Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijau bolwvih iqau bolh suAwmI kudriq kvn hmwrI ] (508-1)
ji-o bolaaveh ti-o bolah su-aamee kudrat kavan hamaaree.
As You cause me to speak, so do I speak, O Lord Master. What other power do I have?

swDsMig nwnk jsu gwieE jo pRB kI Aiq ipAwrI ]8]1]8] (508-1)
saaDhsang naanak jas gaa-i-o jo parabh kee at pi-aaree. ||8||1||8||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, sing His Praises; they are so very dear to God. ||8||1||8||

gUjrI mhlw 5 Gru 4 (508-3)
goojree mehlaa 5 ghar 4
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (508-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

nwQ nrhr dIn bMDv piqq pwvn dyv ] (508-4)
naath narhar deen banDhav patit paavan dayv.
O Lord, Man-lion Incarnate, Companion to the poor, Divine Purifier of sinners;

BY qRws nws ik®pwl gux iniD sPl suAwmI syv ]1] (508-4)
bhai taraas naas kirpaal gun niDh safal su-aamee sayv. ||1||
O Destroyer of fear and dread, Merciful Lord Master, Treasure of Excellence, fruitful is Your service. ||1||

hir gopwl gur goibMd ] (508-5)
har gopaal gur gobind.
O Lord, Cherisher of the World, Guru-Lord of the Universe.

crx srx dieAwl kysv qwir jg Bv isMD ]1] rhwau ] (508-5)
charan saran da-i-aal kaysav taar jag bhav sinDh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet, O Merciful Lord. Carry me across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

kwm k®oD hrn md moh dhn murwir mn mkrMd ] (508-6)
kaam kroDh haran mad moh dahan muraar man makrand.
O Dispeller of sexual desire and anger, Eliminator of intoxication and attachment, Destroyer of ego, Honey of the mind;

jnm mrx invwir DrxIDr piq rwKu prmwnµd ]2] (508-6)
janam maran nivaar DharneeDhar pat raakh parmaanand. ||2||
set me free from birth and death, O Sustainer of the earth, and preserve my honor, O Embodiment of supreme bliss. ||2||

jlq Aink qrMg mwieAw gur igAwn hir ird mMq ] (508-7)
jalat anik tarang maa-i-aa gur gi-aan har rid mant.
The many waves of desire for Maya are burnt away, when the Guru's spiritual wisdom is enshrined in the heart, through the Guru's Mantra.

Cyid AhMbuiD kruxw mY icMq myit purK Anµq ]3] (508-7)
chhayd ahaN-buDh karunaa mai chint mayt purakh anant. ||3||
Destroy my egotism, O Merciful Lord; dispel my anxiety, O Infinite Primal Lord. ||3||

ismir smrQ pl mhUrq pRB iDAwnu shj smwiD ] (508-8)
simar samrath pal mahoorat parabh Dhi-aan sahj samaaDh.
Remember in meditation the Almighty Lord, every moment and every instant; meditate on God in the celestial peace of Samaadhi.

dIn dieAwl pRsMn pUrn jwcIAY rj swD ]4] (508-8)
deen da-i-aal parsann pooran jaachee-ai raj saaDh. ||4||
O Merciful to the meek, perfectly blissful Lord, I beg for the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||4||

moh imQn durMq Awsw bwsnw ibkwr ] (508-9)
moh mithan durant aasaa baasnaa bikaar.
Emotional attachment is false, desire is filthy, and longing is corrupt.

rKu Drm Brm ibdwir mn qy auDru hir inrMkwr ]5] (508-9)
rakh Dharam bharam bidaar man tay uDhar har nirankaar. ||5||
Please, preserve my faith, dispel these doubts from my mind, and save me, O Formless Lord. ||5||

DnwiF AwiF BMfwr hir iniD hoq ijnw n cIr ] (508-10)
Dhanaadh aadh bhandaar har niDh hot jinaa na cheer.
They have become wealthy, loaded with the treasures of the Lord's riches; they were lacking even clothes.

Kl mugD mUV ktwK´ sRIDr Bey gux miq DIr ]6] (508-10)
khal mugaDh moorh kataakh-y sareeDhar bha-ay gun mat Dheer. ||6||
The idiotic, foolish and senseless people have become virtuous and patient, receiving the Gracious Glance of the Lord of wealth. ||6||

jIvn mukq jgdIs jip mn Dwir ird prqIiq ] (508-11)
jeevan mukat jagdees jap man Dhaar rid parteet.
Become Jivan-Mukta, liberated while yet alive, by meditating on the Lord of the Universe, O mind, and maintaining faith in Him in your heart.

jIA dieAw mieAw srbqR rmxM prm hMsh rIiq ]7] (508-12)
jee-a da-i-aa ma-i-aa sarbatar ramnaN param hansah reet. ||7||
Show kindness and mercy to all beings, and realize that the Lord is pervading everywhere; this is the way of life of the enlightened soul, the supreme swan. ||7||

dyq drsnu sRvn hir jsu rsn nwm aucwr ] (508-12)
dayt darsan sarvan har jas rasan naam uchaar.
He grants the Blessed Vision of His Darshan to those who listen to His Praises, and who, with their tongues, chant His Name.

AMg sMg Bgvwn prsn pRB nwnk piqq auDwr ]8]1]2]5]1]1]2]57] (508-13)
ang sang bhagvaan parsan parabh naanak patit uDhaar. ||8||1||2||5||1||1||2||57||
They are part and parcel, life and limb with the Lord God; O Nanak, they feel the Touch of God, the Savior of sinners. ||8||1||2||5||1||1||2||57||

gUjrI kI vwr mhlw 3 iskMdr ibrwihm kI vwr kI DunI gwauxI (508-14)
goojree kee vaar mehlaa 3 sikandar biraahim kee vaar kee Dhunee gaa-unee
Goojaree Ki Vaar, Third Mehl, Sung In The Tune Of The Vaar Of Sikandar & Biraahim:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (508-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sloku mÚ 3 ] (508-15)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

iehu jgqu mmqw muAw jIvx kI ibiD nwih ] (508-15)
ih jagat mamtaa mu-aa jeevan kee biDh naahi.
This world perishing in attachment and possessiveness; no one knows the way of life.

gur kY BwxY jo clY qW jIvx pdvI pwih ] (508-15)
gur kai bhaanai jo chalai taaN jeevan padvee paahi.
One who walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, obtains the supreme status of life.

Eie sdw sdw jn jIvqy jo hir crxI icqu lwih ] (508-16)
o-ay sadaa sadaa jan jeevtay jo har charnee chit laahi.
Those humble beings who focus their consciousness on the Lord's Feet, live forever and ever.

nwnk ndrI min vsY gurmuiK shij smwih ]1] (508-16)
naanak nadree man vasai gurmukh sahj samaahi. ||1||
O Nanak, by His Grace, the Lord abides in the minds of the Gurmukhs, who merge in celestial bliss. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (508-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

AMdir shsw duKu hY AwpY isir DMDY mwr ] (508-17)
andar sahsaa dukh hai aapai sir DhanDhai maar.
Within the self is the pain of doubt; engrossed in worldly affairs, they are killing themselves.

dUjY Bwie suqy kbih n jwgih mwieAw moh ipAwr ] (508-18)
doojai bhaa-ay sutay kabeh na jaageh maa-i-aa moh pi-aar.
Asleep in the love of duality, they never wake up; they are in love with, and attached to Maya.

nwmu n cyqih sbdu n vIcwrih iehu mnmuK kw Awcwru ] (508-18)
naam na cheeteh sabad na vichaareh ih manmukh kaa aachaar.
They do not think of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and they do not contemplate the Word of the Shabad. This is the conduct of the self-willed manmukhs.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD