Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awvxu jwxw rih gey min vuTw inrMkwru jIau ] (761-1)
aavan jaanaa reh ga-ay man vuthaa nirankaar jee-o.
My comings and goings have ended; the Formless Lord now dwells within my mind.

qw kw AMqu n pweIAY aUcw Agm Apwru jIau ] (761-1)
taa kaa ant na paa-ee-ai oochaa agam apaar jee-o.
His limits cannot be found; He is lofty and exalted, inaccessible and infinite.

ijsu pRBu Apxw ivsrY so mir jMmY lK vwr jIau ]6] (761-2)
jis parabh apnaa visrai so mar jammai lakh vaar jee-o. ||6||
One who forgets His God, shall die and be reincarnated, hundreds of thousands of times. ||6||

swcu nyhu iqn pRIqmw ijn min vuTw Awip jIau ] (761-2)
saach nayhu tin pareetamaa jin man vuthaa aap jee-o.
They alone bear true love for their God, within whose minds He Himself dwells.

gux swJI iqn sMig bsy AwT phr pRB jwip jIau ] (761-3)
gun saajhee tin sang basay aath pahar parabh jaap jee-o.
So dwell only with those who share their virtues; chant and meditate on God, twenty-four hours a day.

rMig rqy prmysrY ibnsy sgl sMqwp jIau ]7] (761-3)
rang ratay parmaysrai binsay sagal santaap jee-o. ||7||
They are attuned to the Love of the Transcendent Lord; all their sorrows and afflictions are dispelled. ||7||

qUM krqw qUM krxhwru qUhY eyku Anyk jIau ] (761-4)
tooN kartaa tooN karanhaar toohai ayk anayk jee-o.
You are the Creator, You are the Cause of causes; You are the One and the many.

qU smrQu qU srb mY qUhY buiD ibbyk jIau ] (761-4)
too samrath too sarab mai toohai buDh bibayk jee-o.
You are All-powerful, You are present everywhere; You are the subtle intellect, the clear wisdom.

nwnk nwmu sdw jpI Bgq jnw kI tyk jIau ]8]1]3] (761-5)
naanak naam sadaa japee bhagat janaa kee tayk jee-o. ||8||1||3||
Nanak chants and meditates forever on the Naam, the Support of the humble devotees. ||8||1||3||

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 10 kwPI (761-6)
raag soohee mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa ghar 10 kaafee
Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Tenth House, Kaafee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (761-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jy BulI jy cukI sweˆØI BI qihMjI kwFIAw ] (761-7)
jay bhulee jay chukee saa-eeN bhee tahinjee kaadhee-aa.
Even though I have made mistakes, and even though I have been wrong, I am still called Yours, O my Lord and Master.

ijn@w nyhu dUjwxy lgw JUir mrhu sy vwFIAw ]1] (761-7)
jinHaa nayhu doojaanay lagaa jhoor marahu say vaadhee-aa. ||1||
Those who enshrine love for another, die regretting and repenting. ||1||

hau nw Cofau kMq pwsrw ] (761-7)
ha-o naa chhoda-o kant paasraa.
I shall never leave my Husband Lord's side.

sdw rMgIlw lwlu ipAwrw eyhu mihMjw Awsrw ]1] rhwau ] (761-8)
sadaa rangeelaa laal pi-aaraa ayhu mahinjaa aasraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Beloved Lover is always and forever beautiful. He is my hope and inspiration. ||1||Pause||

sjxu qUhY sYxu qU mY quJ aupir bhu mwxIAw ] (761-8)
sajan toohai sain too mai tujh upar baho maanee-aa.
You are my Best Friend; You are my relative. I am so proud of You.

jw qU AMdir qw suKy qUM inmwxI mwxIAw ]2] (761-9)
jaa too andar taa sukhay tooN nimaanee maanee-aa. ||2||
And when You dwell within me, I am at peace. I am without honor - You are my honor. ||2||

jy qU quTw ik®pw inDwn nw dUjw vyKwil ] (761-9)
jay too tuthaa kirpaa niDhaan naa doojaa vaykhaal.
And when You are pleased with me, O treasure of mercy, then I do not see any other.

eyhw pweI mU dwqVI inq ihrdY rKw smwil ]3] (761-10)
ayhaa paa-ee moo daat-rhee nit hirdai rakhaa samaal. ||3||
Please grant me this blessing, that that I may forever dwell upon You and cherish You within my heart. ||3||

pwv julweI pMD qau nYxI drsu idKwil ] (761-10)
paav julaa-ee panDh ta-o nainee daras dikhaal.
Let my feet walk on Your Path, and let my eyes behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

sRvxI suxI khwxIAw jy guru QIvY ikrpwil ]4] (761-11)
sarvanee sunee kahaanee-aa jay gur theevai kirpaal. ||4||
With my ears, I will listen to Your Sermon, if the Guru becomes merciful to me. ||4||

ikqI lK kroiV iprIey rom n pujin qyirAw ] (761-11)
kitee lakh karorh piree-ay rom na pujan tayri-aa.
Hundreds of thousands and millions do not equal even one hair of Yours, O my Beloved.

qU swhI hU swhu hau kih n skw gux qyirAw ]5] (761-12)
too saahee hoo saahu ha-o kahi na sakaa gun tayri-aa. ||5||
You are the King of kings; I cannot even describe Your Glorious Praises. ||5||

shIAw qaU AsMK mM\hu hiB vDwxIAw ] (761-12)
sahee-aa ta-oo asaNkh manjahu habh vaDhaanee-aa.
Your brides are countless; they are all greater than I am.

ihk BorI ndir inhwil dyih drsu rMgu mwxIAw ]6] (761-13)
hik bhoree nadar nihaal deh daras rang maanee-aa. ||6||
Please bless me with Your Glance of Grace, even for an instant; please bless me with Your Darshan, that I may revel in Your Love. ||6||

jY ifTy mnu DIrIAY iklivK vM\in@ dUry ] (761-13)
jai dithay man Dheeree-ai kilvikh vaNnjniH dooray.
Seeing Him, my mind is comforted and consoled, and my sins and mistakes are far removed.

so ikau ivsrY mwau mY jo rihAw BrpUry ]7] (761-14)
so ki-o visrai maa-o mai jo rahi-aa bharpooray. ||7||
How could I ever forget Him, O my mother? He is permeating and pervading everywhere. ||7||

hoie inmwxI Fih peI imilAw shij suBwie ] (761-14)
ho-ay nimaanee dheh pa-ee mili-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
In humility, I bowed down in surrender to Him, and He naturally met me.

pUrib iliKAw pwieAw nwnk sMq shwie ]8]1]4] (761-15)
poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa naanak sant sahaa-ay. ||8||1||4||
I have received what was pre-ordained for me, O Nanak, with the help and assistance of the Saints. ||8||1||4||

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (761-15)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

isimRiq byd purwx pukwrin poQIAw ] (761-16)
simrit bayd puraan pukaaran pothee-aa.
The Simritees, the Vedas, the Puraanas and the other holy scriptures proclaim

nwm ibnw siB kUVu gwl@I hoCIAw ]1] (761-16)
naam binaa sabh koorh gaalHee hochhee-aa. ||1||
that without the Naam, everything is false and worthless. ||1||

nwmu inDwnu Apwru Bgqw min vsY ] (761-16)
naam niDhaan apaar bhagtaa man vasai.
The infinite treasure of the Naam abides within the minds of the devotees.

jnm mrx mohu duKu swDU sMig nsY ]1] rhwau ] (761-17)
janam maran moh dukh saaDhoo sang nasai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Birth and death, attachment and suffering, are erased in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||

moih bwid AhMkwir srpr ruMinAw ] (761-17)
mohi baad ahaNkaar sarpar runni-aa.
Those who indulge in attachment, conflict and egotism shall surely weep and cry.

suKu n pwiein@ mUil nwm ivCuMinAw ]2] (761-18)
sukh na paa-iniH mool naam vichhunni-aa. ||2||
Those who are separated from the Naam shall never find any peace. ||2||

myrI myrI Dwir bMDin bMiDAw ] (761-18)
mayree mayree Dhaar banDhan banDhi-aa.
Crying out, "Mine! Mine!", he is bound in bondage.

nrik surig Avqwr mwieAw DMiDAw ]3] (761-18)
narak surag avtaar maa-i-aa DhanDhi-aa. ||3||
Entangled in Maya, he is reincarnated in heaven and hell. ||3||

soDq soDq soiD qqu bIcwirAw ] (761-19)
soDhat soDhat soDh tat beechaari-aa.
Searching, searching, searching, I have come to understand the essence of reality.

nwm ibnw suKu nwih srpr hwirAw ]4] (761-19)
naam binaa sukh naahi sarpar haari-aa. ||4||
Without the Naam, there is no peace at all, and the mortal will surely fail. ||4||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD