Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk mn hI qy mnu mwinAw nw ikCu mrY n jwie ]2] (514-1)
naanak man hee tay man maani-aa naa kichh marai na jaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, through the mind, the mind is satisfied, and then, nothing comes or goes. ||2||

pauVI ] (514-1)

kwieAw kotu Apwru hY imlxw sMjogI ] (514-2)
kaa-i-aa kot apaar hai milnaa sanjogee.
The body is the fortress of the Infinite Lord; it is obtained only by destiny.

kwieAw AMdir Awip vis rihAw Awpy rs BogI ] (514-2)
kaa-i-aa andar aap vas rahi-aa aapay ras bhogee.
The Lord Himself dwells within the body; He Himself is the Enjoyer of pleasures.

Awip AqIqu Ailpqu hY inrjogu hir jogI ] (514-2)
aap ateet alipat hai nirjog har jogee.
He Himself remains detached and unaffected; while unattached, He is still attached.

jo iqsu BwvY so kry hir kry su hogI ] (514-3)
jo tis bhaavai so karay har karay so hogee.
He does whatever He pleases, and whatever He does, comes to pass.

hir gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY lih jwih ivjogI ]13] (514-3)
har gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai leh jaahi vijogee. ||13||
The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord's Name, and separation from the Lord is ended. ||13||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (514-4)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu Awip AKwiedw gur sbdI scu soie ] (514-4)
vaahu vaahu aap akhaa-idaa gur sabdee sach so-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord Himself causes us to praise Him, through the True Word of the Guru's Shabad.

vwhu vwhu isPiq slwh hY gurmuiK bUJY koie ] (514-5)
vaahu vaahu sifat salaah hai gurmukh boojhai ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is His Eulogy and Praise; how rare are the Gurmukhs who understand this.

vwhu vwhu bwxI scu hY sic imlwvw hoie ] (514-5)
vaahu vaahu banee sach hai sach milaavaa ho-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! is the True Word of His Bani, by which we meet our True Lord.

nwnk vwhu vwhu kriqAw pRBu pwieAw krim prwpiq hoie ]1] (514-5)
naanak vaahu vaahu karti-aa parabh paa-i-aa karam paraapat ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, chanting Waaho! Waaho! God is attained; by His Grace, He is obtained. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (514-6)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu krqI rsnw sbid suhweI ] (514-6)
vaahu vaahu kartee rasnaa sabad suhaa-ee.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho! the tongue is adorned with the Word of the Shabad.

pUrY sbid pRBu imilAw AweI ] (514-7)
poorai sabad parabh mili-aa aa-ee.
Through the Perfect Shabad, one comes to meet God.

vfBwgIAw vwhu vwhu muhhu kFweI ] (514-7)
vadbhaagee-aa vaahu vaahu muhhu kadhaa-ee.
How very fortunate are those, who with their mouths, chant Waaho! Waaho!

vwhu vwhu krih syeI jn sohxy iqn@ kau prjw pUjx AweI ] (514-7)
vaahu vaahu karahi say-ee jan sohnay tinH ka-o parjaa poojan aa-ee.
How beautiful are those persons who chant Waaho! Waaho! ; people come to venerate them.

vwhu vwhu krim prwpiq hovY nwnk dir scY soBw pweI ]2] (514-8)
vaahu vaahu karam paraapat hovai naanak dar sachai sobhaa paa-ee. ||2||
Waaho! Waaho! is obtained by His Grace; O Nanak, honor is obtained at the Gate of the True Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (514-9)

bjr kpwt kwieAw gV@ BIqir kUVu kusqu AiBmwnI ] (514-9)
bajar kapaat kaa-i-aa garhH bheetar koorh kusat abhimaanee.
Within the fortress of body, are the hard and rigid doors of falsehood, deception and pride.

Brim BUly ndir n AwvnI mnmuK AMD AigAwnI ] (514-9)
bharam bhoolay nadar na aavnee manmukh anDh agi-aanee.
Deluded by doubt, the blind and ignorant self-willed manmukhs cannot see them.

aupwie ikqY n lBnI kir ByK Qky ByKvwnI ] (514-10)
upaa-ay kitai na labhnee kar bhaykh thakay bhaykhvaanee.
They cannot be found by any efforts; wearing their religious robes, the wearers have grown weary of trying.

gur sbdI KolweIAin@ hir nwmu jpwnI ] (514-11)
gur sabdee kholaa-ee-aniH har naam japaanee.
The doors are opened only by the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and then, one chants the Name of the Lord.

hir jIau AMimRq ibrKu hY ijn pIAw qy iqRpqwnI ]14] (514-11)
har jee-o amrit birakh hai jin pee-aa tay tariptaanee. ||14||
The Dear Lord is the Tree of Ambrosial Nectar; those who drink in this Nectar are satisfied. ||14||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (514-12)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu kriqAw rYix suiK ivhwie ] (514-12)
vaahu vaahu karti-aa rain sukh vihaa-ay.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho! the night of one's life passes in peace.

vwhu vwhu kriqAw sdw Anµdu hovY myrI mwie ] (514-12)
vaahu vaahu karti-aa sadaa anand hovai mayree maa-ay.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho! I am in eternal bliss, O my mother!

vwhu vwhu kriqAw hir isau ilv lwie ] (514-13)
vaahu vaahu karti-aa har si-o liv laa-ay.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho!, I have fallen in love with the Lord.

vwhu vwhu krmI bolY bolwie ] (514-13)
vaahu vaahu karmee bolai bolaa-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! Through the karma of good deeds, I chant it, and inspire others to chant it as well.

vwhu vwhu kriqAw soBw pwie ] (514-13)
vaahu vaahu karti-aa sobhaa paa-ay.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho!, one obtains honor.

nwnk vwhu vwhu siq rjwie ]1] (514-14)
naanak vaahu vaahu sat rajaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! is the Will of the True Lord. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (514-14)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu bwxI scu hY gurmuiK lDI Bwil ] (514-14)
vaahu vaahu banee sach hai gurmukh laDhee bhaal.
Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani of the True Word. Searching, the Gurmukhs have found it.

vwhu vwhu sbdy aucrY vwhu vwhu ihrdY nwil ] (514-15)
vaahu vaahu sabday uchrai vaahu vaahu hirdai naal.
Waaho! Waaho! They chant the Word of the Shabad. Waaho! Waaho! They enshrine it in their hearts.

vwhu vwhu kriqAw hir pwieAw shjy gurmuiK Bwil ] (514-15)
vaahu vaahu karti-aa har paa-i-aa sehjay gurmukh bhaal.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho! the Gurmukhs easily obtain the Lord, after searching.

sy vfBwgI nwnkw hir hir irdY smwil ]2] (514-16)
say vadbhaagee naankaa har har ridai samaal. ||2||
O Nanak, very fortunate are those who reflect upon the Lord, Har, Har, within their hearts. ||2||

pauVI ] (514-16)

ey mnw Aiq loBIAw inq loBy rwqw ] (514-16)
ay manaa at lobhee-aa nit lobhay raataa.
O my utterly greedy mind, you are constantly engrossed in greed.

mwieAw mnsw mohxI dh ids iPrwqw ] (514-17)
maa-i-aa mansaa mohnee dah dis firaataa.
In your desire for the enticing Maya, you wander in the ten directions.

AgY nwau jwiq n jwiesI mnmuiK duKu Kwqw ] (514-17)
agai naa-o jaat na jaa-isee manmukh dukh khaataa.
Your name and social status shall not go with you hereafter; the self-willed manmukh is consumed by pain.

rsnw hir rsu n ciKE PIkw bolwqw ] (514-18)
rasnaa har ras na chakhi-o feekaa bolaataa.
Your tongue does not taste the sublime essence of the Lord; it utters only insipid words.

ijnw gurmuiK AMimRqu cwiKAw sy jn iqRpqwqw ]15] (514-18)
jinaa gurmukh amrit chaakhi-aa say jan tariptaataa. ||15||
Those Gurmukhs who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar are satisfied. ||15||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (514-19)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

vwhu vwhu iqs no AwKIAY ij scw gihr gMBIru ] (514-19)
vaahu vaahu tis no aakhee-ai je sachaa gahir gambheer.
Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is True, profound and unfathomable.

vwhu vwhu iqs no AwKIAY ij guxdwqw miq DIru ] (514-19)
vaahu vaahu tis no aakhee-ai je gundaataa mat Dheer.
Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is the Giver of virtue, intelligence and patience.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD