Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk kau ikrpw BeI dwsu Apnw kInu ]4]25]55] (815-1)
naanak ka-o kirpaa bha-ee daas apnaa keen. ||4||25||55||
Nanak has been blessed with God's Mercy; God has made him His Slave. ||4||25||55||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (815-1)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

hir Bgqw kw Awsrw An nwhI Twau ] (815-1)
har bhagtaa kaa aasraa an naahee thaa-o.
The Lord is the Hope and Support of His devotees; there is nowhere else for them to go.

qwxu dIbwxu prvwr Dnu pRB qyrw nwau ]1] (815-2)
taan deebaan parvaar Dhan parabh tayraa naa-o. ||1||
O God, Your Name is my power, realm, relatives and riches. ||1||

kir ikrpw pRiB AwpxI Apny dws riK lIey ] (815-2)
kar kirpaa parabh aapnee apnay daas rakh lee-ay.
God has granted His Mercy, and saved His slaves.

inMdk inMdw kir pcy jmkwil gRsIey ]1] rhwau ] (815-3)
nindak nindaa kar pachay jamkaal garsee-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The slanderers rot in their slander; they are seized by the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause||

sMqw eyku iDAwvnw dUsr ko nwih ] (815-3)
santaa ayk Dhi-aavanaa doosar ko naahi.
The Saints meditate on the One Lord, and no other.

eyksu AwgY bynqI rivAw sRb Qwie ]2] (815-4)
aykas aagai bayntee ravi-aa sarab thaa-ay. ||2||
They offer their prayers to the One Lord, who is pervading and permeating all places. ||2||

kQw purwqn ieau suxI Bgqn kI bwnI ] (815-4)
kathaa puraatan i-o sunee bhagtan kee baanee.
I have heard this old story, spoken by the devotees,

sgl dust KMf KMf kIey jn lIey mwnI ]3] (815-5)
sagal dusat khand khand kee-ay jan lee-ay maanee. ||3||
that all the wicked are cut apart into pieces, while His humble servants are blessed with honor. ||3||

siq bcn nwnku khY prgt sB mwih ] (815-5)
sat bachan naanak kahai pargat sabh maahi.
Nanak speaks the true words, which are obvious to all.

pRB ky syvk srix pRB iqn kau Bau nwih ]4]26]56] (815-6)
parabh kay sayvak saran parabh tin ka-o bha-o naahi. ||4||26||56||
God's servants are under God's Protection; they have absolutely no fear. ||4||26||56||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (815-6)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

bMDn kwtY so pRBU jw kY kl hwQ ] (815-7)
banDhan kaatai so parabhoo jaa kai kal haath.
God breaks the bonds which hold us; He holds all power in His hands.

Avr krm nhI CUtIAY rwKhu hir nwQ ]1] (815-7)
avar karam nahee chhootee-ai raakho har naath. ||1||
No other actions will bring release; save me, O my Lord and Master. ||1||

qau srxwgiq mwDvy pUrn dieAwl ] (815-7)
ta-o sarnaagat maaDhvay pooran da-i-aal.
I have entered Your Sanctuary, O Perfect Lord of Mercy.

CUit jwie sMswr qy rwKY gopwl ]1] rhwau ] (815-8)
chhoot jaa-ay sansaar tay raakhai gopaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those whom You preserve and protect, O Lord of the Universe, are saved from the trap of the world. ||1||Pause||

Awsw Brm ibkwr moh ien mih loBwnw ] (815-8)
aasaa bharam bikaar moh in meh lobhaanaa.
Hope, doubt, corruption and emotional attachment - in these, he is engrossed.

JUTu smgRI min vsI pwrbRhmu n jwnw ]2] (815-9)
jhooth samagree man vasee paarbarahm na jaanaa. ||2||
The false material world abides in his mind, and he does not understand the Supreme Lord God. ||2||

prm joiq pUrn purK siB jIA qum@wry ] (815-9)
param jot pooran purakh sabh jee-a tumHaaray.
O Perfect Lord of Supreme Light, all beings belong to You.

ijau qU rwKih iqau rhw pRB Agm Apwry ]3] (815-10)
ji-o too raakhahi ti-o rahaa parabh agam apaaray. ||3||
As You keep us, we live, O infinite, inaccessible God. ||3||

krx kwrx smrQ pRB dyih Apnw nwau ] (815-10)
karan kaaran samrath parabh deh apnaa naa-o.
Cause of causes, All-powerful Lord God, please bless me with Your Name.

nwnk qrIAY swDsMig hir hir gux gwau ]4]27]57] (815-11)
naanak taree-ai saaDhsang har har gun gaa-o. ||4||27||57||
Nanak is carried across in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||27||57||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (815-11)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

kvnu kvnu nhI pqirAw qum@rI prqIiq ] (815-11)
kavan kavan nahee patri-aa tumHree parteet.
Who? Who has not fallen, by placing their hopes in you?

mhw mohnI moihAw nrk kI rIiq ]1] (815-12)
mahaa mohnee mohi-aa narak kee reet. ||1||
You are enticed by the great enticer - this is the way to hell! ||1||

mn Kuthr qyrw nhI ibswsu qU mhw audmwdw ] (815-12)
man khuthar tayraa nahee bisaas too mahaa udmaadaa.
O vicious mind, no faith can be placed in you; you are totally intoxicated.

Kr kw pYKru qau CutY jau aUpir lwdw ]1] rhwau ] (815-13)
khar kaa paikhar ta-o chhutai ja-o oopar laadaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The donkey's leash is only removed, after the load is placed on his back. ||1||Pause||

jp qp sMjm qum@ KMfy jm ky duK fWf ] (815-13)
jap tap sanjam tumH khanday jam kay dukh daaNd.
You destroy the value of chanting, intensive meditation and self-discipline; you shall suffer in pain, beaten by the Messenger of Death.

ismrih nwhI join duK inrljy BWf ]2] (815-14)
simrahi naahee jon dukh nirlajay bhaaNd. ||2||
You do not meditate, so you shall suffer the pains of reincarnation, you shameless buffoon! ||2||

hir sMig shweI mhw mIqu iqs isau qyrw Bydu ] (815-14)
har sang sahaa-ee mahaa meet tis si-o tayraa bhayd.
The Lord is your Companion, your Helper, your Best Friend; but you disagree with Him.

bIDw pMc btvwreI aupijE mhw Kydu ]3] (815-15)
beeDhaa panch batvaara-ee upji-o mahaa khayd. ||3||
You are in love with the five thieves; this brings terrible pain. ||3||

nwnk iqn sMqn srxwgqI ijn mnu vis kInw ] (815-15)
naanak tin santan sarnaagatee jin man vas keenaa.
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Saints, who have conquered their minds.

qnu Dnu srbsu Awpxw pRiB jn kau dIn@w ]4]28]58] (815-16)
tan Dhan sarbas aapnaa parabh jan ka-o deenHaa. ||4||28||58||
He gives body, wealth and everything to the slaves of God. ||4||28||58||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (815-16)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

audmu krq Awndu BieAw ismrq suK swru ] (815-17)
udam karat aanad bha-i-aa simrat sukh saar.
Try to meditate, and contemplate the source of peace, and bliss will come to you.

jip jip nwmu goibMd kw pUrn bIcwru ]1] (815-17)
jap jap naam gobind kaa pooran beechaar. ||1||
Chanting, and meditating on the Name of the Lord of the Universe, perfect understanding is achieved. ||1||

crn kml gur ky jpq hir jip hau jIvw ] (815-18)
charan kamal gur kay japat har jap ha-o jeevaa.
Meditating on the Lotus Feet of the Guru, and chanting the Name of the Lord, I live.

pwrbRhmu AwrwDqy muiK AMimRqu pIvw ]1] rhwau ] (815-18)
paarbarahm aaraaDh-tay mukh amrit peevaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Worshipping the Supreme Lord God in adoration, my mouth drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||

jIA jMq siB suiK bsy sB kY min loc ] (815-19)
jee-a jant sabh sukh basay sabh kai man loch.
All beings and creatures dwell in peace; the minds of all yearn for the Lord.

praupkwru inq icqvqy nwhI kCu poc ]2] (815-19)
par-upkaar nit chitvatay naahee kachh poch. ||2||
Those who continually remember the Lord, do good deeds for others; they harbor no ill will towards anyone. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD