Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk gurmuiK aubry ij Awip myly krqwir ]2] (513-1)
naanak gurmukh ubray je aap maylay kartaar. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are saved; the Creator Lord unites them with Himself. ||2||

pauVI ] (513-1)

Bgq scY dir sohdy scY sbid rhwey ] (513-1)
bhagat sachai dar sohday sachai sabad rahaa-ay.
The devotees look beauteous in the True Court of the Lord; they abide in the True Word of the Shabad.

hir kI pRIiq iqn aUpjI hir pRym kswey ] (513-2)
har kee pareet tin oopjee har paraym kasaa-ay.
The Lord's Love wells up in them; they are attracted by the Lord's Love.

hir rMig rhih sdw rMig rwqy rsnw hir rsu ipAwey ] (513-2)
har rang raheh sadaa rang raatay rasnaa har ras pi-aa-ay.
They abide in the Lord's Love, they remain imbued with the Lord's Love forever, and with their tongues, they drink in the sublime essence of the Lord.

sPlu jnmu ijn@I gurmuiK jwqw hir jIau irdY vswey ] (513-3)
safal janam jinHee gurmukh jaataa har jee-o ridai vasaa-ay.
Fruitful are the lives of those Gurmukhs who recognize the Lord and enshrine Him in their hearts.

bwJu gurU iPrY ibllwdI dUjY Bwie KuAwey ]11] (513-3)
baajh guroo firai billaadee doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay. ||11||
Without the Guru, they wander around crying out in misery; in the love of duality, they are ruined. ||11||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (513-4)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

kiljug mih nwmu inDwnu BgqI KitAw hir auqm pdu pwieAw ] (513-4)
kalijug meh naam niDhaan bhagtee khati-aa har utam pad paa-i-aa.
In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the devotees earn the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; they obtain the supreme status of the Lord.

siqgur syiv hir nwmu min vswieAw Anidnu nwmu iDAwieAw ] (513-5)
satgur sayv har naam man vasaa-i-aa an-din naam Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Serving the True Guru, they enshrine the Lord's Name in their minds, and they meditate on the Naam, night and day.

ivcy igRh gur bcin audwsI haumY mohu jlwieAw ] (513-5)
vichay garih gur bachan udaasee ha-umai moh jalaa-i-aa.
Within the home of their own selves, they remain unattached, through the Guru's Teachings; they burn away egotism and emotional attachment.

Awip qirAw kul jgqu qrwieAw DMnu jxydI mwieAw ] (513-6)
aap tari-aa kul jagat taraa-i-aa Dhan janaydee maa-i-aa.
They save themselves, and they save the whole world. Blessed are the mothers who gave birth to them.

AYsw siqguru soeI pwey ijsu Duir msqik hir iliK pwieAw ] (513-6)
aisaa satgur so-ee paa-ay jis Dhur mastak har likh paa-i-aa.
He alone finds such a True Guru, upon whose forehead the Lord inscribed such pre-ordained destiny.

jn nwnk bilhwrI gur Awpxy ivthu ijin BRim Bulw mwrig pwieAw ]1] (513-7)
jan naanak balihaaree gur aapnay vitahu jin bharam bhulaa maarag paa-i-aa. ||1||
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to his Guru; when he was wandering in doubt, He placed him on the Path. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (513-8)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

qRY gux mwieAw vyiK Buly ijau dyiK dIpik pqMg pcwieAw ] (513-8)
tarai gun maa-i-aa vaykh bhulay ji-o daykh deepak patang pachaa-i-aa.
Beholding Maya with her three dispositions, he goes astray; he is like the moth, which sees the flame, and is consumed.

pMifq Buil Buil mwieAw vyKih idKw iknY ikhu Awix cVwieAw ] (513-9)
pandit bhul bhul maa-i-aa vaykheh dikhaa kinai kihu aan charhaa-i-aa.
The mistaken, deluded Pandits gaze upon Maya, and watch to see whether anyone has offered them something.

dUjY Bwie pVih inq ibiKAw nwvhu diX KuAwieAw ] (513-9)
doojai bhaa-ay parheh nit bikhi-aa naavhu da-yi khu-aa-i-aa.
In the love of duality, they read continually about sin, while the Lord has withheld His Name from them.

jogI jMgm sMinAwsI Buly En@w AhMkwru bhu grbu vDwieAw ] (513-10)
jogee jangam sani-aasee bhulay onHaa ahaNkaar baho garab vaDhaa-i-aa.
The Yogis, the wandering hermits and the Sannyaasees have gone astray; their egotism and arrogance have increased greatly.

Cwdnu Bojnu n lYhI sq iBiKAw mnhiT jnmu gvwieAw ] (513-11)
chhaadan bhojan na laihee sat bhikhi-aa manhath janam gavaa-i-aa.
They do not accept the true donations of clothes and food, and their lives are ruined by their stubborn minds.

eyqiVAw ivchu so jnu smDw ijin gurmuiK nwmu iDAwieAw ] (513-11)
ayt-rhi-aa vichahu so jan samDhaa jin gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Among these, he alone is a man of poise, who, as Gurmukh, meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jn nwnk iks no AwiK suxweIAY jw krdy siB krwieAw ]2] (513-12)
jan naanak kis no aakh sunaa-ee-ai jaa karday sabh karaa-i-aa. ||2||
Unto whom should servant Nanak speak and complain? All act as the Lord causes them to act. ||2||

pauVI ] (513-13)

mwieAw mohu pryqu hY kwmu k®oDu AhMkwrw ] (513-13)
maa-i-aa moh parayt hai kaam kroDh ahaNkaaraa.
Emotional attachment to Maya, sexual desire, anger and egotism are demons.

eyh jm kI isrkwr hY eyn@w aupir jm kw fMfu krwrw ] (513-13)
ayh jam kee sirkaar hai aynHaa upar jam kaa dand karaaraa.
Because of them, mortals are subject to death; above their heads hangs the heavy club of the Messenger of Death.

mnmuK jm mig pweIAin@ ijn@ dUjw Bwau ipAwrw ] (513-14)
manmukh jam mag paa-ee-aniH jinH doojaa bhaa-o pi-aaraa.
The self-willed manmukhs, in love with duality, are led onto the path of Death.

jm puir bDy mwrIAin ko suxY n pUkwrw ] (513-14)
jam pur baDhay maaree-an ko sunai na pookaaraa.
In the City of Death, they are tied up and beaten, and no one hears their cries.

ijs no ik®pw kry iqsu guru imlY gurmuiK insqwrw ]12] (513-15)
jis no kirpaa karay tis gur milai gurmukh nistaaraa. ||12||
One who is blessed by the Lord's Grace meets the Guru; as Gurmukh, he is emancipated. ||12||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (513-15)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

haumY mmqw mohxI mnmuKw no geI Kwie ] (513-15)
ha-umai mamtaa mohnee manmukhaa no ga-ee khaa-ay.
By egotism and pride, the self-willed manmukhs are enticed, and consumed.

jo moih dUjY icqu lwiedy iqnw ivAwip rhI lptwie ] (513-16)
jo mohi doojai chit laa-iday tinaa vi-aap rahee laptaa-ay.
Those who center their consciousness on duality are caught in it, and remain stuck.

gur kY sbid prjwlIAY qw eyh ivchu jwie ] (513-16)
gur kai sabad parjaalee-ai taa ayh vichahu jaa-ay.
But when it is burnt away by the Word of the Guru's Shabad, only then does it depart from within.

qnu mnu hovY aujlw nwmu vsY min Awie ] (513-17)
tan man hovai ujlaa naam vasai man aa-ay.
The body and mind become radiant and bright, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to dwell within the mind.

nwnk mwieAw kw mwrxu hir nwmu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ]1] (513-17)
naanak maa-i-aa kaa maaran har naam hai gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Lord's Name is the antidote to Maya; the Gurmukh obtains it. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (513-18)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

iehu mnu kyqiVAw jug BrimAw iQru rhY n AwvY jwie ] (513-18)
ih man kayt-rhi-aa jug bharmi-aa thir rahai na aavai jaa-ay.
This mind has wandered through so many ages; it has not remained stable - it continues coming and going.

hir Bwxw qw BrmwieAnu kir prpMcu Kylu aupwie ] (513-19)
har bhaanaa taa bharmaa-i-an kar parpanch khayl upaa-ay.
When it is pleasing to the Lord's Will, then He causes the soul to wander; He has set the world-drama in motion.

jw hir bKsy qw gur imlY AsiQru rhY smwie ] (513-19)
jaa har bakhsay taa gur milai asthir rahai samaa-ay.
When the Lord forgives, then one meets the Guru, and becoming stable, he remains absorbed in the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD