Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


inhclu rwju sdw hir kyrw iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI rwm ] (770-1)
nihchal raaj sadaa har kayraa tis bin avar na ko-ee raam.
The Kingdom of the Lord is permanent, and forever unchanging; there is no other than Him.

iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI sdw scu soeI gurmuiK eyko jwixAw ] (770-1)
tis bin avar na ko-ee sadaa sach so-ee gurmukh ayko jaani-aa.
There is no other than Him - He is True forever; the Gurmukh knows the One Lord.

Dn ipr mylwvw hoAw gurmqI mnu mwinAw ] (770-2)
Dhan pir maylaavaa ho-aa gurmatee man maani-aa.
That soul-bride, whose mind accepts the Guru's Teachings, meets her Husband Lord.

siqguru imilAw qw hir pwieAw ibnu hir nwvY mukiq n hoeI ] (770-2)
satgur mili-aa taa har paa-i-aa bin har naavai mukat na ho-ee.
Meeting the True Guru, she finds the Lord; without the Lord's Name, there is no liberation.

nwnk kwmix kMqY rwvy min mwinAY suKu hoeI ]1] (770-3)
naanak kaaman kantai raavay man maanee-ai sukh ho-ee. ||1||
O Nanak, the soul-bride ravishes and enjoys her Husband Lord; her mind accepts Him, and she finds peace. ||1||

siqguru syiv Dn bwlVIey hir vru pwvih soeI rwm ] (770-4)
satgur sayv Dhan baalrhee-ay har var paavahi so-ee raam.
Serve the True Guru, O young and innocent bride; thus you shall obtain the Lord as your Husband.

sdw hovih sohwgxI iPir mYlw vysu n hoeI rwm ] (770-4)
sadaa hoveh sohaaganee fir mailaa vays na ho-ee raam.
You shall be the virtuous and happy bride of the True Lord forever; and you shall never again wear soiled clothes.

iPir mYlw vysu n hoeI gurmuiK bUJY koeI haumY mwir pCwixAw ] (770-5)
fir mailaa vays na ho-ee gurmukh boojhai ko-ee ha-umai maar pachhaani-aa.
Your clothes shall never again be soiled; how rare are those few, who, as Gurmukh, recognize this, and conquer their ego.

krxI kwr kmwvY sbid smwvY AMqir eyko jwixAw ] (770-5)
karnee kaar kamaavai sabad samaavai antar ayko jaani-aa.
So make your practice the practice of good deeds; merge into the Word of the Shabad, and deep within, come to know the One Lord.

gurmuiK pRBu rwvy idnu rwqI Awpxw swcI soBw hoeI ] (770-6)
gurmukh parabh raavay din raatee aapnaa saachee sobhaa ho-ee.
The Gurmukh enjoys God, day and night, and so obtains true glory.

nwnk kwmix ipru rwvy Awpxw riv rihAw pRBu soeI ]2] (770-6)
naanak kaaman pir raavay aapnaa rav rahi-aa parabh so-ee. ||2||
O Nanak, the soul-bride enjoys and ravishes her Beloved; God is pervading and permeating everywhere. ||2||

gur kI kwr kry Dn bwlVIey hir vru dyie imlwey rwm ] (770-7)
gur kee kaar karay Dhan baalrhee-ay har var day-ay milaa-ay raam.
Serve the Guru, O young and innocent soul-bride, and he will lead to you meet your Husband Lord.

hir kY rMig rqI hY kwmix imil pRIqm suKu pwey rwm ] (770-8)
har kai rang ratee hai kaaman mil pareetam sukh paa-ay raam.
The bride is imbued with the Love of her Lord; meeting with her Beloved, she finds peace.

imil pRIqm suKu pwey sic smwey scu vrqY sB QweI ] (770-8)
mil pareetam sukh paa-ay sach samaa-ay sach vartai sabh thaa-ee.
Meeting her Beloved, she finds peace, and merges in the True Lord; the True Lord is pervading everywhere.

scw sIgwru kry idnu rwqI kwmix sic smweI ] (770-9)
sachaa seegaar karay din raatee kaaman sach samaa-ee.
The bride makes Truth her decorations, day and night, and remains absorbed in the True Lord.

hir suKdwqw sbid pCwqw kwmix lieAw kMiT lwey ] (770-9)
har sukh-daata sabad pachhaataa kaaman la-i-aa kanth laa-ay.
The Lord, the Giver of peace, is realized through His Shabad; He hugs His bride close in His embrace.

nwnk mhlI mhlu pCwxY gurmqI hir pwey ]3] (770-10)
naanak mahlee mahal pachhaanai gurmatee har paa-ay. ||3||
O Nanak, the bride obtains the Mansion of His Presence; through the Guru's Teachings, she finds her Lord. ||3||

sw Dn bwlI Duir mylI myrY pRiB Awip imlweI rwm ] (770-10)
saa Dhan baalee Dhur maylee mayrai parabh aap milaa-ee raam.
The Primal Lord, my God, has united His young and innocent bride with Himself.

gurmqI Git cwnxu hoAw pRBu riv rihAw sB QweI rwm ] (770-11)
gurmatee ghat chaanan ho-aa parabh rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee raam.
Through the Guru's Teachings, her heart is illumined and enlightened; God is permeating and pervading everywhere.

pRBu riv rihAw sB QweI mMin vsweI pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ] (770-12)
parabh rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee man vasaa-ee poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa.
God is permeating and pervading everywhere; He dwells in her mind, and she realizes her pre-ordained destiny.

syj suKwlI myry pRB BwxI scu sIgwru bxwieAw ] (770-12)
sayj sukhaalee mayray parabh bhaanee sach seegaar banaa-i-aa.
On his cozy bed, she is pleasing to my God; she fashions her decorations of Truth.

kwmix inrml haumY mlu KoeI gurmiq sic smweI ] (770-13)
kaaman nirmal ha-umai mal kho-ee gurmat sach samaa-ee.
The bride is immaculate and pure; she washes away the filth of egotism, and through the Guru's Teachings, she merges in the True Lord.

nwnk Awip imlweI krqY nwmu nvY iniD pweI ]4]3]4] (770-13)
naanak aap milaa-ee kartai naam navai niDh paa-ee. ||4||3||4||
O Nanak, the Creator Lord blends her into Himself, and she obtains the nine treasure of the Naam. ||4||3||4||

sUhI mhlw 3 ] (770-14)
soohee mehlaa 3.
Soohee, Third Mehl:

hir hry hir gux gwvhu hir gurmuKy pwey rwm ] (770-14)
har haray har gun gaavhu har gurmukhay paa-ay raam.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har; the Gurmukh obtains the Lord.

Anidno sbid rvhu Anhd sbd vjwey rwm ] (770-15)
andino sabad ravhu anhad sabad vajaa-ay raam.
Night and day, chant the Word of the Shabad; night and day, the Shabad shall vibrate and resound.

Anhd sbd vjwey hir jIau Gir Awey hir gux gwvhu nwrI ] (770-15)
anhad sabad vajaa-ay har jee-o ghar aa-ay har gun gaavhu naaree.
The unstruck melody of the Shabad vibrates, and the Dear Lord comes into the home of my heart; O ladies, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

Anidnu Bgiq krih gur AwgY sw Dn kMq ipAwrI ] (770-16)
an-din bhagat karahi gur aagai saa Dhan kant pi-aaree.
That soul-bride, who performs devotional worship service to the Guru night and day, becomes the Beloved bride of her Lord.

gur kw sbdu visAw Gt AMqir sy jn sbid suhwey ] (770-16)
gur kaa sabad vasi-aa ghat antar say jan sabad suhaa-ay.
Those humble beings, whose hearts are filled with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, are adorned with the Shabad.

nwnk iqn Gir sd hI soihlw hir kir ikrpw Gir Awey ]1] (770-17)
naanak tin ghar sad hee sohilaa har kar kirpaa ghar aa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, their hearts are forever filled with happiness; the Lord, in His Mercy, enters into their hearts. ||1||

Bgqw min Awnµdu BieAw hir nwim rhy ilv lwey rwm ] (770-17)
bhagtaa man aanand bha-i-aa har naam rahay liv laa-ay raam.
The minds of the devotees are filled with bliss; they remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord's Name.

gurmuKy mnu inrmlu hoAw inrml hir gux gwey rwm ] (770-18)
gurmukhay man nirmal ho-aa nirmal har gun gaa-ay raam.
The mind of the Gurmukh is immaculate and pure; she sings the Immaculate Praises of the Lord.

inrml gux gwey nwmu mMin vswey hir kI AMimRq bwxI ] (770-19)
nirmal gun gaa-ay naam man vasaa-ay har kee amrit banee.
Singing His Immaculate Praises, she enshrines in her mind the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the Ambrosial Word of His Bani.

ijn@ min visAw syeI jn insqry Git Git sbid smwxI ] (770-19)
jinH man vasi-aa say-ee jan nistaray ghat ghat sabad samaanee.
Those humble beings, within whose minds it abides, are emancipated; the Shabad permeates each and every heart.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD