Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iqRqIA ibvsQw isMcy mwie ] (890-1)
taritee-a bivasthaa sinchay maa-ay.
In the third stage of life, he gathers the wealth of Maya.

ibriD BieAw Coif cilE pCuqwie ]2] (890-1)
biraDh bha-i-aa chhod chali-o pachhutaa-ay. ||2||
And when he grows old, he must leave all this; he departs regretting and repenting. ||2||

icrMkwl pweI dRülB dyh ] (890-1)
chirankaal paa-ee darulabh dayh.
After a very long time, one obtains this precious human body, so difficult to obtain.

nwm ibhUxI hoeI Kyh ] (890-2)
naam bihoonee ho-ee khayh.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, it is reduced to dust.

psU pryq mugD qy burI ] (890-2)
pasoo parayt mugaDh tay buree.
Worse than a beast, a demon or an idiot,

iqsih n bUJY ijin eyh isrI ]3] (890-2)
tiseh na boojhai jin ayh siree. ||3||
is that one who does not understand who created him. ||3||

suix krqwr goivMd gopwl ] (890-3)
sun kartaar govind gopaal.
Listen, O Creator Lord, Lord of the Universe, Lord of the World,

dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ] (890-3)
deen da-i-aal sadaa kirpaal.
Merciful to the meek, forever compassionate

qumih Cfwvhu Cutkih bMD ] (890-3)
tumeh chhadaavahu chhutkahi banDh.
- If You emancipate the human, then his bonds are broken.

bKis imlwvhu nwnk jg AMD ]4]12]23] (890-4)
bakhas milaavhu naanak jag anDh. ||4||12||23||
O Nanak, the people of world are blind; please, Lord, forgive them, and unite them with Yourself. ||4||12||23||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (890-4)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

kir sMjogu bnweI kwiC ] (890-4)
kar sanjog banaa-ee kaachh.
Joining the elements together, the robe of the body is fashioned.

iqsu sMig rihE ieAwnw rwic ] (890-5)
tis sang rahi-o i-aanaa raach.
The ignorant fool is engrossed in it.

pRiqpwrY inq swir smwrY ] (890-5)
partipaarai nit saar samaarai.
He cherishes it, and constantly takes care of it.

AMq kI bwr aUiT isDwrY ]1] (890-5)
ant kee baar ooth siDhaarai. ||1||
But at the very last moment, he must arise and depart. ||1||

nwm ibnw sBu JUTu prwnI ] (890-6)
naam binaa sabh jhooth paraanee.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, everything is false, O mortal.

goivd Bjn ibnu Avr sMig rwqy qy siB mwieAw mUTu prwnI ]1] rhwau ] (890-6)
govid bhajan bin avar sang raatay tay sabh maa-i-aa mooth paraanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who do not vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, but instead are imbued with other things, - all those mortals are plundered by Maya. ||1||Pause||

qIrQ nwie n auqris mYlu ] (890-7)
tirath naa-ay na utras mail.
Bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, filth is not washed off.

krm Drm siB haumY PYlu ] (890-7)
karam Dharam sabh ha-umai fail.
Religious rituals are all just egotistical displays.

lok pcwrY giq nhI hoie ] (890-7)
lok pachaarai gat nahee ho-ay.
By pleasing and appeasing people, no one is saved.

nwm ibhUxy clsih roie ]2] (890-8)
naam bihoonay chalsahi ro-ay. ||2||
Without the Naam, they shall depart weeping. ||2||

ibnu hir nwm n tUtis ptl ] (890-8)
bin har naam na tootas patal.
Without the Lord's Name, the screen is not torn away.

soDy swsqR isimRiq sgl ] (890-8)
soDhay saastar simrit sagal.
I have studied all the Shaastras and Simritees.

so nwmu jpY ijsu Awip jpwey ] (890-8)
so naam japai jis aap japaa-ay.
He alone chants the Naam, whom the Lord Himself inspires to chant.

sgl Plw sy sUiK smwey ]3] (890-9)
sagal falaa say sookh samaa-ay. ||3||
He obtains all fruits and rewards, and merges in peace. ||3||

rwKnhwry rwKhu Awip ] (890-9)
raakhanhaaray raakho aap.
O Savior Lord, please save me!

sgl suKw pRB qumrY hwiQ ] (890-9)
sagal sukhaa parabh tumrai haath.
All peace and comforts are in Your Hand, God.

ijqu lwvih iqqu lwgh suAwmI ] (890-10)
jit laaveh tit laagah su-aamee.
Whatever you attach me to, to that I am attached, O my Lord and Master.

nwnk swihbu AMqrjwmI ]4]13]24] (890-10)
naanak saahib antarjaamee. ||4||13||24||
O Nanak, the Lord is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||4||13||24||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (890-11)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

jo ikCu krY soeI suKu jwnw ] (890-11)
jo kichh karai so-ee sukh jaanaa.
Whatever He does makes me happy.

mnu AsmJu swDsMig pqIAwnw ] (890-11)
man asmajh saaDhsang patee-aanaa.
The ignorant mind is encouraged, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

foln qy cUkw ThrwieAw ] (890-11)
dolan tay chookaa thehraa-i-aa.
Now, it does not waver at all; it has become stable and steady.

siq mwih ly siq smwieAw ]1] (890-12)
sat maahi lay sat samaa-i-aa. ||1||
Receiving Truth, it is merged in the True Lord. ||1||

dUKu gieAw sBu rogu gieAw ] (890-12)
dookh ga-i-aa sabh rog ga-i-aa.
Pain is gone, and all illness is gone.

pRB kI AwigAw mn mih mwnI mhw purK kw sMgu BieAw ]1] rhwau ] (890-12)
parabh kee aagi-aa man meh maanee mahaa purakh kaa sang bha-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have accepted the Will of God in my mind, associating with the Great Person, the Guru. ||1||Pause||

sgl pivqR srb inrmlw ] (890-13)
sagal pavitar sarab nirmalaa.
All is pure; all is immaculate.

jo vrqwey soeI Blw ] (890-13)
jo vartaa-ay so-ee bhalaa.
Whatever exists is good.

jh rwKY soeI mukiq Qwnu ] (890-14)
jah raakhai so-ee mukat thaan.
Wherever He keeps me, that is the place of liberation for me.

jo jpwey soeI nwmu ]2] (890-14)
jo japaa-ay so-ee naam. ||2||
Whatever He makes me chant, is His Name. ||2||

ATsiT qIrQ jh swD pg Drih ] (890-14)
athsath tirath jah saaDh pag Dhareh.
That is the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, where the Holy place their feet,

qh bYkuMTu jh nwmu aucrih ] (890-15)
tah baikunth jah naam uchrahi.
and that is heaven, where the Naam is chanted.

srb Anµd jb drsnu pweIAY ] (890-15)
sarab anand jab darsan paa-ee-ai.
All bliss comes, when one obtains the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

rwm guxw inq inq hir gweIAY ]3] (890-15)
raam gunaa nit nit har gaa-ee-ai. ||3||
I sing continuously, continually, the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||

Awpy Git Git rihAw ibAwip ] (890-16)
aapay ghat ghat rahi-aa bi-aap.
The Lord Himself is pervading in each and every heart.

dieAwl purK prgt prqwp ] (890-16)
da-i-aal purakh pargat partaap.
The glory of the Merciful Lord is radiant and manifest.

kpt Kulwny BRm nwTy dUry ] (890-16)
kapat khulaanay bharam naathay dooray.
The shutters are opened, and doubts have run away.

nwnk kau gur Byty pUry ]4]14]25] (890-17)
naanak ka-o gur bhaytay pooray. ||4||14||25||
Nanak has met with the Perfect Guru. ||4||14||25||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (890-17)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

koit jwp qwp ibsRwm ] (890-17)
kot jaap taap bisraam.
Millions of meditations and austerities rest in him,

iriD buiD isiD sur igAwn ] (890-18)
riDh buDh siDh sur gi-aan.
along with wealth, wisdom, miraculous spiritual powers and angelic spiritual insight.

Aink rUp rMg Bog rsY ] (890-18)
anik roop rang bhog rasai.
He enjoys the various shows and forms, pleasures and delicacies;

gurmuiK nwmu inmK irdY vsY ]1] (890-18)
gurmukh naam nimakh ridai vasai. ||1||
the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells within the heart of the Gurmukh. ||1||

hir ky nwm kI vifAweI ] (890-19)
har kay naam kee vadi-aa-ee.
Such is the glorious greatness of the Name of the Lord.

kImiq khxu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] (890-19)
keemat kahan na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Its value cannot be described. ||1||Pause||

sUrbIr DIrj miq pUrw ] (890-19)
soorbeer Dheeraj mat pooraa.
He alone is brave, patient and perfectly wise;


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD