Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir nwmu n pwieAw jnmu ibrQw gvwieAw nwnk jmu mwir kry KuAwr ]2] (509-1)
har naam na paa-i-aa janam birthaa gavaa-i-aa naanak jam maar karay khu-aar. ||2||
They do not obtain the Lord's Name, and they waste away their lives in vain; O Nanak, the Messenger of Death punishes and dishonors them. ||2||

pauVI ] (509-2)

Awpxw Awpu aupwieEnu qdhu horu n koeI ] (509-2)
aapnaa aap upaa-i-on tadahu hor na ko-ee.
He created Himself - at that time, there was no other.

mqw msUriq Awip kry jo kry su hoeI ] (509-2)
mataa masoorat aap karay jo karay so ho-ee.
He consulted Himself for advice, and what He did came to pass.

qdhu Awkwsu n pwqwlu hY nw qRY loeI ] (509-2)
tadahu aakaas na paataal hai naa tarai lo-ee.
At that time, there were no Akaashic Ethers, no nether regions, nor the three worlds.

qdhu Awpy Awip inrMkwru hY nw Epiq hoeI ] (509-3)
tadahu aapay aap nirankaar hai naa opat ho-ee.
At that time, only the Formless Lord Himself existed - there was no creation.

ijau iqsu BwvY iqvY kry iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]1] (509-3)
ji-o tis bhaavai tivai karay tis bin avar na ko-ee. ||1||
As it pleased Him, so did He act; without Him, there was no other. ||1||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (509-4)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

swihbu myrw sdw hY idsY sbdu kmwie ] (509-4)
saahib mayraa sadaa hai disai sabad kamaa-ay.
My Master is eternal. He is seen by practicing the Word of the Shabad.

Ehu AauhwxI kdy nwih nw AwvY nw jwie ] (509-4)
oh a-uhaanee kaday naahi naa aavai naa jaa-ay.
He never perishes; He does not come or go in reincarnation.

sdw sdw so syvIAY jo sB mih rhY smwie ] (509-5)
sadaa sadaa so sayvee-ai jo sabh meh rahai samaa-ay.
So serve Him, forever and ever; He is contained in all.

Avru dUjw ikau syvIAY jMmY qY mir jwie ] (509-5)
avar doojaa ki-o sayvee-ai jammai tai mar jaa-ay.
Why serve another who is born, and then dies?

inhPlu iqn kw jIivAw ij Ksmu n jwxih Awpxw AvrI kau icqu lwie ] (509-6)
nihfal tin kaa jeevi-aa je khasam na jaaneh aapnaa avree ka-o chit laa-ay.
Fruitless is the life of those who do not know their Lord and Master, and who center their consciousness on others.

nwnk eyv n jwpeI krqw kyqI dyie sjwie ]1] (509-7)
naanak ayv na jaap-ee kartaa kaytee day-ay sajaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, it cannot be known, how much punishment the Creator shall inflict on them. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (509-7)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

scw nwmu iDAweIAY sBo vrqY scu ] (509-7)
sachaa naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai sabho vartai sach.
Meditate on the True Name; the True Lord is pervading everywhere.

nwnk hukmu buiJ prvwxu hoie qw Plu pwvY scu ] (509-8)
naanak hukam bujh parvaan ho-ay taa fal paavai sach.
O Nanak, by understanding the Hukam of the Lord's Command, one becomes acceptable, and then obtains the fruit of Truth.

kQnI bdnI krqw iPrY hukmY mUil n buJeI AMDw kcu inkcu ]2] (509-8)
kathnee badnee kartaa firai hukmai mool na bujh-ee anDhaa kach nikach. ||2||
He wanders around babbling and speaking, but he does not understand the Lord's Command at all. He is blind, the falsest of the false. ||2||

pauVI ] (509-9)

sMjogu ivjogu aupwieEnu isRstI kw mUlu rcwieAw ] (509-9)
sanjog vijog upaa-i-on saristee kaa mool rachaa-i-aa.
Creating union and separation, He laid the foundations of the Universe.

hukmI isRsit swjIAnu joqI joiq imlwieAw ] (509-9)
hukmee sarisat saajee-an jotee jot milaa-i-aa.
By His Command, the Lord of Light fashioned the Universe, and infused His Divine Light into it.

joqI hUM sBu cwnxw siqguir sbdu suxwieAw ] (509-10)
jotee hooN sabh chaannaa satgur sabad sunaa-i-aa.
From the Lord of Light, all light originates. The True Guru proclaims the Word of the Shabad.

bRhmw ibsnu mhysu qRY gux isir DMDY lwieAw ] (509-10)
barahmaa bisan mahays tarai gun sir DhanDhai laa-i-aa.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, under the influence of the three dispositions, were put to their tasks.

mwieAw kw mUlu rcwieEnu qurIAw suKu pwieAw ]2] (509-11)
maa-i-aa kaa mool rachaa-i-on turee-aa sukh paa-i-aa. ||2||
He created the root of Maya, and the peace obtained in the fourth state of consciousness. ||2||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (509-12)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

so jpu so qpu ij siqgur BwvY ] (509-12)
so jap so tap je satgur bhaavai.
That alone is chanting, and that alone is deep meditation, which is pleasing to the True Guru.

siqgur kY BwxY vifAweI pwvY ] (509-12)
satgur kai bhaanai vadi-aa-ee paavai.
Pleasing the True Guru, glorious greatness is obtained.

nwnk Awpu Coif gur mwih smwvY ]1] (509-12)
naanak aap chhod gur maahi samaavai. ||1||
O Nanak, renouncing self-conceit, one merges into the Guru. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (509-13)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

gur kI isK ko ivrlw lyvY ] (509-13)
gur kee sikh ko virlaa layvai.
How rare are those who receive the Guru's Teachings.

nwnk ijsu Awip vifAweI dyvY ]2] (509-13)
naanak jis aap vadi-aa-ee dayvai. ||2||
O Nanak, he alone receives it, whom the Lord Himself blesses with glorious greatness. ||2||

pauVI ] (509-14)

mwieAw mohu AigAwnu hY ibKmu Aiq BwrI ] (509-14)
maa-i-aa moh agi-aan hai bikham at bhaaree.
Emotional attachment to Maya is spiritual darkness; it is very difficult and such a heavy load.

pQr pwp bhu lidAw ikau qrIAY qwrI ] (509-14)
pathar paap baho ladi-aa ki-o taree-ai taaree.
Loaded with so very many stones of sin, how can the boat cross over?

Anidnu BgqI riqAw hir pwir auqwrI ] (509-15)
an-din bhagtee rati-aa har paar utaaree.
Those who are attuned to the Lord's devotional worship night and day are carried across.

gur sbdI mnu inrmlw haumY Cif ivkwrI ] (509-15)
gur sabdee man nirmalaa ha-umai chhad vikaaree.
Under the Instruction of the Guru's Shabad, one sheds egotism and corruption, and the mind becomes immaculate.

hir hir nwmu iDAweIAY hir hir insqwrI ]3] (509-16)
har har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai har har nistaaree. ||3||
Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; the Lord, Har, Har, is our Saving Grace. ||3||

sloku ] (509-16)

kbIr mukiq duAwrw sMkuVw rweI dsvY Bwie ] (509-16)
kabeer mukat du-aaraa sankurhaa raa-ee dasvai bhaa-ay.
O Kabeer, the gate of liberation is narrow, less than one-tenth of a mustard seed.

mnu qau mYglu hoie rhw inkisAw ikau kir jwie ] (509-17)
man ta-o maigal ho-ay rahaa niksi-aa ki-o kar jaa-ay.
The mind has become as big as an elephant; how can it pass through this gate?

AYsw siqguru jy imlY quTw kry pswau ] (509-17)
aisaa satgur jay milai tuthaa karay pasaa-o.
If one meets such a True Guru, by His Pleasure, He shows His Mercy.

mukiq duAwrw moklw shjy Awvau jwau ]1] (509-18)
mukat du-aaraa moklaa sehjay aava-o jaa-o. ||1||
Then, the gate of liberation becomes wide open, and the soul easily passes through. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (509-18)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

nwnk mukiq duAwrw Aiq nIkw nwn@w hoie su jwie ] (509-18)
naanak mukat du-aaraa at neekaa naanHaa ho-ay so jaa-ay.
O Nanak, the gate of liberation is very narrow; only the very tiny can pass through.

haumY mnu AsQUlu hY ikau kir ivcu dy jwie ] (509-19)
ha-umai man asthool hai ki-o kar vich day jaa-ay.
Through egotism, the mind has become bloated. How can it pass through?

siqgur imilAY haumY geI joiq rhI sB Awie ] (509-19)
satgur mili-ai ha-umai ga-ee jot rahee sabh aa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, egotism departs, and one is filled with the Divine Light.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD