Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qyry gux gwvih shij smwvih sbdy myil imlwey ] (771-1)
tayray gun gaavahi sahj samaaveh sabday mayl milaa-ay.
Singing Your Glorious Praises, they merge naturally into You, O Lord; through the Shabad, they are united in Union with You.

nwnk sPl jnmu iqn kyrw ij siqguir hir mwrig pwey ]2] (771-1)
naanak safal janam tin kayraa je satgur har maarag paa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, their lives are fruitful; the True Guru places them on the Lord's Path. ||2||

sMqsMgiq isau mylu BieAw hir hir nwim smwey rwm ] (771-2)
santsangat si-o mayl bha-i-aa har har naam samaa-ay raam.
Those who join the Society of the Saints are absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

gur kY sbid sd jIvn mukq Bey hir kY nwim ilv lwey rwm ] (771-3)
gur kai sabad sad jeevan mukat bha-ay har kai naam liv laa-ay raam.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are forever 'jivan mukta' - liberated while yet alive; they are lovingly absorbed in the Name of the Lord.

hir nwim icqu lwey guir myil imlwey mnUAw rqw hir nwly ] (771-3)
har naam chit laa-ay gur mayl milaa-ay manoo-aa rataa har naalay.
They center their consciousness on the Lord's Name; through the Guru, they are united in His Union. Their minds are imbued with the Lord's Love.

suKdwqw pwieAw mohu cukwieAw Anidnu nwmu sm@wly ] (771-4)
sukh-daata paa-i-aa moh chukaa-i-aa an-din naam samHaalay.
They find the Lord, the Giver of peace, and they eradicate attachments; night and day, they contemplate the Naam.

gur sbdy rwqw shjy mwqw nwmu min vswey ] (771-5)
gur sabday raataa sehjay maataa naam man vasaa-ay.
They are imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and intoxicated with celestial peace; the Naam abides in their minds.

nwnk iqn Gir sd hI soihlw ij siqgur syiv smwey ]3] (771-5)
naanak tin ghar sad hee sohilaa je satgur sayv samaa-ay. ||3||
O Nanak, the homes of their hearts are filled with happiness, forever and always; they are absorbed in serving the True Guru. ||3||

ibnu siqgur jgu Brim BulwieAw hir kw mhlu n pwieAw rwm ] (771-6)
bin satgur jag bharam bhulaa-i-aa har kaa mahal na paa-i-aa raam.
Without the True Guru, the world is deluded by doubt; it does not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

gurmuKy ieik myil imlwieAw iqn ky dUK gvwieAw rwm ] (771-6)
gurmukhay ik mayl milaa-i-aa tin kay dookh gavaa-i-aa raam.
As Gurmukh, some are united in the Lord's Union, and their pains are dispelled.

iqn ky dUK gvwieAw jw hir min BwieAw sdw gwvih rMig rwqy ] (771-7)
tin kay dookh gavaa-i-aa jaa har man bhaa-i-aa sadaa gaavahi rang raatay.
Their pains are dispelled, when it is pleasing to the Lord's Mind; imbued with His Love, they sing His Praises forever.

hir ky Bgq sdw jn inrml juig juig sd hI jwqy ] (771-8)
har kay bhagat sadaa jan nirmal jug jug sad hee jaatay.
The Lord's devotees are pure and humble forever; throughout the ages, they are forever respected.

swcI Bgiq krih dir jwpih Gir dir scw soeI ] (771-8)
saachee bhagat karahi dar jaapeh ghar dar sachaa so-ee.
They perform true devotional worship service, and are honored in the Lord's Court; the True Lord is their hearth and home.

nwnk scw soihlw scI scu bwxI sbdy hI suKu hoeI ]4]4]5] (771-9)
naanak sachaa sohilaa sachee sach banee sabday hee sukh ho-ee. ||4||4||5||
O Nanak, true are their songs of joy, and true is their word; through the Word of the Shabad, they find peace. ||4||4||5||

sUhI mhlw 3 ] (771-10)
soohee mehlaa 3.
Soohee, Third Mehlaa:

jy loVih vru bwlVIey qw gur crxI icqu lwey rwm ] (771-10)
jay lorheh var baalrhee-ay taa gur charnee chit laa-ay raam.
If you long for your Husband Lord, O young and innocent bride, then focus your consciousness on the Guru's feet.

sdw hovih sohwgxI hir jIau mrY n jwey rwm ] (771-10)
sadaa hoveh sohaaganee har jee-o marai na jaa-ay raam.
You shall be a happy soul bride of your Dear Lord forever; He does not die or leave.

hir jIau mrY n jwey gur kY shij suBwey sw Dn kMq ipAwrI ] (771-11)
har jee-o marai na jaa-ay gur kai sahj subhaa-ay saa Dhan kant pi-aaree.
The Dear Lord does not die, and He does not leave; through the peaceful poise of the Guru, the soul bride becomes the lover of her Husband Lord.

sic sMjim sdw hY inrml gur kY sbid sIgwrI ] (771-11)
sach sanjam sadaa hai nirmal gur kai sabad seegaaree.
Through truth and self-control, she is forever immaculate and pure; she is embellished with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

myrw pRBu swcw sd hI swcw ijin Awpy Awpu aupwieAw ] (771-12)
mayraa parabh saachaa sad hee saachaa jin aapay aap upaa-i-aa.
My God is True, forever and ever; He Himself created Himself.

nwnk sdw ipru rwvy Awpxw ijin gur crxI icqu lwieAw ]1] (771-13)
naanak sadaa pir raavay aapnaa jin gur charnee chit laa-i-aa. ||1||
O Nanak, she who focuses her consciousness on the Guru's feet, enjoys her Husband Lord. ||1||

ipru pwieAVw bwlVIey Anidnu shjy mwqI rwm ] (771-13)
pir paa-i-arhaa baalrhee-ay an-din sehjay maatee raam.
When the young, innocent bride finds her Husband Lord, she is automatically intoxicated with Him, night and day.

gurmqI min Andu BieAw iqqu qin mYlu n rwqI rwm ] (771-14)
gurmatee man anad bha-i-aa tit tan mail na raatee raam.
Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, her mind becomes blissful, and her body is not tinged with filth at all.

iqqu qin mYlu n rwqI hir pRiB rwqI myrw pRBu myil imlwey ] (771-14)
tit tan mail na raatee har parabh raatee mayraa parabh mayl milaa-ay.
Her body is not tinged with filth at all, and she is imbued with her Lord God; my God unites her in Union.

Anidnu rwvy hir pRBu Apxw ivchu Awpu gvwey ] (771-15)
an-din raavay har parabh apnaa vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
Night and day, she enjoys her Lord God; her egotism is banished from within.

gurmiq pwieAw shij imlwieAw Apxy pRIqm rwqI ] (771-15)
gurmat paa-i-aa sahj milaa-i-aa apnay pareetam raatee.
Through the Guru's Teachings, she easily finds and meets Him. She is imbued with her Beloved.

nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI pRBu rwvy rMig rwqI ]2] (771-16)
naanak naam milai vadi-aa-ee parabh raavay rang raatee. ||2||
O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, she obtains glorious greatness. She ravishes and enjoys her God; she is imbued with His Love. ||2||

ipru rwvy rMig rwqVIey ipr kw mhlu iqn pwieAw rwm ] (771-17)
pir raavay rang raat-rhee-ay pir kaa mahal tin paa-i-aa raam.
Ravishing her Husband Lord, she is imbued with His Love; she obtains the Mansion of His Presence.

so sho Aiq inrmlu dwqw ijin ivchu Awpu gvwieAw rwm ] (771-17)
so saho at nirmal daataa jin vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa raam.
She is utterly immaculate and pure; the Great Giver banishes self-conceit from within her.

ivchu mohu cukwieAw jw hir BwieAw hir kwmix min BwxI ] (771-18)
vichahu moh chukaa-i-aa jaa har bhaa-i-aa har kaaman man bhaanee.
The Lord drives out attachment from within her, when it pleases Him. The soul bride becomes pleasing to the Lord's Mind.

Anidnu gux gwvY inq swcy kQy AkQ khwxI ] (771-19)
an-din gun gaavai nit saachay kathay akath kahaanee.
Night and day, she continually sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; she speaks the Unspoken Speech.

jug cwry swcw eyko vrqY ibnu gur iknY n pwieAw ] (771-19)
jug chaaray saachaa ayko vartai bin gur kinai na paa-i-aa.
Throughout the four ages, the One True Lord is permeating and pervading; without the Guru, no one finds Him.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD