Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


shj smwiD Duin gihr gMBIrw ] (891-1)
sahj samaaDh Dhun gahir gambheeraa.
he is intuitively in Samaadhi, profound and unfathomable.

sdw mukqu qw ky pUry kwm ] (891-1)
sadaa mukat taa kay pooray kaam.
He is liberated forever and all his affairs are perfectly resolved;

jw kY irdY vsY hir nwm ]2] (891-1)
jaa kai ridai vasai har naam. ||2||
the Lord's Name abides within his heart. ||2||

sgl sUK Awnµd Arog ] (891-2)
sagal sookh aanand arog.
He is totally peaceful, blissful and healthy;

smdrsI pUrn inrjog ] (891-2)
samadrasee pooran nirjog.
he looks upon all impartially, and is perfectly detached.

Awie n jwie folY kq nwhI ] (891-2)
aa-ay na jaa-ay dolai kat naahee.
He does not come and go, and he never wavers;

jw kY nwmu bsY mn mwhI ]3] (891-2)
jaa kai naam basai man maahee. ||3||
the Naam abides in his mind. ||3||

dIn dieAwl guopwl goivMd ] (891-3)
deen da-i-aal gopaal govind.
God is Merciful to the meek; He is the Lord of the World, the Lord of the Universe.

gurmuiK jpIAY auqrY icMd ] (891-3)
gurmukh japee-ai utrai chind.
The Gurmukh meditates on Him, and his worries are gone.

nwnk kau guir dIAw nwmu ] (891-3)
naanak ka-o gur dee-aa naam.
The Guru has blessed Nanak with the Naam;

sMqn kI thl sMq kw kwmu ]4]15]26] (891-4)
santan kee tahal sant kaa kaam. ||4||15||26||
he serves the Saints, and works for the Saints. ||4||15||26||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (891-4)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

bIj mMqRü hir kIrqnu gwau ] (891-4)
beej mantar har keertan gaa-o.
Sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and the Beej Mantra, the Seed Mantra.

AwgY imlI inQwvy Qwau ] (891-5)
aagai milee nithaavay thaa-o.
Even the homeless find a home in the world hereafter.

gur pUry kI crxI lwgu ] (891-5)
gur pooray kee charnee laag.
Fall at the feet of the Perfect Guru;

jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgu ]1] (891-5)
janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaag. ||1||
you have slept for so many incarnations - wake up! ||1||

hir hir jwpu jplw ] (891-6)
har har jaap japlaa.
Chant the Chant of the Lord's Name, Har, Har.

gur ikrpw qy ihrdY vwsY Baujlu pwir prlw ]1] rhwau ] (891-6)
gur kirpaa tay hirdai vaasai bha-ojal paar parlaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, it shall be enshrined within your heart, and you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

nwmu inDwnu iDAwie mn Atl ] (891-6)
naam niDhaan Dhi-aa-ay man atal.
Meditate on the eternal treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mind,

qw CUtih mwieAw ky ptl ] (891-7)
taa chhooteh maa-i-aa kay patal.
and then, the screen of Maya shall be torn away.

gur kw sbdu AMimRq rsu pIau ] (891-7)
gur kaa sabad amrit ras pee-o.
Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Guru's Shabad,

qw qyrw hoie inrml jIau ]2] (891-7)
taa tayraa ho-ay nirmal jee-o. ||2||
and then your soul shall be rendered immaculate and pure. ||2||

soDq soDq soiD bIcwrw ] (891-8)
soDhat soDhat soDh beechaaraa.
Searching, searching, searching, I have realized

ibnu hir Bgiq nhI Cutkwrw ] (891-8)
bin har bhagat nahee chhutkaaraa.
that without devotional worship of the Lord, no one is saved.

so hir Bjnu swD kY sMig ] (891-8)
so har bhajan saaDh kai sang.
So vibrate, and meditate on that Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy;

mnu qnu rwpY hir kY rMig ]3] (891-9)
man tan raapai har kai rang. ||3||
your mind and body shall be imbued with love for the Lord. ||3||

Coif isAwxp bhu cqurweI ] (891-9)
chhod si-aanap baho chaturaa-ee.
Renounce all your cleverness and trickery.

mn ibnu hir nwvY jwie n kweI ] (891-9)
man bin har naavai jaa-ay na kaa-ee.
O mind, without the Lord's Name, there is no place of rest.

dieAw DwrI goivd guosweI ] (891-10)
da-i-aa Dhaaree govid gosaa-ee.
The Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the World, has taken pity on me.

hir hir nwnk tyk itkweI ]4]16]27] (891-10)
har har naanak tayk tikaa-ee. ||4||16||27||
Nanak seeks the protection and support of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||16||27||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (891-11)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

sMq kY sMig rwm rMg kyl ] (891-11)
sant kai sang raam rang kayl.
In the Saints' Congregation, play joyfully with the Lord,

AwgY jm isau hoie n myl ] (891-11)
aagai jam si-o ho-ay na mayl.
and you will not have to meet the Messenger of Death hereafter.

AhMbuiD kw BieAw ibnws ] (891-11)
ahaN-buDh kaa bha-i-aa binaas.
Your egotistical intellect shall be dispelled,

durmiq hoeI sglI nws ]1] (891-12)
durmat ho-ee saglee naas. ||1||
and your evil-mindedness will be totally taken away. ||1||

rwm nwm gux gwie pMifq ] (891-12)
raam naam gun gaa-ay pandit.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name, O Pandit.

krm kWf AhMkwru n kwjY kusl syqI Gir jwih pMifq ]1] rhwau ] (891-12)
karam kaaNd ahaNkaar na kaajai kusal saytee ghar jaahi pandit. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Religious rituals and egotism are of no use at all. You shall go home with happiness, O Pandit. ||1||Pause||

hir kw jsu iniD lIAw lwB ] (891-13)
har kaa jas niDh lee-aa laabh.
I have earned the profit, the wealth of the Lord's praise.

pUrn Bey mnorQ swB ] (891-13)
pooran bha-ay manorath saabh.
All my hopes have been fulfilled.

duKu nwTw suKu Gr mih AwieAw ] (891-14)
dukh naathaa sukh ghar meh aa-i-aa.
Pain has left me, and peace has come to my home.

sMq pRswid kmlu ibgswieAw ]2] (891-14)
sant parsaad kamal bigsaa-i-aa. ||2||
By the Grace of the Saints, my heart-lotus blossoms forth. ||2||

nwm rqnu ijin pwieAw dwnu ] (891-14)
naam ratan jin paa-i-aa daan.
One who is blessed with the gift of the jewel of the Name,

iqsu jn hoey sgl inDwn ] (891-15)
tis jan ho-ay sagal niDhaan.
obtains all treasures.

sMqoKu AwieAw min pUrw pwie ] (891-15)
santokh aa-i-aa man pooraa paa-ay.
His mind becomes content, finding the Perfect Lord.

iPir iPir mwgn kwhy jwie ]3] (891-15)
fir fir maagan kaahay jaa-ay. ||3||
Why should he ever go begging again? ||3||

hir kI kQw sunq pivq ] (891-16)
har kee kathaa sunat pavit.
Hearing the Lord's sermon, he becomes pure and holy.

ijhvw bkq pweI giq miq ] (891-16)
jihvaa bakat paa-ee gat mat.
Chanting it with his tongue, he finds the way to salvation.

so prvwxu ijsu irdY vsweI ] (891-16)
so parvaan jis ridai vasaa-ee.
He alone is approved, who enshrines the Lord within his heart.

nwnk qy jn aUqm BweI ]4]17]28] (891-17)
naanak tay jan ootam bhaa-ee. ||4||17||28||
Nanak: such a humble being is exalted, O Siblings of Destiny. ||4||17||28||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (891-17)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

ghu kir pkrI n AweI hwiQ ] (891-17)
gahu kar pakree na aa-ee haath.
No matter how hard you try to grab it, it does not come into your hands.

pRIiq krI cwlI nhI swiQ ] (891-18)
pareet karee chaalee nahee saath.
No matter how much you may love it, it does not go along with you.

khu nwnk jau iqAwig deI ] (891-18)
kaho naanak ja-o ti-aag da-ee.
Says Nanak, when you abandon it,

qb Eh crxI Awie peI ]1] (891-18)
tab oh charnee aa-ay pa-ee. ||1||
then it comes and falls at your feet. ||1||

suix sMqhu inrml bIcwr ] (891-19)
sun santahu nirmal beechaar.
Listen, O Saints: this is the pure philosophy.

rwm nwm ibnu giq nhI kweI guru pUrw Bytq auDwr ]1] rhwau ] (891-19)
raam naam bin gat nahee kaa-ee gur pooraa bhaytat uDhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Lord's Name, there is no salvation. Meeting with the Perfect Guru, one is saved. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD