Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (884-1)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

AMgIkwru kIAw pRiB ApnY bYrI sgly swDy ] (884-1)
angeekaar kee-aa parabh apnai bairee saglay saaDhay.
God has made me His own, and vanquished all my enemies.

ijin bYrI hY iehu jgu lUitAw qy bYrI lY bwDy ]1] (884-2)
jin bairee hai ih jag looti-aa tay bairee lai baaDhay. ||1||
Those enemies who have plundered this world, have all been placed in bondage. ||1||

siqguru prmysru myrw ] (884-2)
satgur parmaysar mayraa.
The True Guru is my Transcendent Lord.

Aink rwj Bog rs mwxI nwau jpI Brvwsw qyrw ]1] rhwau ] (884-2)
anik raaj bhog ras maanee naa-o japee bharvaasaa tayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I enjoy countless pleasures of power and tasty delights, chanting Your Name, and placing my faith in You. ||1||Pause||

cIiq n Awvis dUjI bwqw isr aUpir rKvwrw ] (884-3)
cheet na aavas doojee baataa sir oopar rakhvaaraa.
I do not think of any other at all. The Lord is my protector, above my head.

byprvwhu rhq hY suAwmI iek nwm kY AwDwrw ]2] (884-4)
bayparvaahu rahat hai su-aamee ik naam kai aaDhaaraa. ||2||
I am carefree and independent, when I have the Support of Your Name, O my Lord and Master. ||2||

pUrn hoie imilE suKdweI aUn n kweI bwqw ] (884-4)
pooran ho-ay mili-o sukh-daa-ee oon na kaa-ee baataa.
I have become perfect, meeting with the Giver of peace, and now, I lack nothing at all.

qqu swru prm pdu pwieAw Coif n kqhU jwqw ]3] (884-5)
tat saar param pad paa-i-aa chhod na kathoo jaataa. ||3||
I have obtained the essence of excellence, the supreme status; I shall not forsake it to go anywhere else. ||3||

brin n swkau jYsw qU hY swcy AlK Apwrw ] (884-5)
baran na saaka-o jaisaa too hai saachay alakh apaaraa.
I cannot describe how You are, O True Lord, unseen, infinite,

Aqul AQwh Afol suAwmI nwnk Ksmu hmwrw ]4]5] (884-6)
atul athaah adol su-aamee naanak khasam hamaaraa. ||4||5||
immeasurable, unfathomable and unmoving Lord. O Nanak, He is my Lord and Master. ||4||5||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (884-7)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

qU dwnw qU Aibclu qUhI qU jwiq myrI pwqI ] (884-7)
too daanaa too abichal toohee too jaat mayree paatee.
You are wise; You are eternal and unchanging. You are my social class and honor.

qU Afolu kdy folih nwhI qw hm kYsI qwqI ]1] (884-7)
too adol kaday doleh naahee taa ham kaisee taatee. ||1||
You are unmoving - You never move at all. How can I be worried? ||1||

eykY eykY eyk qUhI ] (884-8)
aykai aykai ayk toohee.
You alone are the One and only Lord;

eykY eykY qU rwieAw ] (884-8)
aykai aykai too raa-i-aa.
You alone are the king.

qau ikrpw qy suKu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (884-8)
ta-o kirpaa tay sukh paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Your Grace, I have found peace. ||1||Pause||

qU swgru hm hMs qumwry qum mih mwxk lwlw ] (884-9)
too saagar ham hans tumaaray tum meh maanak laalaa.
You are the ocean, and I am Your swan; the pearls and rubies are in You.

qum dyvhu iqlu sMk n mwnhu hm BuMch sdw inhwlw ]2] (884-9)
tum dayvhu til sank na maanhu ham bhunchah sadaa nihaalaa. ||2||
You give, and You do not hesitate for an instant; I receive, forever enraptured. ||2||

hm bwirk qum ipqw hmwry qum muiK dyvhu KIrw ] (884-10)
ham baarik tum pitaa hamaaray tum mukh dayvhu kheeraa.
I am Your child, and You are my father; You place the milk in my mouth.

hm Kylh siB lwf lfwvh qum sd guxI ghIrw ]3] (884-10)
ham khaylah sabh laad ladaaveh tum sad gunee gaheeraa. ||3||
I play with You, and You caress me in every way. You are forever the ocean of excellence. ||3||

qum pUrn pUir rhy sMpUrn hm BI sMig AGwey ] (884-11)
tum pooran poor rahay sampooran ham bhee sang aghaa-ay.
You are perfect, perfectly all-pervading; I am fulfilled with You as well.

imlq imlq imlq imil rihAw nwnk khxu n jwey ]4]6] (884-11)
milat milat milat mil rahi-aa naanak kahan na jaa-ay. ||4||6||
I am merged, merged, merged and remain merged; O Nanak, I cannot describe it! ||4||6||

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (884-12)
raamkalee mehlaa 5.
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

kr kir qwl pKwvju nYnhu mwQY vjih rbwbw ] (884-12)
kar kar taal pakhaavaj nainhu maathai vajeh rabaabaa.
Make your hands the cymbals, your eyes the tambourines, and your forehead the guitar you play.

krnhu mDu bwsurI bwjY ijhvw Duin Awgwjw ] (884-13)
karnahu maDh baasuree baajai jihvaa Dhun aagaajaa.
Let the sweet flute music resound in your ears, and with your tongue, vibrate this song.

inriq kry kir mnUAw nwcY Awxy GUGr swjw ]1] (884-13)
nirat karay kar manoo-aa naachai aanay ghooghar saajaa. ||1||
Move your mind like the rhythmic hand-motions; do the dance, and shake your ankle bracelets. ||1||

rwm ko inriqkwrI ] (884-14)
raam ko nirtikaaree.
This is the rhythmic dance of the Lord.

pyKY pyKnhwru dieAwlw jyqw swju sIgwrI ]1] rhwau ] (884-14)
paykhai paykhanhaar da-i-aalaa jaytaa saaj seegaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Merciful Audience, the Lord, sees all your make-up and decorations. ||1||Pause||

AwKwr mMflI Drix sbweI aUpir ggnu cMdoAw ] (884-15)
aakhaar mandlee Dharan sabaa-ee oopar gagan chando-aa.
The whole earth is the stage, with the canopy of the sky overhead.

pvnu ivcolw krq iekylw jl qy Epiq hoAw ] (884-15)
pavan vicholaa karat ikaylaa jal tay opat ho-aa.
The wind is the director; people are born of water.

pMc qqu kir puqrw kInw ikrq imlwvw hoAw ]2] (884-16)
panch tat kar putraa keenaa kirat milaavaa ho-aa. ||2||
From the five elements, the puppet was created with its actions. ||2||

cMdu sUrju duie jry crwgw chu kuMt BIqir rwKy ] (884-16)
chand sooraj du-ay jaray charaagaa chahu kunt bheetar raakhay.
The sun and the moon are the two lamps which shine, with the four corners of the world placed between them.

ds pwqau pMc sMgIqw eykY BIqir swQy ] (884-17)
das paata-o panch sangeetaa aykai bheetar saathay.
The ten senses are the dancing girls, and the five passions are the chorus; they sit together within the one body.

iBMn iBMn hoie Bwv idKwvih sBhu inrwrI BwKy ]3] (884-17)
bhinn bhinn ho-ay bhaav dikhaaveh sabhahu niraaree bhaakhay. ||3||
They all put on their own shows, and speak in different languages. ||3||

Gir Gir inriq hovY idnu rwqI Git Git vwjY qUrw ] (884-18)
ghar ghar nirat hovai din raatee ghat ghat vaajai tooraa.
In each and every home there is dancing, day and night; in each and every home, the bugles blow.

eyik ncwvih eyik Bvwvih ieik Awie jwie hoie DUrw ] (884-19)
ayk nachaaveh ayk bhavaaveh ik aa-ay jaa-ay ho-ay Dhooraa.
Some are made to dance, and some are whirled around; some come and some go, and some are reduced to dust.

khu nwnk so bhuir n nwcY ijsu guru BytY pUrw ]4]7] (884-19)
kaho naanak so bahur na naachai jis gur bhaytai pooraa. ||4||7||
Says Nanak, one who meets with the True Guru, does not have to dance the dance of reincarnation again. ||4||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD