Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


vwhu vwhu iqs no AwKIAY ij sB mih rihAw smwie ] (515-1)
vaahu vaahu tis no aakhee-ai je sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ay.
Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is permeating and pervading in all.

vwhu vwhu iqs no AwKIAY ij dydw irjku sbwih ] (515-1)
vaahu vaahu tis no aakhee-ai je daydaa rijak sabaahi.
Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is the Giver of sustenance to all.

nwnk vwhu vwhu ieko kir swlwhIAY ij siqgur dIAw idKwie ]1] (515-2)
naanak vaahu vaahu iko kar salaahee-ai je satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! - praise the One Lord, revealed by the True Guru. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (515-3)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu gurmuK sdw krih mnmuK mrih ibKu Kwie ] (515-3)
vaahu vaahu gurmukh sadaa karahi manmukh mareh bikh khaa-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! The Gurmukhs praise the Lord continually, while the self-willed manmukhs eat poison and die.

Enw vwhu vwhu n BwveI duKy duiK ivhwie ] (515-3)
onaa vaahu vaahu na bhaav-ee dukhay dukh vihaa-ay.
They have no love for the Lord's Praises, and they pass their lives in misery.

gurmuiK AMimRqu pIvxw vwhu vwhu krih ilv lwie ] (515-4)
gurmukh amrit peevnaa vaahu vaahu karahi liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukhs drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, and they center their consciousness on the Lord's Praises.

nwnk vwhu vwhu krih sy jn inrmly iqRBvx soJI pwie ]2] (515-4)
naanak vaahu vaahu karahi say jan nirmalay taribhavan sojhee paa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, those who chant Waaho! Waaho! are immaculate and pure; they obtain the knowledge of the three worlds. ||2||

pauVI ] (515-5)

hir kY BwxY guru imlY syvw Bgiq bnIjY ] (515-5)
har kai bhaanai gur milai sayvaa bhagat baneejai.
By the Lord's Will, one meets the Guru, serves Him, and worships the Lord.

hir kY BwxY hir min vsY shjy rsu pIjY ] (515-5)
har kai bhaanai har man vasai sehjay ras peejai.
By the Lord's Will, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and one easily drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord.

hir kY BwxY suKu pweIAY hir lwhw inq lIjY ] (515-6)
har kai bhaanai sukh paa-ee-ai har laahaa nit leejai.
By the Lord's Will, one finds peace, and continually earns the Lord's Profit.

hir kY qKiq bhwlIAY inj Gir sdw vsIjY ] (515-6)
har kai takhat bahaalee-ai nij ghar sadaa vaseejai.
He is seated on the Lord's throne, and he dwells continually in the home of his own being.

hir kw Bwxw iqnI mMinAw ijnw gurU imlIjY ]16] (515-7)
har kaa bhaanaa tinee mani-aa jinaa guroo mileejai. ||16||
He alone surrenders to the Lord's Will, who meets the Guru. ||16||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (515-8)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu sy jn sdw krih ijn@ kau Awpy dyie buJwie ] (515-8)
vaahu vaahu say jan sadaa karahi jinH ka-o aapay day-ay bujhaa-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! Those humble beings ever praise the Lord, unto whom the Lord Himself grants understanding.

vwhu vwhu kriqAw mnu inrmlu hovY haumY ivchu jwie ] (515-8)
vaahu vaahu karti-aa man nirmal hovai ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho!, the mind is purified, and egotism departs from within.

vwhu vwhu gurisKu jo inq kry so mn icMidAw Plu pwie ] (515-9)
vaahu vaahu gursikh jo nit karay so man chindi-aa fal paa-ay.
The Gurmukh who continually chants Waaho! Waaho! attains the fruits of his heart's desires.

vwhu vwhu krih sy jn sohxy hir iqn@ kY sMig imlwie ] (515-9)
vaahu vaahu karahi say jan sohnay har tinH kai sang milaa-ay.
Beauteous are those humble beings who chant Waaho! Waaho! O Lord, let me join them!

vwhu vwhu ihrdY aucrw muKhu BI vwhu vwhu kryau ] (515-10)
vaahu vaahu hirdai uchraa mukhahu bhee vaahu vaahu karay-o.
Within my heart, I chant Waaho! Waaho!, and with my mouth, Waaho! Waaho!

nwnk vwhu vwhu jo krih hau qnu mnu iqn@ kau dyau ]1] (515-11)
naanak vaahu vaahu jo karahi ha-o tan man tinH ka-o day-o. ||1||
O Nanak, those who chant Waaho! Waaho! - unto them I dedicate my body and mind. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (515-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu swihbu scu hY AMimRqu jw kw nwau ] (515-11)
vaahu vaahu saahib sach hai amrit jaa kaa naa-o.
Waaho! Waaho! is the True Lord Master; His Name is Ambrosial Nectar.

ijin syivAw iqin Plu pwieAw hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ] (515-12)
jin sayvi-aa tin fal paa-i-aa ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o.
Those who serve the Lord are blessed with the fruit; I am a sacrifice to them.

vwhu vwhu guxI inDwnu hY ijs no dyie su Kwie ] (515-12)
vaahu vaahu gunee niDhaan hai jis no day-ay so khaa-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the treasure of virtue; he alone tastes it, who is so blessed.

vwhu vwhu jil Qil BrpUru hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] (515-13)
vaahu vaahu jal thal bharpoor hai gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is pervading and permeating the oceans and the land; the Gurmukh attains Him.

vwhu vwhu gurisK inq sB krhu gur pUry vwhu vwhu BwvY ] (515-13)
vaahu vaahu gursikh nit sabh karahu gur pooray vaahu vaahu bhaavai.
Waaho! Waaho! Let all the Gursikhs continually praise Him. Waaho! Waaho! The Perfect Guru is pleased with His Praises.

nwnk vwhu vwhu jo min iciq kry iqsu jmkMkru nyiV n AwvY ]2] (515-14)
naanak vaahu vaahu jo man chit karay tis jamkankar nayrh na aavai. ||2||
O Nanak, one who chants Waaho! Waaho! with his heart and mind - the Messenger of Death does not approach him. ||2||

pauVI ] (515-15)

hir jIau scw scu hY scI gurbwxI ] (515-15)
har jee-o sachaa sach hai sachee gurbaanee.
The Dear Lord is the Truest of the True; True is the Word of the Guru's Bani.

siqgur qy scu pCwxIAY sic shij smwxI ] (515-15)
satgur tay sach pachhaanee-ai sach sahj samaanee.
Through the True Guru, the Truth is realized, and one is easily absorbed in the True Lord.

Anidnu jwgih nw svih jwgq rYix ivhwxI ] (515-16)
an-din jaageh naa saveh jaagat rain vihaanee.
Night and day, they remain awake, and do not sleep; in wakefulness, the night of their lives passes.

gurmqI hir rsu cwiKAw sy puMn prwxI ] (515-16)
gurmatee har ras chaakhi-aa say punn paraanee.
Those who taste the sublime essence of the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings, are the most worthy persons.

ibnu gur iknY n pwieE pic muey AjwxI ]17] (515-17)
bin gur kinai na paa-i-o pach mu-ay ajaanee. ||17||
Without the Guru, no one has obtained the Lord; the ignorant rot away and die. ||17||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (515-17)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu bwxI inrMkwr hY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ] (515-17)
vaahu vaahu banee nirankaar hai tis jayvad avar na ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is.

vwhu vwhu Agm AQwhu hY vwhu vwhu scw soie ] (515-18)
vaahu vaahu agam athaahu hai vaahu vaahu sachaa so-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is unfathomable and inaccessible. Waaho! Waaho! He is the True One.

vwhu vwhu vyprvwhu hY vwhu vwhu kry su hoie ] (515-18)
vaahu vaahu vayparvaahu hai vaahu vaahu karay so ho-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! He is the self-existent Lord. Waaho! Waaho! As He wills, so it comes to pass.

vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ] (515-19)
vaahu vaahu amrit naam hai gurmukh paavai ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh.

vwhu vwhu krmI pweIAY Awip dieAw kir dyie ] (515-19)
vaahu vaahu karmee paa-ee-ai aap da-i-aa kar day-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! This is realized by His Grace, as He Himself grants His Grace.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD