Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


scw swhu scy vxjwry EQY kUVy n itkMin ] (756-1)
sachaa saahu sachay vanjaaray othai koorhay na tikann.
True is the Banker, and True are His traders. The false ones cannot remain there.

Enw scu n BwveI duK hI mwih pcMin ]18] (756-1)
onaa sach na bhaav-ee dukh hee maahi pachann. ||18||
They do not love the Truth - they are consumed by their pain. ||18||

haumY mYlw jgu iPrY mir jMmY vwro vwr ] (756-2)
ha-umai mailaa jag firai mar jammai vaaro vaar.
The world wanders around in the filth of egotism; it dies, and is re-born, over and again.

pieAY ikriq kmwvxw koie n mytxhwr ]19] (756-2)
pa-i-ai kirat kamaavanaa ko-ay na maytanhaar. ||19||
He acts in accordance with the karma of his past actions, which no one can erase. ||19||

sMqw sMgiq imil rhY qw sic lgY ipAwru ] (756-2)
santaa sangat mil rahai taa sach lagai pi-aar.
But if he joins the Society of the Saints, then he comes to embrace love for the Truth.

scu slwhI scu min dir scY sicAwru ]20] (756-3)
sach salaahee sach man dar sachai sachiaar. ||20||
Praising the True Lord with a truthful mind, he becomes true in the Court of the True Lord. ||20||

gur pUry pUrI miq hY Aihinis nwmu iDAwie ] (756-3)
gur pooray pooree mat hai ahinis naam Dhi-aa-ay.
The Teachings of the Perfect Guru are perfect; meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, day and night.

haumY myrw vf rogu hY ivchu Twik rhwie ]21] (756-4)
ha-umai mayraa vad rog hai vichahu thaak rahaa-ay. ||21||
Egotism and self-conceit are terrible diseases; tranquility and stillness come from within. ||21||

guru swlwhI Awpxw iniv iniv lwgw pwie ] (756-4)
gur saalaahee aapnaa niv niv laagaa paa-ay.
I praise my Guru; bowing down to Him again and again, I fall at His Feet.

qnu mnu saupI AwgY DrI ivchu Awpu gvwie ]22] (756-5)
tan man sa-upee aagai Dharee vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||22||
I place my body and mind in offering unto Him, eradicating self-conceit from within. ||22||

iKMcoqwix ivgucIAY eyksu isau ilv lwie ] (756-6)
khinchotaan viguchee-ai aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
Indecision leads to ruin; focus your attention on the One Lord.

haumY myrw Cif qU qw sic rhY smwie ]23] (756-6)
ha-umai mayraa chhad too taa sach rahai samaa-ay. ||23||
Renounce egotism and self-conceit, and remain merged in Truth. ||23||

siqgur no imly is Bwierw scY sbid lgMin ] (756-6)
satgur no milay se bhaa-iraa sachai sabad lagann.
Those who meet with the True Guru are my Siblings of Destiny; they are committed to the True Word of the Shabad.

sic imly sy n ivCuVih dir scY idsMin ]24] (756-7)
sach milay say na vichhurheh dar sachai disann. ||24||
Those who merge with the True Lord shall not be separated again; they are judged to be True in the Court of the Lord. ||24||

sy BweI sy sjxw jo scw syvMin ] (756-7)
say bhaa-ee say sajnaa jo sachaa sayvann.
They are my Siblings of Destiny, and they are my friends, who serve the True Lord.

Avgx ivkix pl@rin gux kI swJ krMin@ ]25] (756-8)
avgan vikan pulHran gun kee saajh karaNniH. ||25||
They sell off their sins and demerits like straw, and enter into the partnership of virtue. ||25||

gux kI swJ suKu aUpjY scI Bgiq kryin ] (756-8)
gun kee saajh sukh oopjai sachee bhagat karayn.
In the partnership of virtue, peace wells up, and they perform true devotional worship service.

scu vxMjih gur sbd isau lwhw nwmu leyin ]26] (756-9)
sach vanaNjahi gur sabad si-o laahaa naam la-ayn. ||26||
They deal in Truth, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and they earn the profit of the Naam. ||26||

suienw rupw pwp kir kir sMcIAY clY n clidAw nwil ] (756-9)
su-inaa rupaa paap kar kar sanchee-ai chalai na chaldi-aa naal.
Gold and silver may be earned by committing sins, but they will not go with you when you die.

ivxu nwvY nwil n clsI sB muTI jmkwil ]27] (756-10)
vin naavai naal na chalsee sabh muthee jamkaal. ||27||
Nothing will go with you in the end, except the Name; all are plundered by the Messenger of Death. ||27||

mn kw qosw hir nwmu hY ihrdY rKhu sm@wil ] (756-11)
man kaa tosaa har naam hai hirdai rakhahu samHaal.
The Lord's Name is the nourishment of the mind; cherish it, and preserve it carefully within your heart.

eyhu Krcu AKutu hY gurmuiK inbhY nwil ]28] (756-11)
ayhu kharach akhut hai gurmukh nibhai naal. ||28||
This nourishment is inexhaustible; it is always with the Gurmukhs. ||28||

ey mn mUlhu BuilAw jwsih piq gvwie ] (756-11)
ay man moolhu bhuli-aa jaaseh pat gavaa-ay.
O mind, if you forget the Primal Lord, you shall depart, having lost your honor.

iehu jgqu moih dUjY ivAwipAw gurmqI scu iDAwie ]29] (756-12)
ih jagat mohi doojai vi-aapi-aa gurmatee sach Dhi-aa-ay. ||29||
This world is engrossed in the love of duality; follow the Guru's Teachings, and meditate on the True Lord. ||29||

hir kI kImiq n pvY hir jsu ilKxu n jwie ] (756-13)
har kee keemat na pavai har jas likhan na jaa-ay.
The Lord's value cannot be estimated; the Lord's Praises cannot be written down.

gur kY sbid mnu qnu rpY hir isau rhY smwie ]30] (756-13)
gur kai sabad man tan rapai har si-o rahai samaa-ay. ||30||
When one's mind and body are attuned to the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one remains merged in the Lord. ||30||

so shu myrw rMgulw rMgy shij suBwie ] (756-14)
so saho mayraa rangulaa rangay sahj subhaa-ay.
My Husband Lord is playful; He has imbued me with His Love, with natural ease.

kwmix rMgu qw cVY jw ipr kY AMik smwie ]31] (756-14)
kaaman rang taa charhai jaa pir kai ank samaa-ay. ||31||
The soul-bride is imbued with His Love, when her Husband Lord merges her into His Being. ||31||

icrI ivCuMny BI imlin jo siqguru syvMin ] (756-15)
chiree vichhunay bhee milan jo satgur sayvann.
Even those who have been separated for so very long, are reunited with Him, when they serve the True Guru.

AMqir nv iniD nwmu hY Kwin Krcin n inKuteI hir gux shij rvMin ]32] (756-15)
antar nav niDh naam hai khaan kharchan na nikhuta-ee har gun sahj ravann. ||32||
The nine treasures of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are deep within the nucleus of the self; consuming them, they are still never exhausted. Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord, with natural ease. ||32||

nw Eie jnmih nw mrih nw Eie duK shMin ] (756-16)
naa o-ay janmeh naa mareh naa o-ay dukh sahann.
They are not born, and they do not die; they do not suffer in pain.

guir rwKy sy aubry hir isau kyl krMin ]33] (756-16)
gur raakhay say ubray har si-o kayl karann. ||33||
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved. They celebrate with the Lord. ||33||

sjx imly n ivCuVih ij Anidnu imly rhMin ] (756-17)
sajan milay na vichhurheh je an-din milay rahann.
Those who are united with the Lord, the True Friend, are not separated again; night and day, they remain blended with Him.

iesu jg mih ivrly jwxIAih nwnk scu lhMin ]34]1]3] (756-17)
is jag meh virlay jaanee-ahi naanak sach lahann. ||34||1||3||
In this world, only a rare few are known, O Nanak, to have obtained the True Lord. ||34||1||3||

sUhI mhlw 3 ] (756-18)
soohee mehlaa 3.
Soohee, Third Mehl:

hir jI sUKmu Agmu hY ikqu ibiD imilAw jwie ] (756-18)
har jee sookham agam hai kit biDh mili-aa jaa-ay.
The Dear Lord is subtle and inaccessible; how can we ever meet Him?

gur kY sbid BRmu ktIAY AicMqu vsY min Awie ]1] (756-19)
gur kai sabad bharam katee-ai achint vasai man aa-ay. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, doubt is dispelled, and the Carefree Lord comes to abide in the mind. ||1||

gurmuiK hir hir nwmu jpMin ] (756-19)
gurmukh har har naam japann.
The Gurmukhs chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD