Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwgu sUhI mhlw 3 Gru 10 (755-1)
raag soohee mehlaa 3 ghar 10
Raag Soohee, Third Mehl, Tenth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (755-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

dunIAw n swlwih jo mir vM\sI ] (755-2)
dunee-aa na saalaahi jo mar vanjsee.
Do not praise the world; it shall simply pass away.

lokw n swlwih jo mir Kwku QIeI ]1] (755-2)
lokaa na saalaahi jo mar khaak thee-ee. ||1||
Do not praise other people; they shall die and turn to dust. ||1||

vwhu myry swihbw vwhu ] (755-2)
vaahu mayray saahibaa vaahu.
Waaho! Waaho! Hail, hail to my Lord and Master.

gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY scw vyprvwhu ]1] rhwau ] (755-3)
gurmukh sadaa salaahee-ai sachaa vayparvaahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, forever praise the One who is forever True, Independent and Carefree. ||1||Pause||

dunIAw kyrI dosqI mnmuK diJ mrMin ] (755-3)
dunee-aa kayree dostee manmukh dajh marann.
Making worldly friendships, the self-willed manmukhs burn and die.

jm puir bDy mwrIAih vylw n lwhMin ]2] (755-4)
jam pur baDhay maaree-ah vaylaa na lahann. ||2||
In the City of Death, they are bound and gagged and beaten; this opportunity shall never come again. ||2||

gurmuiK jnmu skwrQw scY sbid lgMin ] (755-4)
gurmukh janam sakaarthaa sachai sabad lagann.
The lives of the Gurmukhs are fruitful and blessed; they are committed to the True Word of the Shabad.

Awqm rwmu pRgwisAw shjy suiK rhMin ]3] (755-4)
aatam raam pargaasi-aa sehjay sukh rahann. ||3||
Their souls are illuminated by the Lord, and they dwell in peace and pleasure. ||3||

gur kw sbdu ivswirAw dUjY Bwie rcMin ] (755-5)
gur kaa sabad visaari-aa doojai bhaa-ay rachann.
Those who forget the Word of the Guru's Shabad are engrossed in the love of duality.

iqsnw BuK n auqrY Anidnu jlq iPrMin ]4] (755-5)
tisnaa bhukh na utrai an-din jalat firann. ||4||
Their hunger and thirst never leave them, and night and day, they wander around burning. ||4||

dustw nwil dosqI nwil sMqw vYru krMin ] (755-6)
dustaa naal dostee naal santaa vair karann.
Those who make friendships with the wicked, and harbor animosity to the Saints,

Awip fuby kutMb isau sgly kul fobMin ]5] (755-6)
aap dubay kutamb si-o saglay kul dobann. ||5||
shall drown with their families, and their entire lineage shall be obliterated. ||5||

inMdw BlI iksY kI nwhI mnmuK mugD krMin ] (755-7)
nindaa bhalee kisai kee naahee manmukh mugaDh karann.
It is not good to slander anyone, but the foolish, self-willed manmukhs still do it.

muh kwly iqn inMdkw nrky Goir pvMin ]6] (755-7)
muh kaalay tin nindkaa narkay ghor pavann. ||6||
The faces of the slanderers turn black, and they fall into the most horrible hell. ||6||

ey mn jYsw syvih qYsw hovih qyhy krm kmwie ] (755-8)
ay man jaisaa sayveh taisaa hoveh tayhay karam kamaa-ay.
O mind, as you serve, so do you become, and so are the deeds that you do.

Awip bIij Awpy hI Kwvxw khxw ikCU n jwie ]7] (755-8)
aap beej aapay hee khaavnaa kahnaa kichhoo na jaa-ay. ||7||
Whatever you yourself plant, that is what you shall have to eat; nothing else can be said about this. ||7||

mhw purKw kw bolxw hovY ikqY prQwie ] (755-9)
mahaa purkhaa kaa bolnaa hovai kitai parthaa-ay.
The speech of the great spiritual beings has a higher purpose.

Eie AMimRq Bry BrpUr hih Enw iqlu n qmwie ]8] (755-9)
o-ay amrit bharay bharpoor heh onaa til na tamaa-ay. ||8||
They are filled to over-flowing with Ambrosial Nectar, and they have absolutely no greed at all. ||8||

guxkwrI gux sMGrY Avrw aupdysyin ] (755-10)
gunkaaree gun sanghrai avraa updaysayn.
The virtuous accumulate virtue, and teach others.

sy vfBwgI ij Enw imil rhy Anidnu nwmu leyin ]9] (755-10)
say vadbhaagee je onaa mil rahay an-din naam la-ayn. ||9||
Those who meet with them are so very fortunate; night and day, they chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||9||

dysI irjku sMbwih ijin aupweI mydnI ] (755-11)
daysee rijak sambaahi jin upaa-ee maydnee.
He who created the Universe, gives sustenance to it.

eyko hY dwqwru scw Awip DxI ]10] (755-11)
ayko hai daataar sachaa aap Dhanee. ||10||
The One Lord alone is the Great Giver. He Himself is the True Master. ||10||

so scu qyrY nwil hY gurmuiK ndir inhwil ] (755-12)
so sach tayrai naal hai gurmukh nadar nihaal.
That True Lord is always with you; the Gurmukh is blessed with His Glance of Grace.

Awpy bKsy myil ley so pRBu sdw smwil ]11] (755-12)
aapay bakhsay mayl la-ay so parabh sadaa samaal. ||11||
He Himself shall forgive you, and merge you into Himself; forever cherish and contemplate God. ||11||

mnu mYlw scu inrmlw ikau kir imilAw jwie ] (755-13)
man mailaa sach nirmalaa ki-o kar mili-aa jaa-ay.
The mind is impure; only the True Lord is pure. So how can it merge into Him?

pRBu myly qw imil rhY haumY sbid jlwie ]12] (755-13)
parabh maylay taa mil rahai ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay. ||12||
God merges it into Himself, and then it remains merged; through the Word of His Shabad, the ego is burnt away. ||12||

so shu scw vIsrY iDRgu jIvxu sMswir ] (755-14)
so saho sachaa veesrai Dharig jeevan sansaar.
Cursed is the life in this world, of one who forgets her True Husband Lord.

ndir kry nw vIsrY gurmqI vIcwir ]13] (755-14)
nadar karay naa veesrai gurmatee veechaar. ||13||
The Lord grants His Mercy, and she does not forget Him, if she contemplates the Guru's Teachings. ||13||

siqguru myly qw imil rhw swcu rKw aur Dwir ] (755-15)
satgur maylay taa mil rahaa saach rakhaa ur Dhaar.
The True Guru unites her, and so she remains united with Him, with the True Lord enshrined within her heart.

imilAw hoie n vICuVY gur kY hyiq ipAwir ]14] (755-15)
mili-aa ho-ay na veechhurhai gur kai hayt pi-aar. ||14||
And so united, she will not be separated again; she remains in the love and affection of the Guru. ||14||

ipru swlwhI Awpxw gur kY sbid vIcwir ] (755-16)
pir saalaahee aapnaa gur kai sabad veechaar.
I praise my Husband Lord, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

imil pRIqm suKu pwieAw soBwvMqI nwir ]15] (755-16)
mil pareetam sukh paa-i-aa sobhaavantee naar. ||15||
Meeting with my Beloved, I have found peace; I am His most beautiful and happy soul-bride. ||15||

mnmuK mnu n iBjeI Aiq mYly iciq kTor ] (755-17)
manmukh man na bhij-ee at mailay chit kathor.
The mind of the self-willed manmukh is not softened; his consciousness is totally polluted and stone-hearted.

spY duDu pIAweIAY AMdir ivsu inkor ]16] (755-17)
sapai duDh pee-aa-ee-ai andar vis nikor. ||16||
Even if the venomous snake is fed on milk, it shall still be filled with poison. ||16||

Awip kry iksu AwKIAY Awpy bKsxhwru ] (755-18)
aap karay kis aakhee-ai aapay bakhsanhaar.
He Himself does - who else should I ask? He Himself is the Forgiving Lord.

gur sbdI mYlu auqrY qw scu bixAw sIgwru ]17] (755-18)
gur sabdee mail utrai taa sach bani-aa seegaar. ||17||
Through the Guru's Teachings, filth is washed away, and then, one is embellished with the ornament of Truth. ||17||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD