Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


suix suix jIvY dwsu qum@ bwxI jn AwKI ] (814-1)
sun sun jeevai daas tumH banee jan aakhee.
Your slave lives by hearing, hearing the Word of Your Bani, chanted by Your humble servant.

pRgt BeI sB loA mih syvk kI rwKI ]1] rhwau ] (814-1)
pargat bha-ee sabh lo-a meh sayvak kee raakhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru is revealed in all the worlds; He saves the honor of His servant. ||1||Pause||

Agin swgr qy kwiFAw pRiB jlin buJweI ] (814-2)
agan saagar tay kaadhi-aa parabh jalan bujhaa-ee.
God has pulled me out of the ocean of fire, and quenched my burning thirst.

AMimRq nwmu jlu sMicAw gur Bey shweI ]2] (814-2)
amrit naam jal sanchi-aa gur bha-ay sahaa-ee. ||2||
The Guru has sprinkled the Ambrosial Water of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He has become my Helper. ||2||

jnm mrx duK kwitAw suK kw Qwnu pwieAw ] (814-3)
janam maran dukh kaati-aa sukh kaa thaan paa-i-aa.
The pains of birth and death are removed, and I have obtained a resting place of peace.

kwtI islk BRm moh kI Apny pRB BwieAw ]3] (814-3)
kaatee silak bharam moh kee apnay parabh bhaa-i-aa. ||3||
The noose of doubt and emotional attachment has been snapped; I have become pleasing to my God. ||3||

mq koeI jwxhu Avru kCu sB pRB kY hwiQ ] (814-4)
mat ko-ee jaanhu avar kachh sabh parabh kai haath.
Let no one think that there is any other at all; everything is in the Hands of God.

srb sUK nwnk pwey sMig sMqn swiQ ]4]22]52] (814-4)
sarab sookh naanak paa-ay sang santan saath. ||4||22||52||
Nanak has found total peace, in the Society of the Saints. ||4||22||52||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (814-5)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

bMDn kwty Awip pRiB hoAw ikrpwl ] (814-5)
banDhan kaatay aap parabh ho-aa kirpaal.
My bonds have been snapped; God Himself has become compassionate.

dIn dieAwl pRB pwrbRhm qw kI ndir inhwl ]1] (814-5)
deen da-i-aal parabh paarbarahm taa kee nadar nihaal. ||1||
The Supreme Lord God is Merciful to the meek; by His Glance of Grace, I am in ecstasy. ||1||

guir pUrY ikrpw krI kwitAw duKu rogu ] (814-6)
gur poorai kirpaa karee kaati-aa dukh rog.
The Perfect Guru has shown mercy to me, and eradicated my pains and illnesses.

mnu qnu sIqlu suKI BieAw pRB iDAwvn jogu ]1] rhwau ] (814-6)
man tan seetal sukhee bha-i-aa parabh Dhi-aavan jog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind and body have been cooled and soothed, meditating on God, most worthy of meditation. ||1||Pause||

AauKDu hir kw nwmu hY ijqu rogu n ivAwpY ] (814-7)
a-ukhaDh har kaa naam hai jit rog na vi-aapai.
The Name of the Lord is the medicine to cure all disease; with it, no disease afflicts me.

swDsMig min qin ihqY iPir dUKu n jwpY ]2] (814-8)
saaDhsang man tan hitai fir dookh na jaapai. ||2||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the mind and body are tinged with the Lord's Love, and I do not suffer pain any longer. ||2||

hir hir hir hir jwpIAY AMqir ilv lweI ] (814-8)
har har har har jaapee-ai antar liv laa-ee.
I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, lovingly centering my inner being on Him.

iklivK auqrih suDu hoie swDU srxweI ]3] (814-9)
kilvikh utreh suDh ho-ay saaDhoo sarnaa-ee. ||3||
Sinful mistakes are erased and I am sanctified, in the Sanctuary of the Holy Saints. ||3||

sunq jpq hir nwm jsu qw kI dUir blweI ] (814-9)
sunat japat har naam jas taa kee door balaa-ee.
Misfortune is kept far away from those who hear and chant the Praises of the Lord's Name.

mhw mMqRü nwnku kQY hir ky gux gweI ]4]23]53] (814-10)
mahaa mantar naanak kathai har kay gun gaa-ee. ||4||23||53||
Nanak chants the Mahaa Mantra, the Great Mantra, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||23||53||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (814-10)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

BY qy aupjY Bgiq pRB AMqir hoie sWiq ] (814-10)
bhai tay upjai bhagat parabh antar ho-ay saaNt.
From the Fear of God, devotion wells up, and deep within, there is peace.

nwmu jpq goivMd kw ibnsY BRm BRWiq ]1] (814-11)
naam japat govind kaa binsai bharam bharaaNt. ||1||
Chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, doubt and delusions are dispelled. ||1||

guru pUrw ijsu ByitAw qw kY suiK prvysu ] (814-11)
gur pooraa jis bhayti-aa taa kai sukh parvays.
One who meets with the Perfect Guru, is blessed with peace.

mn kI miq iqAwgIAY suxIAY aupdysu ]1] rhwau ] (814-12)
man kee mat ti-aagee-ai sunee-ai updays. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So renounce the intellectual cleverness of your mind, and listen to the Teachings. ||1||Pause||

ismrq ismrq ismrIAY so purKu dwqwru ] (814-12)
simrat simrat simree-ai so purakh daataar.
Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance on the Primal Lord, the Great Giver.

mn qy kbhu n vIsrY so purKu Apwru ]2] (814-13)
man tay kabahu na veesrai so purakh apaar. ||2||
May I never forget that Primal, Infinite Lord from my mind. ||2||

crn kml isau rMgu lgw Acrj gurdyv ] (814-13)
charan kamal si-o rang lagaa achraj gurdayv.
I have enshrined love for the Lotus Feet of the Wondrous Divine Guru.

jw kau ikrpw krhu pRB qw kau lwvhu syv ]3] (814-14)
jaa ka-o kirpaa karahu parabh taa ka-o laavhu sayv. ||3||
One who is blessed by Your Mercy, God, is committed to Your service. ||3||

iniD inDwn AMimRqu pIAw min qin Awnµd ] (814-14)
niDh niDhaan amrit pee-aa man tan aanand.
I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, the treasure of wealth, and my mind and body are in bliss.

nwnk kbhu n vIsrY pRB prmwnµd ]4]24]54] (814-15)
naanak kabahu na veesrai parabh parmaanand. ||4||24||54||
Nanak never forgets God, the Lord of supreme bliss. ||4||24||54||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (814-15)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

iqRsn buJI mmqw geI nwTy BY Brmw ] (814-15)
tarisan bujhee mamtaa ga-ee naathay bhai bharmaa.
Desire is stilled, and egotism is gone; fear and doubt have run away.

iQiq pweI Awndu BieAw guir kIny Drmw ]1] (814-16)
thit paa-ee aanad bha-i-aa gur keenay Dharmaa. ||1||
I have found stability, and I am in ecstasy; the Guru has blessed me with Dharmic faith. ||1||

guru pUrw AwrwiDAw ibnsI myrI pIr ] (814-16)
gur pooraa aaraaDhi-aa binsee mayree peer.
Worshipping the Perfect Guru in adoration, my anguish is eradicated.

qnu mnu sBu sIqlu BieAw pwieAw suKu bIr ]1] rhwau ] (814-17)
tan man sabh seetal bha-i-aa paa-i-aa sukh beer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My body and mind are totally cooled and soothed; I have found peace, O my brother. ||1||Pause||

sovq hir jip jwigAw pyiKAw ibsmwdu ] (814-17)
sovat har jap jaagi-aa paykhi-aa bismaad.
I have awakened from sleep, chanting the Name of the Lord; gazing upon Him, I am filled with wonder.

pI AMimRqu iqRpqwisAw qw kw Acrj suAwdu ]2] (814-18)
pee amrit tariptaasi-aa taa kaa achraj su-aad. ||2||
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, I am satisfied. How wondrous is its taste! ||2||

Awip mukqu sMgI qry kul kutMb auDwry ] (814-18)
aap mukat sangee taray kul kutamb uDhaaray.
I myself am liberated, and my companions swim across; my family and ancestors are also saved.

sPl syvw gurdyv kI inrml drbwry ]3] (814-19)
safal sayvaa gurdayv kee nirmal darbaaray. ||3||
Service to the Divine Guru is fruitful; it has made me pure in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

nIcu AnwQu Ajwnu mY inrgunu guxhInu ] (814-19)
neech anaath ajaan mai nirgun gunheen.
I am lowly, without a master, ignorant, worthless and without virtue.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD