Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


goNf mhlw 5 ] (865-1)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:

rwm rwm sMig kir ibauhwr ] (865-1)
raam raam sang kar bi-uhaar.
Deal and trade only with the Lord, Raam, Raam.

rwm rwm rwm pRwn ADwr ] (865-1)
raam raam raam paraan aDhaar.
The Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam, is the Support of the breath of life.

rwm rwm rwm kIrqnu gwie ] (865-2)
raam raam raam keertan gaa-ay.
Sing the Kirtan of the Praises of the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam.

rmq rwmu sB rihE smwie ]1] (865-2)
ramat raam sabh rahi-o samaa-ay. ||1||
The Lord is ever-present, all-pervading. ||1||

sMq jnw imil bolhu rwm ] (865-2)
sant janaa mil bolhu raam.
Joining the humble Saints, chant the Lord's Name.

sB qy inrml pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ] (865-3)
sabh tay nirmal pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is the most immaculate and perfect occupation of all. ||1||Pause||

rwm rwm Dnu sMic BMfwr ] (865-3)
raam raam Dhan sanch bhandaar.
Gather the treasure, the wealth of the Lord, Raam, Raam.

rwm rwm rwm kir Awhwr ] (865-3)
raam raam raam kar aahaar.
Let your sustenance be the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam.

rwm rwm vIsir nhI jwie ] (865-4)
raam raam veesar nahee jaa-ay.
Never forget the Lord, Raam, Raam.

kir ikrpw guir dIAw bqwie ]2] (865-4)
kar kirpaa gur dee-aa bataa-ay. ||2||
In His Mercy, the Guru has revealed this to me. ||2||

rwm rwm rwm sdw shwie ] (865-4)
raam raam raam sadaa sahaa-ay.
The Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam, is always our help and support.

rwm rwm rwm ilv lwie ] (865-5)
raam raam raam liv laa-ay.
Embrace love for the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam.

rwm rwm jip inrml Bey ] (865-5)
raam raam jap nirmal bha-ay.
Through the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam, I have become immaculate.

jnm jnm ky iklibK gey ]3] (865-5)
janam janam kay kilbikh ga-ay. ||3||
The sins of countless incarnations have been taken away. ||3||

rmq rwm jnm mrxu invwrY ] (865-6)
ramat raam janam maran nivaarai.
Uttering the Lord's Name, birth and death are finished.

aucrq rwm BY pwir auqwrY ] (865-6)
uchrat raam bhai paar utaarai.
Repeating the Lord's Name, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.

sB qy aUc rwm prgws ] (865-6)
sabh tay ooch raam pargaas.
The Luminous Lord is the highest of all.

inis bwsur jip nwnk dws ]4]8]10] (865-7)
nis baasur jap naanak daas. ||4||8||10||
Night and day, servant Nanak meditates on Him. ||4||8||10||

goNf mhlw 5 ] (865-7)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:

aun kau Ksim kInI Twkhwry ] (865-7)
un ka-o khasam keenee thaakhaaray.
My Lord and Master has held back the five demons.

dws sMg qy mwir ibdwry ] (865-7)
daas sang tay maar bidaaray.
He conquered them, and scared them away from the Lord's slave.

goibMd Bgq kw mhlu n pwieAw ] (865-8)
gobind bhagat kaa mahal na paa-i-aa.
They cannot find the mansion of the Lord's devotee.

rwm jnw imil mMglu gwieAw ]1] (865-8)
raam janaa mil mangal gaa-i-aa. ||1||
Joining together, the Lord's humble servants sing the songs of joy. ||1||

sgl isRsit ky pMc iskdwr ] (865-9)
sagal sarisat kay panch sikdaar.
The five demons are the rulers of the whole world,

rwm Bgq ky pwnIhwr ]1] rhwau ] (865-9)
raam bhagat kay paaneehaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
but they are just water-carriers for the Lord's devotee. ||1||Pause||

jgq pws qy lyqy dwnu ] (865-9)
jagat paas tay laytay daan.
They collect taxes from the world,

goibMd Bgq kau krih slwmu ] (865-10)
gobind bhagat ka-o karahi salaam.
but they bow in subservience to God's devotees.

lUit lyih swkq piq Kovih ] (865-10)
loot layhi saakat pat khoveh.
They plunder and dishonor the faithless cynics,

swD jnw pg mil mil Dovih ]2] (865-10)
saaDh janaa pag mal mal Dhoveh. ||2||
but they massage and wash the feet of the Holy. ||2||

pMc pUq jxy iek mwie ] (865-11)
panch poot janay ik maa-ay.
The One Mother gave birth to the five sons,

auqBuj Kylu kir jgq ivAwie ] (865-11)
ut-bhuj khayl kar jagat vi-aa-ay.
and began the play of the created world.

qIin guxw kY sMig ric rsy ] (865-11)
teen gunaa kai sang rach rasay.
With the three qualities joined together, they celebrate.

ien kau Coif aUpir jn bsy ]3] (865-12)
in ka-o chhod oopar jan basay. ||3||
Renouncing these three qualities, the Lord's humble servants rise above them. ||3||

kir ikrpw jn lIey Cfwie ] (865-12)
kar kirpaa jan lee-ay chhadaa-ay.
In His Mercy, He saves His humble servants.

ijs ky sy iqin rKy htwie ] (865-12)
jis kay say tin rakhay hataa-ay.
They belong to Him, and so He saves them by driving out the five.

khu nwnk Bgiq pRB swru ] (865-13)
kaho naanak bhagat parabh saar.
Says Nanak, devotion to God is noble and sublime.

ibnu BgqI sB hoie KuAwru ]4]9]11] (865-13)
bin bhagtee sabh ho-ay khu-aar. ||4||9||11||
Without devotion, all just waste away uselessly. ||4||9||11||

goNf mhlw 5 ] (865-13)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:

kil klys imty hir nwie ] (865-13)
kal kalays mitay har naa-ay.
Suffering and troubles are eradicated by the Lord's Name.

duK ibnsy suK kIno Twau ] (865-14)
dukh binsay sukh keeno thaa-o.
Pain is dispelled, and peace takes its place.

jip jip AMimRq nwmu AGwey ] (865-14)
jap jap amrit naam aghaa-ay.
Meditating, chanting the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, I am satisfied.

sMq pRswid sgl Pl pwey ]1] (865-14)
sant parsaad sagal fal paa-ay. ||1||
By the Grace of the Saints, I have received all fruitful rewards. ||1||

rwm jpq jn pwir pry ] (865-15)
raam japat jan paar paray.
Meditating on the Lord, His humble servant is carried across,

jnm jnm ky pwp hry ]1] rhwau ] (865-15)
janam janam kay paap haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and the sins of countless incarnations are taken away. ||1||Pause||

gur ky crn irdY auir Dwry ] (865-15)
gur kay charan ridai ur Dhaaray.
I have enshrined the Guru's feet within my heart,

Agin swgr qy auqry pwry ] (865-16)
agan saagar tay utray paaray.
and crossed over the ocean of fire.

jnm mrx sB imtI aupwiD ] (865-16)
janam maran sabh mitee upaaDh.
All the painful diseases of birth and death have been eradicated.

pRB isau lwgI shij smwiD ]2] (865-16)
parabh si-o laagee sahj samaaDh. ||2||
I am attached to God in celestial Samaadhi. ||2||

Qwn Qnµqir eyko suAwmI ] (865-17)
thaan thanantar ayko su-aamee.
In all places and interspaces, the One, our Lord and Master is contained.

sgl Gtw kw AMqrjwmI ] (865-17)
sagal ghataa kaa antarjaamee.
He is the Inner-knower of all hearts.

kir ikrpw jw kau miq dyie ] (865-17)
kar kirpaa jaa ka-o mat day-ay.
One whom the Lord blesses with understanding,

AwT phr pRB kw nwau lyie ]3] (865-18)
aath pahar parabh kaa naa-o lay-ay. ||3||
chants the Name of God, twenty-four hours a day. ||3||

jw kY AMqir vsY pRBu Awip ] (865-18)
jaa kai antar vasai parabh aap.
Deep within, God Himself abides;

qw kY ihrdY hoie pRgwsu ] (865-18)
taa kai hirdai ho-ay pargaas.
within his heart, the Divine Light shines forth.

Bgiq Bwie hir kIrqnu krIAY ] (865-19)
bhagat bhaa-ay har keertan karee-ai.
With loving devotion, sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

jip pwrbRhmu nwnk insqrIAY ]4]10]12] (865-19)
jap paarbarahm naanak nistaree-ai. ||4||10||12||
Meditate on the Supreme Lord God, O Nanak, and you shall be saved. ||4||10||12||

goNf mhlw 5 ] (865-19)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD