Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijin kIAw soeI pRBu jwxY hir kw mhlu Apwrw ] (883-1)
jin kee-aa so-ee parabh jaanai har kaa mahal apaaraa.
One who knows that God created him, reaches the Incomparable Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

Bgiq krI hir ky gux gwvw nwnk dwsu qumwrw ]4]1] (883-1)
bhagat karee har kay gun gaavaa naanak daas tumaaraa. ||4||1||
Worshipping the Lord, I sing His Glorious Praises. Nanak is Your slave. ||4||1||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (883-2)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

pvhu crxw qil aUpir Awvhu AYsI syv kmwvhu ] (883-2)
pavahu charnaa tal oopar aavhu aisee sayv kamaavahu.
Place yourself beneath all men's feet, and you will be uplifted; serve Him in this way.

Awps qy aUpir sB jwxhu qau drgh suKu pwvhu ]1] (883-3)
aapas tay oopar sabh jaanhu ta-o dargeh sukh paavhu. ||1||
Know that all are above you, and you shall find peace in the Court of the Lord. ||1||

sMqhu AYsI kQhu khwxI ] sur pivqR nr dyv pivqRw iKnu bolhu gurmuiK bwxI ]1] rhwau ] (883-3)
santahu aisee kathahu kahaanee. sur pavitar nar dayv pavitaraa khin bolhu gurmukh banee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Saints, speak that speech which purifies the gods and sanctifies the divine beings. As Gurmukh, chant the Word of His Bani, even for an instant. ||1||Pause||

prpMcu Coif shj Gir bYshu JUTw khhu n koeI ] (883-4)
parpanch chhod sahj ghar baishu jhoothaa kahhu na ko-ee.
Renounce your fraudulent plans, and dwell in the celestial palace; do not call anyone else false.

siqgur imlhu nvY iniD pwvhu ien ibiD qqu ibloeI ]2] (883-5)
satgur milhu navai niDh paavhu in biDh tat bilo-ee. ||2||
Meeting with the True Guru, you shall receive the nine treasures; in this way, you shall find the essence of reality. ||2||

Brmu cukwvhu gurmuiK ilv lwvhu Awqmu cInhu BweI ] (883-6)
bharam chukaavahu gurmukh liv laavhu aatam cheenahu bhaa-ee.
Eradicate doubt, and as Gurmukh, enshrine love for the Lord; understand your own soul, O Siblings of Destiny.

inkit kir jwxhu sdw pRBu hwjru iksu isau krhu burweI ]3] (883-6)
nikat kar jaanhu sadaa parabh haajar kis si-o karahu buraa-ee. ||3||
Know that God is near at hand, and ever-present. How could you try to hurt anyone else? ||3||

siqguir imilAY mwrgu mukqw shjy imly suAwmI ] (883-7)
satgur mili-ai maarag muktaa sehjay milay su-aamee.
Meeting with the True Guru, your path shall be clear, and you shall easily meet your Lord and Master.

Dnu Dnu sy jn ijnI kil mih hir pwieAw jn nwnk sd kurbwnI ]4]2] (883-7)
Dhan Dhan say jan jinee kal meh har paa-i-aa jan naanak sad kurbaanee. ||4||2||
Blessed, blessed are those humble beings, who, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, find the Lord. Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||4||2||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (883-8)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

Awvq hrK n jwvq dUKw nh ibAwpY mn rognI ] (883-8)
aavat harakh na jaavat dookhaa nah bi-aapai man rognee.
Coming does not please me, and going does not bring me pain, and so my mind is not afflicted by disease.

sdw Anµdu guru pUrw pwieAw qau auqrI sgl ibEgnI ]1] (883-9)
sadaa anand gur pooraa paa-i-aa ta-o utree sagal bi-oganee. ||1||
I am in bliss forever, for I have found the Perfect Guru; my separation from the Lord is totally ended. ||1||

ieh ibiD hY mnu jognI ] (883-10)
ih biDh hai man jognee.
This is how I have joined my mind to the Lord.

mohu sogu rogu logu n ibAwpY qh hir hir hir rs BognI ]1] rhwau ] (883-10)
moh sog rog log na bi-aapai tah har har har ras bhognee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Attachment, sorrow, disease and public opinion do not affect me, and so, I enjoy the subtle essence of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

surg pivqRw imrq pivqRw pieAwl pivqR AlognI ] (883-11)
surag pavitaraa mirat pavitaraa pa-i-aal pavitar aloganee.
I am pure in the heavenly realm, pure on this earth, and pure in the nether regions of the underworld. I remain apart from the people of the world.

AwigAwkwrI sdw suKu BuMcY jq kq pyKau hir gunI ]2] (883-11)
aagi-aakaaree sadaa sukh bhunchai jat kat paykha-o har gunee. ||2||
Obedient to the Lord, I enjoy peace forever; wherever I look, I see the Lord of glorious virtues. ||2||

nh isv skqI jlu nhI pvnw qh Akwru nhI mydnI ] (883-12)
nah siv saktee jal nahee pavnaa tah akaar nahee maydnee.
There is no Shiva or Shakti, no energy or matter, no water or wind, no world of form there,

siqgur jog kw qhw invwsw jh Aivgq nwQu Agm DnI ]3] (883-12)
satgur jog kaa tahaa nivaasaa jah avigat naath agam Dhanee. ||3||
where the True Guru, the Yogi, dwells, where the Imperishable Lord God, the Unapproachable Master abides. ||3||

qnu mnu hir kw Dnu sBu hir kw hir ky gux hau ikAw gnI ] (883-13)
tan man har kaa Dhan sabh har kaa har kay gun ha-o ki-aa ganee.
Body and mind belong to the Lord; all wealth belongs to the Lord; what glorious virtues of the Lord can I describe?

khu nwnk hm qum guir KoeI hY AMBY AMBu imlognI ]4]3] (883-14)
kaho naanak ham tum gur kho-ee hai ambhai ambh miloganee. ||4||3||
Says Nanak, the Guru has destroyed my sense of 'mine and yours'. Like water with water, I am blended with God. ||4||3||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (883-15)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

qRY gux rhq rhY inrwrI swiDk isD n jwnY ] (883-15)
tarai gun rahat rahai niraaree saaDhik siDh na jaanai.
It is beyond the three qualities; it remains untouched. The seekers and Siddhas do not know it.

rqn koTVI AMimRq sMpUrn siqgur kY KjwnY ]1] (883-15)
ratan koth-rhee amrit sampooran satgur kai khajaanai. ||1||
There is a chamber filled with jewels, overflowing with Ambrosial Nectar, in the Guru's Treasury. ||1||

Acrju ikCu khxu n jweI ] (883-16)
achraj kichh kahan na jaa-ee.
This thing is wonderful and amazing! It cannot be described.

bsqu Agocr BweI ]1] rhwau ] (883-16)
basat agochar bhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is an unfathomable object, O Siblings of Destiny! ||1||Pause||

molu nwhI kCu krxY jogw ikAw ko khY suxwvY ] (883-16)
mol naahee kachh karnai jogaa ki-aa ko kahai sunaavai.
Its value cannot be estimated at all; what can anyone say about it?

kQn khx kau soJI nwhI jo pyKY iqsu bix AwvY ]2] (883-17)
kathan kahan ka-o sojhee naahee jo paykhai tis ban aavai. ||2||
By speaking and describing it, it cannot be understood; only one who sees it realizes it. ||2||

soeI jwxY krxYhwrw kIqw ikAw bycwrw ] (883-18)
so-ee jaanai karnaihaaraa keetaa ki-aa baychaaraa.
Only the Creator Lord knows it; what can any poor creature do?

AwpxI giq imiq Awpy jwxY hir Awpy pUr BMfwrw ]3] (883-18)
aapnee gat mit aapay jaanai har aapay poor bhandaaraa. ||3||
Only He Himself knows His own state and extent. The Lord Himself is the treasure overflowing. ||3||

AYsw rsu AMimRqu min cwiKAw iqRpiq rhy AwGweI ] (883-19)
aisaa ras amrit man chaakhi-aa taripat rahay aaghaa-ee.
Tasting such Ambrosial Nectar, the mind remains satisfied and satiated.

khu nwnk myrI Awsw pUrI siqgur kI srxweI ]4]4] (883-19)
kaho naanak mayree aasaa pooree satgur kee sarnaa-ee. ||4||4||
Says Nanak, my hopes are fulfilled; I have found the Guru's Sanctuary. ||4||4||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD