Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


snk snµdn nwrd muin syvih Anidnu jpq rhih bnvwrI ] (507-1)
sanak sanandan naarad mun sayveh an-din japat raheh banvaaree.
Sanak, Sanandan and Naarad the sage serve You; night and day, they continue to chant Your Name, O Lord of the jungle.

srxwgiq pRhlwd jn Awey iqn kI pYj svwrI ]2] (507-2)
sarnaagat parahlaad jan aa-ay tin kee paij savaaree. ||2||
Slave Prahlaad sought Your Sanctuary, and You saved his honor. ||2||

AlK inrMjnu eyko vrqY eykw joiq murwrI ] (507-2)
alakh niranjan ayko vartai aykaa jot muraaree.
The One unseen immaculate Lord is pervading everywhere, as is the Light of the Lord.

siB jwick qU eyko dwqw mwgih hwQ pswrI ]3] (507-3)
sabh jaachik too ayko daataa maageh haath pasaaree. ||3||
All are beggars, You alone are the Great Giver. Reaching out our hands, we beg from You. ||3||

Bgq jnw kI aUqm bwxI gwvih AkQ kQw inq inAwrI ] (507-3)
bhagat janaa kee ootam banee gaavahi akath kathaa nit ni-aaree.
The speech of the humble devotees is sublime; they sing continually the wondrous, Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

sPl jnmu BieAw iqn kyrw Awip qry kul qwrI ]4] (507-4)
safal janam bha-i-aa tin kayraa aap taray kul taaree. ||4||
Their lives become fruitful; they save themselves, and all their generations. ||4||

mnmuK duibDw durmiq ibAwpy ijn AMqir moh gubwrI ] (507-4)
manmukh dubiDhaa durmat bi-aapay jin antar moh gubaaree.
The self-willed manmukhs are engrossed in duality and evil-mindedness; within them is the darkness of attachment.

sMq jnw kI kQw n BwvY Eie fUby sxu prvwrI ]5] (507-5)
sant janaa kee kathaa na bhaavai o-ay doobay san parvaaree. ||5||
They do not love the sermon of the humble Saints, and they are drowned along with their families. ||5||

inMdku inMdw kir mlu DovY Ehu mlBKu mwieAwDwrI ] (507-6)
nindak nindaa kar mal Dhovai oh malbhakh maa-i-aaDhaaree.
By slandering, the slanderer washes the filth off others; he is an eater of filth, and a worshipper of Maya.

sMq jnw kI inMdw ivAwpy nw aurvwir n pwrI ]6] (507-6)
sant janaa kee nindaa vi-aapay naa urvaar na paaree. ||6||
He indulges in the slander of the humble Saints; he is neither on this shore, nor the shore beyond. ||6||

eyhu prpMcu Kylu kIAw sBu krqY hir krqY sB kl DwrI ] (507-7)
ayhu parpanch khayl kee-aa sabh kartai har kartai sabh kal Dhaaree.
All this worldly drama is set in motion by the Creator Lord; He has infused His almighty strength into all.

hir eyko sUqu vrqY jug AMqir sUqu iKMcY eykMkwrI ]7] (507-7)
har ayko soot vartai jug antar soot khinchai aykankaaree. ||7||
The thread of the One Lord runs through the world; when He pulls out this thread, the One Creator alone remains. ||7||

rsin rsin ris gwvih hir gux rsnw hir rsu DwrI ] (507-8)
rasan rasan ras gaavahi har gun rasnaa har ras Dhaaree.
With their tongues, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and savor Them. They place the sublime essence of the Lord upon their tongues, and savor it.

nwnk hir ibnu Avru n mwgau hir rs pRIiq ipAwrI ]8]1]7] (507-8)
naanak har bin avar na maaga-o har ras pareet pi-aaree. ||8||1||7||
O Nanak, other than the Lord, I ask for nothing else; I am in love with the Love of the Lord's sublime essence. ||8||1||7||

gUjrI mhlw 5 Gru 2 (507-10)
goojree mehlaa 5 ghar 2
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (507-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwjn mih qUM rwjw khIAih BUmn mih BUmw ] (507-11)
raajan meh tooN raajaa kahee-ahi bhooman meh bhoomaa.
Among kings, You are called the King. Among land-lords, You are the Land-lord.

Twkur mih TkurweI qyrI komn isir komw ]1] (507-11)
thaakur meh thakuraa-ee tayree koman sir komaa. ||1||
Among masters, You are the Master. Among tribes, Yours is the Supreme Tribe. ||1||

ipqw myro bfo DnI Agmw ] (507-12)
pitaa mayro bado Dhanee agmaa.
My Father is wealthy, deep and profound.

ausqiq kvn krIjY krqy pyiK rhy ibsmw ]1] rhwau ] (507-12)
ustat kavan kareejai kartay paykh rahay bismaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What praises should I chant, O Creator Lord? Beholding You, I am wonder-struck. ||1||Pause||

suKIAn mih suKIAw qUM khIAih dwqn isir dwqw ] (507-13)
sukhee-an meh sukhee-aa tooN kahee-ahi daatan sir daataa.
Among the peaceful, You are called the Peaceful One. Among givers, You are the Greatest Giver.

qyjn mih qyjvMsI khIAih rsIAn mih rwqw ]2] (507-13)
tayjan meh tayjvansee kahee-ahi rasee-an meh raataa. ||2||
Among the glorious, You are said to be the Most Glorious. Among revellers, You are the Reveller. ||2||

sUrn mih sUrw qUM khIAih Bogn mih BogI ] (507-14)
sooran meh sooraa tooN kahee-ahi bhogan meh bhogee.
Among warriors, You are called the Warrior. Among indulgers, You are the Indulger.

gRsqn mih qUM bfo igRhsqI jogn mih jogI ]3] (507-14)
garastan meh tooN bado garihsatee jogan meh jogee. ||3||
Among householders, You are the Great Householder. Among yogis, You are the Yogi. ||3||

krqn mih qUM krqw khIAih Awcwrn mih AwcwrI ] (507-15)
kartan meh tooN kartaa kahee-ahi aachaaran meh aachaaree.
Among creators, You are called the Creator. Among the cultured, You are the Cultured One.

swhn mih qUM swcw swhw vwpwrn mih vwpwrI ]4] (507-15)
saahan meh tooN saachaa saahaa vaapaaran meh vaapaaree. ||4||
Among bankers, You are the True Banker. Among merchants, You are the Merchant. ||4||

drbwrn mih qyro drbwrw srn pwln tIkw ] (507-16)
darbaaran meh tayro darbaaraa saran paalan teekaa.
Among courts, Yours is the Court. Yours is the Most Sublime of Sanctuaries.

liKmI kyqk gnI n jweIAY gin n skau sIkw ]5] (507-17)
lakhimee kaytak ganee na jaa-ee-ai gan na saka-o seekaa. ||5||
The extent of Your wealth cannot be determined. Your Coins cannot be counted. ||5||

nwmn mih qyro pRB nwmw igAwnn mih igAwnI ] (507-17)
naaman meh tayro parabh naamaa gi-aanan meh gi-aanee.
Among names, Your Name, God, is the most respected. Among the wise, You are the Wisest.

jugqn mih qyrI pRB jugqw iesnwnn mih iesnwnI ]6] (507-18)
jugtan meh tayree parabh jugtaa isnaanan meh isnaanee. ||6||
Among ways, Yours, God, is the Best Way. Among purifying baths, Yours is the Most Purifying. ||6||

isDn mih qyrI pRB isDw krmn isir krmw ] (507-18)
siDhan meh tayree parabh siDhaa karman sir karmaa.
Among spiritual powers, Yours, O God, are the Spiritual Powers. Among actions, Yours are the Greatest Actions.

AwigAw mih qyrI pRB AwigAw hukmn isir hukmw ]7] (507-19)
aagi-aa meh tayree parabh aagi-aa hukman sir hukmaa. ||7||
Among wills, Your Will, God, is the Supreme Will. Of commands, Yours is the Supreme Command. ||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD