal pa-i-aa. ||9||
Gazing upon his family, wealth, household and mansions, the faithless cynic is entangled in worthless worldly affairs. ||9||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD