Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sbid mrhu iPir jIvhu sd hI qw iPir mrxu n hoeI ] (604-1)
sabad marahu fir jeevhu sad hee taa fir maran na ho-ee.
Dying in the Word of the Shabad, you shall live forever, and you shall never die again.

AMimRqu nwmu sdw min mITw sbdy pwvY koeI ]3] (604-1)
amrit naam sadaa man meethaa sabday paavai ko-ee. ||3||
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam is ever-sweet to the mind; but how few are those who obtain the Shabad. ||3||

dwqY dwiq rKI hiQ ApxY ijsu BwvY iqsu dyeI ] (604-2)
daatai daat rakhee hath apnai jis bhaavai tis day-ee.
The Great Giver keeps His Gifts in His Hand; He gives them to those with whom He is pleased.

nwnk nwim rqy suKu pwieAw drgh jwpih syeI ]4]11] (604-2)
naanak naam ratay sukh paa-i-aa dargeh jaapeh say-ee. ||4||11||
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, they find peace, and in the Court of the Lord, they are exalted. ||4||11||

soriT mhlw 3 ] (604-3)
sorath mehlaa 3.
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:

siqgur syvy qw shj Duin aupjY giq miq qd hI pwey ] (604-3)
satgur sayvay taa sahj Dhun upjai gat mat tad hee paa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, the divine melody wells up within, and one is blessed with wisdom and salvation.

hir kw nwmu scw min visAw nwmy nwim smwey ]1] (604-4)
har kaa naam sachaa man vasi-aa naamay naam samaa-ay. ||1||
The True Name of the Lord comes to abide in the mind, and through the Name, one merges in the Name. ||1||

ibnu siqgur sBu jgu baurwnw ] (604-4)
bin satgur sabh jag ba-uraanaa.
Without the True Guru, the whole world is insane.

mnmuiK AMDw sbdu n jwxY JUTY Brim Bulwnw ] rhwau ] (604-5)
manmukh anDhaa sabad na jaanai jhoothai bharam bhulaanaa. rahaa-o.
The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not realize the Word of the Shabad; they are deluded by false doubts. ||Pause||

qRY gux mwieAw Brim BulwieAw haumY bMDn kmwey ] (604-5)
tarai gun maa-i-aa bharam bhulaa-i-aa ha-umai banDhan kamaa-ay.
The three-faced Maya had led them astray in doubt, and they are snared by the noose of egotism.

jMmxu mrxu isr aUpir aUBau grB join duKu pwey ]2] (604-6)
jaman maran sir oopar oobha-o garabh jon dukh paa-ay. ||2||
Birth and death hang over their heads, and being reborn from the womb, they suffer in pain. ||2||

qRY gux vrqih sgl sMswrw haumY ivic piq KoeI ] (604-6)
tarai gun varteh sagal sansaaraa ha-umai vich pat kho-ee.
The three qualities permeate the whole world; acting in ego, it loses its honor.

gurmuiK hovY cauQw pdu cInY rwm nwim suKu hoeI ]3] (604-7)
gurmukh hovai cha-uthaa pad cheenai raam naam sukh ho-ee. ||3||
But one who becomes Gurmukh comes to realize the fourth state of celestial bliss; he finds peace through the Name of the Lord. ||3||

qRY gux siB qyry qU Awpy krqw jo qU krih su hoeI ] (604-8)
tarai gun sabh tayray too aapay kartaa jo too karahi so ho-ee.
The three qualities are all Yours, O Lord; You Yourself created them. Whatever You do, comes to pass.

nwnk rwm nwim insqwrw sbdy haumY KoeI ]4]12] (604-8)
naanak raam naam nistaaraa sabday ha-umai kho-ee. ||4||12||
O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, one is emancipated; through the Shabad, he is rid of egotism. ||4||12||

soriT mhlw 4 Gru 1 (604-10)
sorath mehlaa 4 ghar 1
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (604-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awpy Awip vrqdw ipAwrw Awpy Awip Apwhu ] (604-11)
aapay aap varatdaa pi-aaraa aapay aap apaahu.
My Beloved Lord Himself pervades and permeates all; He Himself is, all by Himself.

vxjwrw jgu Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy swcw swhu ] (604-11)
vanjaaraa jag aap hai pi-aaraa aapay saachaa saahu.
My Beloved Himself is the trader in this world; He Himself is the true banker.

Awpy vxju vwpwrIAw ipAwrw Awpy scu vyswhu ]1] (604-12)
aapay vanaj vapaaree-aa pi-aaraa aapay sach vaysaahu. ||1||
My Beloved Himself is the trade and the trader; He Himself is the true credit. ||1||

jip mn hir hir nwmu slwh ] (604-12)
jap man har har naam salaah.
O mind, meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, and praise His Name.

gur ikrpw qy pweIAY ipAwrw AMimRqu Agm AQwh ] rhwau ] (604-12)
gur kirpaa tay paa-ee-ai pi-aaraa amrit agam athaah. rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, the Beloved, Ambrosial, unapproachable and unfathomable Lord is obtained. ||Pause||

Awpy suix sB vyKdw ipAwrw muiK boly Awip muhwhu ] (604-13)
aapay sun sabh vaykh-daa pi-aaraa mukh bolay aap muhaahu.
The Beloved Himself sees and hears everything; He Himself speaks through the mouths of all beings.

Awpy auJiV pwiedw ipAwrw Awip ivKwly rwhu ] (604-14)
aapay ujharh paa-idaa pi-aaraa aap vikhaalay raahu.
The Beloved Himself leads us into the wilderness, and He Himself shows us the Way.

Awpy hI sBu Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy vyprvwhu ]2] (604-14)
aapay hee sabh aap hai pi-aaraa aapay vayparvaahu. ||2||
The Beloved Himself is Himself all-in-all; He Himself is carefree. ||2||

Awpy Awip aupwiedw ipAwrw isir Awpy DMDVY lwhu ] (604-15)
aapay aap upaa-idaa pi-aaraa sir aapay DhanDh-rhai laahu.
The Beloved Himself, all by Himself, created everything; He Himself links all to their tasks.

Awip krwey swKqI ipAwrw Awip mwry mir jwhu ] (604-15)
aap karaa-ay saakh-tee pi-aaraa aap maaray mar jaahu.
The Beloved Himself creates the Creation, and He Himself destroys it.

Awpy pqxu pwqxI ipAwrw Awpy pwir lµGwhu ]3] (604-16)
aapay patan paat-nee pi-aaraa aapay paar langhaahu. ||3||
He Himself is the wharf, and He Himself is the ferryman, who ferries us across. ||3||

Awpy swgru boihQw ipAwrw guru Kyvtu Awip clwhu ] (604-16)
aapay saagar bohithaa pi-aaraa gur khayvat aap chalaahu.
The Beloved Himself is the ocean, and the boat; He Himself is the Guru, the boatman who steers it

Awpy hI ciV lµGdw ipAwrw kir coj vyKY pwiqswhu ] (604-17)
aapay hee charh langh-daa pi-aaraa kar choj vaykhai paatisaahu.
. The Beloved Himself sets sail and crosses over; He, the King, beholds His wondrous play.

Awpy Awip dieAwlu hY ipAwrw jn nwnk bKis imlwhu ]4]1] (604-17)
aapay aap da-i-aal hai pi-aaraa jan naanak bakhas milaahu. ||4||1||
The Beloved Himself is the Merciful Master; O servant Nanak, He forgives and blends with Himself. ||4||1||

soriT mhlw 4 cauQw ] (604-18)
sorath mehlaa 4 cha-uthaa.
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:

Awpy AMfj jyrj syqj auqBuj Awpy KMf Awpy sB loie ] (604-18)
aapay andaj jayraj saytaj ut-bhuj aapay khand aapay sabh lo-ay.
He Himself is born of the egg, from the womb, from sweat and from the earth; He Himself is the continents and all the worlds.

Awpy sUqu Awpy bhu mxIAw kir skqI jgqu proie ] (604-19)
aapay soot aapay baho manee-aa kar saktee jagat paro-ay.
He Himself is the thread, and He Himself is the many beads; through His Almighty Power, He has strung the worlds.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD