Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sUhI mhlw 5 guxvMqI ] (763-1)
soohee mehlaa 5 gunvantee.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Gunvantee ~ The Worthy And Virtuous Bride:

jo dIsY gurisKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ] (763-1)
jo deesai gursikh-rhaa tis niv niv laaga-o paa-ay jee-o.
When I see a Sikh of the Guru, I humbly bow and fall at his feet.

AwKw ibrQw jIA kI guru sjxu dyih imlwie jIau ] (763-2)
aakhaa birthaa jee-a kee gur sajan deh milaa-ay jee-o.
I tell to him the pain of my soul, and beg him to unite me with the Guru, my Best Friend.

soeI dis aupdysVw myrw mnu Anq n kwhU jwie jIau ] (763-2)
so-ee das updaysrhaa mayraa man anat na kaahoo jaa-ay jee-o.
I ask that he impart to me such an understanding, that my mind will not go out wandering anywhere else.

iehu mnu qY kUM fyvsw mY mwrgu dyhu bqwie jIau ] (763-3)
ih man tai kooN dayvsaa mai maarag dayh bataa-ay jee-o.
I dedicate this mind to you. Please, show me the Path to God.

hau AwieAw dUrhu cil kY mY qkI qau srxwie jIau ] (763-3)
ha-o aa-i-aa Dhoorahu chal kai mai takee ta-o sarnaa-ay jee-o.
I have come so far, seeking the Protection of Your Sanctuary.

mY Awsw rKI iciq mih myrw sBo duKu gvwie jIau ] (763-4)
mai aasaa rakhee chit meh mayraa sabho dukh gavaa-ay jee-o.
Within my mind, I place my hopes in You; please, take my pain and suffering away!

iequ mwrig cly BweIAVy guru khY su kwr kmwie jIau ] (763-4)
it maarag chalay bhaa-ee-arhay gur kahai so kaar kamaa-ay jee-o.
So walk on this Path, O sister soul-brides; do that work which the Guru tells you to do.

iqAwgyN mn kI mqVI ivswryN dUjw Bwau jIau ] (763-5)
ti-aagayN man kee mat-rhee visaarayN doojaa bhaa-o jee-o.
Abandon the intellectual pursuits of the mind, and forget the love of duality.

ieau pwvih hir drswvVw nh lgY qqI vwau jIau ] (763-5)
i-o paavahi har darsaavarhaa nah lagai tatee vaa-o jee-o.
In this way, you shall obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan; the hot winds shall not even touch you.

hau Awphu boil n jwxdw mY kihAw sBu hukmwau jIau ] (763-6)
ha-o aaphu bol na jaandaa mai kahi-aa sabh hukmaa-o jee-o.
By myself, I do not even know how to speak; I speak all that the Lord commands.

hir Bgiq Kjwnw bKisAw guir nwnik kIAw pswau jIau ] (763-7)
har bhagat khajaanaa bakhsi-aa gur naanak kee-aa pasaa-o jee-o.
I am blessed with the treasure of the Lord's devotional worship; Guru Nanak has been kind and compassionate to me.

mY bhuiV n iqRsnw BuKVI hau rjw iqRpiq AGwie jIau ] (763-7)
mai bahurh na tarisnaa bhukh-rhee ha-o rajaa taripat aghaa-ay jee-o.
I shall never again feel hunger or thirst; I am satisfied, satiated and fulfilled.

jo gur dIsY isKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ]3] (763-8)
jo gur deesai sikh-rhaa tis niv niv laaga-o paa-ay jee-o. ||3||
When I see a Sikh of the Guru, I humbly bow and fall at his feet. ||3||

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 1 Gru 1 (763-9)
raag soohee chhant mehlaa 1 ghar 1
Raag Soohee, Chhant, First Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (763-9)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Bir jobin mY mq pyeIAVY Gir pwhuxI bil rwm jIau ] (763-9)
bhar joban mai mat pay-ee-arhai ghar paahunee bal raam jee-o.
Intoxicated with the wine of youth, I did not realize that I was only a guest at my parents' home (in this world).

mYlI Avgix iciq ibnu gur gux n smwvnI bil rwm jIau ] (763-10)
mailee avgan chit bin gur gun na samaavanee bal raam jee-o.
My consciousness is polluted with faults and mistakes; without the Guru, virtue does not even enter into me.

gux swr n jwxI Brim BulwxI jobnu bwid gvwieAw ] (763-10)
gun saar na jaanee bharam bhulaanee joban baad gavaa-i-aa.
I have not known the value of virtue; I have been deluded by doubt. I have wasted away my youth in vain.

vru Gru dru drsnu nhI jwqw ipr kw shju n BwieAw ] (763-11)
var ghar dar darsan nahee jaataa pir kaa sahj na bhaa-i-aa.
I have not known my Husband Lord, His celestial home and gate, or the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. I have not had the pleasure of my Husband Lord's celestial peace.

siqgur pUiC n mwrig cwlI sUqI rYix ivhwxI ] (763-12)
satgur poochh na maarag chaalee sootee rain vihaanee.
After consulting the True Guru, I have not walked on the Path; the night of my life is passing away in sleep.

nwnk bwlqix rwfypw ibnu ipr Dn kumlwxI ]1] (763-12)
naanak baaltan raadaypaa bin pir Dhan kumlaanee. ||1||
O Nanak, in the prime of my youth, I am a widow; without my Husband Lord, the soul-bride is wasting away. ||1||

bwbw mY vru dyih mY hir vru BwvY iqs kI bil rwm jIau ] (763-13)
baabaa mai var deh mai har var bhaavai tis kee bal raam jee-o.
O father, give me in marriage to the Lord; I am pleased with Him as my Husband. I belong to Him.

riv rihAw jug cwir iqRBvx bwxI ijs kI bil rwm jIau ] (763-13)
rav rahi-aa jug chaar taribhavan banee jis kee bal raam jee-o.
He is pervading throughout the four ages, and the Word of His Bani permeates the three worlds.

iqRBvx kMqu rvY sohwgix AvgxvMqI dUry ] (763-14)
taribhavan kant ravai sohagan avganvantee dooray.
The Husband Lord of the three worlds ravishes and enjoys His virtuous brides, but He keeps the ungraceful and unvirtuous ones far away.

jYsI Awsw qYsI mnsw pUir rihAw BrpUry ] (763-14)
jaisee aasaa taisee mansaa poor rahi-aa bharpooray.
As are our hopes, so are our minds' desires, which the All-pervading Lord brings to fulfillment.

hir kI nwir su srb suhwgix rWf n mYlY vysy ] (763-15)
har kee naar so sarab suhaagan raaNd na mailai vaysay.
The bride of the Lord is forever happy and virtuous; she shall never be a widow, and she shall never have to wear dirty clothes.

nwnk mY vru swcw BwvY juig juig pRIqm qYsy ]2] (763-15)
naanak mai var saachaa bhaavai jug jug pareetam taisay. ||2||
O Nanak, I love my True Husband Lord; my Beloved is the same, age after age. ||2||

bwbw lgnu gxwie hM BI vM\w swhurY bil rwm jIau ] (763-16)
baabaa lagan ganaa-ay haN bhee vanjaa saahurai bal raam jee-o.
O Baba, calculate that auspicious moment, when I too shall be going to my in-laws' house.

swhw hukmu rjwie so n tlY jo pRBu krY bil rwm jIau ] (763-16)
saahaa hukam rajaa-ay so na talai jo parabh karai bal raam jee-o.
The moment of that marriage will be set by the Hukam of God's Command; His Will cannot be changed.

ikrqu pieAw krqY kir pwieAw myit n skY koeI ] (763-17)
kirat pa-i-aa kartai kar paa-i-aa mayt na sakai ko-ee.
The karmic record of past deeds, written by the Creator Lord, cannot be erased by anyone.

jw\I nwau nrh inhkyvlu riv rihAw iqhu loeI ] (763-17)
jaanjee naa-o narah nihkayval rav rahi-aa tihu lo-ee.
The most respected member of the marriage party, my Husband, is the independent Lord of all beings, pervading and permeating the three worlds.

mwie inrwsI roie ivCuMnI bwlI bwlY hyqy ] (763-18)
maa-ay niraasee ro-ay vichhunnee baalee baalai haytay.
Maya, crying out in pain, leaves, seeing that the bride and the groom are in love.

nwnk swc sbid suK mhlI gur crxI pRBu cyqy ]3] (763-18)
naanak saach sabad sukh mahlee gur charnee parabh chaytay. ||3||
O Nanak, the peace of the Mansion of God's Presence comes through the True Word of the Shabad; the bride keeps the Guru's Feet enshrined in her mind. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD