Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibnu gur pRIiq n aUpjY BweI mnmuiK dUjY Bwie ] (603-1)
bin gur pareet na oopjai bhaa-ee manmukh doojai bhaa-ay.
Without the Guru, love for the Lord does not well up, O Siblings of Destiny; the self-willed manmukhs are engrossed in the love of duality.

quh kutih mnmuK krm krih BweI plY ikCU n pwie ]2] (603-1)
tuh kuteh manmukh karam karahi bhaa-ee palai kichhoo na paa-ay. ||2||
Actions performed by the manmukh are like the threshing of the chaff - they obtain nothing for their efforts. ||2||

gur imilAY nwmu min rivAw BweI swcI pRIiq ipAwir ] (603-2)
gur mili-ai naam man ravi-aa bhaa-ee saachee pareet pi-aar.
Meeting the Guru, the Naam comes to permeate the mind, O Siblings of Destiny, with true love and affection.

sdw hir ky gux rvY BweI gur kY hyiq Apwir ]3] (603-2)
sadaa har kay gun ravai bhaa-ee gur kai hayt apaar. ||3||
He always sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, with infinite love for the Guru. ||3||

AwieAw so prvwxu hY BweI ij gur syvw icqu lwie ] (603-3)
aa-i-aa so parvaan hai bhaa-ee je gur sayvaa chit laa-ay.
How blessed and approved is his coming into the world, O Siblings of Destiny, who focuses his mind on serving the Guru.

nwnk nwmu hir pweIAY BweI gur sbdI mylwie ]4]8] (603-3)
naanak naam har paa-ee-ai bhaa-ee gur sabdee maylaa-ay. ||4||8||
O Nanak, the Name of the Lord is obtained, O Siblings of Destiny, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and we merge with the Lord. ||4||8||

soriT mhlw 3 Gru 1 ] (603-4)
sorath mehlaa 3 ghar 1.
Sorat'h, Third Mehl, First House:

iqhI guxI iqRBvxu ivAwipAw BweI gurmuiK bUJ buJwie ] (603-4)
tihee gunee taribhavan vi-aapi-aa bhaa-ee gurmukh boojh bujhaa-ay.
The three worlds are entangled in the three qualities, O Siblings of Destiny; the Guru imparts understanding.

rwm nwim lig CUtIAY BweI pUChu igAwnIAw jwie ]1] (603-5)
raam naam lag chhootee-ai bhaa-ee poochhahu gi-aanee-aa jaa-ay. ||1||
Attached to the Lord's Name, one is emancipated, O Siblings of Destiny; go and ask the wise ones about this. ||1||

mn ry qRY gux Coif cauQY icqu lwie ] (603-5)
man ray tarai gun chhod cha-uthai chit laa-ay.
O mind, renounce the three qualities, and focus your consciousness on the fourth state.

hir jIau qyrY min vsY BweI sdw hir ky gux gwie ] rhwau ] (603-6)
har jee-o tayrai man vasai bhaa-ee sadaa har kay gun gaa-ay. rahaa-o.
The Dear Lord abides in the mind, O Siblings of Destiny; ever sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||Pause||

nwmY qy siB aUpjy BweI nwie ivsirAY mir jwie ] (603-6)
naamai tay sabh oopjay bhaa-ee naa-ay visri-ai mar jaa-ay.
From the Naam, everyone originated, O Siblings of Destiny; forgetting the Naam, they die away.

AigAwnI jgqu AMDu hY BweI sUqy gey muhwie ]2] (603-7)
agi-aanee jagat anDh hai bhaa-ee sootay ga-ay muhaa-ay. ||2||
The ignorant world is blind, O Siblings of Destiny; those who sleep are plundered. ||2||

gurmuiK jwgy sy aubry BweI Bvjlu pwir auqwir ] (603-8)
gurmukh jaagay say ubray bhaa-ee bhavjal paar utaar.
Those Gurmukhs who remain awake are saved, O Siblings of Destiny; they cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

jg mih lwhw hir nwmu hY BweI ihrdY riKAw aur Dwir ]3] (603-8)
jag meh laahaa har naam hai bhaa-ee hirdai rakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||3||
In this world, the Name of the Lord is the true profit, O Siblings of Destiny; keep it enshrined within your heart. ||3||

gur srxweI aubry BweI rwm nwim ilv lwie ] (603-9)
gur sarnaa-ee ubray bhaa-ee raam naam liv laa-ay.
In the Guru's Sanctuary, O Siblings of Destiny, you shall be saved; be lovingly attuned to the Lord's Name.

nwnk nwau byVw nwau qulhVw BweI ijqu lig pwir jn pwie ]4]9] (603-9)
naanak naa-o bayrhaa naa-o tulharhaa bhaa-ee jit lag paar jan paa-ay. ||4||9||
O Nanak, the Name of the Lord is the boat, and the Name is the raft, O Siblings of Destiny; setting out on it, the Lord's humble servant crosses over the world-ocean. ||4||9||

soriT mhlw 3 Gru 1 ] (603-10)
sorath mehlaa 3 ghar 1.
Sorat'h, Third Mehl, First House:

siqguru suK swgru jg AMqir hor QY suKu nwhI ] (603-10)
satgur sukh saagar jag antar hor thai sukh naahee.
The True Guru is the ocean of peace in the world; there is no other place of rest and peace.

haumY jgqu duiK roig ivAwipAw mir jnmY rovY DwhI ]1] (603-11)
ha-umai jagat dukh rog vi-aapi-aa mar janmai rovai Dhaahee. ||1||
The world is afflicted with the painful disease of egotism; dying, only to be reborn, it cries out in pain. ||1||

pRwxI siqguru syiv suKu pwie ] (603-11)
paraanee satgur sayv sukh paa-ay.
O mind, serve the True Guru, and obtain peace.

siqguru syvih qw suKu pwvih nwih q jwihgw jnmu gvwie ] rhwau ] (603-12)
satgur sayveh taa sukh paavahi naahi ta jaahigaa janam gavaa-ay. rahaa-o.
If you serve the True Guru, you shall find peace; otherwise, you shall depart, after wasting away your life in vain. ||Pause||

qRY gux Dwqu bhu krm kmwvih hir rs swdu n AwieAw ] (603-12)
tarai gun Dhaat baho karam kamaaveh har ras saad na aa-i-aa.
Led around by the three qualities, he does many deeds, but he does not come to taste and savor the subtle essence of the Lord.

sMiDAw qrpxu krih gwieqRI ibnu bUJy duKu pwieAw ]2] (603-13)
sanDhi-aa tarpan karahi gaa-itaree bin boojhay dukh paa-i-aa. ||2||
He says his evening prayers, and makes offerings of water, and recites his morning prayers, but without true understanding, he still suffers in pain. ||2||

siqguru syvy so vfBwgI ijs no Awip imlwey ] (603-14)
satgur sayvay so vadbhaagee jis no aap milaa-ay.
One who serves the True Guru is very fortunate; as the Lord so wills, he meets with the Guru.

hir rsu pI jn sdw iqRpqwsy ivchu Awpu gvwey ]3] (603-14)
har ras pee jan sadaa tariptaasay vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||3||
Drinking in the sublime essence of the Lord, His humble servants remain ever satisfied; they eradicate self-conceit from within themselves. ||3||

iehu jgu AMDw sBu AMDu kmwvY ibnu gur mgu n pwey ] (603-15)
ih jag anDhaa sabh anDh kamaavai bin gur mag na paa-ay.
This world is blind, and all act blindly; without the Guru, no one finds the Path.

nwnk siqguru imlY q AKI vyKY GrY AMdir scu pwey ]4]10] (603-15)
naanak satgur milai ta akhee vaykhai gharai andar sach paa-ay. ||4||10||
O Nanak, meeting with the True Guru, one sees with his eyes, and finds the True Lord within the home of his own being. ||4||10||

soriT mhlw 3 ] (603-16)
sorath mehlaa 3.
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:

ibnu siqgur syvy bhuqw duKu lwgw jug cwry BrmweI ] (603-16)
bin satgur sayvay bahutaa dukh laagaa jug chaaray bharmaa-ee.
Without serving the True Guru, he suffers in terrible pain, and throughout the four ages, he wanders aimlessly.

hm dIn qum jugu jugu dwqy sbdy dyih buJweI ]1] (603-17)
ham deen tum jug jug daatay sabday deh bujhaa-ee. ||1||
I am poor and meek, and throughout the ages, You are the Great Giver - please, grant me the understanding of the Shabad. ||1||

hir jIau ik®pw krhu qum ipAwry ] (603-17)
har jee-o kirpaa karahu tum pi-aaray.
O Dear Beloved Lord, please show mercy to me.

siqguru dwqw myil imlwvhu hir nwmu dyvhu AwDwry ] rhwau ] (603-18)
satgur daataa mayl milaavhu har naam dayvhu aaDhaaray. rahaa-o.
Unite me in the Union of the True Guru, the Great Giver, and give me the support of the Lord's Name. ||Pause||

mnsw mwir duibDw shij smwxI pwieAw nwmu Apwrw ] (603-18)
mansaa maar dubiDhaa sahj samaanee paa-i-aa naam apaaraa.
Conquering my desires and duality, I have merged in celestial peace, and I have found the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord.

hir rsu cwiK mnu inrmlu hoAw iklibK kwtxhwrw ]2] (603-19)
har ras chaakh man nirmal ho-aa kilbikh kaatanhaaraa. ||2||
I have tasted the sublime essence of the Lord, and my soul has become immaculately pure; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD