Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kvl pRgws Bey swDsMgy durmiq buiD iqAwgI ]2] (503-1)
kaval pargaas bha-ay saaDhsangay durmat buDh ti-aagee. ||2||
My heart lotus blossoms forth in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; I have renounced evil-mindedness and intellectualism. ||2||

AwT phr hir ky gux gwvY ismrY dIn dYAwlw ] (503-2)
aath pahar har kay gun gaavai simrai deen dai-aalaa.
One who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, twenty-four hours a day, and remembers the Lord in meditation, who is Kind to the poor,

Awip qrY sMgiq sB auDrY ibnsy sgl jMjwlw ]3] (503-2)
aap tarai sangat sabh uDhrai binsay sagal janjaalaa. ||3||
saves himself, and redeems all his generations; all of his bonds are released. ||3||

crx ADwru qyrw pRB suAwmI Eiq poiq pRBu swiQ ] (503-3)
charan aDhaar tayraa parabh su-aamee ot pot parabh saath.
I take the Support of Your Feet, O God, O Lord and Master; you are with me through and through, God.

srin pirE nwnk pRB qumrI dy rwiKE hir hwQ ]4]2]32] (503-3)
saran pari-o naanak parabh tumree day raakhi-o har haath. ||4||2||32||
Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary, God; giving him His hand, the Lord has protected him. ||4||2||32||

gUjrI AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1 (503-5)
goojree asatpadee-aa mehlaa 1 ghar 1
Goojaree, Ashtapadees, First Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (503-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

eyk ngrI pMc cor bsIAly brjq corI DwvY ] (503-6)
ayk nagree panch chor basee-alay barjat choree Dhaavai.
In the one village of the body, live the five thieves; they have been warned, but they still go out stealing.

iqRhds mwl rKY jo nwnk moK mukiq so pwvY ]1] (503-6)
tarihdas maal rakhai jo naanak mokh mukat so paavai. ||1||
One who keeps his assets safe from the three modes and the ten passions, O Nanak, attains liberation and emancipation. ||1||

cyqhu bwsudyau bnvwlI ] (503-7)
chaytahu baasuday-o banvaalee.
Center your mind on the all-pervading Lord, the Wearer of garlands of the jungles.

rwmu irdY jpmwlI ]1] rhwau ] (503-7)
raam ridai japmaalee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Let your rosary be the chanting of the Lord's Name in your heart. ||1||Pause||

aurD mUl ijsu swK qlwhw cwir byd ijqu lwgy ] (503-7)
uraDh mool jis saakh talaahaa chaar bayd jit laagay.
Its roots extend upwards, and its branches reach down; the four Vedas are attached to it.

shj Bwie jwie qy nwnk pwrbRhm ilv jwgy ]2] (503-8)
sahj bhaa-ay jaa-ay tay naanak paarbarahm liv jaagay. ||2||
He alone reaches this tree with ease, O Nanak, who remains wakeful in the Love of the Supreme Lord God. ||2||

pwrjwqu Gir Awgin myrY puhp pqR qqu fwlw ] (503-8)
paarjaat ghar aagan mayrai puhap patar tat daalaa.
The Elysian Tree is the courtyard of my house; in it are the flowers, leaves and stems of reality.

srb joiq inrMjn sMBU Cofhu bhuqu jMjwlw ]3] (503-9)
sarab jot niranjan sambhoo chhodahu bahut janjaalaa. ||3||
Meditate on the self-existent, immaculate Lord, whose Light is pervading everywhere; renounce all your worldly entanglements. ||3||

suix isKvMqy nwnku ibnvY Cofhu mwieAw jwlw ] (503-9)
sun sikhvantay naanak binvai chhodahu maa-i-aa jaalaa.
Listen, O seekers of Truth - Nanak begs you to renounce the traps of Maya.

min bIcwir eyk ilv lwgI punrip jnmu n kwlw ]4] (503-10)
man beechaar ayk liv laagee punrap janam na kaalaa. ||4||
Reflect within your mind, that by enshrining love for the One Lord, you shall not be subject to birth and death again. ||4||

so gurU so isKu kQIAly so vYdu ij jwxY rogI ] (503-11)
so guroo so sikh kathee-alay so vaid je jaanai rogee.
He alone is said to be a Guru, he alone is said to be a Sikh, and he alone is said to be a physician, who knows the patient's illness.

iqsu kwrix kMmu n DMDw nwhI DMDY igrhI jogI ]5] (503-11)
tis kaaran kamm na DhanDhaa naahee DhanDhai girhee jogee. ||5||
He is not affected by actions, responsibilities and entanglements; in the entanglements of his household, he maintains the detachment of Yoga. ||5||

kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru qjIAly loBu mohu iqs mwieAw ] (503-12)
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar tajee-alay lobh moh tis maa-i-aa.
He renounces sexual desire, anger, egotism, greed, attachment and Maya.

min qqu Aivgqu iDAwieAw gur prswdI pwieAw ]6] (503-12)
man tat avigat Dhi-aa-i-aa gur parsaadee paa-i-aa. ||6||
Within his mind, he meditates on the reality of the Imperishable Lord; by Guru's Grace he finds Him. ||6||

igAwnu iDAwnu sB dwiq kQIAly syq brn siB dUqw ] (503-13)
gi-aan Dhi-aan sabh daat kathee-alay sayt baran sabh dootaa.
Spiritual wisdom and meditation are all said to be God's gifts; all of the demons are turned white before him.

bRhm kml mDu qwsu rswdM jwgq nwhI sUqw ]7] (503-13)
barahm kamal maDh taas rasaadaN jaagat naahee sootaa. ||7||
He enjoys the taste of the honey of God's lotus; he remains awake, and does not fall asleep. ||7||

mhw gMBIr pqR pwqwlw nwnk srb juAwieAw ] (503-14)
mahaa gambheer patar paataalaa naanak sarab ju-aa-i-aa.
This lotus is very deep; its leaves are the nether regions, and it is connected to the whole universe.

aupdys gurU mm punih n grBM ibKu qij AMimRqu pIAwieAw ]8]1] (503-14)
updays guroo mam puneh na garbhaN bikh taj amrit pee-aa-i-aa. ||8||1||
Under Guru's Instruction, I shall not have to enter the womb again; I have renounced the poison of corruption, and I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||8||1||

gUjrI mhlw 1 ] (503-15)
goojree mehlaa 1.
Goojaree, First Mehl:

kvn kvn jwcih pRB dwqy qw ky AMq n prih sumwr ] (503-15)
kavan kavan jaacheh parabh daatay taa kay ant na pareh sumaar.
Those who beg of God the Great Giver - their numbers cannot be counted.

jYsI BUK hoie AB AMqir qUM smrQu scu dyvxhwr ]1] (503-16)
jaisee bhookh ho-ay abh antar tooN samrath sach dayvanhaar. ||1||
You, Almighty True Lord, fulfill the desires within their hearts. ||1||

AY jI jpu qpu sMjmu scu ADwr ] (503-16)
ai jee jap tap sanjam sach aDhaar.
O Dear Lord, chanting, deep meditation, self-discipline and truth are my foundations.

hir hir nwmu dyih suKu pweIAY qyrI Bgiq Bry BMfwr ]1] rhwau ] (503-17)
har har naam deh sukh paa-ee-ai tayree bhagat bharay bhandaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bless me with Your Name, Lord, that I may find peace. Your devotional worship is a treasure over-flowing. ||1||Pause||

suMn smwiD rhih ilv lwgy eykw eykI sbdu bIcwr ] (503-18)
sunn samaaDh raheh liv laagay aykaa aykee sabad beechaar.
Some remain absorbed in Samaadhi, their minds fixed lovingly on the One Lord; they reflect only on the Word of the Shabad.

jlu Qlu Drix ggnu qh nwhI Awpy Awpu kIAw krqwr ]2] (503-18)
jal thal Dharan gagan tah naahee aapay aap kee-aa kartaar. ||2||
In that state, there is no water, land, earth or sky; only the Creator Lord Himself exists. ||2||

nw qid mwieAw mgnu n CwieAw nw sUrj cMd n joiq Apwr ] (503-19)
naa tad maa-i-aa magan na chhaa-i-aa naa sooraj chand na jot apaar.
There is no intoxication of Maya there, and no shadow, nor the infinite light of the sun or the moon.

srb idRsit locn AB AMqir eykw ndir su iqRBvx swr ]3] (503-19)
sarab darisat lochan abh antar aykaa nadar so taribhavan saar. ||3||
The eyes within the mind which see everything - with one glance, they see the three worlds. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD