Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijsu gur prswdI nwmu ADwru ] (905-1)
jis gur parsaadee naam aDhaar.
One who takes the Support of the Naam, by Guru's Grace,

koit mDy ko jnu Awpwru ]7] (905-1)
kot maDhay ko jan aapaar. ||7||
is a rare person, one among millions, incomparable. ||7||

eyku burw Blw scu eykY ] (905-1)
ayk buraa bhalaa sach aykai.
One is bad, and another good, but the One True Lord is contained in all.

bUJu igAwnI sqgur kI tykY ] (905-2)
boojh gi-aanee satgur kee taykai.
Understand this, O spiritual teacher, through the support of the True Guru:

gurmuiK ivrlI eyko jwixAw ] (905-2)
gurmukh virlee ayko jaani-aa.
rare indeed is that Gurmukh, who realizes the One Lord.

Awvxu jwxw myit smwixAw ]8] (905-2)
aavan jaanaa mayt samaani-aa. ||8||
His comings and goings cease, and he merges in the Lord. ||8||

ijn kY ihrdY eykMkwru ] (905-3)
jin kai hirdai aykankaar.
Those who have the One Universal Creator Lord within their hearts,

srb guxI swcw bIcwru ] (905-3)
sarab gunee saachaa beechaar.
possess all virtues; they contemplate the True Lord.

gur kY BwxY krm kmwvY ] (905-3)
gur kai bhaanai karam kamaavai.
One who acts in harmony with the Guru's Will,

nwnk swcy swic smwvY ]9]4] (905-4)
naanak saachay saach samaavai. ||9||4||
O Nanak, is absorbed in the Truest of the True. ||9||4||

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (905-4)
raamkalee mehlaa 1.
Raamkalee, First Mehl:

hTu ingRhu kir kwieAw CIjY ] (905-4)
hath nigarahu kar kaa-i-aa chheejai.
Practicing restraint by Hatha Yoga, the body wears away.

vrqu qpnu kir mnu nhI BIjY ] (905-4)
varat tapan kar man nahee bheejai.
The mind is not softened by fasting or austerities.

rwm nwm sir Avru n pUjY ]1] (905-5)
raam naam sar avar na poojai. ||1||
Nothing else is equal to worship of the Lord's Name. ||1||

guru syiv mnw hir jn sMgu kIjY ] (905-5)
gur sayv manaa har jan sang keejai.
Serve the Guru, O mind, and associate with the humble servants of the Lord.

jmu jMdwru joih nhI swkY srpin fis n skY hir kw rsu pIjY ]1] rhwau ] (905-6)
jam jandaar johi nahee saakai sarpan das na sakai har kaa ras peejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The tyrannical Messenger of Death cannot touch you, and the serpent of Maya cannot sting you, when you drink in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

vwdu pVY rwgI jgu BIjY ] (905-6)
vaad parhai raagee jag bheejai.
The world reads the arguments, and is softened only by music.

qRY gux ibiKAw jnim mrIjY ] (905-7)
tarai gun bikhi-aa janam mareejai.
In the three modes and corruption, they are born and die.

rwm nwm ibnu dUKu shIjY ]2] (905-7)
raam naam bin dookh saheejai. ||2||
Without the Lord's Name, they endure suffering and pain. ||2||

cwVis pvnu isMGwsnu BIjY ] (905-7)
chaarhas pavan singhaasan bheejai.
The Yogi draws the breath upwards, and opens the Tenth Gate.

inaulI krm Ktu krm krIjY ] (905-8)
ni-ulee karam khat karam kareejai.
He practices inner cleansing and the six rituals of purification.

rwm nwm ibnu ibrQw swsu lIjY ]3] (905-8)
raam naam bin birthaa saas leejai. ||3||
But without the Lord's Name, the breath he draws is useless. ||3||

AMqir pMc Agin ikau DIrju DIjY ] (905-8)
antar panch agan ki-o Dheeraj Dheejai.
The fire of the five passions burns within him; how can he be calm?

AMqir coru ikau swdu lhIjY ] (905-9)
antar chor ki-o saad laheejai.
The thief is within him; how can he taste the taste?

gurmuiK hoie kwieAw gVu lIjY ]4] (905-9)
gurmukh ho-ay kaa-i-aa garh leejai. ||4||
One who becomes Gurmukh conquers the body-fortress. ||4||

AMqir mYlu qIrQ BrmIjY ] (905-9)
antar mail tirath bharmeejai.
With filth within, he wanders around at places of pilgrimage.

mnu nhI sUcw ikAw soc krIjY ] (905-10)
man nahee soochaa ki-aa soch kareejai.
His mind is not pure, so what is the use of performing ritual cleansings?

ikrqu pieAw dosu kw kau dIjY ]5] (905-10)
kirat pa-i-aa dos kaa ka-o deejai. ||5||
He carries the karma of his own past actions; who else can he blame? ||5||

AMnu n Kwih dyhI duKu dIjY ] (905-10)
ann na khaahi dayhee dukh deejai.
He does not eat food; he tortures his body.

ibnu gur igAwn iqRpiq nhI QIjY ] (905-11)
bin gur gi-aan taripat nahee theejai.
Without the Guru's wisdom, he is not satisfied.

mnmuiK jnmY jnim mrIjY ]6] (905-11)
manmukh janmai janam mareejai. ||6||
The self-willed manmukh is born only to die, and be born again. ||6||

siqgur pUiC sMgiq jn kIjY ] (905-12)
satgur poochh sangat jan keejai.
Go, and ask the True Guru, and associate with the Lord's humble servants.

mnu hir rwcY nhI jnim mrIjY ] (905-12)
man har raachai nahee janam mareejai.
Your mind shall merge into the Lord, and you shall not be reincarnated to die again.

rwm nwm ibnu ikAw krmu kIjY ]7] (905-12)
raam naam bin ki-aa karam keejai. ||7||
Without the Lord's Name, what can anyone do? ||7||

aUNdr dUMdr pwis DrIjY ] (905-13)
ooNdar dooNdar paas Dhareejai.
Silence the mouse scurrying around within you.

Dur kI syvw rwmu rvIjY ] (905-13)
Dhur kee sayvaa raam raveejai.
Serve the Primal Lord, by chanting the Lord's Name.

nwnk nwmu imlY ikrpw pRB kIjY ]8]5] (905-13)
naanak naam milai kirpaa parabh keejai. ||8||5||
O Nanak, God blesses us with His Name, when He grants His Grace. ||8||5||

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (905-14)
raamkalee mehlaa 1.
Raamkalee, First Mehl:

AMqir auqBuju Avru n koeI ] (905-14)
antar ut-bhuj avar na ko-ee.
The created Universe emanated from within You; there is no other at all.

jo khIAY so pRB qy hoeI ] (905-14)
jo kahee-ai so parabh tay ho-ee.
Whatever is said to be, is from You, O God.

jugh jugMqir swihbu scu soeI ] (905-14)
jugah jugantar saahib sach so-ee.
He is the True Lord and Master, throughout the ages.

auqpiq prlau Avru n koeI ]1] (905-15)
utpat parla-o avar na ko-ee. ||1||
Creation and destruction do not come from anyone else. ||1||

AYsw myrw Twkuru gihr gMBIru ] (905-15)
aisaa mayraa thaakur gahir gambheer.
Such is my Lord and Master, profound and unfathomable.

ijin jipAw iqn hI suKu pwieAw hir kY nwim n lgY jm qIru ]1] rhwau ] (905-16)
jin japi-aa tin hee sukh paa-i-aa har kai naam na lagai jam teer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever meditates on Him, finds peace. The arrow of the Messenger of Death does not strike one who has the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

nwmu rqnu hIrw inrmolu ] (905-16)
naam ratan heeraa nirmol.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is a priceless jewel, a diamond.

swcw swihbu Amru Aqolu ] (905-17)
saachaa saahib amar atol.
The True Lord Master is immortal and immeasurable.

ijhvw sUcI swcw bolu ] (905-17)
jihvaa soochee saachaa bol.
That tongue which chants the True Name is pure.

Gir dir swcw nwhI rolu ]2] (905-17)
ghar dar saachaa naahee rol. ||2||
The True Lord is in the home of the self; there is no doubt about it. ||2||

ieik bn mih bYsih fUgir AsQwnu ] (905-18)
ik ban meh baiseh doogar asthaan.
Some sit in the forests, and some make their home in the mountains.

nwmu ibswir pcih AiBmwnu ] (905-18)
naam bisaar pacheh abhimaan.
Forgetting the Naam, they rot away in egotistical pride.

nwm ibnw ikAw igAwn iDAwnu ] (905-18)
naam binaa ki-aa gi-aan Dhi-aan.
Without the Naam, what is the use of spiritual wisdom and meditation?

gurmuiK pwvih drgih mwnu ]3] (905-19)
gurmukh paavahi dargahi maan. ||3||
The Gurmukhs are honored in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

hTu AhMkwru krY nhI pwvY ] (905-19)
hath ahaNkaar karai nahee paavai.
Acting stubbornly in egotism, one does not find the Lord.

pwT pVY ly lok suxwvY ] (905-19)
paath parhai lay lok sunaavai.
Studying the scriptures, reading them to other people,


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD