Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awvih jwih Anyk mir mir jnmqy ] (762-1)
aavahi jaahi anayk mar mar janmatay.
Many come and go; they die, and die again, and are reincarnated.

ibnu bUJy sBu vwid jonI Brmqy ]5] (762-1)
bin boojhay sabh vaad jonee bharmatay. ||5||
Without understanding, they are totally useless, and they wander in reincarnation. ||5||

ijn@ kau Bey dieAwl iqn@ swDU sMgu BieAw ] (762-1)
jinH ka-o bha-ay da-i-aal tinH saaDhoo sang bha-i-aa.
They alone join the Saadh Sangat, unto whom the Lord becomes Merciful.

AMimRqu hir kw nwmu iqn@I jnI jip lieAw ]6] (762-2)
amrit har kaa naam tinHee janee jap la-i-aa. ||6||
They chant and meditate on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. ||6||

Kojih koit AsMK bhuqu Anµq ky ] (762-3)
khojeh kot asaNkh bahut anant kay.
Uncounted millions, so many they are endless, search for Him.

ijsu buJwey Awip nyVw iqsu hy ]7] (762-3)
jis bujhaa-ay aap nayrhaa tis hay. ||7||
But only that one, who understands his own self, sees God near at hand. ||7||

ivsru nwhI dwqwr Awpxw nwmu dyhu ] (762-3)
visar naahee daataar aapnaa naam dayh.
Never forget me, O Great Giver - please bless me with Your Naam.

gux gwvw idnu rwiq nwnk cwau eyhu ]8]2]5]16] (762-4)
gun gaavaa din raat naanak chaa-o ayhu. ||8||2||5||16||
To sing Your Glorious Praises day and night - O Nanak, this is my heart-felt desire. ||8||2||5||16||

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 kucjI (762-5)
raag soohee mehlaa 1 kuchjee
Raag Soohee, First Mehl, Kuchajee ~ The Ungraceful Bride:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (762-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mM\u kucjI AMmwvix fosVy hau ikau shu rwvix jwau jIau ] (762-6)
manj kuchjee ammaavan dosrhay ha-o ki-o saho raavan jaa-o jee-o.
I am ungraceful and ill-mannered, full of endless faults. How can I go to enjoy my Husband Lord?

iek dU ieik cVMdIAw kauxu jwxY myrw nwau jIau ] (762-6)
ik doo ik charhandee-aa ka-un jaanai mayraa naa-o jee-o.
Each of His soul-brides is better than the rest - who even knows my name?

ijn@I sKI shu rwivAw sy AMbI CwvVIeyih jIau ] (762-7)
jinHee sakhee saho raavi-aa say ambee chhaavrhee-ayhi jee-o.
Those brides who enjoy their Husband Lord are very blessed, resting in the shade of the mango tree.

sy gux mM\u n AwvnI hau kY jI dos Dryau jIau ] (762-7)
say gun manj na aavnee ha-o kai jee dos Dharay-o jee-o.
I do not have their virtue - who can I blame for this?

ikAw gux qyry ivQrw hau ikAw ikAw iGnw qyrw nwau jIau ] (762-8)
ki-aa gun tayray vithraa ha-o ki-aa ki-aa ghinaa tayraa naa-o jee-o.
Which of Your Virtues, O Lord, should I speak of? Which of Your Names should I chant?

iekqu toil n AMbVw hau sd kurbwxY qyrY jwau jIau ] (762-8)
ikat tol na ambrhaa ha-o sad kurbaanai tayrai jaa-o jee-o.
I cannot even reach one of Your Virtues. I am forever a sacrifice to You.

suienw rupw rMgulw moqI qY mwixku jIau ] (762-9)
su-inaa rupaa rangulaa motee tai maanik jee-o.
Gold, silver, pearls and rubies are pleasing.

sy vsqU sih idqIAw mY iqn@ isau lwieAw icqu jIau ] (762-9)
say vastoo seh ditee-aa mai tinH si-o laa-i-aa chit jee-o.
My Husband Lord has blessed me with these things, and I have focused my thoughts on them.

mMdr imtI sMdVy pQr kIqy rwis jIau ] (762-10)
mandar mitee sand-rhay pathar keetay raas jee-o.
Palaces of brick and mud are built and decorated with stones;

hau eynI tolI BulIAsu iqsu kMq n bYTI pwis jIau ] (762-10)
ha-o aynee tolee bhulee-as tis kant na baithee paas jee-o.
I have been fooled by these decorations, and I do not sit near my Husband Lord.

AMbir kUMjw kurlIAw bg bihTy Awie jIau ] (762-11)
ambar koonjaa kurlee-aa bag bahithay aa-ay jee-o.
The cranes shriek overhead in the sky, and the herons have come to rest.

sw Dn clI swhurY ikAw muhu dysI AgY jwie jIau ] (762-11)
saa Dhan chalee saahurai ki-aa muhu daysee agai jaa-ay jee-o.
The bride has gone to her father-in-law's house; in the world hereafter, what face will she show?

suqI suqI Jwlu QIAw BulI vwtVIAwsu jIau ] (762-12)
sutee sutee jhaal thee-aa bhulee vaatrhee-aas jee-o.
She kept sleeping as the day dawned; she forgot all about her journey.

qY sh nwlhu muqIAsu duKw kUM DrIAwsu jIau ] (762-12)
tai sah naalahu mutee-as dukhaa kooN Dharee-aas jee-o.
She separated herself from her Husband Lord, and now she suffers in pain.

quDu gux mY siB Avgxw iek nwnk kI Ardwis jIau ] (762-13)
tuDh gun mai sabh avganaa ik naanak kee ardaas jee-o.
Virtue is in You, O Lord; I am totally without virtue. This is Nanak's only prayer:

siB rwqI sohwgxI mY fohwgix kweI rwiq jIau ]1] (762-13)
sabh raatee sohaaganee mai dohaagan kaa-ee raat jee-o. ||1||
You give all Your nights to the virtuous soul-brides. I know I am unworthy, but isn't there a night for me as well? ||1||

sUhI mhlw 1 sucjI ] (762-14)
soohee mehlaa 1 suchjee.
Soohee, First Mehl, Suchajee ~ The Noble And Graceful Bride:

jw qU qw mY sBu ko qU swihbu myrI rwis jIau ] (762-14)
jaa too taa mai sabh ko too saahib mayree raas jee-o.
When I have You, then I have everything. O my Lord and Master, You are my wealth and capital.

quDu AMqir hau suiK vsw qUM AMqir swbwis jIau ] (762-15)
tuDh antar ha-o sukh vasaa tooN antar saabaas jee-o.
Within You, I abide in peace; within You, I am congratulated.

BwxY qKiq vfweIAw BwxY BIK audwis jIau ] (762-15)
bhaanai takhat vadaa-ee-aa bhaanai bheekh udaas jee-o.
By the Pleasure of Your Will, You bestow thrones and greatness. And by the Pleasure of Your Will, You make us beggars and wanderers.

BwxY Ql isir sru vhY kmlu PulY Awkwis jIau ] (762-16)
bhaanai thal sir sar vahai kamal fulai aakaas jee-o.
By the Pleasure of Your Will, the ocean flows in the desert, and the lotus blossoms in the sky.

BwxY Bvjlu lµGIAY BwxY mMiJ BrIAwis jIau ] (762-16)
bhaanai bhavjal langhee-ai bhaanai manjh bharee-aas jee-o.
By the Pleasure of Your Will, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean; by the Pleasure of Your Will, he sinks down into it.

BwxY so shu rMgulw isPiq rqw guxqwis jIau ] (762-17)
bhaanai so saho rangulaa sifat rataa guntaas jee-o.
By the Pleasure of His Will, that Lord becomes my Husband, and I am imbued with the Praises of the Lord, the treasure of virtue.

BwxY shu BIhwvlw hau Awvix jwix mueIAwis jIau ] (762-17)
bhaanai saho bheehaavalaa ha-o aavan jaan mu-ee-aas jee-o.
By the Pleasure of Your Will, O my Husband Lord, I am afraid of You, and I come and go, and die.

qU shu Agmu Aqolvw hau kih kih Fih peIAwis jIau ] (762-18)
too saho agam atolvaa ha-o kahi kahi dheh pa-ee-aas jee-o.
You, O my Husband Lord, are inaccessible and immeasurable; talking and speaking of You, I have fallen at Your Feet.

ikAw mwgau ikAw kih suxI mY drsn BUK ipAwis jIau ] (762-19)
ki-aa maaga-o ki-aa kahi sunee mai darsan bhookh pi-aas jee-o.
What should I beg for? What should I say and hear? I am hungry and thirsty for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

gur sbdI shu pwieAw scu nwnk kI Ardwis jIau ]2] (762-19)
gur sabdee saho paa-i-aa sach naanak kee ardaas jee-o. ||2||
Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, I have found my Husband Lord. This is Nanak's true prayer. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD