Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iehu jIau sdw mukqu hY shjy rihAw smwie ]2] (510-1)
ih jee-o sadaa mukat hai sehjay rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
Then, this soul is liberated forever, and it remains absorbed in celestial bliss. ||2||

pauVI ] (510-1)

pRiB sMswru aupwie kY vis AwpxY kIqw ] (510-1)
parabh sansaar upaa-ay kai vas aapnai keetaa.
God created the Universe, and He keeps it under His power.

gxqY pRBU n pweIAY dUjY BrmIqw ] (510-2)
gantai parabhoo na paa-ee-ai doojai bharmeetaa.
God cannot be obtained by counting; the mortal wanders in doubt.

siqgur imilAY jIvqu mrY buiJ sic smIqw ] (510-2)
satgur mili-ai jeevat marai bujh sach sameetaa.
Meeting the True Guru, one remains dead while yet alive; understanding Him, he is absorbed in the Truth.

sbdy haumY KoeIAY hir myil imlIqw ] (510-3)
sabday ha-umai kho-ee-ai har mayl mileetaa.
Through the Word of the Shabad, egotism is eradicated, and one is united in the Lord's Union.

sB ikCu jwxY kry Awip Awpy ivgsIqw ]4] (510-3)
sabh kichh jaanai karay aap aapay vigseetaa. ||4||
He knows everything, and Himself does everything; beholding His Creation, He rejoices. ||4||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (510-4)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

siqgur isau icqu n lwieE nwmu n visE min Awie ] (510-4)
satgur si-o chit na laa-i-o naam na vasi-o man aa-ay.
One who has not focused his consciousness on the True Guru, and into whose mind the Naam does not come

iDRgu ievyhw jIivAw ikAw jug mih pwieAw Awie ] (510-4)
Dharig ivayhaa jeevi-aa ki-aa jug meh paa-i-aa aa-ay.
- cursed is such a life. What has he gained by coming into the world?

mwieAw KotI rwis hY eyk csy mih pwju lih jwie ] (510-5)
maa-i-aa khotee raas hai ayk chasay meh paaj leh jaa-ay.
Maya is false capital; in an instant, its false covering falls off.

hQhu CuVkI qnu isAwhu hoie bdnu jwie kumlwie ] (510-5)
hathahu chhurhkee tan si-aahu ho-ay badan jaa-ay kumlaa-ay.
When it slips from his hand, his body turns black, and his face withers away.

ijn siqgur isau icqu lwieAw iqn@ suKu visAw min Awie ] (510-6)
jin satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa tinH sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay.
Those who focus their consciousness on the True Guru - peace comes to abide in their minds.

hir nwmu iDAwvih rMg isau hir nwim rhy ilv lwie ] (510-7)
har naam Dhi-aavahi rang si-o har naam rahay liv laa-ay.
They meditate on the Name of the Lord with love; they are lovingly attuned to the Name of the Lord.

nwnk siqgur so Dnu sauipAw ij jIA mih rihAw smwie ] (510-7)
naanak satgur so Dhan sa-upi-aa je jee-a meh rahi-aa samaa-ay.
O Nanak, the True Guru has bestowed upon them the wealth, which remains contained within their hearts.

rMgu iqsY kau Aglw vMnI cVY cVwie ]1] (510-8)
rang tisai ka-o aglaa vannee charhai charhaa-ay. ||1||
They are imbued with supreme love; its color increases day by day. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (510-8)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

mwieAw hoeI nwgnI jgiq rhI lptwie ] (510-9)
maa-i-aa ho-ee naagnee jagat rahee laptaa-ay.
Maya is a serpent, clinging to the world.

ies kI syvw jo kry iqs hI kau iPir Kwie ] (510-9)
is kee sayvaa jo karay tis hee ka-o fir khaa-ay.
Whoever serves her, she ultimately devours.

gurmuiK koeI gwrVU iqin mil dil lweI pwie ] (510-9)
gurmukh ko-ee gaarrhoo tin mal dal laa-ee paa-ay.
The Gurmukh is a snake-charmer; he has trampled her and thrown her down, and crushed her underfoot.

nwnk syeI aubry ij sic rhy ilv lwie ]2] (510-10)
naanak say-ee ubray je sach rahay liv laa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, they alone are saved, who remain lovingly absorbed in the True Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (510-11)

FwFI kry pukwr pRBU suxwiesI ] (510-11)
dhaadhee karay pukaar parabhoo sunaa-isee.
The minstrel cries out, and God hears him.

AMdir DIrk hoie pUrw pwiesI ] (510-11)
andar Dheerak ho-ay pooraa paa-isee.
He is comforted within his mind, and he obtains the Perfect Lord.

jo Duir iliKAw lyKu sy krm kmwiesI ] (510-11)
jo Dhur likhi-aa laykh say karam kamaa-isee.
Whatever destiny is pre-ordained by the Lord, those are the deeds he does.

jw hovY Ksmu dieAwlu qw mhlu Gru pwiesI ] (510-12)
jaa hovai khasam da-i-aal taa mahal ghar paa-isee.
When the Lord and Master becomes Merciful, then one obtains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence as his home.

so pRBu myrw Aiq vfw gurmuiK mylwiesI ]5] (510-12)
so parabh mayraa at vadaa gurmukh maylaa-isee. ||5||
That God of mine is so very great; as Gurmukh, I have met Him. ||5||

slok mÚ 3 ] (510-13)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

sBnw kw shu eyku hY sd hI rhY hjUir ] (510-13)
sabhnaa kaa saho ayk hai sad hee rahai hajoor.
There is One Lord God of all; He remains ever-present.

nwnk hukmu n mMneI qw Gr hI AMdir dUir ] (510-13)
naanak hukam na mann-ee taa ghar hee andar door.
O Nanak, if one does not obey the Hukam of the Lord's Command, then within one's own home, the Lord seems far away.

hukmu BI iqn@w mnwiesI ijn@ kau ndir kryie ] (510-14)
hukam bhee tinHaa manaa-isee jinH ka-o nadar karay-i.
They alone obey the Lord's Command, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace.

hukmu mMin suKu pwieAw pRym suhwgix hoie ]1] (510-14)
hukam man sukh paa-i-aa paraym suhaagan ho-ay. ||1||
Obeying His Command, one obtains peace, and becomes the happy, loving soul-bride. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (510-15)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

rYix sbweI jil mueI kMq n lwieE Bwau ] (510-15)
rain sabaa-ee jal mu-ee kant na laa-i-o bhaa-o.
She who does not love her Husband Lord, burns and wastes away all through the night of her life.

nwnk suiK vsin suohwgxI ijn@ ipAwrw purKu hir rwau ]2] (510-15)
naanak sukh vasan sohaaganee jinH pi-aaraa purakh har raa-o. ||2||
O Nanak, the soul-brides dwell in peace; they have the Lord, their King, as their Husband. ||2||

pauVI ] (510-16)

sBu jgu iPir mY dyiKAw hir ieko dwqw ] (510-16)
sabh jag fir mai daykhi-aa har iko daataa.
Roaming over the entire world, I have seen that the Lord is the only Giver.

aupwie ikqY n pweIAY hir krm ibDwqw ] (510-17)
upaa-ay kitai na paa-ee-ai har karam biDhaataa.
The Lord cannot be obtained by any device at all; He is the Architect of Karma.

gur sbdI hir min vsY hir shjy jwqw ] (510-17)
gur sabdee har man vasai har sehjay jaataa.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and the Lord is easily revealed within.

AMdrhu iqRsnw Agin buJI hir AMimRq sir nwqw ] (510-18)
andrahu tarisnaa agan bujhee har amrit sar naataa.
The fire of desire within is quenched, and one bathes in the Lord's Pool of Ambrosial Nectar.

vfI vifAweI vfy kI gurmuiK bolwqw ]6] (510-18)
vadee vadi-aa-ee vaday kee gurmukh bolaataa. ||6||
The great greatness of the great Lord God - the Gurmukh speaks of this. ||6||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (510-19)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

kwieAw hMs ikAw pRIiq hY ij pieAw hI Cif jwie ] (510-19)
kaa-i-aa hans ki-aa pareet hai je pa-i-aa hee chhad jaa-ay.
What love is this between the body and soul, which ends when the body falls?

eys no kUVu boil ik KvwlIAY ij clidAw nwil n jwie ] (510-19)
ays no koorh bol ke khavaalee-ai je chaldi-aa naal na jaa-ay.
Why feed it by telling lies? When you leave, it does not go with you.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD