Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kwieAw imtI AMDu hY pauxY puChu jwie ] (511-1)
kaa-i-aa mitee anDh hai pa-unai puchhahu jaa-ay.
The body is merely blind dust; go, and ask the soul.

hau qw mwieAw moihAw iPir iPir Awvw jwie ] (511-1)
ha-o taa maa-i-aa mohi-aa fir fir aavaa jaa-ay.
The soul answers, "I am enticed by Maya, and so I come and go, again and again."

nwnk hukmu n jwqo Ksm kw ij rhw sic smwie ]1] (511-2)
naanak hukam na jaato khasam kaa je rahaa sach samaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, I do not know my Lord and Master's Command, by which I would merge in the Truth. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (511-3)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

eyko inhcl nwm Dnu horu Dnu AwvY jwie ] (511-3)
ayko nihchal naam Dhan hor Dhan aavai jaa-ay.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the only permanent wealth; all other wealth comes and goes.

iesu Dn kau qskru joih n skeI nw Eckw lY jwie ] (511-3)
is Dhan ka-o taskar johi na sak-ee naa ochkaa lai jaa-ay.
Thieves cannot steal this wealth, nor can robbers take it away.

iehu hir Dnu jIAY syqI riv rihAw jIAY nwly jwie ] (511-4)
ih har Dhan jee-ai saytee rav rahi-aa jee-ai naalay jaa-ay.
This wealth of the Lord is embedded in the soul, and with the soul, it shall depart.

pUry gur qy pweIAY mnmuiK plY n pwie ] (511-4)
pooray gur tay paa-ee-ai manmukh palai na paa-ay.
It is obtained from the Perfect Guru; the self-willed manmukhs do not receive it.

Dnu vwpwrI nwnkw ijn@w nwm Dnu KitAw Awie ]2] (511-5)
Dhan vaapaaree naankaa jinHaa naam Dhan khati-aa aa-ay. ||2||
Blessed are the traders, O Nanak, who have come to earn the wealth of the Naam. ||2||

pauVI ] (511-5)

myrw swihbu Aiq vfw scu gihr gMBIrw ] (511-5)
mayraa saahib at vadaa sach gahir gambheeraa.
My Master is so very great, true, profound and unfathomable.

sBu jgu iqs kY vis hY sBu iqs kw cIrw ] (511-6)
sabh jag tis kai vas hai sabh tis kaa cheeraa.
The whole world is under His power; everything is the projection of Him.

gur prswdI pweIAY inhclu Dnu DIrw ] (511-6)
gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai nihchal Dhan Dheeraa.
By Guru's Grace, the eternal wealth is obtained, bringing peace and patience to the mind.

ikrpw qy hir min vsY BytY guru sUrw ] (511-7)
kirpaa tay har man vasai bhaytai gur sooraa.
By His Grace, the Lord dwells in the mind, and one meets the Brave Guru.

guxvMqI swlwihAw sdw iQru inhclu hir pUrw ]7] (511-7)
gunvantee salaahi-aa sadaa thir nihchal har pooraa. ||7||
The virtuous praise the ever-stable, permanent, perfect Lord. ||7||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (511-8)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

iDRgu iqn@w dw jIivAw jo hir suKu prhir iqAwgdy duKu haumY pwp kmwie ] (511-8)
Dharig tinHaa daa jeevi-aa jo har sukh parhar ti-aagday dukh ha-umai paap kamaa-ay.
Cursed is the life of those who forsake and throw away the peace of the Lord's Name, and suffer pain instead by practicing ego and sin.

mnmuK AigAwnI mwieAw moih ivAwpy iqn@ bUJ n kweI pwie ] (511-9)
manmukh agi-aanee maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapay tinH boojh na kaa-ee paa-ay.
The ignorant self-willed manmukhs are engrossed in the love of Maya; they have no understanding at all.

hliq pliq Eie suKu n pwvih AMiq gey pCuqwie ] (511-9)
halat palat o-ay sukh na paavahi ant ga-ay pachhutaa-ay.
In this world and in the world beyond, they do not find peace; in the end, they depart regretting and repenting.

gur prswdI ko nwmu iDAwey iqsu haumY ivchu jwie ] (511-10)
gur parsaadee ko naam Dhi-aa-ay tis ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, one may meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and egotism departs from within him.

nwnk ijsu pUrib hovY iliKAw so gur crxI Awie pwie ]1] (511-10)
naanak jis poorab hovai likhi-aa so gur charnee aa-ay paa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, one who has such pre-ordained destiny, comes and falls at the Guru's Feet. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (511-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

mnmuKu aUDw kaulu hY nw iqsu Bgiq n nwau ] (511-11)
manmukh ooDhaa ka-ul hai naa tis bhagat na naa-o.
The self-willed manmukh is like the inverted lotus; he has neither devotional worship, nor the Lord's Name.

skqI AMdir vrqdw kUVu iqs kw hY aupwau ] (511-12)
saktee andar varatdaa koorh tis kaa hai upaa-o.
He remains engrossed in material wealth, and his efforts are false.

iqs kw AMdru icqu n iBjeI muiK PIkw Awlwau ] (511-12)
tis kaa andar chit na bhij-ee mukh feekaa aalaa-o.
His consciousness is not softened within, and the words from his mouth are insipid.

Eie Drim rlwey nw rlin@ Enw AMdir kUVu suAwau ] (511-13)
o-ay Dharam ralaa-ay naa ralniH onaa andar koorh su-aa-o.
He does not mingle with the righteous; within him are falsehood and selfishness.

nwnk krqY bxq bxweI mnmuK kUVu boil boil fuby gurmuiK qry jip hir nwau ]2] (511-13)
naanak kartai banat banaa-ee manmukh koorh bol bol dubay gurmukh taray jap har naa-o. ||2||
O Nanak, the Creator Lord has arranged things, so that the self-willed manmukhs are drowned by telling lies, while the Gurmukhs are saved by chanting the Lord's Name. ||2||

pauVI ] (511-14)

ibnu bUJy vfw Pyru pieAw iPir AwvY jweI ] (511-14)
bin boojhay vadaa fayr pa-i-aa fir aavai jaa-ee.
Without understanding, one must wander around the cycle of reincarnation, and continue coming and going.

siqgur kI syvw n kIqIAw AMiq gieAw pCuqweI ] (511-15)
satgur kee sayvaa na keetee-aa ant ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ee.
One who has not served the True Guru, shall depart regretting and repenting in the end.

AwpxI ikrpw kry guru pweIAY ivchu Awpu gvweI ] (511-15)
aapnee kirpaa karay gur paa-ee-ai vichahu aap gavaa-ee.
But if the Lord shows His Mercy, one finds the Guru, and ego is banished from within.

iqRsnw BuK ivchu auqrY suKu vsY min AweI ] (511-16)
tarisnaa bhukh vichahu utrai sukh vasai man aa-ee.
Hunger and thirst depart from within, and peace comes to dwell in the mind.

sdw sdw swlwhIAY ihrdY ilv lweI ]8] (511-16)
sadaa sadaa salaahee-ai hirdai liv laa-ee. ||8||
Forever and ever, praise Him with love in your heart. ||8||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (511-17)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ij siqguru syvy Awpxw iqs no pUjy sBu koie ] (511-17)
je satgur sayvay aapnaa tis no poojay sabh ko-ay.
One who serves his True Guru, is worshipped by everyone.

sBnw aupwvw isir aupwau hY hir nwmu prwpiq hoie ] (511-17)
sabhnaa upaavaa sir upaa-o hai har naam paraapat ho-ay.
Of all efforts, the supreme effort is the attainment of the Lord's Name.

AMqir sIql swiq vsY jip ihrdY sdw suKu hoie ] (511-18)
antar seetal saat vasai jap hirdai sadaa sukh ho-ay.
Peace and tranquility come to dwell within the mind; meditating within the heart, there comes a lasting peace.

AMimRqu Kwxw AMimRqu pYnxw nwnk nwmu vfweI hoie ]1] (511-19)
amrit khaanaa amrit painnaa naanak naam vadaa-ee ho-ay. ||1||
The Ambrosial Amrit is his food, and the Ambrosial Amrit is his clothes; O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, greatness is obtained. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (511-19)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ey mn gur kI isK suix hir pwvih guxI inDwnu ] (511-19)
ay man gur kee sikh sun har paavahi gunee niDhaan.
O mind, listen to the Guru's Teachings, and you shall obtain the treasure of virtue.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD