Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwm jn gurmiq rwmu bolwie ] (881-1)
raam jan gurmat raam bolaa-ay.
O humble servant of the Lord, follow the Guru's Teachings, and chant the Name of the Lord.

jo jo suxY khY so mukqw rwm jpq sohwie ]1] rhwau ] (881-1)
jo jo sunai kahai so muktaa raam japat sohaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever hears and speaks it is liberated; chanting the Lord's Name, one is embellished with beauty. ||1||Pause||

jy vf Bwg hovih muiK msqik hir rwm jnw Bytwie ] (881-2)
jay vad bhaag hoveh mukh mastak har raam janaa bhaytaa-ay.
If someone has supremely high destiny written on his forehead, the Lord leads him to meet the humble servants of the Lord.

drsnu sMq dyhu kir ikrpw sBu dwldu duKu lih jwie ]2] (881-3)
darsan sant dayh kar kirpaa sabh daalad dukh leh jaa-ay. ||2||
Be merciful, and grant me the Blessed Vision of the Saints' Darshan, which shall rid me of all poverty and pain. ||2||

hir ky log rwm jn nIky BwghIx n suKwie ] (881-3)
har kay log raam jan neekay bhaagheen na sukhaa-ay.
The Lord's people are good and sublime; the unfortunate ones do not like them at all.

ijau ijau rwm khih jn aUcy nr inMdk fMsu lgwie ]3] (881-4)
ji-o ji-o raam kaheh jan oochay nar nindak dans lagaa-ay. ||3||
The more the Lord's exalted servants speak of Him, the more the slanderers attack and sting them. ||3||

iDRgu iDRgu nr inMdk ijn jn nhI Bwey hir ky sKw sKwie ] (881-4)
Dharig Dharig nar nindak jin jan nahee bhaa-ay har kay sakhaa sakhaa-ay.
Cursed, cursed are the slanderers who do not like the humble, the friends and companions of the Lord.

sy hir ky cor vymuK muK kwly ijn gur kI pYj n Bwie ]4] (881-5)
say har kay chor vaimukh mukh kaalay jin gur kee paij na bhaa-ay. ||4||
Those who do not like the honor and glory of the Guru are faithless, black-faced thieves, who have turned their backs on the Lord. ||4||

dieAw dieAw kir rwKhu hir jIau hm dIn qyrI srxwie ] (881-6)
da-i-aa da-i-aa kar raakho har jee-o ham deen tayree sarnaa-ay.
Have mercy, have mercy, please save me, Dear Lord. I am meek and humble - I seek Your protection.

hm bwirk qum ipqw pRB myry jn nwnk bKis imlwie ]5]2] (881-6)
ham baarik tum pitaa parabh mayray jan naanak bakhas milaa-ay. ||5||2||
I am Your child, and You are my father, God. Please forgive servant Nanak and merge him with Yourself. ||5||2||

rwmklI mhlw 4 ] (881-7)
raamkalee mehlaa 4.
Raamkalee, Fourth Mehl:

hir ky sKw swD jn nIky iqn aUpir hwQu vqwvY ] (881-7)
har kay sakhaa saaDh jan neekay tin oopar haath vataavai.
The friends of the Lord, the humble, Holy Saints are sublime; the Lord spreads out His protecting hands above them.

gurmuiK swD syeI pRB Bwey kir ikrpw Awip imlwvY ]1] (881-8)
gurmukh saaDh say-ee parabh bhaa-ay kar kirpaa aap milaavai. ||1||
The Gurmukhs are the Holy Saints, pleasing to God; in His mercy, He blends them with Himself. ||1||

rwm mo kau hir jn myil min BwvY ] (881-8)
raam mo ka-o har jan mayl man bhaavai.
O Lord, my mind longs to meet with the humble servants of the Lord.

Aimau Aimau hir rsu hY mITw imil sMq jnw muiK pwvY ]1] rhwau ] (881-9)
ami-o ami-o har ras hai meethaa mil sant janaa mukh paavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sweet, subtle essence of the Lord is immortalizing ambrosia. Meeting the Saints, I drink it in. ||1||Pause||

hir ky log rwm jn aUqm imil aUqm pdvI pwvY ] (881-9)
har kay log raam jan ootam mil ootam padvee paavai.
The Lord's people are the most lofty and exalted. Meeting with them, the most exalted status is obtained.

hm hovq cyrI dws dwsn kI myrw Twkuru KusI krwvY ]2] (881-10)
ham hovat chayree daas daasan kee mayraa thaakur khusee karaavai. ||2||
I am the slave of the slave of the Lord's slaves; my Lord and Master is pleased with me. ||2||

syvk jn syvih sy vfBwgI ird min qin pRIiq lgwvY ] (881-11)
sayvak jan sayveh say vadbhaagee rid man tan pareet lagaavai.
The humble servant serves; one who enshrines love for the Lord in his heart, mind and body is very fortunate.

ibnu pRIqI krih bhu bwqw kUVu boil kUVo Plu pwvY ]3] (881-11)
bin pareetee karahi baho baataa koorh bol koorho fal paavai. ||3||
One who talks too much without love, speaks falsely, and obtains only false rewards. ||3||

mo kau Dwir ik®pw jgjIvn dwqy hir sMq pgI ly pwvY ] (881-12)
mo ka-o Dhaar kirpaa jagjeevan daatay har sant pagee lay paavai.
Take pity on me, O Lord of the World, O Great Giver; let me fall at the feet of the Saints.

hau kwtau kwit bwiF isru rwKau ijqu nwnk sMqu ciV AwvY ]4]3] (881-12)
ha-o kaata-o kaat baadh sir raakha-o jit naanak sant charh aavai. ||4||3||
I would cut off my head, and cut it into pieces, O Nanak, and set it down for the Saints to walk upon. ||4||3||

rwmklI mhlw 4 ] (881-13)
raamkalee mehlaa 4.
Raamkalee, Fourth Mehl:

jy vf Bwg hovih vf myry jn imlidAw iFl n lweIAY ] (881-13)
jay vad bhaag hoveh vad mayray jan mildi-aaN dhil na laa-ee-ai.
If I am blessed with supreme high destiny, I will meet the humble servants of the Lord, without delay.

hir jn AMimRq kuMt sr nIky vfBwgI iqqu nwvweIAY ]1] (881-14)
har jan amrit kunt sar neekay vadbhaagee tit naavaa-ee-ai. ||1||
The Lord's humble servants are pools of ambrosial nectar; by great good fortune, one bathes in them. ||1||

rwm mo kau hir jn kwrY lweIAY ] (881-15)
raam mo ka-o har jan kaarai laa-ee-ai.
O Lord, let me work for the humble servants of the Lord.

hau pwxI pKw pIsau sMq AwgY pg mil mil DUir muiK lweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (881-15)
ha-o paanee pakhaa peesa-o sant aagai pag mal mal Dhoor mukh laa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I carry water, wave the fan and grind the corn for them; I massage and wash their feet. I apply the dust of their feet to my forehead. ||1||Pause||

hir jn vfy vfy vf aUcy jo sqgur myil imlweIAY ] (881-16)
har jan vaday vaday vad oochay jo satgur mayl milaa-ee-ai.
The Lord's humble servants are great, very great, the greatest and most exalted; they lead us to meet the True Guru.

sqgur jyvfu Avru n koeI imil sqgur purK iDAweIAY ]2] (881-16)
satgur jayvad avar na ko-ee mil satgur purakh Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||2||
No one else is as great as the True Guru; meeting the True Guru, I meditate on the Lord, the Primal Being. ||2||

sqgur srix pry iqn pwieAw myry Twkur lwj rKweIAY ] (881-17)
satgur saran paray tin paa-i-aa mayray thaakur laaj rakhaa-ee-ai.
Those who seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru find the Lord. My Lord and Master saves their honor.

ieik ApxY suAwie Awie bhih gur AwgY ijau bgul smwiD lgweIAY ]3] (881-18)
ik apnai su-aa-ay aa-ay baheh gur aagai ji-o bagul samaaDh lagaa-ee-ai. ||3||
Some come for their own purposes, and sit before the Guru; they pretend to be in Samaadhi, like storks with their eyes closed. ||3||

bgulw kwg nIc kI sMgiq jwie krMg ibKU muiK lweIAY ] (881-18)
bagulaa kaag neech kee sangat jaa-ay karang bikhoo mukh laa-ee-ai.
Associating with the wretched and the lowly, like the stork and the crow, is like feeding on a carcass of poison.

nwnk myil myil pRB sMgiq imil sMgiq hMsu krweIAY ]4]4] (881-19)
naanak mayl mayl parabh sangat mil sangat hans karaa-ee-ai. ||4||4||
Nanak: O God, unite me with the Sangat, the Congregation. United with the Sangat, I will become a swan. ||4||4||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD